There will be a "GNOME Shell Software Rendering" Test Day on Thursday!

Here's an introduction from Vitezslav Humpa, who's in charge of this event from 
QA perspective:

This week brings a second installment of Fedora Test Day targeting GNOME 3. 
This time we will focus on software rendering providing a full GNOME session 
purely by means of the CPU. Nowadays with most of personal computers capable of 
hardware 3D acceleration this might seem unnecessary. But let's not forget a 
whole lot of us who have capable but yet unsupported hardware and get stuck 
with the Fallback mode.

And this is not the only case. In addition to computers with obsolete graphics 
there are VM hypervisors like KVM or VirtualBox that don't support full 3D yet. 
Fedora can also run on many kinds of less usual devices like tablets or 
netbooks that don't have free (or even proprietary) drivers ready.

Simply said, our goal is to make sure that no matter what hardware you are 
running your Fedora on, you will always get the user experience you are 
entitled to - a full GNOME desktop.

Do you have an older PC? Netbook? Or do you like to play with the latest of the 
latest in VM, where it won't "break" your computer? Even if not, please help us 
test the GNOME Shell software rendering by following few test cases and 
catching a few bugs - after all, as always with Fedora, you'll be doing that 
for yourself :-)

Date: 2012-03-29
Time: all day
Where: #fedora-test-day
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