thanks everyone for participation in OpenLDAP/NSS Test Day [1]. The
participation was little low, but it was somehow expected, because
this was a non-trivial topic. Anyway, a few bugs were discovered
(and other stuff was confirmed to work ok):

641946 - slapd init script gets stuck in an infinite loop
643022 - Cannot change password with lpasswd in LDAP
643045 - outdated autofs.schema

Below I forward a more-detailed summary from Jan Zeleny.

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2010-10-14_OpenLDAP/NSS

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jan Zeleny <jzel...@redhat.com>

Hi everyone,
so the OpenLDAP/NSS Test day was yesterday and now it's time to sum up. I'll 
keep it very short:

- we had 7 active testers and about 5 other active participants who helped in 
some other way
- nearly all Priority 1 packages were tested, some Priority 2 as well
- crypto testing without any problems ( kudos :-) )
- 3 bugs not related to the crypto backend found

I'd like to use this opportunity to thank everyone involved. It took quite a 
bit effort to prepare this test day and without your help it couldn't be done. 
My special thanks goes to Jan and Rich, who did a great job preparing the 
testing environment.

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