On 7/23/2013 11:06 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> druggeri notes that the uds support in trunk fails if used for
> a balancemember... Are there any reports/backtraces/etc
> re: this? It would be a nice thing for me to play around w/
> while on vaca

   No, while I was testing UDS against the patches provided I came
across it myself. I don't have a server running on a UDS on my test
machine but my normal proxy tests always involve a balancer. It seems to
only be a matter of parsing. Error message is "BalancerMember must
define remote proxy server" when BalancerMember is set to something like

I didn't pursue further than that since it doesn't seem like the
functionality would be used a lot in balancers and can be ironed out in
future patches if that is desired.

Daniel Ruggeri

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