
I am Eddi-Jay Ohlms alias BurningPho3nix.

I saw the article about how to join the package maintainers, because I have interest in that.

I am a young developer from Germany and started my work with POSIX-scripting and then moved on to C.

I am on Fedora (mostly KDE) for a year now,

and my interest in programming started around the time I started using Fedora.

setup-tool (my project) is the only project that I am involved in right now,

because I don't have too much time right now due to work taking up a lot of time.

Here is the link to my review request:

Best regards,

Eddi-Jay Ohlms/BurningPho3nix

PS: I sent this message from my personal email, because the fedora email didn't work for whatever reason.

Best regards,

Eddi-Jay Ohlms/BurningPho3nix

YouTube:      @BurningPho3nix

Instagram:    @BurningPho3nix Photography


Pixelfed:     @BurningPho3nix

Github:       @BurningPho3nix

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