On 10/03/2012 03:07 PM, Peter Gordon wrote:
> On 10/03/2012 11:23 AM, Jon Ciesla wrote:
>> meld -- Visual diff and merge tool
>> opengl-games-utils -- Utilities to check proper 3d support before launching 
>> 3d games
> I can take these two, if no one else wants them. :)

Hmm. I hadn't realized when volunteering that these only needed
maintainers in Fedora EPEL. And unfortunately, EPEL would require too
much of my time and patience to help out with. So it is with a sincere
apology that I must return these two packages to Orphan status in all
their EPEL branches.

(CC-ing their respective Fedora comaintainers, in case one of them wants
to take over these packages.)

Thanks, and best regards.
Peter Gordon (codergeek42) <pe...@thecodergeek.com>
Who am I? :: http://thecodergeek.com/about-me

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