Hi Everyone,

Below you will find a report of the work the Community Platform Engineering
(CPE) team was involved in over the last three months. If you would like to
view this in a 'toggle-able' view, I would suggest you visit this hackmd
link https://hackmd.io/@Ap8CkTlpSfmjb44UGV-kWA/BJlrOsBpu

## Intro
The Community Platform Engineering team is a group of people who work on
infrastructure, release engineering, documentation, development and just
about anything else you can think of that supports both the CentOS and
Fedora projects.
In an effort to try work even more effectively and improve on our work
planning, we have been scheduling some of our work on a quarterly basis for
the last 15-18 months. And its been working pretty well...once we got the
hang of it :)
This in a nutshell, just means that there is work the CPE team *will
commit* to delivering every quarter that relates to both distros, while
also still providing support to the projects infrastructure that come in as
bugs, tickets, etc.
Quarter two 2021, or April, May and June to give them their government
names, has been a particularly good quarter for our team with a lot of work
getting completed. Below is a breakdown of what our team delivered over the
quarter per project.
A note, that is a given but should never go without saying - is that the
CPE team work in the Fedora and CentOS communities, and rely on community
member feedback and discussion while working. Without your continued
support and engagement with our team - be it when we are announcing
something available and need input on how it works or an idea we have had
and we want more discussion on a proposal before we start developing - the
work we deliver at the end of each quarter would not be possible.
So on behalf of the CPE team, thank you for your involvement in our
quarterly work! This is as much your bragging rights as it is ours :)

## Fedora
### RPMautospec
This project was originally prototyped early last year and presented at
Nest with Fedora last August. It was a body of work that would relieve
packagers from the burden of manually updating the Release field and
%changelog section in RPM spec files.
Some of the highlights of this project that the team delivered was:
* Implemented a simplified release enumeration algorithm (from the
discussion on the devel list and with FESCo)
* Reflect flags to %autorelease in generated changelog entries
* `fedpkg local`, `fedpkg mockbuild` (possibly `fedpkg srpm`)
supports rpmautospec features, i.e. prepare the SRPM on the fly as
Koji would do it before building.
* Allows for uncommitted changes in local builds with fedpkg, i.e. bump the
release number by one and generate a boilerplate “- uncommitted changes”
RPM changelog entry.
* Up-to-date and more complete documentation :)

You can read more detailed information on this project from the repo
https://pagure.io/docs/fedora-infra/rpmautospec/ and from the fedora
mailing list

### Infrastructure & Release Engineering
* F34 was released! https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-fedora-34/
* New Status Page released! https://www.fedorastatus.org/
* Fedora Accounts got new features in staging that will be deployed to
production soon:
    * Noggin (upstream project name) now supports Matrix IDs as well as IRC
nicknames https://github.com/fedora-infra/noggin/pull/668
    * Integrated the Spammish app into Noggin
    * FPCA status displayed on Noggin’s user page
* https://fedoraloveskde.org site was deployed in staging and production
* A *lot* of builder fixing and module cleanup
* Behind-the-scenes work:
    * updates to services and applications, eg Bodhi
    * Upgraded machines to F34
    * Fedocal now runnning on Openshift rather than VMs
    * Mass update/reboot to systems

## CentOS
### CentOS Stream 9
* Development composes are available https://composes.stream.centos.org/
* Container Images are available
* Quickstart Contribution Guide available
* New SIG approved: Feature Request SIG for CentOS Stream
* Centpkg development and release
* CentOS Stream 9 build system is publicly viewable
* CentOS Stream 9 package sources are publicly available in GitLab

### CentOS Stream 8
*  CentOS Stream 8 repository pipeline upgraded to merge new composes
rather than replacing the previous content giving users the ability to `dnf
downgrade` packages easily. More info
*  Centos8-stream buildroot available for missing -devel pkgs

### CentOS Linux
* CentOS Linux 8 had a new release derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux
8.4 Source Code! Read more here

### Infrastructure & Release Engineering
* EPEL repositories (plain rpms, no module content) can be enabled on
demand on CBS for:
    * epel 7 (x86_64, ppc64le, aarch64)
    * epel 8 Everything (x86_64, ppc64le, aarch64)
    * epel Next 8 Everything (x86_64, ppc64le, aarch64)
* Auth system switch completed in April bringing both CentOS and Fedora
backend system under one stack and allowing contributors to both projects
use one email for both projects! More info:
* Deployed some instances for Artwork SIG to test centos visual theme for
www/blog/mirror/mailman https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/366

This report is really only a snapshot of the volume of work the people on
the Community Platform Engineering do, and also at a more high level
overview, but even still there are *a lot* of very noteworthy successes in
there that we are very proud of delivering this quarter, and we hope the
communities we are part of and serve find value in the work we do too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, and I will be back with our plans for July,
August and September with links to the projects work trackers and their
respective goals that we are going to shoot for in Q3 very soon (like, next
week) :)

Kindest regards,
Aoife Moloney
Product Owner
Community Platform Engineering Team
Red Hat EMEA
Communications House
Cork Road
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