The Modularity working group is looking to standardize terminology that users 
use to interact with functionality around modules.  There are some generally 
accepted terms, but there are also some that have multiple choices for common 
functions.  Some of the more debated options include:

* version vs stream
* enable vs install vs select

All terms for discussion include:
* List: lists all modules
* List-enabled: lists all enabled modules
* Info: shows detailed information about a module
* Summary: provides a summary
* Enable: enables the latest version and/or release of a module and installs 
the rpms listed in the default profile
* Install: performs actions to prepare modules to run
* Search: use to search for modules
* Run: run the module
* Disable: disables the module and the modules depending on that module
* Refresh
* Upgrade: updates the module to the latest release but the same version of the 
* Check-upgrade
* Rebase: to switch between major versions of a module
* Check-rebase
* Install profile
* System profile: a config file that lives with the machine
* Select: alternative option to enable or install
* Version
* Stream

Take a few minutes and add terms to this list as new items or alternatives as 
well as respond with which ones you prefer.  We will take input from everyone 
until EOD Friday 9/23/16.  At that point, the working group will make some 
decisions to finalize our terms.
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