Re: jcr-cmis WS volounteers/approach

2008-12-09 Thread Jukka Zitting

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about if I created a new Jira project like JCRCMIS for this?

Jira projects are cheap so I just went ahead and created the JCRCMIS
project, see [1].

I've given the "all-developers" group the "Committer" role in JCRCMIS,
so all Apache committers (with a developer role in some Jira project)
should have the right to resolve issues and update the project
configuration (create new components, etc.).

The project is setup like the existing JCR project, for example the
notification messages should work the same way. There are two
differences though: I've enabled wiki markup for description and
comment fields and used the 'no-reopen-closed, patch-avail" workflow
scheme. The latter means that there is a nice new "Patch Available"
state for issues and that a closed (as opposed to just resolved) issue
can not be reopened (it's better to create a new issue in such cases).

Let's see how the wiki markup and workflow settings work in practice.
I'd like to start using them in the JCR project as well if the
experience from JCRCMIS is good.



Jukka Zitting

Re: jcr-cmis WS volounteers/approach

2008-12-09 Thread Paolo Mottadelli
Hi Jukka,

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about if I created a new Jira project like JCRCMIS for this?
> Having sandbox issues in the JCR project has always been a bit
> distracting for release management purposes, and with a specialized
> Jira project for the CMIS effort you could also have more fine-grained
> component labels like "ws" or "atompub".

>From our perspective it sounds better for the same reason :-)
+1 for me

Paolo Mottadelli:
Sourcesense - making sense of Open Source:

Re: jcr-cmis WS volounteers/approach

2008-12-09 Thread Jukka Zitting

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Dominique Pfister
> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Gabriele Columbro
>> __'jcr-cmis' component in Jira
>> As I mentioned before, does it make sense to have a specific component for
>> this bit of the sandbox or just use the 'sandbox' component?
> I'd prefer having a specific component.

How about if I created a new Jira project like JCRCMIS for this?

Having sandbox issues in the JCR project has always been a bit
distracting for release management purposes, and with a specialized
Jira project for the CMIS effort you could also have more fine-grained
component labels like "ws" or "atompub".


Jukka Zitting

Re: jcr-cmis WS volounteers/approach

2008-12-09 Thread Paolo Mottadelli
Hi all,
find my comments below.

> By the time, I created this pom.xml, 1.5 was not officially released
> yet, and I copied a pom.xml from some other sandbox project. We could
> very well depend on the latest development version or on the released
> version, whatever seems more appropriate, or even drop the parent
> reference as well.

In the spirit of implementing a JCR compliant CMIS, if we don't have
any technical reason of having Jackrabbit as a parent project, I'd opt
for dropping the parent reference untill we'll need it.

>> __Core technologies (Axis or CXF)
>> Which WS framework would you suggest? At the moment I have a better feeling
>> for CXF with respect to Axis(2), maybe for the lower footprint it seems to
>> have, but I never had hands on expertise with both frameworks. Any
>> suggestion/direction here of course more than welcome.
> Axis is the only framework I heard of right now, but I was hoping that
> there is some better approach ;)

ATM I'm playing with CXF and it is making me confident enough; the
main reasons for which I've chosen it for these test are:
_ they say CXF has better support for JAX-WS
_ it has a simpler approach to make things start

>> __'jcr-cmis' component in Jira
>> As I mentioned before, does it make sense to have a specific component for
>> this bit of the sandbox or just use the 'sandbox' component?
> I'd prefer having a specific component.

+1 for a specific component for me, as well

>> __Dynamically generate services interfaces and commit wsdl files?
>> As a starting point, we were thinking of generating the Java interfaces from
>> committed WSDL files with cxf as described here [3].
>> Also committing the WSDL, we could automatically regenerate the interfaces
>> upon specs changes using the maven plugin [4].
>> Do you have any objections/suggestions for this approach?
> Sounds good to me. I started creating a couple of interfaces from the
> spec, but if we can have them generated through WSDL and use them in
> the atompub part as well, even better :)

I've generated interfaces starting from the WSDL using the CXF
wsdl2java command.
For this first phase, it would be reasonable to consider these as a
commodity we could add; I'd focus more on validating the better
technology for us.


> Kind regards
> Dominique
>> Eager to hear your comments/suggestions (if you could make it trough this
>> long email :).
>> Ciao,
>> Gab
>> [1]
>> :
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> --
>> Gabriele Columbro
>> Alfresco ECM Product Strategy Consultant
>> +31 627 565 103
>> Sourcesense - Making sense of open Source (

Paolo Mottadelli:
Sourcesense - making sense of Open Source:

Re: jcr-cmis WS volounteers/approach

2008-12-09 Thread Marcel Reutegger
Dominique Pfister wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Gabriele Columbro
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> __Core technologies (Axis or CXF)
>> Which WS framework would you suggest? At the moment I have a better feeling
>> for CXF with respect to Axis(2), maybe for the lower footprint it seems to
>> have, but I never had hands on expertise with both frameworks. Any
>> suggestion/direction here of course more than welcome.
> Axis is the only framework I heard of right now, but I was hoping that
> there is some better approach ;)

some time ago I found this comparison quite helpful. but I'm not sure whether it
is still up to date:


Re: jcr-cmis WS volounteers/approach

2008-12-09 Thread Dominique Pfister
Hi Gabriele,

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Gabriele Columbro
> Hi all,
> as this is my first post on the JackRabbit @dev list, I guess a bit of
> introduction is needed: together with my colleague Paolo Mottadelli, I have
> been following the jcr-cmis sandbox thread with a lot of interest.
> Searching how we could help, we noticed the WS component of the jcr-cmis
> connector is ATM quite short handed, so we started having a look at the
> jcr-cmis REsT branch to try and have a unified strategy and reuse the most
> between the two implementations.
> BTW, not having committership rights, I would probably be bugging you a lot
> with Jira issues and kinda long emails like this one (soffy for that), but
> hopefully you can still find value in the contribution :)
> To speed up things, I'll kick Paolo (which is POI committer) to commit to
> the sandbox possible patches I may attach to issues ;)
> So, we tried to have a look to the existing codebase and approach for the
> REsT part and came up with the following approach/findings for the WS part
> (I would have opened Jira issues already, but not sure which component to
> use, maybe sandbox [1] or better have a specific component for jcr-cmis) :
> __Maven parent
> In the superpom I find a parent reference to the 1.5-SNAPSHOT of Jackrabbit
> which is neither the last development version (1.5 has been released) nor
> it's available in any of the POM specified repositoritories (I guess most of
> you have apache.snapshots repo in their settings.xml) . My question here is:
>  - is there a real need for the parent reference here?
>  - If so, why can't we depend on 1.5 released version? (or on 1.6-SNAPSHOT
> still adding apache.snapshots repo in the POM)

By the time, I created this pom.xml, 1.5 was not officially released
yet, and I copied a pom.xml from some other sandbox project. We could
very well depend on the latest development version or on the released
version, whatever seems more appropriate, or even drop the parent
reference as well.

> __Testing framework
> In the quasi-pure TDD spirit, we started by thinking about the testing
> framework (to create a RepositoryServiceTest), also looking at what's in the
> REsT part. My idea, please correct me if I'm wrong, was to have a:
> - maven-jetty-plugin configured in the build to run a jackrabbit war bundled
> with the jcr-cmis extension
> - configure maven-surefire-plugin to run integration tests after jetty
> - tear down the jetty instance
> I see instead there that an instance of Jetty is programmatically created
> and bound to the abdera servlet in the REsT part. Is it a best
> practice/approach we could reuse for both implementations? I'm not familiar
> with using Jetty programmatically so I may just be being "so old" ;)

Sorry, this was my just initial approach. I quickly felt that abdera
was extensible enough to fill the atompub binding part. In order to
have a minimal startup time, so that I could tweak the responses the
way I wanted them, I used this programmatical test setup. It surely
makes more sense to have jackrabbit.war extended by jcr-cmis, as you
suggest. I'm not sure, however, whether we can still use the abdera
servlet then.

> __Core technologies (Axis or CXF)
> Which WS framework would you suggest? At the moment I have a better feeling
> for CXF with respect to Axis(2), maybe for the lower footprint it seems to
> have, but I never had hands on expertise with both frameworks. Any
> suggestion/direction here of course more than welcome.

Axis is the only framework I heard of right now, but I was hoping that
there is some better approach ;)

> __'jcr-cmis' component in Jira
> As I mentioned before, does it make sense to have a specific component for
> this bit of the sandbox or just use the 'sandbox' component?

I'd prefer having a specific component.

> __Design document to map JCR - CIMS objects
> I read someone mentioning the creation of a 'mapping design' document. Has
> this been done and I'm missing something or someone can create it already?

As far as I know, this hasn't been done yet.

> __Dynamically generate services interfaces and commit wsdl files?
> As a starting point, we were thinking of generating the Java interfaces from
> committed WSDL files with cxf as described here [3].
> Also committing the WSDL, we could automatically regenerate the interfaces
> upon specs changes using the maven plugin [4].
> Do you have any objections/suggestions for this approach?

Sounds good to me. I started creating a couple of interfaces from the
spec, but if we can have them generated through WSDL and use them in
the atompub part as well, even better :)

Kind regards

> Eager to hear your comments/suggestions (if you could make it trough this
> long email :).
> Ciao,
> Gab
> [1]
> :
> [2]