Minutes (text):

#fedora-meeting-1: Minimization Team Meeting

Meeting started by asamalik at 15:00:03 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Roll call  (asamalik, 15:00:03)

* === Agenda ===  (asamalik, 15:03:13)

* === Introductions ===  (asamalik, 15:05:58)

* === This meeting ===  (asamalik, 15:13:00)

* === Team operations ===  (asamalik, 15:17:52)
  * we have a bug tracker to track the actual package changes:
    https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1734342  (asamalik,
  * we have a team issue tracker for discussion and tracking work:
    https://pagure.io/minimization/issues  (asamalik, 15:19:21)

* === What's next? ===  (asamalik, 15:22:11)
  * IDEA: remove systemd dependency from various server programs like
    Postfix, Dovecot, Coturn, Prosody etc — enables building smaller
    container images  (asamalik, 15:28:26)
  * IDEA: making sure that installing server apps in an empty root (like
    scratch container images) doesn't result in unneeded things being
    pulled in  (asamalik, 15:34:07)
  * ACTION: asamalik figure out how can we capture (random) discoveries
    in a useful way  (asamalik, 15:46:06)
  * ACTION: asamalik extend the Action Plan with specific use cases /
    stacks to focus on  (asamalik, 15:50:27)

Meeting ended at 16:00:35 UTC.

Action Items
* asamalik figure out how can we capture (random) discoveries in a
  useful way
* asamalik extend the Action Plan with specific use cases / stacks to
  focus on

Action Items, by person
* asamalik
  * asamalik figure out how can we capture (random) discoveries in a
    useful way
  * asamalik extend the Action Plan with specific use cases / stacks to
    focus on
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* asamalik (90)
* lorbus (27)
* jaruga (26)
* dftxbs3e (15)
* zodbot (15)
* tdawson (10)
* cverna (9)
* Son_Goku (7)
* ignatenkobrain (4)
* pbrobinson (2)
* Eighth_Doctor (0)
* salimma (0)
* feborges (0)
* zbyszek (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot


Adam Šamalík
Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat
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