Greetings -

I am sure this question has been asked and answered many times but I
could not find anything that specifically addressed my questions via
google search.

I have modified a spec file for a python based application (weewx
specifically although  that is not too relevant) to target Fedora
specifically. The upstream developers have a spec file that covers el8
and fedora both. The upstream version uses init.d based init scripts
to manage the application daemon.

I modified the spec file to target fedora specifically using systemd
to manage the daemon.  This is working well for me on test VMs.

I would also like to be able to install the rpm on a fedora container
image. I can do that with either the upstream or my current spec file,
of course, but I am thinking that systemd, in this particular
scenario, is overkill. The application daemon would be managed at the
container level not within the container per se.

What would be a good way to structure the spec file to cover both
scenarios? With systemd for install on a fedora VM or fedora bare
metal machine and without systemd for a fedora container install?

Would using subpackages be appropriate? One rpm for the base install
and the second to add systemd integration? Or is there another
alternative? A pointer to relevant discussions or possible solution
would be most helpful and appreciated.

Many thanks


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