#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2013-12-11)

Meeting started by mattdm at 18:00:46 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (mattdm, 18:00:59)

* #1185 Enable "-Werror=format-security" by default  (mattdm, 18:04:33)
  * AGREED: We add -Werror=format-security by default. (A -1 indicates
    that we will add -Wformat-security instead) (+7,-2)  (mattdm,

* #1201 Enabling third party repositories  (mattdm, 18:18:02)
  * AGREED: Proposal: Copr repos may be searched for applications to
    install as long as the user is explicitly asked to enable the copr
    before installing packages from them (See
    https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1201#comment:19 for details)
    (+6,-,0)  (mattdm, 18:36:59)
  * signing and unicorns for all  (mattdm, 18:37:05)
  * AGREED: FESCo is okay with pointing to free software repositories
    approved by Fedora Legal in the same way as COPR repos (+8/-0/1)
    (mattdm, 19:13:53)
  * AGREED: For non-free sofware repositories, FESCo is not changing
    exisiting policy. If you think the policy should change, talk to the
    board. (+9,-0,0)  (mattdm, 19:19:06)
  * AGREED: Revised 1a (with proposal and t8m's feedback): FESCo is okay
    with pointing to free software repositories in the same way as COPR
    repos if they are approved by FESCo and Fedora Legal.  They are not
    limited in the criteria that they can choose to apply. (+7,-0,1)
    (mattdm, 19:44:49)
  * further discussion to ticket and lists if necessary  (mattdm,

* #1211 F21 System Wide Change: Headless Java  (mattdm, 19:46:27)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/HeadlessJava   (mattdm,
  * AGREED: Headless Java system wide change is approved. Please update
    the change page to be consistent with comment#2 in the ticket and
    get updated packaging guidelines to FPC soon. (+8,0,0)  (mattdm,

* Next week's chair  (mattdm, 19:53:41)
  * abadger1999 to chair next week.  (mattdm, 19:55:27)
  * we're going to skip the next two meetings after next week due to the
    holidays  (mattdm, 19:55:44)

* Open Floor  (mattdm, 19:56:08)
  * t8m to chair january 8th meetiing  (mattdm, 19:59:45)

Meeting ended at 20:01:35 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mattdm (145)
* abadger1999 (75)
* jwb (62)
* sgallagh (56)
* mitr (43)
* notting (40)
* pjones (33)
* t8m (31)
* nirik (25)
* mmaslano (17)
* zodbot (15)
* halfie (6)
* jreznik (2)
* pknirsch (1)

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Matthew Miller  --  Fedora Project Architect --  <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct

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