Hi all,

cyrus-sasl upstream came up with new release and at this occasion I decided for a small clean up during posting some features upstream. There were quite many patches, patching pre-generated configures or similar stuff which I dropped and forced reconfiguration. There is still some ongoing work, but posting it as it is fresh and looking forward to feedback early.

Before spoiling Rawhide, I would like to make sure I didn't break much, so if you know your tool or workflow is using cyrus-sasl and you can give it few minutes of testing against rawhide, I would be glad for feedback on this scratch-build in koji [1].

My basic test suite passed fine on Rawhide, but I believe there are others out there in the wild.

[1] http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=11954052

Kind regards,

Jakub Jelen
Security Technologies
Red Hat

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