#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2017-07-07)

Meeting started by jforbes at 16:00:14 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (jforbes, 16:00:14)

* #1725 F27 System Wide Change: Enable TRIM pass down to encrypted disks
  (jforbes, 16:03:56)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1725   (jforbes, 16:03:57)
  * AGREED: F27 System Wide Change: Enable TRIM pass down to encrypted
    disks is approved  (jforbes, 16:26:16)

* Many packages are not following the Guidelines for bundled libraries
  (jforbes, 16:26:59)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1734   (jforbes, 16:27:19)
  * AGREED: Wait two weeks for discussion on the mailing list, and then
    vote  (jforbes, 16:42:07)
  * ACTION: maxamillion will initiate discussion on the mailing list
    (jforbes, 16:42:42)

* next weeks chair  (jforbes, 16:43:04)
  * jforbes will chair next weeks meeting  (jforbes, 16:46:02)

* open floor  (jforbes, 16:46:07)

Meeting ended at 16:49:39 UTC.

Action Items
* maxamillion will initiate discussion on the mailing list

Action Items, by person
* maxamillion
  * maxamillion will initiate discussion on the mailing list
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* jforbes (52)
* maxamillion (48)
* nirik (26)
* kalev (17)
* jsmith (16)
* zodbot (11)
* dgilmore (3)
* linuxmodder (2)
* sgallagh (0)
* Rathann (0)
* jwb (0)

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