On Sat, 2023-08-19 at 23:09 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> # Fedora Quality Assurance Meeting
> # Date: 2023-08-21
> # Time: 15:00 UTC
> (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/UTCHowto)
> # Location: #fedora-meeting on irc.libera.chat
> Greetings testers! Once again it's been a bit of time since we last
> met, sorry for that. Let's meet up on Monday!
> If anyone has any other items for the agenda, please reply to this
> email and suggest them! Thanks.

One thing I forgot to emphasize: the meeting really will be on *IRC*.
The IRC/Matrix (Fedora Chat) bridge is down right now, so you will not
be able to join the meeting on Matrix, unfortunately. Dust off those
IRC clients!

If you don't have an IRC setup, the easiest way to join is through the
webchat interface: https://web.libera.chat/ . Pick any nickname you
like, and type "#fedora-meeting" in the "Channel" box.
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: @adamwill:fedora.im | Mastodon: @ad...@fosstodon.org

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