Digium released the first release candidate for Asterisk 11 yesterday, with
the final release due hopefully sometime this month.  I'm therefore going
to be updating the Asterisk package in Fedora 18 to the release candidate.

Fedora 17 is going to stick with the 10.X series, Fedora 16 is sticking
with the 1.8.X series.

EPEL 6 will stick with the 1.8.X series for the time being as Digium
designates is as a long term support release[1].  Digium plans on ending
support for 1.8.X in 2015 while RHEL 6 support from Red Hat will continue
until 2020[2] so at some point in 2015 Asterisk in EPEL 6 will need to
switch to a newer version, probably version 13 if Digium's plans hold.

[1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions
[2] https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata/

Jeff Ollie
devel mailing list

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