> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020, at 6:41 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:
> Implicit in this is the idea that value should be captured at a secondary 
> distribution
> layer.  Implicit in this is the idea that distribution forks *need* to 
> happen.  But they
> don't.
> In fact, everyone here can work upstream too!  If e.g. someone upstream 
> messes up
> licensing, the mindset shouldn't be "oh man those upstream developers are
> incompetent, let's patch it downstream".

The current problem with that is that Tom and other packagers would need to 
join a couple of hundred up-streams and do all the emotional, social work to be 
considered someone they will listen to and trust to make the changes you might 
need to get it into a distribution. [And yes it takes time and energy to do 
that.. just going by how much it takes for our own development groups to take 
things in from random 'strangers'.]  That takes up a lot of time which then 
cuts down the time the person has to work on Fedora. 

The issue is always going to be about scalability and the fact that each 
upstream is usually a community as much as Fedora is with its own 
joining/acceptance/social time needed to become active in. We have currently 
about 400 active packagers (depending on the definition of active) and about 
22000 src.rpms usually a separate community. We either need to grow our active 
packagers to a much larger amount or shrink our distribution greatly OR some 
combination of the two. There would also need to be some duplication of people 
per community so we don't end up with a lot of SPOF's. [Well we have to drop 
being able to boot anymore.. pjones left and no one can deal with the shim 
community except him... but take it to every src.rpm package.] 

Now we could also say we outline which packages we really really care about and 
make sure we have upstream community liasons with.. but that will also need to 
scale out because every dependency of those packages would also need to be 
dealt with also which then grows out everytime Mozilla, Libreoffice, 
hot-web-app-of-the week grows a new requirement. 

I know I am sounding like a long list of why this can't be done.. but deep down 
I agree with the sentiment. I just don't see that we can actually accomplish it 
without giant changes.
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