Re: [racket-dev] Problem with planet and Windows shortcuts

2014-09-29 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Matthew Flatt  wrote:

> To catch up the list: Antonio sent me more information, and the problem
> is that Racket was handling symbolic links but not junctions (which are
> a different kind of link on Windows).
> Antonio: I've pushed a repair to handle junctions, so let me know if
> it works for you.

It works! Thanks a lot.

BTW, there is a different problem that does not seem to be related to the
previous one, where during installation of a planet package, an
error/warning message is shown in DrRacket saying

make-directory: forbidden (write) access to

In spite of the message, the package seems to be correctly installed. As a
result, I've been telling my students to ignore the message but, obviously,
it would be preferable if the message didn't show up.

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Problem with planet and Windows shortcuts

2014-09-18 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Matthew Flatt  wrote:

> I think there must be a problem with v6.1's support for soft links on
> Windows, while previous versions of Racket were oblivious to links on
> Windows.
> What does
>  (resolve-path "C:\\Users\\aml\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket")
> report?
>  (resolve-path "C:\\Users\\aml\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket")


At Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:31:55 +0100, Antonio Menezes Leitao wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Recent versions of Racket for Windows (at least, starting from
> > cannot install packages from planet when Racket's AppData/Roaming/ folder
> > is a shortcut. I'm sure Racket could do it in previous versions.
> >
> > The output I get is:
> >
> > ..\..\Program Files\Racket-\collects\racket\path.rkt:66:14:
> > normalize-path: element within the input path is not a directory or does
> > not exist
> >   element: C:\Users\aml\AppData\Roaming\Racket
> >
> > Here are some additional tests:
> >
> > > (directory-exists? "C:\\Users\\aml\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket")
> > #f
> > > (file-exists? "C:\\Users\\aml\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket")
> > #f
> > > (link-exists? "C:\\Users\\aml\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket")
> > #t
> >
> > The reason why I use a shortcut is simply because I use several different
> > machines which synchronize that folder using Dropbox.
> >
> > Is there a workaround (besides making
> C:\Users\aml\AppData\Roaming\Racket a
> > regular folder)?
> >
> > Best,
> > António.
> > _
> >   Racket Developers list:
> >
> _
>   Racket Developers list:
  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Problem with planet and Windows shortcuts

2014-09-17 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

Recent versions of Racket for Windows (at least, starting from
cannot install packages from planet when Racket's AppData/Roaming/ folder
is a shortcut. I'm sure Racket could do it in previous versions.

The output I get is:

..\..\Program Files\Racket-\collects\racket\path.rkt:66:14:
normalize-path: element within the input path is not a directory or does
not exist
  element: C:\Users\aml\AppData\Roaming\Racket

Here are some additional tests:

> (directory-exists? "C:\\Users\\aml\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket")
> (file-exists? "C:\\Users\\aml\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket")
> (link-exists? "C:\\Users\\aml\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket")

The reason why I use a shortcut is simply because I use several different
machines which synchronize that folder using Dropbox.

Is there a workaround (besides making C:\Users\aml\AppData\Roaming\Racket a
regular folder)?

  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Scribble bug?

2014-07-31 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

Scribble doesn't correctly render scaled bitmaps when the scale produces
ratios in the width or height of the pict.

The following scribble program:

#lang scribble/base
@(require pict)
@(bitmap "foo.jpg")

generates an html file that includes:

However, the following scribble program that scales the image:

#lang scribble/base
@(require pict)
@(scale-to-fit  (bitmap "foo.jpg") 1024 1024)

generates an html that includes:

Note the fraction, which Chrome does not parse correctly. The result is as
an incredibly stretched image.

  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Problem with Values type constructor

2014-07-23 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

Although the typed racket documentation mentions Values as a type
constructor, it does not work:

Welcome to DrRacket, version [3m].
Language: typed/racket; memory limit: 1024 MB.
> (define (foo) : (Values Number Number) (values 1 2))
. Type Checker: parse error in type;
 type name `Values' is unbound in: Values
. Type Checker: wrong number of values: expected 1 but got 2 in: (values 1
. Type Checker: Summary: 2 errors encountered in:
  (values 1 2)

OTOH, the lowercase values seems to work as a type constructor.

> (define (bar) : (values Number Number) (values 1 2))
> bar
- : (-> (values Number Number))

Moreover, there is some kind of confusion between values and Values:

> (values 1 2)
- : (values Integer Integer) [more precisely: (Values One Positive-Byte)]

Am I missing something?

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] proposal for moving to packages

2013-05-20 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao
I've been using using Racket (and DrRacket) to teach programming
to architecture students. These are not sophisticated users, so any
move that makes it more difficult for them to use Racket is not good

What happened to the "batteries included" motto?

Just my 0.1 cents.

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] using Racket to build an image-based Lisp: feasible?

2013-03-06 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Stephen Bloch  wrote:

> On Mar 6, 2013, at 11:54 AM, mikel evins  wrote:
> > Rather than answer your questions directly, it seems much easier and
> more apropos to address the underlying assumption that images and source
> files are somehow mutually exclusive. They're not. Adding the ability to
> save and load images does not subtract the ability to work with source
> files. I don't know why people seem to think that.
> I don't think anybody has said (or assumed) exactly that.  My concern
> would be that a workflow involving heavy use of images would TEND towards
> creating functionality for which there is no source code.
> In other words, the images don't make it impossible to work with source
> files, but they make it possible and tempting to work without source files.

No, they don't.

AFAIK, only in Smalltalk and Interlisp environments developers worked
without source files.
In the Symbolics, LMI, and Explorer Lisp Machines, developers always
used source files. In the company where I worked, we used images
everyday and no one ever thought about not using source files.

We also had a development environment (KEE) where methods could
be edited either using a sort of code browser similar to the one used
in Smalltalk or the regular ZEmacs editor and normal source files.
Everybody preferred the second approach.

  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] ffi/com performance in Racket 5.3 vs 5.3.1

2012-11-12 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

I have just made some benchmarks regarding the new ffi/com and recent
optimizations done by Matthew and the results I got on a selection of
problems are the following:

Problem 5.3 5.3.1
A 3790 1191
B 4696 3991
C 5170 3260
D 6916 6740
E 8804 8614
F 10290 3532
G 16992 5583
H 33262 6121
I 38467 7352
J 46868 16767
K 96753 40721
L 247730 19

Thank you, Matthew!

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [racket] Profiling mostly macro-generated definitions?

2012-08-30 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Robby Findler
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 5:26 AM, Antonio Leitao  wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 7:17 PM, Robby Findler
>>  wrote:
>>> Well, here's an example of it working. I don't know what to suggest
>>> but to ask if you could make a small program that illustrates it not
>>> working and maybe we can go from there to understand why you're seeing
>>> what you're seeing.
>>> #lang racket
>>> (require profile)
>>> (define h (make-hash))
>>> (profile
>>>  (let loop ([n 100])
>>>(unless (zero? n)
>>>  (hash-set! h n #t)
>>>  (hash-ref h n)
>>>  (loop (- n 1)
>> This exact program, in DrRacket 5.3 (Windows 64 bits)
>> only shows
>> Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.3 [3m].
>> Language: racket; memory limit: 1024 MB.
>> Profiling results
>> -
>>   Total cpu time observed: 904ms (out of 905ms)
>>   Number of samples taken: 11 (once every 82ms)
>> Caller
>> Idx  TotalSelfName+srcLocal%
>>  ms(pct)  ms(pct)   Callee
>> Increasing the loop to 1000 iterations shows:
>> Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.3 [3m].
>> Language: racket; memory limit: 1024 MB.
>> Profiling results
>> -
>>   Total cpu time observed: 8464ms (out of 8549ms)
>>   Number of samples taken: 116 (once every 73ms)
>> Caller
>> Idx  TotalSelfName+srcLocal%
>>  ms(pct)  ms(pct)   Callee
>> Is this happening because I'm running the code in
>> DrRacket?
> (I've re-added dev; hope that's okay.)
> No, that shouldn't be the cause.
> I'm forgetting now when this is triggered, but I recall that on some
> platforms, or with some ways the installation is configured, stack
> traces can be disabled (which would render the profiler useless, as
> that's how it figures out what is going on). Probably this is what
> you're seeing.
> FWIW, the version of Windows I use is Windows 7 and I see good output
> using version 5.3, the latest nightly build, and a version I just
> build myself (I checked the nightly and the release just to see if
> there were different configuration options used.)
> I believe I'm using the 32 bit build in all those cases, tho. Are you
> using the 64 bit one?

  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Hyperbolic functions

2012-06-25 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

Given that Racket implements the hyperbolic functions
sinh, cosh, and tanh, I would like to suggest that it also
provides the inverse functions asinh, acosh and atanh.

For the moment, I'm living with my own definitions but
it would be nicer if these were pre-defined.

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Documentation problem

2012-06-25 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao
> Did you use `raco docs' to open the documentation page?


All I did was to access the Help Desk from DrRacket's Help menu.

BTW, this is a fresh install, after uninstalling the previous version.

I can see the wrong links in the file index.html, in

  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Documentation problem

2012-06-23 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

Recent nightly builds (e.g., for or install
documentation files that incorrectly point to files.

This is visible after accessing the Help Desk: the page
says it's for version and clicking on any of the
links will show the problem.


  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Serious problem

2012-03-26 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

Today (i.e., 3/26/2012) DrRacket version 5.2.1 no longer starts.
Instead, it signals an error on function read-bitmap. This bug
was initially reported by a colleague of mine and then
independently confirmed by me.

Given that the bug only showed today, and it doesn't occur
when we change the current date of the computer, this looks
like some kind of Easter egg that went wrong, probably, related
to prince-kuhio-day.

This is annoying, to say the least, but the most serious effect
is on the credibility of the Racket ecosystem. I've put a lot of
effort in doing research on top of Racket and I tried hard to
convince my colleagues of the usefulness of Racket. However,
it has been increasingly difficult to keep up with its instabilities.

You can guess what my colleagues will say...

António Leitão.

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Bug in the documentation or the implementation

2012-03-19 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

Was there any progress regarding this problem?
It seems that the bug is still present in the current
(5.2.1) version.

Best regards,

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Antonio Menezes Leitao
> Hi,
> The example provided in section 3.3.9 of the documentation
> "Dr Racket: The Racket Programming Environment" doesn't
> work in Racket version 2.1.3.  It reports the error:
> Error when installing the keybindings
> C:\Users\aml\Desktop\racket-keybinding.rkt:
> link: reference (phase 0) to a variable in module "C:\Program
> Files\Racket\collects\drracket\tool-lib.rkt" that is uninitialized
> (phase level 0); reference appears in module:
> "C:\Users\aml\Desktop\racket-keybinding.rkt" in:
> drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>
> Best,
> António.

  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Bug in the documentation or the implementation

2012-02-07 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

The example provided in section 3.3.9 of the documentation
"Dr Racket: The Racket Programming Environment" doesn't
work in Racket version 2.1.3.  It reports the error:

Error when installing the keybindings

link: reference (phase 0) to a variable in module "C:\Program
Files\Racket\collects\drracket\tool-lib.rkt" that is uninitialized
(phase level 0); reference appears in module:
"C:\Users\aml\Desktop\racket-keybinding.rkt" in:


  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Debuging Racket in Windows X64

2011-11-29 Thread Antonio Menezes Leitao

While trying to build libmysterx using VisualStudio 2010 with
Debug configuration for x64 I got a linker error saying:

fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target
machine type 'X86'

The error seems related to the fact that the Debug configuration for
subproject myssink
uses /MACHINE:I386 as additional options to the linker, even when the
target machine
type says x64.  This can be seen in the file myssink.vcxproj:




  /MACHINE:I386 %(AdditionalOptions)

Changing the previous line to /MACHINE:X64 solves the problem for this
particular file but a quick search revealed that there are a few other project
files with the same configuration.  Is this the correct configuration? What
do you usually do when you need to debug Racket internals (particularly,

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