Re: [Sugar-devel] "Howtos" within Sugar Activities

2011-10-11 Thread Bastien
Gonzalo Odiard  writes:

> We are thinking in include a minimal help, like Implode activity
> or TurtleArt are doing, But with this minimal help, the TurtleArt po
> and locale directory
> are much bigger than all the other data in the activity.

IMHO having elementary documentation within some core Activities 
is worth the storage space.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] "Howtos" within Sugar Activities

2011-10-11 Thread Bastien
I would state Sugar's agenda like this: 

1. expose kids to powerful ideas
2. provide meaningful activities for these ideas
3. give access to reusable code for these activities

Learning is everywhere in this: learning about ideas, 
learning about activities, learning about code.

Documentation stands between (1) and (2) for pedagogical 
howtos and between (2) and (3) for technical howtos.

I'm talking about pedagogical howtos (not "lessons", just
content that helps unfold the power behind learning ideas.)

Stealing from Eisenhower method, I would say that providing
reusable code is important and providing documentation
for powerful ideas is urgent -- teachers keep asking it.

How much of XO storage is dedicated to providing source code?

How much of XO storage is dedicated to providing pedagogical

Most kids are offline.  The purpose of the Help activity is 
exactly this: provide offline help for general issues about 
Sugar and the XO.

Online-based lessons will not fix the issue of providing 
offline hints on how to use an activity, unless there is a 
plan to include this online content in the activity...

Abacus is a good example: having a simple howto in a how/
directory would be nice.  

Even for us, lucky connected chaps, most applications come
with offline documentation...

I'm done with my last 2cts :)

Devel mailing list

"Howtos" within Sugar Activities (was: [Sugar-devel] Potential volunteer offering technical writing)

2011-10-11 Thread Bastien
I have read all the interesting input regarding refreshing the Help
activity and collectively writing up new Sugar lessons.

One simple idea: why not try to put "howtos" *within* Sugar Activities?

For example, the Turtle Art activity would have such a folder:


Plain text would be nice, as it could be later exported to HTML and
displayed within Sugar when required.  Plain text is also easier to 
handle wrt translation.

There has been a lot of discussion about accessing the "source" and 
I see this "how/" folder something that we could feed with powerful
ideas, sitting between the source code and the activity.

Also, it would help solving one of the biggest problem: having someone 
who is in charge of maintaining this documentation.

FWIW, I have updated the FLOSS/DOCS presentation in which I summarize
the background ideas and motivations for this proposal:


Devel mailing list

Re: GCompris and xo-1

2011-01-31 Thread Bastien
Hi Leonardo,

I'm copying Bruno, the main developer of Gcompris.  He might surely help
with your requests.


Leonardo Rojas  writes:

> Hello
> First of all, sorry if my english its not very good since its not my
> native languaje. I need to modify some GCompris activies and install
> them on a xo-1 with
> Build number:852�� Sugar: 0.84.16 Firmware : Q2E45
> because the teachers dont like all the activities as they are, there
> are some activities that are easy to modify because i can do the
> changes with gcompris administration, like GCompris MissingLetter,
> but for the others i need to recompile them.� I made changes on
> several, like MemoryEnumerate, AlgebraGuesscount, Babymatch and
> others, then i run gcompris, and all the changes are there, the
> activities work as intended but when i try to install them on the xo,
> they dont start, i dont even get the
> Cannot find cached 0sugar-launch implementation. or another error� (i
> know a workaround for the 0sugar-launch imlmentation error, i get
> this error with version 13 of activities mostly, all version 12
> activities run perfect in the xo
> the icon appears then afther a while the activitie close, i tried
> using the� ./ and� using, tried using GCompris
> 9.5 then Gcompris 9.3 (modifying the source files from the activities
> that come in that GCompris version)
> So my question is, someone knows how to compile and install a
> modified GCompris activity in this xo?, really need help plz, im
> suposed to have them installed and working on the xo next week.
> sorry for the inconvenience
> thx, bye
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wikipedia bundle in other languages

2011-01-06 Thread Bastien
Hi Sameer,

Sameer Verma  writes:

> I'd like to bundle the Hindi version of Wikipedia into an offline
> activity. 
> Do we have a set process/scripts to do so?

I'm working with the developer of Kiwix¹ to help have such a process.
It's still work in progress, but I hope we'll be able to release code
soon.  Stay tuned.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Help activity

2010-11-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Gonzalo,

Gonzalo Odiard  writes:

> Who is maintaining the Help activity?

Brian Jordan is the maintainer (,
and Seth Woodworth has commit access (

> I have a few small patches:
> 1) change in the css to better use of screen, now we can rotate screen again.
> 2) replace home icon by the new icon.
> 3) add a view toolbar, stolen from browse
> 4) fix the icon because in F13 there are changes in the svg rendering and the
> old icon does not look ok.

I'd happy to review and apply your patches if Brian or Jordan (or anyone
who can) give me commit access.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Edit/audit wikipedia activity

2010-10-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Martin,

Martin Langhoff  writes:

> Do we have any easy way to do this? Is any of the many "static
> wikipedia" project already working on audit/edit/polish facilites we
> can reuse (that accepts our format)?

FYI I forwarded your question to the maintainer of Kiwix
( - he is currently actively working 
on a kiwix.xo activity, and I agree your point is important.

I'll follow-up with answers, if any.


Devel mailing list

Re: How to create a proper ?

2010-04-28 Thread Bastien
Daniel Drake  writes:

> On 28 April 2010 11:30, Bastien  wrote:
>> The problem is that our 100 XOs (in Madagascar) are *not* connected to
>> the Internet.
>> Is there a way to get a developer key (or to disable security) for all
>> our 100 (soon 160) XO without an internet access?
> Do you have a technical contact inside OLPC?

No.  Who should I contact?

> They can make developer keys instantaneously from a list of serial
> numbers, so you'd just have to send the list.

Ok, great.

Devel mailing list

Re: How to create a proper ?

2010-04-28 Thread Bastien
Hi Daniel,

thanks for the reply.

Daniel Drake  writes:

> The much easier option, and the one I'd suggest, is that you simply
> disable security on all the laptops.


> Obtain a developer key for all laptops and run "disable-security" at
> the firmware prompt.

The problem is that our 100 XOs (in Madagascar) are *not* connected to
the Internet.

Is there a way to get a developer key (or to disable security) for all
our 100 (soon 160) XO without an internet access?

It would be a pity to be able to freely install free software on a free
machine only if those machines are connected to the Internet...

Devel mailing list

How to create a proper ?

2010-04-28 Thread Bastien
Hi all,

I managed to create a customized image using

I have now os802_fr.img / os802_fr.crc / os802_fr.img.md5

I tried to put this on a key and to install it on a XO-1.

It fails, the XO is looking for, then for a school mesh, 
etc.  I have no "OK" prompt and I cannot use copy-nand.

How do I create the requested

Thanks for your help,

Devel mailing list

Re: How to build an .img

2010-04-25 Thread Bastien
James Cameron  writes:

> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 05:19:39PM +0200, Bastien wrote:
>> 2. I told to run a script which removes the file I want to
>> get rid of (which is ${imgdir}/home/olpc/.sugar-update) - but the
>> script fails and complains this file is missing.
> My apologies.  .sugar-update is created by
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/olpc-configure on first boot, so you should read that
> script and patch it for your build.  Or remove the file in a script that
> runs after olpc-configure; such as /etc/rc.local.

Thanks a lot, James.  That's what I was looking for.

I'll report progress on this.

Devel mailing list

Re: How to build an .img

2010-04-21 Thread Bastien
Bastien  writes:

> How to build a modified os802_fr.img (and its friend  

Ok, I made some progress. was helpful.

I managed to create my own images (fr802.crc, fr802.img, fr802.img.md5)
using script.

But I still have two problems:

1. using the G1G1/802 activities gives an error about missing licenses.
   What activities should I use in bundles/ to avoid this problem?

2. I told to run a script which removes the file I want to get
   rid of (which is ${imgdir}/home/olpc/.sugar-update) - but the script
   fails and complains this file is missing.

Any idea?

Thanks a lot,

Devel mailing list

How to build an .img

2010-04-20 Thread Bastien
Hi all,

OLPC France is creating customization keys (including the 802 version of
the OS) to help update the 100 XOs (soon to be 150) that children use in
Madagascar, Nosy Komba.

We'd like to get rid of the initial message "Do you want to update the
software and the activity?" - children won't be able to connect to the
internet for now (we're working on this.)

James told us to get rid of the /home/olpc/.sugar-update file, which is
fine, but how to exclude this file from the customization key?

How to build a modified os802_fr.img (and its friend  We don't
plan to distribute this image.

Thanks for any hint,

Devel mailing list

Re: A 2.5 Year-Old Has A First Encounter with An iPad

2010-04-07 Thread Bastien
Martin Langhoff  writes:

> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Carlos Nazareno  wrote:
>> (she had previous iPhone experience)
> That's called cheating! ;-)

Especially now that the iPad secret has been revealed:

Devel mailing list

Re: Wanted: List of Sugar activities for the XO-1.5

2009-12-03 Thread Bastien
Ed McNierney  writes:

> Yes.  I'm not sure how "massive deployments" are relevant, but we
> currently have one standard software image that is installed at the
> factory on all XOs.  You are suggesting that we create unique software
> images, one for each SKU, to be managed and installed separately by
> OLPC and Quanta for each deployment.   

We are miscommunicating, I guess i used the word "bundle" 
out of its normal context.

I was just suggesting to have *two* Ooo4Kids activities on, one in english and one in spanish.

Trying to put both english and spanish languages in a unique
activity would make it too big I guess.

Devel mailing list

Re: Wanted: List of Sugar activities for the XO-1.5

2009-12-03 Thread Bastien
Hi all,

Reuben K. Caron  writes:

> The one question I have is in regards to localization. Can we have one bundle
> that supports localization, i.e. changes default language according sugar/OFW
> values, or would we need different bundles?

Eric will confirm this, but selecting the language from one single
bundle makes that bundle way too heavy.

For now the plan is to one version per language on ASLO.

Is that so inconvenient for massive deployments?


Devel mailing list

Camera saturation - image compression level

2009-12-03 Thread Bastien

some people in France (from La main à la pâte) designed a telescope for
the XO.  It's a cheap ad hoc device they stick close to the camera, and
it can zoom by 10x -- useful for observing, say, the moon.

At this stage of the project, they have two problems:

- shots of the moon are often saturated: how to reduce the gain
  of the camera?  Ideally one would like to do this manually...

- is there a way to take pictures with a higher resolution?  the 
  default compression level doesn't produce great pictures.

Thanks for any feedback!

Devel mailing list

Re: The Next Wave of Activity Sharing

2009-07-25 Thread Bastien
Joshua Eddy  writes:

> This is what Sugar Labs DC wants to bring to the table.  For a more
> detailed description of this idea, please visit my blog:

Nice idea!  Thanks for sharing it.

I presume ideally the config options would offer a website to publish
to, along with the Jabber service.

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-22 Thread Bastien
Bastien  writes:

> Thanks *very much* for these explanations.
> I hope this kind of information can find its way through the OLPC blog,
> maybe with a little more context.  Then we can fight the FUD by linking
> to these explanations.

I've just written an entry about this on OLPC France's blog:

Sorry, this is in french and I don't have time to translate it now.  
But basically it tries to do this:

1. to clarify what is Sugar;

2. to explain what was the process of developing it for the XO, then for
   any hardware -- this explanation giving hints on why (1) is sometimes
   hard to understand and why NN comment needs clarification;

3. to tell (again) what is OLPC/Microsoft all about.

I have pointed to some of the messages from this list.  I hope this post
can help in getting rid of disinformation.


Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Ed McNierney  writes:

> When we're finished clearing up the confusion about what OLPC is really doing
> (and has been doing for a long time), we can move on to proving that Apollo 11
> really did land on the Moon, Barack Obama was indeed born in Hawaii, and Lee
> Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Point taken.  

Oh and please don't tell the Slashdot crowd that there is no trace of
Apollo 11 when looking at the moon from the Moon activity - otherwise
they will start looking for Obama-biography.xo.

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Ed McNierney  writes:

> When we're finished clearing up the confusion about what OLPC is really doing
> (and has been doing for a long time), we can move on to proving that Apollo 11
> really did land on the Moon, Barack Obama was indeed born in Hawaii, and Lee
> Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Point taken.  

Oh and please don't tell the Slashdot crowd that there is no trace of
Apollo 11 when looking at the moon from the Moon activity...

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Martin Langhoff  writes:

> If you are going to wait or an official Linus Torvalds statement on
> things, you're going to wait a long time. Same with expecting SJ to
> write something up -- he doesn't answer my emails either :-)

Btw, linux was successful because Linus was paying attention to the
contributions of its users, and because he was actually maintaining 
a rich relationship with them.

A while ago, OLPC was advertizing a "Director of grassroots" job
opportunity -- who took this job?  Who is responsible for a rich
relationship between OLPC HQ and the grassroots?

When I saw this job announcement I thought it would actually be
something useful to have.  

For example in this case, this director would be able to deliver 
a strong message to the grassroots on how to deal with this FUD.

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Martin Langhoff  writes:

> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Bastien wrote:
>> Thanks.  But a blog entry would still look more official, and would have
>> more context explaining why those explanations are necessary.
> If you are going to wait or an official Linus Torvalds statement on
> things, you're going to wait a long time. Same with expecting SJ to
> write something up -- he doesn't answer my emails either :-)
> The not-so-hidden message from James, me and everyone is: to be an
> effective participant in this community, you have to *not* wait on
> others. Use non-blocking IO. Get stuff done.
> If we told you what to do, you wouldn't like it either ;-)

Well, you just told me what to do, right? :)

To make things clear: I'm doing all what I can to get things done
regarding this OLPC/MS-FUD issue.

My point is just to say that having an official blog entry would 
help a lot.

The two things are not incompatible.

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
James Cameron  writes:

> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 10:50:33AM +0200, Bastien wrote:
>> Mitch just posted useful information.  Still, having a link to a blog
>> post would help clarifying stuff.
> Here you go ...
> Not exactly classical blog format, but very efficient, since the
> interface is SMTP rather than HTTP for posting.

Thanks.  But a blog entry would still look more official, and would have
more context explaining why those explanations are necessary.

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Christoph Derndorfer  writes:

> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Bastien  wrote:
> Carlos Nazareno  writes:
> > I'm more than happy to post stuff, having a Slashdot account. I just
> > don't know what to post exactly as stuff is not yet clarified.
> Mitch just posted useful information.  Still, having a link to a blog
> post would help clarifying stuff.
> I hope I find the time to write an olpcnews story based on the information 
> that
> Mitch posted earlier.

That'd be great indeed!

> Maybe I missed it before but I'm really very surprised that this is the first
> time I'm hearing this angle of the story in such detail. IMHO it would have
> made a lot of sense for OLPC to say exactly what Mitch wrote here when the
> Microsoft s*** first hit the fan in May 2008.


Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
CC'ing SJ this time...

Bastien  writes:

> Thanks *very much* for these explanations.
> I hope this kind of information can find its way through the OLPC blog,
> maybe with a little more context.  Then we can fight the FUD by linking
> to these explanations.
> Coyping sj, as I think he's responsible for OLPC's blog, but I might be
> wrong about this.
> Mitch Bradley  writes:
>>> Now AFAIK, there's little to no Windows work being done in-house by
>>> the OLPC team, and it's all or mostly at Microsoft's side that the
>>> work's being done.
>> At the moment, OLPC is doing approximately zero work on Windows.  That 
>> wasn't true last year.  I spent several months last year making it 
>> possible to boot Windows from Open Firmware.  The reason I did that was 
>> to prevent Microsoft from "taking over" the XO machine.  Their plan was 
>> to purchase machines and instruct the factory to reflash their SPI FLASH 
>> boot ROM with a conventional BIOS - which would have prevented OLPC's 
>> Linux from working.  It would have been possible to boot a different 
>> Linux distro from that BIOS, but it would not have been bootable from 
>> NAND FLASH, the OLPC security would not have been available, OLPC's 
>> special power management would not have worked, and the OFW-resident 
>> management features like diagnostics and NAND update would have been 
>> lost.  Essentially it would have been a one-way ticket to Microsoft land.
>> That one-way road was unacceptable to Nicholas.  He insisted that, if 
>> any machines were to be able to run Windows, they must be able to dual-boot.
>> Microsoft already had the one-way solution working, with only the barest 
>> amount of involvement from the OLPC team - essentially, I answered a few 
>> questions that Microsoft's rep posed to me.  The time I spent doing that 
>> was comparable to the time I spent answering similar questions from 
>> people porting other operating systems, such as Minix, Plan 9, and ReactOS.
>> The big chunks of time that I spent on Microsoft-related stuff were not 
>> to make Windows run on the XO - that was already a done deal.  I spent 
>> the time to enable OFW to dual-boot Windows and Linux, thus preventing 
>> "Windows only" XOs.
>> That work paid off in another way for XO-1.5.  The ACPI infrastructure 
>> necessary to run Windows on XO-1 let us to use a more "standard" Linux 
>> kernel for XO-1.5.  That's good in that it helps our chances of meeting 
>> our tight schedule with our modest system software resources, and 
>> reduces the amount of upstream merging that we must do.  It's bad from 
>> the standpoint that XO-1.5 is looking more and more like a conventional 
>> PC, thus bringing it dangerously close to the "black hole" of the PC 
>> industry that sucks everything into the commodity ecosystem in which 
>> Intel has near-total control over the evolution of the system architecture.
>> It's possible - even likely - that I will have to spend some time in the 
>> next few months to make Windows boot on XO-1.5.  I expect that will go 
>> quite quickly compared to the last effort, as the XO-1 work should carry 
>> over.
>> Mitch
>> ___
>> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Martin Langhoff  writes:

> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Bastien wrote:
>> Carlos Nazareno  writes:
>>> I'm more than happy to post stuff, having a Slashdot account. I just
>>> don't know what to post exactly as stuff is not yet clarified.
>> Mitch just posted useful information.  Still, having a link to a blog
>> post would help clarifying stuff.
> Right! Do you have a blog? :-)

I meant:

PS: I might write a blog entry in french for OLPC France...

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Carlos Nazareno  writes:

> I'm more than happy to post stuff, having a Slashdot account. I just
> don't know what to post exactly as stuff is not yet clarified.

Mitch just posted useful information.  Still, having a link to a blog
post would help clarifying stuff.

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Martin Langhoff  writes:

> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Bastien wrote:
>> That's my point.  We can fix this issue by raising an army of small
>> hands that will vote on your (correct) slashdot comment, spread the
>> correct vision, etc.  Or we can hope that OLPC will fix this issue by
>> taking care of what people imagine and try to deliver strong messages
>> on what's really going on.
>> The first "fix" isn't worth the energy - because of course, everyone
>> claims to know about what's really going on.
> Why not? Does anybody wait for Linus Torvalds before fighting anti-linux FUD?

Sorry I meant: it's not worth trying to make everyone fix this
communication bug.  But of course, individuals are welcome to fix it!

>> The second fix would be the best one, but OLPC is in a position where
>> any advice coming from the community is not heard.  Maybe there are too
>> many of them.  Or maybe OLPC turned a bit paranoïd about the community.
> Or maybe OLPC is a tiny *tiny* group of people, utterly swamped with
> HW, SW, deployment efforts, manufacturing logistics, working with
> governments, etc...?

Yes - that's why I said that there were perhaps too many advice to sort
out the relevant ones.  Still, my point was not to criticise but to try
to understand.

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Thanks *very much* for these explanations.

I hope this kind of information can find its way through the OLPC blog,
maybe with a little more context.  Then we can fight the FUD by linking
to these explanations.

Coyping sj, as I think he's responsible for OLPC's blog, but I might be
wrong about this.

Mitch Bradley  writes:

>> Now AFAIK, there's little to no Windows work being done in-house by
>> the OLPC team, and it's all or mostly at Microsoft's side that the
>> work's being done.
> At the moment, OLPC is doing approximately zero work on Windows.  That 
> wasn't true last year.  I spent several months last year making it 
> possible to boot Windows from Open Firmware.  The reason I did that was 
> to prevent Microsoft from "taking over" the XO machine.  Their plan was 
> to purchase machines and instruct the factory to reflash their SPI FLASH 
> boot ROM with a conventional BIOS - which would have prevented OLPC's 
> Linux from working.  It would have been possible to boot a different 
> Linux distro from that BIOS, but it would not have been bootable from 
> NAND FLASH, the OLPC security would not have been available, OLPC's 
> special power management would not have worked, and the OFW-resident 
> management features like diagnostics and NAND update would have been 
> lost.  Essentially it would have been a one-way ticket to Microsoft land.
> That one-way road was unacceptable to Nicholas.  He insisted that, if 
> any machines were to be able to run Windows, they must be able to dual-boot.
> Microsoft already had the one-way solution working, with only the barest 
> amount of involvement from the OLPC team - essentially, I answered a few 
> questions that Microsoft's rep posed to me.  The time I spent doing that 
> was comparable to the time I spent answering similar questions from 
> people porting other operating systems, such as Minix, Plan 9, and ReactOS.
> The big chunks of time that I spent on Microsoft-related stuff were not 
> to make Windows run on the XO - that was already a done deal.  I spent 
> the time to enable OFW to dual-boot Windows and Linux, thus preventing 
> "Windows only" XOs.
> That work paid off in another way for XO-1.5.  The ACPI infrastructure 
> necessary to run Windows on XO-1 let us to use a more "standard" Linux 
> kernel for XO-1.5.  That's good in that it helps our chances of meeting 
> our tight schedule with our modest system software resources, and 
> reduces the amount of upstream merging that we must do.  It's bad from 
> the standpoint that XO-1.5 is looking more and more like a conventional 
> PC, thus bringing it dangerously close to the "black hole" of the PC 
> industry that sucks everything into the commodity ecosystem in which 
> Intel has near-total control over the evolution of the system architecture.
> It's possible - even likely - that I will have to spend some time in the 
> next few months to make Windows boot on XO-1.5.  I expect that will go 
> quite quickly compared to the last effort, as the XO-1 work should carry 
> over.
> Mitch
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Bastien
Carlos Nazareno  writes:

> The thing is, most of the people on Slashdot (aka the Internet
> Geek/Nerd Community) who post about OLPC topics know nothing about
> what's going on as they just get their info from 3rd-hand sources and
> haven't even touched an XO.

That's my point.  We can fix this issue by raising an army of small
hands that will vote on your (correct) slashdot comment, spread the
correct vision, etc.  Or we can hope that OLPC will fix this issue by
taking care of what people imagine and try to deliver strong messages
on what's really going on.

The first "fix" isn't worth the energy - because of course, everyone
claims to know about what's really going on.

The second fix would be the best one, but OLPC is in a position where
any advice coming from the community is not heard.  Maybe there are too
many of them.  Or maybe OLPC turned a bit paranoïd about the community.

> Since we know a little bit more, it would be very informative to the
> world at large to set the story straight at these forums.

Yes.  But what would be the information?

  "OLPC supports both the use of free and proprietary softwares on its

Nothing really new, and nothing that prevents nerds from taking it in
the wrong sense.

Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-20 Thread Bastien
Hi Carlos,

Carlos Nazareno  writes:

> (The title is bad FUD from OLPC News -- it's actually Negroponte
> saying that Sugar should have been run as an application instead of
> the main OS layer/frontend and not Sugar itself as the mistake.)

This is actually very bad FUD.  The original article over-simplifies
what NN said about Sugar, and olpcnews over-amplifies this error.  

> Now everytime there's a piece on OLPC at, it seems 30% of
> the comment traffic is composed of bashing OLPC for caving in to
> Microsoft and Windows.

I guess 30% of /. comments are just about Ranting For Nothing ©.

> In this case, OLPC is not really in bed with MS but is more of
> allowing MS to run Windows on the OLPC the same way users can install
> any software they want on their PCs.
> Am I correct in this assumption?

I can't speak for OLPC but this is also my understanding. 

> I'm sick and tired of the this OLPC-MS FUD (Fear-Uncertainty-Doubt) on
> Slashdot (one of the highest-traffic websites, so high that getting
> linked on the frontpage is like being DDOSed) and it would be great if
> the record on this could be set straight so that the MS FUD inanity on
> Slashdot can be ended as it's destroying the image of OLPC.

I'm sick of it as well, but I think there is nothing to do.

On a bigger scale, there is a problem in over-repeating that OLPC is an
education project while not supporting the software it must run and the
content it must have to truly become an education project.

OLPC now only sells machines and alternative ideas about education, but
the gap between these ideas and the machine is just huge enough so that
traditional habits about ICT in education can look more successful.

Devel mailing list

Re: SocialCalc 0.8.3g version release

2009-06-23 Thread Bastien
Claudia Urrea  writes:

> Congratulation on a great work. I look forward to the localization in
> Spanish.  You will be hearing from me soon!!

And I look forward the translation in french!   I looked into the code,
but wasn't able to find any po/ directory -- hope this will be available

In the meantime, I've uploaded a tiny screencast here:

It doesn't really explore SocialCalc, it just exposes it to the eyes.
But still, some eyes can't *believe* things until they are shown them.

Devel mailing list

Re: Videos of XO 1.5 in Taipei

2009-06-02 Thread Bastien
Or maybe can send its videos to our contact at Dailymotion? 
They can encode it in ogg and make them available for kids at:

Don't hesitate.

""  writes:

> It would be nice if used ogg vorbis.   Is there any way to get the
> videos of XO 1.5 in Taipei, etc. posted in a linux friendly format?   XO users
> are excluded from viewing material about the XO.  Where the FOSS are you!!
> In other words FOSS, use Ogg Vorbis!!

Devel mailing list

Re: Building an OLPC kernel

2009-03-17 Thread Bastien
Guys, please strip olpc-france@ mailing list from english conversations,
this is confusing.


Scott Douglass  writes:

> On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 11:54 +, Rekik Hanen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I found this link and I
>> tried to follow it. But when I run "tar zcvf kern.tar.gz
>> arch/i386/boot/bzImage /lib/modules/$VERS", I got this
>> error "tar: error exit delayed from previous errors".
>> Note that I use ubuntu 8.10 machine.
>> Can anyone help me !!!
>> thanks.
> This page is the best one related to building the OLPC kernel:
> You may find cloning my git repo will be slightly more entertaining
> though:
> git clone git://
> Here you will find various things: a couple of pre-built good OLPC
> kernels (2.6.25 and 2.6.27) for reference, and a simpler way of building
> the kernel RPMS based on the OLPC source. Also some Makefiles for
> building OLPC drivers outside of the kernel source tree, so you can use
> them with Fedora kernels too.
> Ultimately, I intend to port the OLPC kernel changes into a Fedora
> kernel. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] instructions for flashing SoaS on a XO

2009-03-10 Thread Bastien
Walter Bender  writes:

> +1

Maybe "Translation" is not the best choice for naming this page.  
Feel free to modify it.  

I tried to figure out where to put this in the "To Do list" page,  
but couldn't find anything really useful.

> First on the list is the Downloads page itself.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] instructions for flashing SoaS on a XO

2009-03-09 Thread Bastien
Tomeu Vizoso  writes:

> Thanks a lot, have improved a bit the Spanish translation, though help
> is needed to further polish it.

I just added a french translation.  

It would be nice to have a page on the SugarLabs wiki listing the pages
that need to be translated.  Shall I open it? 

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] instructions for flashing SoaS on a XO

2009-03-07 Thread Bastien
Walter Bender  writes:

> I tried it (from Ubuntu instead of F10) and it seems to work
> "flawlessly"!! I've documented what I did in the wiki:

This is nice.  

I'd like to translate this page into french - any way to host a
translation on the SugarLabs wiki?   (Maybe something similar to  
what offered?)


Devel mailing list

Re: XFT emacs rocks on the XO...

2009-02-11 Thread Bastien
Martin Langhoff  writes:

> Getting vim-enhanced takes 22MB more, which is a fair bit for
> something 99.9% of our users won't want or need.


Devel mailing list

Re: wiki.l.o down?

2009-02-06 Thread Bastien
Yes, still down.

Devel mailing list

Re: status of OLPC project

2009-01-25 Thread Bastien
"Martin Langhoff"  writes:

>> just wanted to know who is taking care of what now.
> that's fair enough, but it'll take some time to settle. Maybe post to
> de...@l.o and the sugar devel list and hope whomever is looking after
> component X to answer?

It's now two weeks since that message.  

Anyone volunteering to build such a who's who at OLPC HQ?


Devel mailing list

Re: status of OLPC project

2009-01-25 Thread Bastien
"C. Scott Ananian"  writes:

> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Bastien  wrote:
>> Victor Lazzarini  writes:
>>> [...] In other words, it would be useful to get a who's who for the
>>> project.
>> +1
> Please have some consideration for the recently unemployed.  

(Sorry if my "+1" sounded a bit rough, that was not my intention.)

I hope we can have an exhaustive who's who on the web soon.  Every
single community I know out there uses the web the make everyone know
who does what.  I wish the same can be done with OLPC HQ.


Devel mailing list

Re: status of OLPC project

2009-01-09 Thread Bastien
Victor Lazzarini  writes:

> [...] In other words, it would be useful to get a who's who for the
> project.


Devel mailing list

Re: G1G1 updates, Lennon video and other vids

2008-12-30 Thread Bastien
Yoshiki Ohshima  writes:

>   I like some of the songs, and I don't oppose to progressive art and
> their activities, but I feel it awkward if people treat Lennon as a
> big symbol for practical world changer and not to mention for
> education.)


Too bad OLPC didn't make an animated movie with Socrates using a XO!

Devel mailing list

Re: G1G1 updates, Lennon video and other vids

2008-12-28 Thread Bastien
"Samuel Klein"  writes:

> Has that white-on-black version of the logo appeared anywhere else?

I don't know...

Devel mailing list

Re: G1G1 updates, Lennon video and other vids

2008-12-27 Thread Bastien
"Samuel Klein"  writes:

> The Lennon video that's been murmured about for weeks has been
> released.  I'm curious to see reactions from the list.  

I only like the beginning - flying XOs...  the first attempt for a
forthcoming screensaver "activity"?

For the rest of it, it sounds fake, it's too short, what we see and 
hear is nothing but a distraction from the core message.  Looks like
people have been playing with a beautiful idea, but ended up with a

My favorite so far is Waveplace's one:

Devel mailing list

Re: The new OLPC ads

2008-12-16 Thread Bastien
"Martin Langhoff"  writes:

> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Bastien  wrote:
>> I just assumed the OP did a mistake.
> And it's fun to try to read articles in foreign languages. I tried,
> and half-understood :-) 

Well, I think there is already enough miscommunication around OLPC,
let's not add temptations!  :)

> -- still, everyone mentions the Lennon ad and
> I haven't seen it. They mention  and show the "fast learners" ad but
> no the Lennon ad.
> Anyone's seen it?


Devel mailing list

Re: The new OLPC ads

2008-12-16 Thread Bastien
"Ties Stuij"  writes:

> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Bastien  wrote:
>> Hi Jean,
>> Jean Piché  writes:
>> This article is in french - maybe you better want to send this to the
>> french OLPC mailing list:
> But then the amount of people that understand some french is bigger
> than the amount of people signed up for the olpc-france mailing list
> perhaps. And it's got nothing to do with France. It's in fact a
> Canadian publication. Writing about a 'world-wide' campaign. I'll stop
> now.

Take it easy.

I just assumed the OP did a mistake.  

No matter whether there are more french-speaking readers on devel@ than
on olpc-france@, french articles are more relevant to olpc-france@ than
to de...@.  Especially when the article has nothing to do with xo/sugar


Devel mailing list

Re: The new OLPC ads

2008-12-16 Thread Bastien
Hi Jean,

Jean Piché  writes:


This article is in french - maybe you better want to send this to the
french OLPC mailing list:


Devel mailing list

Someone to take over maintainance of OLPC:News?

2008-12-13 Thread Bastien
Hi all,

I've just updated 

I'm not interested in maintaining this anymore.  
Someone to take over?

PS: the page is way too big and the first job should be to split it and
to make it more readable...


Devel mailing list

Re: Clone a whole dir from ?

2008-12-09 Thread Bastien
Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How about:
>scp -r [EMAIL PROTECTED]/git/activities .
> ? (Or were you saying that you need a real shell on dev?)

Actually, I don't (think I) have a shell on dev. 

Is a shell really required for this?  
If so, I'll ask one to Henry.


Devel mailing list

Clone a whole dir from ?

2008-12-09 Thread Bastien
Hi all,

is there a way to clone a whole directory from git?  E.g. I would like
to clone everything in the /activities/ directory.  How do I do that?


Devel mailing list

Re: spell checking in activities

2008-12-06 Thread Bastien
Hi Carol,

"Carol Farlow Lerche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Please provide the pointers if you would be so kind.  

Will do, when I have it!

> English has too many words that don't follow rules, so if writing were 
> deferred
> until spelling of each word could be perfect, young children would not be able
> to write substantive compositions until later grades.  No doubt other 
> languages
> are taught differently.  

Spell-checking is just a possible feature of a software.  I expect such
a feature will only be useful for certain teaching contexts and methods.

For a given context in which we assume that the feature is relevant,
there are good and bad implementations.  For example, in order to teach
the correct spellings of words to a kid, I think MS-like spell-checkers
are bad.  

As an alternative, I suggest to use a very minimalistic spell-checker,
which will automatically replace typos by the correct spelling when the
replacement is 99% predictable.  Or something along this idea.

(I'm not arguing on how writing should be taught...)

Devel mailing list

Re: spell checking in activities

2008-12-06 Thread Bastien
S Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Bastien wrote:
>> When designing a spell-checker, we should keep in mind that the
>> spell-checker should always suggest correct spellings, and never
>> underline errors.
> I disagree.  I think the standard "red dots" spell checking that AbiWord 
> and Firefox do is extremely useful.

It might seem extremely useful for adults who already know how to spell
words, who only do typos.  But it is misleading for children who *learn*
how to spell; it exposes their memory do the wrong spelling.  If you're
interested, I will try to provide pointers to some cognitive researches.


Devel mailing list

Re: xo activity idea

2008-12-03 Thread Bastien
Yifan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I had an idea for an activity, something like a write activity with a
> constantly updating spell checker that displayed spelling suggestions as you
> typed

When designing a spell-checker, we should keep in mind that the
spell-checker should always suggest correct spellings, and never
underline errors.  In this respect MS Word spell-checker (and a 
few others I tested) is just a disaster: it helps people remember 

Devel mailing list

[100%OT] Graphical challenge for the week-end

2008-10-10 Thread Bastien
Please someone... emulate this within Sugar!

That'd be the best ad campaign for the next G1G1!


Devel mailing list

Re: notes from the field - Mongolia

2008-10-08 Thread Bastien
Mikus Grinbergs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Tagging isn't as much of an issue as being able to save files
>> to a USB key easily.
> I'm trying to think of why a kid would want to save files to a USB 
> key.  Normally, except for off-loading objects to a school 
> repository (a process about which I know nothing), 'files' would be 
> kept at the XO itself, and not on removable storage devices.

Maybe we should not only think in terms of purposes, but also in terms
of causes: what makes children want to save files to USB stick?

What I've seen is that children wants to save to a USB stick because
they are told so by teachers, and teachers wants to save to a USB stick
because they often lost files and are afraid of losing more...

(I've not seen a school server in action, so I cannot discuss whether
saving to a USB looks safer for teachers/children than saving to a USB

Devel mailing list

Re: XO OS name

2008-10-08 Thread Bastien
"Carlos Nazareno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A spinoff from the name Sugar? Before Sugar was spunoff to run on
> other platforms, I think journalists kept calling the XO's OS Sugar.
> Mmm. Sugar-XO?


  -- Bastien (who just agree a short sweet name would do.)
Devel mailing list

Easy USB Install Sugar + g1g1 activities

2008-10-07 Thread Bastien
I've updated my page:

This now uses joyride-2511 and 767.  The G1G1 activities are those
listed on this page:

The script I run to build the zip files uses this directory for G1G1


Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] notes from the field - Mongolia

2008-10-07 Thread Bastien
"Marco Pesenti Gritti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 6:33 PM, Erik Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In my mind the fundamental problem is that users aren't required to
>> fully qualify names for their work.  Doing so seems to lie outside of
>> one of the core points of Sugar's design ("There are no files, folders,
>> or applications." --  Is it
>> conceivable that we could change this feature of the system in future
>> releases to clarify data management on Sugar-running XOs?
> You keep repeating this and it makes no sense. As Eben said we need to
> encourage people to tag and name things. Saying that it's outside the
> Sugar philosophy is nonsense.

I think we could have two modes: the one Sugar currently uses, where no
specific name is required to store a journal entry, and one in which the
user is required to name the journal entry when the activity is storing
it for the first time.  

For example, in the first mode Atl-1 would do a screenshot as it does
right now.  In the second mode Alt-1 would bring up a window querying
for the name of the screenshot.  

Whether users are encouraged or not to actually name and tags things 
on the XO can be influence by such UI features - no?

Devel mailing list

Re: New release8.2 build 764

2008-10-01 Thread Bastien
"C. Scott Ananian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> But it appears that the Help activity (for example) is not listed in
>> these pages.  What URL should I use?
> You should use the URL listed on the [[Activities/G1G1]] page.  The
> data is machine-readable; there is a parser at:
> and the format is described at

Thanks.  IIUC I should use functions in my (customized)
create-customization-key to scrap the HTML page containing activities,
and load them from there - is that right?

Sadly enough, I don't speak python yet, and I don't know how to update
create-customization-key to make it aware of microformats.  

Did anyone take this route?  Or can someone give me some more hints on
how to do this?


Devel mailing list

Re: New release8.2 build 764

2008-09-30 Thread Bastien
"C. Scott Ananian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Do you mean the activities listed here:
> The /8.2 version of the page are the 'stable' versions.  When we get
> into 9.1 development, the [[Activities/G1G1]] page will contain the
> latest 9.1 or development versions, while [[Activities/G1G1/8.2]] will
> only be updated monthly or so, with those activity versions which are
> expected to work well on 8.2.  At the moment, they should be
> identical.

All right, thanks.

I was in the process of updating my scripts to make the USB-ready zip
files contain the G1G1 activities.  To including activities in the
stable and joyride zips, I respectively use these two pages:


But it appears that the Help activity (for example) is not listed in
these pages.  What URL should I use?

Thanks again,

Devel mailing list

Re: What is the URL of the community-created G1G1 Q&A database?

2008-09-29 Thread Bastien
Mel Chua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> (Moving to devel at Wad's request, ccing support-gang as they're likely 
> to know the URL that I'm referring to.)
> Brian (currently at the Rwanda deployment) suggested a knowledgebase for 
> XO troubleshooting - iirc, a knowledgebase was started by a volunteer 
> during the G1G1 last year. It was not a forum, it was not a wiki or a 
> chat... interface-wise, it reminded me a little bit of digg. The front 
> page listed common Q&As on XO usage, and people could post new questions 
> (and answer-responses to said questions). I think that they were 
> ranked/sorted by popularity or maybe some sort of vote.
> This is a terrible description, but does anybody know the URL of what 
> I'm talking about? See below thread for more context. Feedback on how it 
> worked and how v.2.0 could be improved (and whether such a thing would 
> actually be most useful - maybe there's a better solution) would be 
> great as well.

Maybe something like Stack Overflow?

Or maybe tags could group XO|Sugar-related questions on Stack Overflow?

Devel mailing list

Re: New release8.2 build 764

2008-09-26 Thread Bastien
"C. Scott Ananian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Please ensure that your activities and content list matches
> [[Activities/G1G1]].  

Do you mean the activities listed here:


Devel mailing list

Re: New release8.2 build 764

2008-09-25 Thread Bastien
Build Announcer v2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Changes in build 764 from build: 763

To download and install it through USB:

Devel mailing list

Re: Expected date for 8.2.0

2008-09-10 Thread Bastien
Chris Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Also, what happened to the white circle around the network circle in
> the Neighborhood to indicate which was connected?  I liked that visual
> confirmation.  


Devel mailing list

Re: AC not present?

2008-09-08 Thread Bastien
Bert Freudenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, even spelling it "external power required" is better than the  
> cryptic "AC not present".


Devel mailing list

Re: How did the testing go on 8.2-757?

2008-09-04 Thread Bastien
"Martin Langhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks for your feedback. As of today, please use 759, which was just
>> published. (It hasn't been fully smoke tested yet so I'm not ready to
>> send it out to the wide world, but I'm pretty sure it's going to pass.)
> Good hint! We'll use 759 then.

I've juste updated the easy-usb-install page:

 current stable: os711
current testing: 8.2-759
current joyride: jr2388

Devel mailing list

Re: [Techteam] Weekend Report - due today

2008-09-03 Thread Bastien
Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The first point seems solvable if they just install Java afterwards. 
> Then we don't need to worry about licenses. Its a big install but 
> probably not a deal breaker. The performance may be challenging but 
> again I think we can make it fit.

(Several persons in the learning team are interested in knowing how a
Sugar XO can effectively run java-based applications... I expect this
will be way too slow but I'd love to be wrong.)

> I'm not sure what free but not open source means. 

It generally means that it's free of charge, not free of use.  
Use = study, modify, redistribute, redistribute modified versions.

> [...]

> The pedagogical specialists here tell me that concept maps are pretty
> hot in education right now. They also pointed me to a commercial tool
> which some schools use:
> Does anyone know of an open source solution in this area?

Freemind comes to my mind (because it also runs on wikkawiki
plat-forms), but there are a few others:

Online (not FLOSS) tools:

All this being really too sparkling for my old-fashioned linear
shabby brain.

Devel mailing list

Re: AC not present?

2008-09-01 Thread Bastien
"Martin Langhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> n Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> | AC not present
> Plug it to power to complete the firmware upgrade step...

AArghh!  Thanks.  For me "AC/DC" has never meant anything else
than classical music.

Devel mailing list

AC not present?

2008-09-01 Thread Bastien
Hi all,

I just upgraded a XO from 656 to 711 using a USB key ( +
os711.img + G1G1 activity pack).  The upgrade went fine but the 
computer won't boot and bites like that:

| Got firmware version: CL1 Q2E12 Q2E
| Checking integrity...
| Updating firmware
| AC not present

Any help would be *much* appreciated as I promised to send this
computer to a professional translator for reviewing the kreyol 


Devel mailing list

Clock activity? Activities about time?

2008-09-01 Thread Bastien
Dear Chocolate Frosted Sugar Geeks,

is there a Sugar activity displaying a simple clock?

What activities can be used to teach things about time?  (seconds,
minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries...)

Is there a simple calendar activity?  Can we manipulate the earth 
and visualize earth enlightenment depending on the position and the
hour of the day?

Any hint welcome.  Thanks!

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Survey of activity authors

2008-09-01 Thread Bastien
"Morgan Collett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> It would also help if there were a compendium of contact information
>> available.  As it is, one has to search in the Activity's wiki page. [For
>> instance, what is the address of the Map activity maintainer?]
> In the interests of not increasing their unsolicited mail, I'll
> refrain from posting my list of email addresses on the wiki, but this
> is a good point: it was not a trivial exercise to get the addresses
> together.

I still don't understand why it is so hard to have the contact addresses
directly in the git page of each activity.  If I were to collaborate to
a project, this is the place were I would go.

> I'll work on an expanded list of recommendations including a better
> way to publish contact details for activities.
> We still need a decent activity portal. I know a couple of people have
> looked at the codebase behind, but that didn't get
> far yet.


We are holding a development week-end in mid-november in France, and if
there is no such portal we may as well develop our.

Devel mailing list

Re: New joyride build

2008-08-29 Thread Bastien
Bert Freudenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't know what's wrong with rwh's announcer, but joyride builds are  
> working again:

And I've updated the easy-usb-install page:

  stable: build 711
  latest: Joyride 2364
  *test*: 8.2-757

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] #8041 HIGH 9.1.0: Sugar lacks a "Trash/Recycle bin" system

2008-08-20 Thread Bastien
"Eben Eliason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The issue of deletion confirmation is covered under ticket
>  I flagged it as blocks?:8.2.0, but
> I don't think it is going to be nominated as a blocker at this point
> unless there is a strong push for it.  

I'm not fond of confirmation alerts, no problem if this is not in 8.2.0!

> This is, at least for now, independent of the "trash can issue"
> itself.

To me it's not completely independant: a trashbin (or an equivalent)
feature) functions as a virtual confirmation system.  I think having 
a trashbin somehow spares the cost of confirmation alerts.

> The Journal should be following a
> lazy-deletion strategy, making it really no different from the trash
> can you speak of.  

Ok, fair enough

> The only difference is how the "erased but not yet
> truly gone" files get represented to the user.

Yes, that the difference I'm interested in :)

> I do recognize this.  The one detail we could add to potentially solve
> this argument is a button which turns on/off visibility of erased
> entries.  

Let me guess: this button is usually what the trashbin icon does?

> That is, a button which basically shows and hides "trashed
> files" by toggling their visibility inline within the Journal, in
> addition to  a way to view only those files as well.

Ok, good.  The  button itself would be visible.  The trashed files
wouldn't be visible until the button pressed.  When the button is
pressed, only trashed entries are listed.

> 3. Lazy-erased: file stored locally on the XO, but rendered
> differently to indicate "transient" state

Ok, great - for me lazy-erased files should not be displayed unless the
trashbin button is pressed (in which case only trashed files are listed.
Sorry to repeat myself...)

> If we want, we can be a bit more clever about which cases require
> deletion confirmation (based upon whether or not the action results in
> a recoverable state), but we could simply ask for confirmation all the
> time for consistency.  Or, never.

Never :)  (never as a default - maybe this could be customisable.)

If the default is to rely on confirmation, this will not encourage users
to lazy-erase their files.  With no backup system, it's becomes more
important to encourage them to be selective about what they keep,
encouraging regular cleaning up.

> I hope this clarifies my position on this subject a bit, and paints a
> picture which is really just a different perspective on the usual
> "trash can" metaphor, rather than an abandonment of it.

Ok, great - things are very clear now.

Can't wait for it to be implemented :)

Devel mailing list

Re: #8041 HIGH 9.1.0: Sugar lacks a "Trash/Recycle bin" system

2008-08-20 Thread Bastien

> a data management UI must make these sorts of choices transparent
> and easy.

Agreed.  My concern is about low-tech environments: no XS, no USB keys,
very little care about versioning. Then the trashbin seems rather useful
in forcing the user to delete stuff safely. 

Devel mailing list

Re: #8041 HIGH 9.1.0: Sugar lacks a "Trash/Recycle bin" system

2008-08-20 Thread Bastien

> does the journal have a similar way of marking entries
> as "feel free to delete this if i need the space"?  i think
> giving it hints as to what's expendable would be important.

That'd be better than no trashbin, but "feel free to delete this if I
need the space" sounds too abstract to me: it involves hypotheses on
possible situations, which the user don't really want to make.

With a trashbin, there is no such hypotheses, just simple actions:

- delete (put in the bin)

- recover (fetch from the bin)

- click "yes" when prompted whether it's safe to delete everything in
  the trashbin (the system decides under which conditions this happens)

This actions are accessible to the user in circumstances that the system
decides.  The user has not to consider what are the possible circumstances
under which she wants the system to take some possible actions.

Again, I know that the new design of the next Journal will make it
possible to emulate these actions (tick-to-make-expirable, untick,
say-yes-when-prompted-for-deletion), but I'm not sure whether the UI
itself will make the user *want* (or feel the need) to delete stuff.

You only want to clean your desk and put stuff in your drawer when you
actually have a drawer :)

>  > >  - no old-and-backed-up files we can safely remove? Prompt the user
> prompt the user, interrupting whatever they were trying to get
> done?  that seems less than optimal.  if my current UI-of-choice
> implemented "disk full" this way, i would have long
> ago created personal mechanisms help me organize my work into
> "very important, must save", "would be nice to keep, but i can
> recreate it if i want", and "don't really need it, but i won't
> throw it away until necessary".

That makes a lot of choices.  

At least for me, I like when organization emerges from the use of simple
actions afforded by the UI, rather than having an UI that asks me to get
a bit more organized.  Then I feel too guilty!

My 2cts

Devel mailing list

Re: #8041 HIGH 9.1.0: Sugar lacks a "Trash/Recycle bin" system

2008-08-19 Thread Bastien
"Martin Langhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> But my point was that, at the moment, you can choose to "Erase" an item, and
>>> it's gone forever. I expect that many kids will do this, and will at some 
>>> point
>>> regret erasing some item.
>> Yes.  This is a request that has been made here in Haïti.
> AFAIK, the plan is to *discourage* deletion until the disk is getting
> full. When you are getting to disk-full, "trashcan" doesn't help.

Yes it does: it contains entries that the system can safely delete
without forcing the user to go thru the entries and sort them out on 
the fly.

People now want deletion because the Journal is not optimal.  They want
deletion to sort out entries in the Joural and get rid of unfinished or
useless entries.  With too many entries, the (current 703/708) Journal
becomes unusable.

They will eventually forget a bit about the trashbin when the Journal
will get better.  But even with a nicer Journal, the trashbin might
still serve the purpose described above.

> When you are running out off disk space, we have two cases:
>  - ds-backup has been doing its job, there's a copy of the files in
> the XS, so the journal has old-and-backed-up files that it can decide
> to rm

I'm afraid XS servers won't be of use in *many* schools.

>  - no old-and-backed-up files we can safely remove? Prompt the user

I'm curious whether someone did this job of being prompted.  
How long does it take?  If you can't remember what a file contains,
checking if it's safe to delete it by trying to reopen it might be

The whole idea of a trashbin has its limitation, but so does our brain! 

Devel mailing list

Re: #8041 HIGH 9.1.0: Sugar lacks a "Trash/Recycle bin" system

2008-08-19 Thread Bastien
"Eduardo Heleno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> But my point was that, at the moment, you can choose to "Erase" an item, and
> it's gone forever. I expect that many kids will do this, and will at some 
> point
> regret erasing some item.

Yes.  This is a request that has been made here in Haïti.

I'm not convinced myself, because I think the design of the (next)
Journal is neat, and the concept of a trashbin too MS-ish/clumsy. 

The only thing I find it useful for: send visual affordance to the 
user so that he *wants* to trash things (in a safe way) rather than
obeying the system when she's forced to delete stuff on a full disk.

Devel mailing list

Sugar: USB install for dummies

2008-08-17 Thread Bastien
Trying to make it easier for everyone to install the latest joyride and
the latest activities on the XO from a USB drive, I've set up this page:

You can either download a zip containing sugar-stable (currently 708)
and the latest G1G1 activities, or a zip containing the sugar-joyride
(currently 2301) and all the latest activities.  

In either case, you can chose the standard or the clean install.

As I don't have bandwidth here, I cannot check that the install runs
fine.  As I'm one of the dummies I've been setting this page for, I
cannot check that all my instructions are perfectly appropriate.

If anyone could send me feedback on these two points, I'd be very

I will update this zip archives every week.

Hope this helps,

Devel mailing list

Re: Project Management Tools meeting in #olpc

2008-08-16 Thread Bastien
Sameer Verma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sorry, but I couldn't make it. Meeting conflict on campus. Does anyone
> have notes/irc logs?

Here is what I have:

[18:03]*** You have joined channel #olpc

   *** Topic for #olpc: Web support: | IRC
   support: #olpc-help | Deployment: | GUI,
   activities: #sugar | Content: #olpc-content

   *** #olpc: topic set by neuralis, 05:44:05 2008/02/04

   *** Users on #olpc: bz_g jdub johnf garycmartin nessy dsaxena
   wcohen_ CanoeBerry Hiro2 greebo ivazquez Lerc_tablet webar7
   Sargun homunq eightdot reynaldo_ J5 faw xuxa nteon behdad
   isforinsects scorche|sh unmadindu hpachas-PE rgs_ joern aa
   pschulz01 rennj kfm82 Neskaya nullwork nullman pepe__ nealmcb
   xobot mether Kevin` dermoth _sj_ Renault mstrobert dwmw2
   blisto1 lars zmedico _bernie philipl paulproteus sjoerd RP
   cjb tarbo_ toi mako eMBee blistov svu araujo

   *** Users on #olpc: h01ger Robot101 bluehole clajo04_ bluefoxicy
   Ian_Daniher_ keithy bbs mpr scorche par gnu{- xjjk jwhite pgf
   christel fragalot mburns saigo mtd YChao_ pepse dogmeat
   kristian-m dirkx_logon sm|CPU bigeasy lkundrak ThomasWaldmann
   danjared [knurds]adc fche cassidy Zdra coderanger orospakr
   besonen_mobile__ smithbone m_stone IDoNotKnow ffm|sh shenki
   PecisDarbs nickr tglx Blaketh Lerc bdale nrp erikg
   summatusmentis dgilmore 

   *** #olpc modes: +tnc

   *** #olpc was created on dimanche 2006/11/26 01:42:47

good morning/evening jdub

hi all

hi :)

[18:04] garycmartin, I'm not ignoring your last email re
   SOM's, I just haven't had time to parse the health stuff.

hi johnf, nessy

isforinsects: no worry, it's a busy timejust nowfor
   all I'm sure!

let's start, isforinsects do you want to run it or me?

[18:05] isforinsects: excuse my missing spaces, you can
   guess mt HW :-)

You know more about the requirements than me.

   <_sj_> hiya greebo

_sj_, heya!


[18:06] ok, how about we start with briefly isforinsects or _sj_
   recapping what hq are trying to do, then we can touch base on
   what we are tring to achieve and go from there?

[18:07] Let's have _sj_ recap, I don't know most/any of
   the details of projectdb

[18:08] isforinsects, I mean more about a recap on what hq are
trying to do with getting consistency of what the regions are

let's talk about projectdb after we have a clear picture
   of what everyone wants :)

[18:10]<_sj_> sure

[18:11]<_sj_> olpc wants to provide a steady stream of hardware to
  contributors, esp. developers

   <_sj_> including XOs and active antennas

and serial adapters

   <_sj_> and to hand off the process of identifying good
   projects/conributors to the community

   *** jrb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined
   channel #olpc

   *** dwmw2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is now known as

[18:12]<_sj_> the current projectdb is too opaque

   <_sj_> it was set up to catch personal data from contributors

   <_sj_> but most of the project-definition process, including
   reviews and suggestions about where to get hardware

   <_sj_> (your local community SIG, another person at your
   institution, a national chapter, via the contributors program)

[18:13]<_sj_> happens before personal data is needed, and can/should be

   <_sj_> a larger-scope projectsharing program to help people
   announce projects, find collaborators, and work on
   testing/outreach/development with others

   <_sj_> is related to this data (and sounds closely related to
   what you have in mind, pia)

[18:14]<_sj_> currently we have this set of db scripts that maintains
   submissions from, but the code is hard to hack
   on and stored on

   <_sj_> hard as in -- you have to send a privkey to one of the two
   machine maintainers, who are busy...

   <_sj_> it hasn't seen many people hack on it, mainly c. hager and
   a. kaplan to date

[18:15] because it is so hard to find to hack on :)

   <_sj_> its other main prupose is to produce neat xml exports (and
   import shipping updates from brightstar once they confirm

   <_sj_> so that we have a better-ordered set of email alerts as
   the process of getting hardware proceeds

[18:16]<_sj_> right now we have to confirm manually that machines have
   gone out, and that they've arrived; all of which should be
   scriptable (b* provides in the end the tracking #, fedex and ups
   provide scrapable data about shipment status on their websites)(

   <_sj_> an ope

Re: joyride images for downloading and installing them with a USB key

2008-08-14 Thread Bastien
Chris Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
>> Hi list, where can I find images of the latest joyride for
>> installing it with a USB key?  Something similar to these images:

Anything under this directory is now emtpy:

2302 is not empty, but 2303 is since midday.  Something wrong?  

Devel mailing list

Re: joyride images for downloading and installing them with a USB key

2008-08-12 Thread Bastien
Daniel Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 16:31 -0500, Bastien wrote:
>> Shouldn't I use jffs2 instead?
> If flashing to XO nand, yes.
> If booting from USB/SD, no.

All right, thanks.

>> What is os2090.usb?  Is it a standalone USB distribution of both the
>> system and the activity bundle?  Is this _what_ I'm looking for??
> This is for the "olpc-update --usb" upgrade method. Not sure if that's
> what you're looking for or not.

That wasn't, but I will test this method.  

What about the file?  Is it safe to use an old one?

Devel mailing list

Re: joyride images for downloading and installing them with a USB key

2008-08-12 Thread Bastien
Chris Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Hi list, where can I find images of the latest joyride for
>> installing it with a USB key?  Something similar to these images:

Shouldn't I use jffs2 instead?

What is os2090.usb?  Is it a standalone USB distribution of both the
system and the activity bundle?  Is this _what_ I'm looking for??

If I don't use os2090.usb maybe I can just go with os2090.img -- fine.
But what about  Is it safe to use the old (708) one?

> (It would be great if you could add this to the place you think it
> should be in the wiki, thanks!)

I will as soon as I'm sure where to put what... 

Thanks again!

Devel mailing list

Re: joyride images for downloading and installing them with a USB key

2008-08-12 Thread Bastien
Daniel Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 15:59 -0500, Bastien wrote:
>> I've been visiting these pages without luck:
> Follow the 'Build downloads' link
> This also has good pointers to joyride installation:


Devel mailing list

joyride images for downloading and installing them with a USB key

2008-08-12 Thread Bastien
Hi list,

where can I find images of the latest joyride for installing it with 
a USB key?  Something similar to these images:

... but for joyride. 

For now I've only been installing joyride thru olpc-upgrade, but
some XOs here don't have good internet access.

I've been visiting these pages without luck:

Thanks guys!

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Question about clipboard service

2008-08-06 Thread Bastien
"Eben Eliason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> When the activities will re-open in the same shared-state they were when
>> closed, it might be very useful have a function to let A and B check for
>> diffs and merge their two versions - without doing manually.
> It still sounds like a decent step forward to me, even without
> automatic merge assistance.

Yes, it is, and the step-by-step receipe you provided is very useful.
I'll but this on the (informal) FAQ I maintain for haitian deployment.

> We should probably come back to it once we actually have the rest of
> the collaboration details taken care of.  We don't want to complicate
> things until that works predictably.

Fair enough!


Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Question about clipboard service

2008-08-06 Thread Bastien
"Eben Eliason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Can you walk me through the steps needed for that? e.g. one kid starts an
>> activity then shares it, each other kid opens the activity and joins (or
>> opens their own work?), then ???. How do they get their own work on the
>> clipboard and how do they add it to the shared activity?
> Step by step. I limit the example to 2 kids for simplicity; the method
> scales naturally.
> 1. Kid A starts an activity
> 2. Kid A shares the activity
> 3. Kid B joins the activity
> 4. Kids A and B collaborate (synchronously) in the activity
> 5. Kids A and B go home
> 6. Either kid A, kid B, or both work in the activity (asynchronously)
> 7. Kids A and B come back to school
> 8. Kid A opens his version of the activity*
> 9. Kid B joins A's version of the activity
> 10. Kid B opens his own version of the activity**
> 11. Kid B copies part of his own version to the clipboard
> 12. Kid B pastes that clipping into A's version of the activity

About step 11: how B is to know what part of his own version he has to
copy to the clipboard?  Is this by comparing A's version with it's own?  

When the activities will re-open in the same shared-state they were when
closed, it might be very useful have a function to let A and B check for
diffs and merge their two versions - without doing manually.

There might be an "easy-merge" mode where conflicting changes are just
ignored, and an advanced mode where A and B can resolve the conflicts.

Devel mailing list

Re: The tedium of erasing journal entries

2008-08-03 Thread Bastien
There could be a default (favorite) filter for the journal entries.  
I'd suggest something based on time: the more recent the entry, the 
more likely it's you want to resume it.
Such a notion would also nicely combine with the notion of favs in 
the home view.  And maybe it's not that hard to implement?

Devel mailing list

Re: The tedium of erasing journal entries

2008-08-03 Thread Bastien
Aaron Konstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Unless I have missed something that is a very tedious task to lay on
> someone using the current GUI interface for erasing journal entries.

In latest joyrides, is there a way to "select all" entries?  (C-a)

This would be useful not only for deleting, but also for copying entries
on the clipboard or on the USB key.

> Journal entries are added at a steady rate but their removal is a
> tedious "one at a time process". I can't imagine child taking the time
> to keep these entries erased routinely. Another erasure method is
> needed.

Yeah.  Adults won't do it neither, unless they get paid for that :)

Devel mailing list

Framework for managing the activities (=> symfony project)

2008-08-03 Thread Bastien
Sébastien Adgnot just pointed me out that the guys behind the symfony
project have developed a plugin management framework for they own needs:

The structure looks pretty neat, and maybe something like that could be
useful on top of the git page for the activities.


Devel mailing list

[sugar] Proposal: Activity developers mailing list)

2008-08-03 Thread Bastien
"Martin Langhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> FWIW, Sugar + activities are still somewhat tightly coupled, as Sugar
> and the underlying OS API are changing. As long as that is true, to
> maintain an activity to a good standard, you have to keep an eye on
> devel@ and/or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> My rule of thumb is to try and keep people together -- recommending
> filters sometimes -- until the traffic gets so heavy *and* a distinct
> subcommunity can be split off. IMHO neither is true here (yet!).

(Fair enough.  In any case, my awareness about Sugar and the activities
development is not strong enough to dispute about the relevance of such
a list -- 'was just dropping a few opinions.)

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Proposal: Activity developers mailing list

2008-08-03 Thread Bastien
Another simplement argument: this will be clearer for users to know
where to send feedback.  If you have a question about a particular
activity, ask on the activity list.  For other questions ask on the 
Sugar list.

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Proposal: Activity developers mailing list

2008-08-02 Thread Bastien
Let's say that the list will be used for:

- announce new activities
- announce changes in ownership
- check for dead/agonizing/orphaned activities
- discuss API and dependancies issues
- ...

I think there are many reasons to get such a list.

"Albert Cahalan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If the list were moderated, to be used ONLY for announcements
> of things that break the API/ABI, then there could be some value.
> In that case, you'd need to split up Python and non-Python.
> Like this:
> There could also be a list to announce new activities.

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Proposal: Activity developers mailing list

2008-08-02 Thread Bastien
Shikhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> My only question is whether this should be or
>> Please comment, or I will make it the latter by
>> default.
> I think the latter makes sense, activities are meant to work with Sugar 
> and not the XO in particular.


Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] specifying what services Activities may use

2008-08-01 Thread Bastien
Erik Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Maybe what I'm suggesting boils down to integrate this core activities
>> in the environment so that people installing Sugar won't have to install
>> them separatly.  Just the same way that installing a standard Fedora
>> will install Gnome (will install evolution (etc...)).
> What I'm suggesting is that this step requires global optimization wrt
> which activities are 'core'.  This is difficult, as various deployments
> have different usage patterns and require different sets of software.

Yes, I understand this, but it's quite reasonable to assume that each
deployment will like the list of activities that is listed in the Core
category (cf.

> I have often built debian systems using debootstrap to pull in the most
> minimal typically used system components.  On top of such a system
> customization is easy.  I am suggesting that we may wish to develop a
> similar system so that our downstream developers can have more
> flexibility in customizing their systems.  Activites could be Sugar-core
> and not XO-system core.


We could have something like:

  ~$ apt-get install sugar
 => Install Sugar with a default set of activities
  ~$ apt-get install sugar-extra-activities
 => Install a set of extra activities
  ~$ apt-get install sugar-nepal-activities
 => Install a specific bundle with extra activities
If Sugar installation takes this route, then there is something else
that has to be defined: the default "favorite" activities.  Each deb
package above should define the default set of favs.  And maybe there
could be a way of importing someone's favs easily, whatever the extra
package people installed.

My 2 cents...

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] specifying what services Activities may use

2008-08-01 Thread Bastien
Erik Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 12:40:39AM +0200, Bastien wrote:
>> It's not that important anyway.  It just occurred to me that the
>> dependancies management challenge could be somehow dealt with by
>> delivering a set of default activities.  I'm not aware of any 
>> software distribution drawing such a strong line between the 
>> "core system" and the applications/activities.
> We have been managing the dependency issue by ensuring that the 'core'
> activities required for a given build all work on the system-level
> software packages we include.  

What is the set of "core activities"?  how does this depend on a "given

Maybe what I'm suggesting boils down to integrate this core activities
in the environment so that people installing Sugar won't have to install
them separatly.  Just the same way that installing a standard Fedora
will install Gnome (will install evolution (etc...)).

Devel mailing list

Re: Congratulations! but Sugar sucks

2008-07-31 Thread Bastien
Let me try to prioritize this list, from what I've experienced in the
field (Haïti):

"Benjamin M. Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1. The datastore
> 2. OS Updates
> 3. File Sharing
> 4. Activity Modification
> 5. Bitfrost
> 6. Power management

I'd reorder this into:

1. Power management
2. OS Updates
3. The datastore
4. File Sharing
5. Bitfrost
6. Activity Modification

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Remarks on the Work of Sugar (kid contributions)

2008-07-31 Thread Bastien
John Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> you can't just "share a file", you have to share an "activity", ...


Idea for a new activity: Candy Bag.  You open a bag (i.e. you launch the
CandyBag activity), then you put journal entries in it, then sharing
this activity means that your friends can grab a candy in your bag.

> If we want the kids who *love* their machines to come to *know* and
> *evolve* their machines, there's a lot more work to be done.  

Let's not lose the focus of making the *teachers* love the machines.
And let's don't see children as small "hackus homunculus"!  :)

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Remarks on the Work of Sugar

2008-07-31 Thread Bastien
Any follow-up on the idea of having a precise list of maintainers for
all Sugar activities?  Even just the email address from the git repo
would be nice.


Simon Schampijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What I find interesting is that as well areas where contributions are
> quite easy to do (Activities) have really stagnated. At the moment we
> lack maintainers for most of them. Browse, Pippy, Chat, Terminal and
> Etoys are well covered because they are maintained by core people.

Devel mailing list

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