Cloudstack compatiblity Windows 2016 Server

2018-05-14 Thread Marc Poll Garcia
Hi all!

I am using CloudStack 4.9.2 on VMWare hypervisor, and I tried to create a
"Windows Server 2016" OS template but i have some issues working with it,
sometimes network does not work properly.

Do you know if it is not compatible with this version? is there any
compatibility matrix / table like:

*Cloudstack version  | OS guest versions*

Thanks in advance.

Marc Poll Garcia
Technology Infrastructure . Àrea de Serveis TIC
Telèfon:  93.405.43.57

[image: UPCnet]

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Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

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Upgrade CloudStack from to 4.11.0

2018-04-04 Thread Marc Poll Garcia

My current infrastructure is Apache Cloudstack 4.9.2 with VMware hosts and
the management server on CentOS.

I'm planning to perform an upgrade from the actual 4.9.2 versión to the
latest one.

I found this tutorial from Cloudstack website:

But i don't know if any of you already did it, and had upgraded the system?
I was wondering if anyone had any issues during the execution of the

And also if someone can send more info, or another guide to follow or best

We've check it out and found that we need to compile our own cloudstack
software because we're using vmware hosts, is it true? any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

Marc Poll Garcia
Technology Infrastructure . Àrea de Serveis TIC
Telèfon:  93.405.43.57

[image: UPCnet]

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electrònic per error, li preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu
sistema el missatge i el material annex que pugui contenir.
Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

*** Si us plau, no m'imprimeixis. Vull seguir sent digital ***
*** Por favor, no me imprimas. Quiero seguir siendo digital ***
*** Please, don't print me. I want to remain digital ***

Problem re-adding host to Cloudstack

2018-02-20 Thread Marc Poll Garcia
Hello guys,

we've just upgraded one of our hosts from Cloudstack Cluster, to ESXI
6.5.0, doing the following steps (Host

- Change host state to "maintenance mode" on Cloudstack
- Remove the host as an infrastructure
- Put the host in maintenance mode on VCenter.
- Remove the host from the vmware cluster
- Attach the base line of vsphere 6.5
- Scan to verify that it is viable
- Remmediate
- Add the host to the cluster in VCenter
- Remove from maintenance (VCenter)
- Add the host on Cloudstack (Infraestructure --> Hosts --> Add host.

Unfortunatly we have problems to migrate any of our virtual machines, and
we have detected the following error on the logs:

2018-02-19 08:07:11,286 ERROR [c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource]
(DirectAgent-356:ctx-57b3df7c, cmd: GetStorageStatsCommand)
(logid:046342d1) Unable to execute GetStorageStatsCommand(storageId :
de3b198a-9bc7-36ce-8597-43eed531ee61, localPath:
/Cloud-UPC/cloud-primary-pro-04, poolType: VMFS) due to Exception:
2018-02-19 08:07:11,365 ERROR [c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource]
(DirectAgent-102:ctx-5b61f7f2, cmd: GetStorageStatsCommand)
(logid:df92288f) *Unable to connect to vSphere server:*

Could you help us please?

Thank you very much.
Kind regards.

Marc Poll Garcia
Technology Infrastructure . Àrea de Serveis TIC
Telèfon:  93.405.43.57

[image: UPCnet]

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no està autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo,
copiar-lo ni a revelar el seu contingut. Si ha rebut aquest correu
electrònic per error, li preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu
sistema el missatge i el material annex que pugui contenir.
Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

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*** Por favor, no me imprimas. Quiero seguir siendo digital ***
*** Please, don't print me. I want to remain digital ***

cloud-set-guest-password working with systemctl

2017-08-04 Thread Marc Poll Garcia
Hello everyone,

last days we are experiencing some issues on our "Ubuntu 16.04" template,
created step by step following this tutorial:

It is happening on "Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS \n \l" system and  "CloudStack" version.

Unfortunately we detected that some of the features we had, no longer work,
such as the changing password one.

After several test and reviewing it more deeply, i see that it works
"intermittently" and the service sometimes does not start on boot:

/etc/init.d/cloud-set-guest-password status
● cloud-set-guest-password.service - LSB: Init file for Password Download
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/cloud-set-guest-password; bad; vendor
preset: enabled)
   Active: *failed* (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2017-08-03 16:09:09 CEST;
39min ago
 Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)

Aug 03 16:08:58 Ubuntu16PassKO systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Init file for
Password Download Client...
Aug 03 16:08:58 Ubuntu16PassKO cloud-set-guest-password[1062]:  * Starting
cloud cloud-set-guest-password
Aug 03 16:09:09 Ubuntu16PassKO cloud[1252]: DHCP file
(/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient-ens160.leases) exists. No need to restart dhclient.
Aug 03 16:09:09 Ubuntu16PassKO cloud[1256]: Using DHCP lease from
Aug 03 16:09:09 Ubuntu16PassKO cloud[1263]: Found password server IP in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient-ens160.leases
Aug 03 16:09:09 Ubuntu16PassKO cloud[1264]: Sending request to password
server at
Aug 03 16:09:09 Ubuntu16PassKO systemd[1]:
cloud-set-guest-password.service: *Control process exited, code=exited
Aug 03 16:09:09 Ubuntu16PassKO systemd[1]: *Failed to start LSB: *Init file
for Password Download Client.
Aug 03 16:09:09 Ubuntu16PassKO systemd[1]:
cloud-set-guest-password.service: Unit entered failed state.
Aug 03 16:09:09 Ubuntu16PassKO systemd[1]:
cloud-set-guest-password.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

LSB part from the script:

root@Uprovav1:~# head -n20 /etc/init.d/cloud-set-guest-password



# Init file for Password Download Client



# Provides: cloud-set-guest-password

# Required-Start:   $local_fs $syslog $network

# Required-Stop:$local_fs $syslog $network

# Default-Start:2 3 4 5

# Default-Stop: 0 1 6

# Short-Description:Init file for Password Download Client


Is it happening to anyone else? Is there another compatible version from
this script?

Or maybe we have to adapt it to the new "systemctl"

Thanks in advance.

Marc Poll Garcia
Technology Infrastructure . Àrea de Serveis TIC
Telèfon:  93.405.43.57

[image: UPCnet]

Aquest correu electrònic pot contenir informació confidencial o legalment
protegida i està exclusivament dirigit a la persona o entitat destinatària.
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no està autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo,
copiar-lo ni a revelar el seu contingut. Si ha rebut aquest correu
electrònic per error, li preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu
sistema el missatge i el material annex que pugui contenir.
Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

*** Si us plau, no m'imprimeixis. Vull seguir sent digital ***
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*** Please, don't print me. I want to remain digital ***

Re: some issues after upgrade cloudstack to 4.9.2

2017-05-25 Thread Marc Poll Garcia
Hello again,

About the Cloudstack version upgrade, we've build it from sources, to
create new self-compiled package 4.9.2 version with "noredit", in order to
achieve VMware hypervisor compatibility.

During that process, we changed some files, trying to get Vmxnet3 as
virtual NIC by default instead of E1000 when new instances are created.

Unfortunatly it does not work either.

That's what we did:

*// Fallback to E1000 if no specific nicAdapter is passed*
*VirtualEthernetCardType nicDeviceType =

*Apache-cloudstack-] # cat
| grep VirtualEthernetCardType*
*VirtualEthernetCardType nicDeviceType =

Any help on it?

More info:

Many thanks!

Kind regards.

2017-05-25 11:14 GMT+02:00 Marc Poll Garcia <>:

> Hi all,
> we have just upgraded our cloud environment based on Cloudstack 4.5.2 to
> 4.9.2 and we're expriencing some issues after this.
> Our setup is the following one:
> - 1 x cloudstack managment server
> - 1 x bbdd server cloudstack database on it
> - 2 x Vmware Hipervisors (hosts)
> I'm performing a list of tests:
> *- Sometimes, and randomly console from instances does not load.*
> *- Not possible to upload template from local.*
> We see the following on log:
> 2017-05-25 09:00:31,665 ERROR [c.c.s.ImageStoreUploadMonitorImpl]
> (Upload-Monitor-1:ctx-0b3bf6e9) (logid:e9c82a0f) *Template
> b87459ac-8fbe-4b34-ae25-21235c3fcd1d failed to upload due to operation
> timed out*
> 2017-05-25 09:02:18,265 ERROR [c.c.c.ClusterServiceServletContainer]
> (Thread-11:null) (logid:) *Unexpected exception *
> 2017-05-25 09:03:35,940 ERROR [c.c.c.ClusterManagerImpl] (main:null)
> (logid:) *Unable to ping management server at
> <> due to ConnectException*
> Why is it happening?
> It does not happen on our old 4.5.2 version.
> Is there any way to fix it? changing any global parameter or permissions
> issue?
> We need a clue with that because if affecting to our production
> environment.
> Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards.

some issues after upgrade cloudstack to 4.9.2

2017-05-25 Thread Marc Poll Garcia
Hi all,

we have just upgraded our cloud environment based on Cloudstack 4.5.2 to
4.9.2 and we're expriencing some issues after this.

Our setup is the following one:

- 1 x cloudstack managment server
- 1 x bbdd server cloudstack database on it
- 2 x Vmware Hipervisors (hosts)

I'm performing a list of tests:

*- Sometimes, and randomly console from instances does not load.*
*- Not possible to upload template from local.*

We see the following on log:

2017-05-25 09:00:31,665 ERROR [c.c.s.ImageStoreUploadMonitorImpl]
(Upload-Monitor-1:ctx-0b3bf6e9) (logid:e9c82a0f) *Template
b87459ac-8fbe-4b34-ae25-21235c3fcd1d failed to upload due to operation
timed out*
2017-05-25 09:02:18,265 ERROR [c.c.c.ClusterServiceServletContainer]
(Thread-11:null) (logid:) *Unexpected exception *
2017-05-25 09:03:35,940 ERROR [c.c.c.ClusterManagerImpl] (main:null)
(logid:) *Unable to ping management server at
 due to ConnectException*

Why is it happening?
It does not happen on our old 4.5.2 version.

Is there any way to fix it? changing any global parameter or permissions

We need a clue with that because if affecting to our production environment.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

unable to download volume on cloudstack 4.6

2017-05-04 Thread Marc Poll Garcia
Hi all,

i'm not able to download a "volume" on cloudstack 4.6, having a 403
forbidden instead.

I've just upgraded our cloudstack version to 4.6, so i'm performing a list
of tests to confirm the usage is ok.

My setup is the following one:

- 1 x cloudstack managment server
- 1 x bbdd server cloudstack database on it
- 2 x Vmware Hipervisors (hosts)

Everything went well until i tried:

I'm having problems when i try to download a volume, cloudstack creates a
link like this:

Please click to
download volume

But it points to a directory instead of an "OVA" file, so it shows me a 403
forbidden on the browser instead of letting me download the file.

That's what i see directly on the system VM:

Symbolik link to the files:
root@s-210-VM:/var/www/html/userdata# ls -lstha
4.0K lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   99 May  4 10:12
f7da105d-627d-473d-868d-bc33fa50777e.ova ->

As you can see, the path does not contain any OVA file, it's vmdk & .ovf
stored instead:
ls -lstha
total 84K
8.0K -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6.3K May  4 10:12
4.0K drwxrwxrwx 1 root root  168 May  4 10:12 .
 68K -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  67K May  4 10:12

Why is it happening?
It does not happen on our old 4.5.2 version.

Is there any way to fix it? changing any global parameter or permissions

We need a clue with that because if affecting to our production environment.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.