> Maybe not only virtal host keys but also one for each user mailbox.

AutoWhite  doesn't  consult user Registry keys, though it does look up
alias  Registry  keys in order to consolidate aliases and their target
usernames  under  the same .AWL whitelist file. AFAICS:

-  If  a  user only uses a single e-mail address, you wouldn't need to
add anything to the Registry to "fake it out."

- If a user only uses (both sends from and receives at) a single local
e-mail  address  --  either  user  or  alias  --  for any given remote
correspondent, it would also not require any extra tweaking.

 -  Registry additions would only be necessary in the case that a user
sends  from  and  receives  mail at _different local addresses for the
same  remote  correspondent_, and you thus want to check one AutoWhite
list for all combos.

> Autowhite  does a great job at my side here, but I would suggest the
> following: The current way to keep all data in numerous files es the
> same  file-based  way  as declude 1.x and 2.x has done. Now with the
> new  declude v3 service it would be great to have this functionality
> inside the service (or added as a module)

> This module could keep a RAM-based database of MAILFROM <=> MAILTO
> communication of the last - let's say - 7 days.

I'll  say  this: just because you're now building from a service model
doesn't  mean  that  using  shared  memory  will be smarter than using
non-volatile  storage  for  data  that needs to persist across service
restarts.  You  can  use shared memory without running from a service,
but  very  I'm  glad  AW does not. As an avid user of AW, I take great
comfort in knowing that data is stored on disk, rather than trusting a
"flush  on  shutdown"  of what can easily grow to many MB of data, and
also  in  knowing that I can manually add, edit, and delete entries in
.AWL  files,  none of which would be possible if everything were moved
to an opaque data store.

The  rest of your feature requests are similarly cool, but "databases"
that are opaque to the user are usually not!


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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