I've found that automated mail including opt-in newsletters, E-commerce receipts, and product notifications, and renewal notices commonly fail the BADHEADERS, SPAMHEADERS and HELOBOGUS tests. For example, Network Solutions' own renewal notices were being caught by SPAMHEADERS back in March (the last time one came to me). This is also a big issue with many of the auto dealers using my service as their E-mail inquiries from the manufacturer sites typically fail at least one of the above tests. It's sad that these folks can't construct a valid E-mail header, but my customers consider this to be my problem.

I rely on a combination of tests with the exception of a few blacklists that I trust (like SpamCop). I tune the tests so that the poorly configured legitimate stuff gets through with one point to spare. I would get deluged with complaints and lose business if I made things any more strict, and I'm still able to block around 97% of it, and my false reject rate is about 0.03%.


R. Scott Perry wrote:

Here is the message that failed and why. I know it is failing because of SpamHeaders. How can I correct this without taking the hold off Spamheaders? I need to get mail from comcast.com accounts. The spamheaders is blocking legitimate mail.

We do NOT recommend blocking E-mail that fails the SPAMHEADERS test (whereas we DO recommend blocking E-mail that fails the BADHEADERS test). Lots of legitimate E-mail -- mostly from web sites that have their own poorly designed custom mailserver written by a company employee -- will fail the SPAMHEADERS test.

X-Mailer: AT&T Message Center Version 1 (Jul 22 2003)

If you would prefer for the sender to fix their problem, you would need to have them upgrade their AT&T Message Center software to the latest version (let's hope they have fixed the missing Message-ID: problem in the past month!).

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