Your project uses a possibly LGPL dependency: com.icegreen.greenmail:greenmail

2014-07-12 Thread Steve Rowe
Hi, my name is Steve Rowe, and I'm a member of the Apache Lucene PMC. We recently discovered that the greenmail Java library, which declares its license as ASLv2 in its POM and elsewhere, has LGPL license headers in its source code files. In response the Lucene project reverted a recent commit

Re: Your project uses a possibly LGPL dependency: com.icegreen.greenmail:greenmail

2014-07-12 Thread Hendrik Dev
Hi, i am the author and IP holder of the javamail mock2 library which maybe can be used an as alternative for greenmail here. Its not exactly doing what greenmail is doing (mock2 is mocking javamail classes like Folder, Transport, Store and so on and does not emulate a mailserver on the protocol