We use JunkMail pro and can't imagine working without it. Not only does it
support our Message Niffer product nicely (www.sortmonster.com) but it
allows you to customize how rules are interpreted (actions) for different
domains - this is a must since most people see spam differently. That is,
one person's spam can be another person's false positive.

I find administration is simple in that you configure individual domains
using the same configuration file(s) that you use for the global system.
Additional domains simply go in subdirectories.

Docs are at http://www.declude.com/junkmail/manual.htm

Pay particular attention to Per-Domain Configuration and Per-User

My opinion is that JunkMail Pro is a must-have for any IMail system.


| -----Original Message-----
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ryan Pieken
| Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 12:01 PM
| Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Thinking about about buying declude junkmail
| pro
| If any one has any documentation about junkmail pro.  I would really
| appreciate it.  Also,  I would like to get some opinions on the
| product.  I
| am curious on how well it works.  and ease of use and maintence.
| Thank you,
| ---
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