Re: OpenShift Origin v1.2.0 released, along with the development drop of v1.3.0-alpha.1

2016-05-26 Thread Colin Walters
In case anyone else is curious for more details, the links
appear to be:

On Wed, May 25, 2016, at 10:38 PM, Clayton Coleman wrote:

> Stay tuned - 1.3 has a lot of exciting changes, and the next alpha.2
> will include PetSets

> init containers

dev mailing list

Why are most openshift/origin releases on github tagged pre-release?

2017-04-13 Thread Colin Walters
it looks like there was never a "non-prerelease" 1.5.  Now we're
on the train to 3.6 (which makes sense to me).

Currently in Fedora, all versions are 1.4:
The CentOS PaaS SIG built 1.5rc:

I'd like to update Fedora at least since I really want a lot
of the enhancements in `oc cluster up` lately.  But what
should I update it to?  I guess we should at least match
the PaaS SIG version, but I'm wondering whether Fedora
should just start tracking the 3.6 alphas?

dev mailing list

Re: OKD 4 - A Modest Proposal

2019-06-26 Thread Colin Walters

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019, at 5:20 PM, Clayton Coleman wrote:

> Because the operating system integration is so critical, we need to 
> make sure that the major components (ostree, ignition, and the kubelet) 
> are tied together in a CoreOS distribution that can be quickly 
> refreshed with OKD - the Fedora CoreOS project is close to being ready 
> for integration in our CI, so that’s a natural place to start. That 
> represents the biggest technical obstacle that I’m aware of to get our 
> first versions of OKD4 out (the CI systems are currently testing on top 
> of RHEL CoreOS but we have PoCs of how to take an arbitrary ostree 
> based distro and slot it in).

The tricky thing here is...if we want this to work the same as OpenShift 4/OCP
with RHEL CoreOS, then what we're really talking about here is a *derivative*
of FCOS that for example embeds the kubelet from OKD.  And short term
it will need to use Ignition spec 2.  There may be other things I'm forgetting.

Concretely for example, OKDFCOS (to use the obvious if unwieldy acronym)
would need to have its own uploaded "bootimages" (i.e. AMIs, PXE media etc)
that are own its own version number/lifecycle distinct from (but derived from)
FCOS (and OKD).

This is completely possible (anything is in software) but the current team is
working on a lot of things and introducing a 3rd stream for us to maintain would
be a not at all small cost.  On the other hand, the benefit of doing so (e.g.
early upstream kernel/selinux-policy/systemd/podman integration testing
with kubernetes/OKD) might be worth it alone.

dev mailing list

Re: OKD 4 - A Modest Proposal

2019-06-26 Thread Colin Walters

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019, at 1:10 PM, Colin Walters wrote:

> The tricky thing here is...if we want this to work the same as OpenShift 4/OCP
> with RHEL CoreOS, then what we're really talking about here is a *derivative*
> of FCOS that for example embeds the kubelet from OKD.  And short term
> it will need to use Ignition spec 2.  There may be other things I'm 
> forgetting.

It was pointed out to me that there is also some relevant discussion in this 

dev mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deploy and switch to Discourse

2019-07-12 Thread Colin Walters

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019, at 10:19 AM, Neal Gompa wrote:

> Fedora didn't shut down its users@ list when it deployed
> discussions.fp.o. And adoption of Discourse in Fedora hasn't been very
> high outside of the Silverblue/CoreOS bubble.

Eh, but the traditional Fedora community has a pretty high level of, 
to describe it...people likely to be "power email" users, the types of people 
who know how to set up email filtering, may even run their own email servers in 
2019, etc.   That said  I think Discourse is "okay enough" for those people, 
even though it's more "web page" than "email list" (where as mailman 3 is more 
the other way around).

> I'm not opposed to the idea of having an additional channel for user
> support with Discourse on, though.

We already have too many channels, adding more isn't going to help.   The 
existing lists aren't high traffic, and my high level impression is the people 
posting here are going to be fine with Discourse.

The reason I mentioned commons Slack first is because it's the primary 
entrypoint, and I think Discourse is a better *primary* entrypoint.  

(And not responding directly to Neil here) - Let's please keep proposals for 
any changes to the *real time* stuff like Slack/IRC out of this discussion 
because I'd like to focus on a clear and "direct" goal (Discourse replacing 
mailman) - anything else scope creeps this a lot.

dev mailing list

Proposal: Deploy and switch to Discourse

2019-07-12 Thread Colin Walters

I think the Common's use of Slack is not a good match for "support".  Requiring 
an invitation is also an impediment to quickly asking questions.  Further Slack 
is proprietary, and also any discussion there won't be easily found by Google.

On the other hand we have these mailing lists, which are fine but they're 
traditional mailing lists with all the tradeoffs there.

I propose we shut down the user@ and dev@ lists and deploy a Discourse 
instance, which is what the cool kids ;) are doing:

Discourse is IMO really nice because for people who want a mailing list it can 
act like that, but for people who both want a modern web UI and most 
importantly just want to drop in occasionally and not be committed to receiving 
a stream of email, it works a lot better.  Also importantly to me it's FOSS.

I would also personally lean towards not using Slack too but I see that as a 
separate discussion - it's real time, and that's a distinct thing from 
discourse.  If we get a lot of momentum in our Discourse though over Slack we 
can consider what to do later.

dev mailing list

Re: Follow up on OKD 4

2019-08-01 Thread Colin Walters
On Wed, Jul 24, 2019, at 10:40 AM, Michael Gugino wrote:
> I tried FCoS prior to the release by using the assembler on github.
> Too much secret sauce in how to actually construct an image.  I
> thought atomic was much more polished, not really sure what the
> value-add of ignition is in this usecase.

The OpenShift installer and Machine Config Operator are built around Ignition.

>  Just give me a way to build
> simple image pipelines and I don't need ignition.  To that end, there
> should be an okd 'spin' of FCoS IMO.

Yes, this is what proposes.

>  Atomic was dead simple to build
> ostree repos for.  I'd prefer to have ignition be opt-in. 

This is a bit of a side discussion, but rpm-ostree hasn't changed at all; we 
still support e.g. using it with Anaconda upstream.  But it's also true that 
the focus is now on the "CoreOS model" which pairs (Ignition, ostree) and 
that's what coreos-assembler is for.

> Since we're
> supporting the mcd-once-from to parse ignition on RHEL, we don't need
> ignition to actually install okd.  To me, it seems FCoS was created
> just to have a more open version of RHEL CoreOS, and I'm not sure FCoS
> actually solves anyone's needs relative to atomic.  It feels like we
> jumped the shark on this one.

One pitch for Ignition is that it unifies bare metal and cloud provisioning - 
in RHEL you have kickstart vs cloud init.
Again, the OpenShift installer (and MCO) today is built on top of this - if 
you're doing a bare metal PXE setup it works almost exactly the same as an AWS 
AMI boot.

> I'd like to see OKD be distro-independent.  

> MCD is good software, but there's not really much going on there that can't 
> be ported to any other OS.  MCD downloads a payload, extracts files, rebases 
> ostree, reboots host.  You can do all of those steps except 'rebases ostree' 
> on any distro.

First, you're missing a bit of the interesting bits around "extracts files" 
because the MCO correctly handles *state transitions* between Ignition configs 
(e.g. ensuring that old files are deleted), and this relies on it being 
provisioned into a known state that wasn't written by a mix of e.g. Kickstart 
and Puppet/Ansible or whatever.

And the OS updates...that's just the start.  Nowadays when I'm talking about 
RHCOS in the context of OpenShift 4, I usually start talking about the MCO 
first - and in particular that the MCO combines with RHCOS to make a 
"Kubernetes native OS".

Concrete example; we now support setting FIPS mode:
(As well as generic kernel arguments)

But this is all still just the beginning for the MCO, next up may be SELinux:
And you get the idea.

Obviously, we could support kernel arguments on e.g. Ubuntu too.  And FIPS, 
etc.  But...the engineering cost starts to add up.

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