ghe2001 wrote: 
> Buster, Cisco IOS router, T1 connection. But it probably doesn't matter.

(an actual T1? really? Not even a PRI? Yes, this is irrelevant
to your question)

> I have a /31 transit net (n.n.n.40 to 43) to my ISP. I had everything to/from 
> that net allowed, but I was getting strange hits to odd ports. So, in the 
> border ACL, I allowed 41 and 42, then blocked the entire net to see what was 
> going on. Now I see no traffic on 41 or 42, but lots of activity on 40 and 43 
> (the edges, that my understanding says aren't used for anything on the 
> transit net).

Better show us the actual ACL you put in. 

What you describe is a /30, not a /31. 

I don't know why you think that the ISP won't send you traffic
for the 40 and 43 addresses. While it's technically the case
that the first address in a block is "for the router" and the
last is "for broadcast", people upstream don't know that and
are just spraying traffic at you, which your router is noting.

> Homework: I asked my ISP (last week and no reply yet). I've looked at the web 
> and at my books on IP networking. I couldn't find an answer.
> Question 0: Why are IPs 41 and 42 not showing any activity? My current guess 
> is that traffic on those IPs hits the Internet interface and is sucked up 
> before the packets get to the ACL.

I don't quite know what you mean. Are you routing them somewhere
in particular?

> Question 1: Have I done something untoward and the ISP is trying to do 
> something with the edges (their alive probes use ICMP to an IP on my T1 net), 
> or are the edges being hit by script kiddies? Or something else that I don't 
> understand at all?

Random traffic is random traffic. The IPv4 is only 4 billion
addresses, people scan the whole thing every day.


> Question 2: Since I see nothing happening on the important IPs, can I just 
> not say anything one way or the other about the transit net and let those 
> packets hit the end of the ACL and be denied?

You are always free to drop packets, especially if you don't
want them.


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