#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2021-10-04)

Meeting started by Eighth_Doctor at 19:03:26 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* init process  (King_InuYasha, 19:09:10)

* #2670 Consider triggering contingency plan for F35 WirePlumber change
  (King_InuYasha, 19:09:41)
  * LINK: https://web.libera.chat/?channels=#fedora-meeting   (mhroncok,
  * AGREED: QA will meet on Friday to decide if WirePlumber is in good
    enough shape. If not, King_InuYasha will revert after the end of
    that meeting (+9, 0, -0)  (King_InuYasha, 19:38:30)

* #2671 [DNS over TLS] following connection to a wifi AP, internet is
  not available for ~30s  (King_InuYasha, 19:38:45)
  * AGREED: FESCo agrees that this is a Final Blocker. QA will add
    criterion for this for F36. (+8, 0, -0)  (King_InuYasha, 19:39:43)

* Next week's chair  (King_InuYasha, 19:40:07)
  * ACTION: zbyszek will chair next meeting  (King_InuYasha, 19:40:48)

* Open Floor  (King_InuYasha, 19:41:02)

Meeting ended at 19:47:04 UTC.

Action Items
* zbyszek will chair next meeting

Action Items, by person
* zbyszek
  * zbyszek will chair next meeting
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* King_InuYasha (86)
* StephenGallagher (39)
* mhroncok (29)
* adamw (28)
* zodbot (26)
* nirik (21)
* zbyszek (21)
* wtay (16)
* defolos (11)
* mboddu (10)
* dcantrell (9)
* Eighth_Doctor (7)
* decathorpe (5)
* bcotton (4)
* zbyszek_ (1)
* King_In7 (1)
* bcotton_ (1)
* dustymabe (1)
* sgallagh (0)
* Conan_Kudo (0)
* Pharaoh_Atem (0)
* Son_Goku (0)
* Sir_Gallantmon (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.3

.. _`MeetBot`: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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