Re: Logotype extensions

2019-06-12 Thread kirkhalloregon--- via dev-security-policy
On Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 2:49:31 PM UTC+3, Jeremy Rowley wrote:
> We wanted to experiment a bit with logotype extensions and trademarks, but
> we heard from the CAB Forum that whether inclusion is allowed is subject a
> bit to interpretation by the browsers.
> >From the BRs section
> "All other fields and extensions MUST be set in accordance with RFC 5280.
> The CA SHALL NOT issue a Certificate that contains a keyUsage flag,
> extendedKeyUsage value, Certificate extension, or other data not specified
> in section,, or unless the CA is aware of a reason
> for including the data in the Certificate. CAs SHALL NOT issue a Certificate
> with: a. Extensions that do not apply in the context of the public Internet
> (such as an extendedKeyUsage value for a service that is only valid in the
> context of a privately managed network), unless: i. such value falls within
> an OID arc for which the Applicant demonstrates ownership, or ii. the
> Applicant can otherwise demonstrate the right to assert the data in a public
> context; or b. semantics that, if included, will mislead a Relying Party
> about the certificate information verified by the CA (such as including
> extendedKeyUsage value for a smart card, where the CA is not able to verify
> that the corresponding Private Key is confined to such hardware due to
> remote issuance)."
> In this case, the logotype extension would have a trademark included (or
> link to a trademark). I think this allowed as:
> 1.There is a reason for including the data in the Certificate (to
> identify a verified trademark). Although you may disagree about the reason
> for needing this information, there is a not small number of people
> interested in figuring out how to better use identification information. No
> browser would be required to use the information (of course), but it would
> give organizations another way to manage certificates and identity
> information - one that is better (imo) than org information.
> 2.The cert applies in the context of the public Internet.
> Trademarks/identity information is already included in the BRs. 
> 3.The trademark does not falls within an OID arc for which the
> Applicant demonstrates ownership (no OID included).
> 4.The Applicant can otherwise demonstrate the right to assert the data
> in a public context. If we vet ownership of the trademark with the
> appropriate office, there's no conflict there.
> 5.Semantics that, if included, will not mislead a Relying Party about
> the certificate information verified by the CA (such as including
> extendedKeyUsage value for a smart card, where the CA is not able to verify
> that the corresponding Private Key is confined to such hardware due to
> remote issuance). None of these examples are very close to the proposal.
> What I'm looking for is not a discussion on whether this is a good idea, but
> rather  is it currently permitted under the BRs per Mozilla's
> interpretation. I'd like to have the "is this a good idea" discussion, but
> in a separate thread to avoid conflating permitted action compared to ideal
> action.
> Jeremy

Sorry – the USPTO links for the Subway registered trademarks in my last message 
expired.  Go to this search page

And search on these two Serial or Registration Numbers to see the Subway logo 
and word mark:
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Logotype extensions

2019-06-12 Thread kirkhalloregon--- via dev-security-policy
On Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 2:49:31 PM UTC+3, Jeremy Rowley wrote:
> We wanted to experiment a bit with logotype extensions and trademarks, but
> we heard from the CAB Forum that whether inclusion is allowed is subject a
> bit to interpretation by the browsers.
> >From the BRs section
> "All other fields and extensions MUST be set in accordance with RFC 5280.
> The CA SHALL NOT issue a Certificate that contains a keyUsage flag,
> extendedKeyUsage value, Certificate extension, or other data not specified
> in section,, or unless the CA is aware of a reason
> for including the data in the Certificate. CAs SHALL NOT issue a Certificate
> with: a. Extensions that do not apply in the context of the public Internet
> (such as an extendedKeyUsage value for a service that is only valid in the
> context of a privately managed network), unless: i. such value falls within
> an OID arc for which the Applicant demonstrates ownership, or ii. the
> Applicant can otherwise demonstrate the right to assert the data in a public
> context; or b. semantics that, if included, will mislead a Relying Party
> about the certificate information verified by the CA (such as including
> extendedKeyUsage value for a smart card, where the CA is not able to verify
> that the corresponding Private Key is confined to such hardware due to
> remote issuance)."
> In this case, the logotype extension would have a trademark included (or
> link to a trademark). I think this allowed as:
> 1.There is a reason for including the data in the Certificate (to
> identify a verified trademark). Although you may disagree about the reason
> for needing this information, there is a not small number of people
> interested in figuring out how to better use identification information. No
> browser would be required to use the information (of course), but it would
> give organizations another way to manage certificates and identity
> information - one that is better (imo) than org information.
> 2.The cert applies in the context of the public Internet.
> Trademarks/identity information is already included in the BRs. 
> 3.The trademark does not falls within an OID arc for which the
> Applicant demonstrates ownership (no OID included).
> 4.The Applicant can otherwise demonstrate the right to assert the data
> in a public context. If we vet ownership of the trademark with the
> appropriate office, there's no conflict there.
> 5.Semantics that, if included, will not mislead a Relying Party about
> the certificate information verified by the CA (such as including
> extendedKeyUsage value for a smart card, where the CA is not able to verify
> that the corresponding Private Key is confined to such hardware due to
> remote issuance). None of these examples are very close to the proposal.
> What I'm looking for is not a discussion on whether this is a good idea, but
> rather  is it currently permitted under the BRs per Mozilla's
> interpretation. I'd like to have the "is this a good idea" discussion, but
> in a separate thread to avoid conflating permitted action compared to ideal
> action.
> Jeremy

Jeremy is correct - including strongly verified registered trademarks via 
extensions in EV certs is permitted (i.e., not forbidden) by BR Section
Confirming registered trademarks (whether logos, word marks, or both in a 
combined mark) to include in an EV cert would be very easy for a CA.  Here are 
the steps:

1. Complete EV validation of the Organization
2. Applicant sends CA its USPTO logo or wordmark Registration Number and SVG 
file of logo to include in EV cert
CA validates:
(a) Confirm logo and/or wordmark is registered to Organization in USPTO online 
data base, and
(b) Compare USPTO image with SVG file received to confirm they are the same 
3. CA inserts (a) name of Trademark office with the logo and/or wordmark 
registration, (b) the Registration Number, and (c) the SVG file in the EV 
certificate to be available to browsers and applications to display if desired.

Adding validated logos to EV certificates has the benefit of allowing browsers 
and apps to choose to display the logo (with registered word mark, if desired) 
in the UI, and would solve the concern that some have expressed that users 
don't always recognize the corporate name of a familiar brand when it's 
displayed in the current EV UI.  For example, consider the EV website of the 
food chain "Subway" -  The current EV UI shows "Franchise World 
Headquarters, LLC [US]" which is correct but not very friendly for users.

What if instead a browser or app displayed the verified trademark and/or word 
mark owned by Subway?  See these two records from the US Patent and Trademark 

Adding strongly verified marks to EV certificates w

SwissSign: CP/CPS certificate profile issue

2019-06-12 Thread Mike via dev-security-policy
1. How your CA first became aware of the problem (e.g. via a problem report 
submitted to your Problem Reporting Mechanism, a discussion in, a Bugzilla bug, or internal self-audit), and the 
time and date.
In Bug 1551364 "SwissSign: "Some-State" in stateOrProvinceName", Ryan Sleevi 
reported potential issues in relation to OIDs in the CP/CPS of SwissSign Gold 

In the subsequent internal analysis SwissSign found the following:
- The SwissSign Gold CP/CPS with OID 2.16.756. is missing on the 
online archive under and is only available in 
the internal archive.

- For the SwissSign Gold CP/CPS with OID 2.16.756., the certificate 
profile for end user certificates for G22 in section 7.1.2 f) was still 
2.16.756. instead of 2.16.756.
- For the SwissSign Gold CP/CPS with OID 2.16.756., the certificate 
profile for end user certificates for G22 in section 7.1.2 f) was still 
2.16.756. instead of 2.16.756.

- By applying the certificates profiles out the CP/CPS correctly, SwissSign 
issued certificates with a reference to an OID that did not match the 
applicable valid CP/CPS for these certificates. Concretely: 
 i) between 14.09.2017 - 12.10.2017 under the wrong OID 2.16.756. 
instead of  2.16.756.
 ii) between 12.10.2017 - 16.07.2018 under the wrong OID 2.16.756. 
instead of  2.16.756.
- Note: No EV certificates are affected by this issue

Because of the above findings we additionally checked the SwissSign Silver 
product line which resulted in similar findings
- The SwissSign Silver CP/CPS with OID 2.16.756. is missing on the 
online archive under and is only available in 
the internal archive.

- For the SwissSign Silver CP/CPS with OID 2.16.756., the 
certificate profile for end user certificates for G22 in section was 
still 2.16.756. instead of 2.16.756.
- For the SwissSign Silver CP/CPS with OID 2.16.756.,
 i) the title page showed for this CP/CPS the OID is 2.16.756. 
instead of 2.16.756. in contrast to section 1.2
 ii) the certificate profile for end user certificates for G22 in section was still 2.16.756. instead of 2.16.756.
- By applying the certificates profiles out the CP/CPS correctly, SwissSign 
issued certificates with a reference to an OID that did not match the 
applicable valid CP/CPS for these certificates. Concretely: 
 i) between 15.09.2017 - 16.10.2017 under the wrong OID 2.16.756. 
instead of  2.16.756.
 ii) between 16.10.2017 - 28.06.2018 under the wrong OID 2.16.756. 
instead of  2.16.756.

As part of the risk impact analysis, all changes in the concerned CP/CPS were 
revisited. All changes were related either to a change in regulations not 
directly impacting the issued certificate (i.e. CT Log and CAA)  respectively 
to an audit finding requiring a statement on used key length and algorithms for 
the subscriber’s QCSD in the CP/CPS. Therefore, the risk analysis did not show 
any security impact for our customers nor for the community by further usage of 
these certificates. The detailed impact was shared with TÜV Trust IT to confirm 
our interpretation. We did not identify any relevant changes that would put the 
customer at risk by usage of the impacted certificates. 

2. A timeline of the actions your CA took in response. A timeline is a 
date-and-time-stamped sequence of all relevant events. This may include events 
before the incident was reported, such as when a particular requirement became 
applicable, or a document changed, or a bug was introduced, or an audit was 

[May-14-2019 Post Ryan Sleevi] Notification of potential OID divergence in one 
of the CP/CPS Gold documents
[May-15-2019] Start of validation of potential issue
[May-17-2019] SwissSign validates the issue in the 2 CP/CPS Gold mentioned 
[May-20-2019] Confirmation of issue on a partial set of certificates and 
decision to initiate a full analysis. Risk impact analysis recorded a formal 
issue triggering a revocation of the concerned certificates, no security impact 
for our customers nor for the community by further usage of these certificates 
was identified.
[May-21-2019] Information of auditor (TüV Trust IT) about issue.
[May-23-2019] Management Board acknowledged the issue and the associated risks.
[May-27-2019] First results of analysis syndicated and validated on Gold 
product line. Decision to extend analysis to Silver product line.
[May-29-2019] Results confirmed for Gold product line scope, information to the 
management board of the additional extend, information of the auditor about the 
need to post a misissuance report to Bugzilla

Re: Logotype extensions

2019-06-12 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
I agree with Corey.

On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 4:28 AM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> That argument applies to every extension not expressly permitted by the
> BRs.

Yup. It definitely puts the onus on the CA to demonstrate how they're not
violating, and to put a clear and cogent argument forward as to how it
meets that constraint.

> Even if I just put a number in s private extension, a relying party could
> be led to think jts their age.

I think one way a CA would respond to a complaint that this was misissuance
would be to refer to an appropriate specification or draft that defines how
it is not.

> Can we better define what could constitute as potentially misleading
> extensions? Without that definition,  this is the same as saying mo
> additional extensions are allowed, which is clearly not the intent of the
> existing language.

Minimally, Subject Identity Information (or some modification therein to
indicate it's applicable to the Subscriber/Applicant/Subject and not just
the Certificate's Subject distinguishedName field)

This would mean, for example, that any element of logoType, LEI, or
alternative naming schemes would fundamentally be SII. The CA would have to
demonstrate how the information included was verified, but also not
applicable to the Subscriber/Applicant/Subject.

The downside to this approach is that it's still not sufficient to address
"stupidity". For example, I can imagine a CA would exploit such a language
loophole by, say, including the Mozilla logo in a certificate for Google,
arguing that they verified that the Mozilla logo had been verified as
belonging to Mozilla. However, that should still be a 'clear' violation of

A more extreme version would be to argue that would forbid
anything without an appropriate definition for how that information is
verified in a public context, and what those standards might be (e.g. W3C,
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Logotype extensions

2019-06-12 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
That argument applies to every extension not expressly permitted by the BRs. 
Even if I just put a number in s private extension, a relying party could be 
led to think jts their age.  Can we better define what could constitute as 
potentially misleading extensions? Without that definition,  this is the same 
as saying mo additional extensions are allowed, which is clearly not the intent 
of the existing language.

From: dev-security-policy  on 
behalf of Corey Bonnell via dev-security-policy 

Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 4:52:39 AM
Subject: Re: Logotype extensions

On Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 7:49:31 AM UTC-4, Jeremy Rowley wrote:
> We wanted to experiment a bit with logotype extensions and trademarks, but
> we heard from the CAB Forum that whether inclusion is allowed is subject a
> bit to interpretation by the browsers.
> >From the BRs section
> "All other fields and extensions MUST be set in accordance with RFC 5280.
> The CA SHALL NOT issue a Certificate that contains a keyUsage flag,
> extendedKeyUsage value, Certificate extension, or other data not specified
> in section,, or unless the CA is aware of a reason
> for including the data in the Certificate. CAs SHALL NOT issue a Certificate
> with: a. Extensions that do not apply in the context of the public Internet
> (such as an extendedKeyUsage value for a service that is only valid in the
> context of a privately managed network), unless: i. such value falls within
> an OID arc for which the Applicant demonstrates ownership, or ii. the
> Applicant can otherwise demonstrate the right to assert the data in a public
> context; or b. semantics that, if included, will mislead a Relying Party
> about the certificate information verified by the CA (such as including
> extendedKeyUsage value for a smart card, where the CA is not able to verify
> that the corresponding Private Key is confined to such hardware due to
> remote issuance)."
> In this case, the logotype extension would have a trademark included (or
> link to a trademark). I think this allowed as:
> 1.There is a reason for including the data in the Certificate (to
> identify a verified trademark). Although you may disagree about the reason
> for needing this information, there is a not small number of people
> interested in figuring out how to better use identification information. No
> browser would be required to use the information (of course), but it would
> give organizations another way to manage certificates and identity
> information - one that is better (imo) than org information.
> 2.The cert applies in the context of the public Internet.
> Trademarks/identity information is already included in the BRs.
> 3.The trademark does not falls within an OID arc for which the
> Applicant demonstrates ownership (no OID included).
> 4.The Applicant can otherwise demonstrate the right to assert the data
> in a public context. If we vet ownership of the trademark with the
> appropriate office, there's no conflict there.
> 5.Semantics that, if included, will not mislead a Relying Party about
> the certificate information verified by the CA (such as including
> extendedKeyUsage value for a smart card, where the CA is not able to verify
> that the corresponding Private Key is confined to such hardware due to
> remote issuance). None of these examples are very close to the proposal.
> What I'm looking for is not a discussion on whether this is a good idea, but
> rather  is it currently permitted under the BRs per Mozilla's
> interpretation. I'd like to have the "is this a good idea" discussion, but
> in a separate thread to avoid conflating permitted action compared to ideal
> action.
> Jeremy

Absent policy surrounding the validation and encoding of Logotype data, I 
believe that the use of the Logotype extension to convey identity information 
may be fraught with security and privacy problems. A brief read of RFCs 3709 
and 6170 raises several concerns:

1.  Where are the image and audio assets stored? Will the CA allow for 
Applicants to specify an arbitrary URI for assets, or will the CA host them, or 
will the assets be encoded directly in the certificate using data URIs? The 
first two options have ramifications regarding client tracking, or even 
allowing attackers to suppress the retrieval of logo assets (thus providing for 
a potentially inconsistent UI between clients). This is compounded by the fact 
that the RFCs only allow retrieval via plaintext HTTP and FTP. I’m guessing the 
third option (“data” URI) is a non-starter due to certificate size limitations.
2.  The RFCs do not put a hard requirement on the minimum size of images 
and length of audio files. What’s the minimum acceptable size of images to 
ensure that the trademark is clearly conveyed to Relying Parties? Is a 5-second 
clip from the Subject’s radio jingle