Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-02-08 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-01-31 13:59:06 +, Robert M. Münch said:

I like CTFE and the meta programming idea for languages like D.

However, I'm wondering why most (everyone?) is trying to do 
meta-programming using the same language as the one getting compiled. 
IMO the use-cases a pretty different and doing CTFE, code-generation 
etc. needs some other approach. If you look at all the strange template 
syntax, strange hacks etc. it's all far from being obvious.

Why not have a CTL (compile-time-language) that has access to some 
compiler internals, that follows a more functional concept? We are 
evaluating sequences of things to generate code, include / exclude code 

From my experience with the different approaches, functional thinking 
is much better suited and simpler to use for CTFE goals.

IMO that would really be a big step ahead. Because you know a hammer, 
not everything is a nail...

Here is a link where these guys mix Lua and their 
compiled language, to achieve what I was thinking about in the same 

"In this use-case, Lua serves as a powerful meta-programming language. 
You can think of it as a replacement for C++ template metaprogramming3 
or C preprocessor X-Macros4 with better syntax and nicer properties 
such as hygiene5."

Maybe this better explains, where I think it makes sense to seperate 
the two levels: language for the buidling-step, and language for the 
actual solution.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-02-02 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-02-02 08:39:34 +, deadalnix said:

That is definitely true that the compile time API is kind of screwy. 
That's definitively not you. I think the best path forward at this 
stage is to provide nice API as a library on top of it.

And if we do this, it's only a small step to add a functional layer to 
deal with this API where I can chain tranformations to generate my code.

My point to discuss was, that I think the combination "compile time 
API" + "compile time suited language" is something different than the 
road currently followed.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-02-02 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d

On 02.02.2016 09:27, Robert M. Münch wrote:



enum A {afoo, bfoo, cfoo};

(Aside: In D no semicolon is needed here.)

string generateEnums(T...)(string type){
string code = "enum " ~ type ~ " {";

// this is a static foreach (compile time)
foreach(m; T){
  debug pragma(msg, m ~ ","); // check what code we get at compile time
  code ~= m ~ ",";

return(code ~ "}");

(Aside: Those parentheses are misleading. return is not a function.)


int main(){


B switch_var_b = chomp(user_input).to!B; // get rid of terminating



<== END

I'm not saying that everything is perfect as it is, but that code can be 
made nicer with what we have right now:

template generateEnums(string[] members)
// 'join' variant:
import std.array: join;
mixin("enum generateEnums {" ~ members.join(",") ~ "}");

// 'format' variant:
// import std.format;
// mixin(format(q{ enum generateEnums {%-(%s, %)} }, members));

void main()
alias B = generateEnums!([members1]);
B switch_var_b = chomp(readln()).to!B;
/* ... */

How about being able to write something like "ensure_final_switch B;"
and have this call a CTF that generates the necessary code and has
access to tool for building D structured code, AST etc.? And has a
compile-time state I can later access in a upcoming CTF.

So you're asking for AST macros, I suppose. There are two DIPs for them: - AST Macros - AST Macros Lite

I don't know where they stand, as I'm not really interested in the whole 
thing, but maybe one of those matches your vision.

If that's not what you have in mind, please be more concrete about what 
you think of. Maybe show some pseudo code showing how you'd like to be 
able to solve the example of generating enums.

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-02-02 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 2 February 2016 at 08:31:07 UTC, Robert M. Münch 
No, my point is that CTFE and meta-programming seems to be much 
simpler and powerful if I can use a more functional programming 
approach for it. Working with powerful lists and data = code 
and code = data concept would simplify this.

Ultimately a restricted deductive programming language would be 
the better option. There is no need for compile time evaluation 
to be turing complete; after all, you want the compiler to finish 
within a fixed time limit.

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-02-02 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 2 February 2016 at 08:34:38 UTC, Robert M. Münch 

On 2016-02-01 08:15:11 +, deadalnix said:

I'm not sure what is preventing you from doing that already. 
There is compile time reflection (has access to some compiler 
internals) and D support functional style. Unless you have 
some specific in mind, I don't think there is anything we can 
do to help here. t seems you already have the pieces you want.

See my other example. Yes, maybe I can do everything already, 
but it's not straightforward. I have to fiddle around a lot to 
get it to work.

Of course that can be my incompetence with CTFE. However, my 
experience and intuition is that what I would like to use CTFE 
for (code-generation depending on some other parts of the code 
like enums, presence of member functions, etc.) can be done 
much simpler than at the moment.

That is definitely true that the compile time API is kind of 
screwy. That's definitively not you. I think the best path 
forward at this stage is to provide nice API as a library on top 
of it.

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-02-02 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-02-01 08:15:11 +, deadalnix said:

I'm not sure what is preventing you from doing that already. There is 
compile time reflection (has access to some compiler internals) and D 
support functional style. Unless you have some specific in mind, I 
don't think there is anything we can do to help here. t seems you 
already have the pieces you want.

See my other example. Yes, maybe I can do everything already, but it's 
not straightforward. I have to fiddle around a lot to get it to work.

Of course that can be my incompetence with CTFE. However, my experience 
and intuition is that what I would like to use CTFE for 
(code-generation depending on some other parts of the code like enums, 
presence of member functions, etc.) can be done much simpler than at 
the moment.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-02-02 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-01-31 15:31:59 +, anonymous said:

You're conflating CTFE with the other meta programming tools here. CTFE 
is the same language as run-time D, but it doesn't have strange 
template syntax. Templates, static if, __traits, etc. have strange 
syntax, but they're sort of a different language already.

See my example in the other post. IMO what I want to achieve is a very 
simple example but the implementation I came up with is far from being 

Are you maybe wishing for a nicer alternative to templates, etc?

No, my point is that CTFE and meta-programming seems to be much simpler 
and powerful if I can use a more functional programming approach for 
it. Working with powerful lists and data = code and code = data concept 
would simplify this.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-02-02 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-01-31 14:35:13 +, cym13 said:

I see things differently. First of all I don't see everyone trying
to do meta-programming with the same language. C++ for example has
a quite specific syntax between its arcane templates and the

Well, ok, maybe a "using the same concepts as the underlaying language" 
might hit it better.

I see having the same language as a *huge* advantage. If a function
doesn't have side effects then it can be used at runtime or at
compile-time and integrated with your logic easily.

The thing I mean is not that you shouldn't be able to reference or use 
things from the "target language" but how to write down what you want 
to do. 

Code generation by building strings using the D operators for example 
is something I think is not very elegant. If I could use a list and 
build it up without having to care about the code / data difference, 
that would simplify things a lot.

Imagine we could use Lua during compile time and have access to the AST etc.

D's metaprogramming success is IMHO directly linked to it not having
a separate language for it, because it lowers the cost of learning
and using metaprogramming.

But limits you to a subset that doesn't feel very natural for doing a 
lot of common things in code-generation.

It's saying "metaprogramming isn't different from any other kind of 
programming, you can use the same tools".

Yes, and I don't think this statement holds. It's very different 
because the goal is totally different. I need a tool that allows me to 
manipulate my underlying code during compilation. The main aspect is: 
Manipulate D code.

Why not have a CTL (compile-time-language) that has access to some 
compiler internals, that follows a more functional concept? We are 
evaluating sequences of things to generate code, include / exclude code 

Having access to some compiler internals is already what is done, or I 
don't understand exactly what you mean by that.

Sure, but the question is how do to deal with it. IMO it's not very 
straight forward at the moment.

I think you should put some sort of example of how you'd want it,
because right now I don't understand. D has some nice functional
tools and they already show their strength at compile-time.

Ok, here is a simple example: I want to ensure that specific switch 
statements handle all cases for a given enum, list, etc. This is a 
common pattern and often a source of problems because you change a 
collection but miss to update all side-effecting places.

This is an example how I have done it (maybe there is a much better way 
to do it, but I didn't come up with one):


import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.traits;

// @@example code should work with classes as well
enum A {afoo, bfoo, cfoo};

enum members1 = __traits(allMembers, A); // returns TypeTuple
auto members2 = __traits(allMembers, A);

pragma(msg, typeof(members1));
// pragma(msg, typeid(members1)); // run-time only
// static assert(is(members1 : enum)); // Error: basic type expected, not enu

pragma(msg, typeof(members2));
// pragma(msg, typeid(members2)); // run-time only

// function that generates a string which is used as a mixin at compile time
// result string must conform to syntax as it was hand-written code
string generateEnums(T...)(string type){
   string code = "enum " ~ type ~ " {";

   // this is a static foreach (compile time)
   foreach(m; T){
 debug pragma(msg, m ~ ","); // check what code we get at compile time
 code ~= m ~ ",";

   return(code ~ "}");

int main(){
   A switch_var_a;
   final switch(switch_var_a){
 case A.afoo:
 case A.bfoo:
 case A.cfoo:

   string user_input = readln();

   B switch_var_b = chomp(user_input).to!B; // get rid of terminating chars

   final switch (switch_var_b) {
 case B.afoo:
 case B.bfoo: // if commeted will cause a compiler error
 case B.cfoo: {writeln("c");}


<== END

How about being able to write something like "ensure_final_switch B;" 
and have this call a CTF that generates the necessary code and has 
access to tool for building D structured code, AST etc.? And has a 
compile-time state I can later access in a upcoming CTF.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-02-01 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 31 January 2016 at 13:59:06 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:

I like CTFE and the meta programming idea for languages like D.

However, I'm wondering why most (everyone?) is trying to do 
meta-programming using the same language as the one getting 
compiled. IMO the use-cases a pretty different and doing CTFE, 
code-generation etc. needs some other approach. If you look at 
all the strange template syntax, strange hacks etc. it's all 
far from being obvious.

Why not have a CTL (compile-time-language) that has access to 
some compiler internals, that follows a more functional 
concept? We are evaluating sequences of things to generate 
code, include / exclude code etc.

From my experience with the different approaches, functional 
thinking is much better suited and simpler to use for CTFE 

IMO that would really be a big step ahead. Because you know a 
hammer, not everything is a nail...

I'm not sure what is preventing you from doing that already. 
There is compile time reflection (has access to some compiler 
internals) and D support functional style.

Unless you have some specific in mind, I don't think there is 
anything we can do to help here. t seems you already have the 
pieces you want.

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-01-31 Thread cym13 via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 1 February 2016 at 00:02:55 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
On Sunday, 31 January 2016 at 13:59:06 UTC, Robert M. Münch 
However, I'm wondering why most (everyone?) is trying to do 
meta-programming using the same language as the one getting 
compiled. IMO the use-cases a pretty different and doing CTFE, 
code-generation etc. needs some other approach. If you look at 
all the strange template syntax, strange hacks etc. it's all 
far from being obvious.

 I have trouble coming up with a proper use-case to use Regex 
during CTFE; I mean, sure you can do a replacement expansion 
and encode a few bits to expand for a switch statement or 
something, but at the same time you can already do that.

Wrong thread?

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-01-31 Thread Era Scarecrow via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 31 January 2016 at 13:59:06 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:
However, I'm wondering why most (everyone?) is trying to do 
meta-programming using the same language as the one getting 
compiled. IMO the use-cases a pretty different and doing CTFE, 
code-generation etc. needs some other approach. If you look at 
all the strange template syntax, strange hacks etc. it's all 
far from being obvious.

 I have trouble coming up with a proper use-case to use Regex 
during CTFE; I mean, sure you can do a replacement expansion and 
encode a few bits to expand for a switch statement or something, 
but at the same time you can already do that.

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-01-31 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 31 January 2016 at 13:59:06 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:

I like CTFE and the meta programming idea for languages like D.

However, I'm wondering why most (everyone?) is trying to do 
meta-programming using the same language as the one getting 
compiled. IMO the use-cases a pretty different and doing CTFE, 
code-generation etc. needs some other approach. If you look at 
all the strange template syntax, strange hacks etc. it's all 
far from being obvious.

You're conflating CTFE with the other meta programming tools 
here. CTFE is the same language as run-time D, but it doesn't 
have strange template syntax. Templates, static if, __traits, 
etc. have strange syntax, but they're sort of a different 
language already.

Are you maybe wishing for a nicer alternative to templates, etc?

Why not have a CTL (compile-time-language) that has access to 
some compiler internals, that follows a more functional 
concept? We are evaluating sequences of things to generate 
code, include / exclude code etc.

From my experience with the different approaches, functional 
thinking is much better suited and simpler to use for CTFE 

IMO that would really be a big step ahead. Because you know a 
hammer, not everything is a nail...

I think this is too vague to lead anywhere. At least you should 
identify specific problems with D's toolset. And if you have 
concrete ideas for improvements, you should desribe them in more 
detail, spelling out how they improve upon the status quo.

If you want to have an entirely different meta programming 
system, then you should show how it would look like, and how it 
would be better than the status quo. I don't think anyone can 
make much of "make it more functional". Also, when it's 
fundamentally different from what we have now, then I don't see 
it getting into D at the moment. The language is not in a phase 
of designing fundamentals.

Re: CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-01-31 Thread cym13 via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 31 January 2016 at 13:59:06 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:

I like CTFE and the meta programming idea for languages like D.

However, I'm wondering why most (everyone?) is trying to do 
meta-programming using the same language as the one getting 
compiled. IMO the use-cases a pretty different and doing CTFE, 
code-generation etc. needs some other approach. If you look at 
all the strange template syntax, strange hacks etc. it's all 
far from being obvious.

I see things differently. First of all I don't see everyone trying
to do meta-programming with the same language. C++ for example has
a quite specific syntax between its arcane templates and the

I see having the same language as a *huge* advantage. If a 

doesn't have side effects then it can be used at runtime or at
compile-time and integrated with your logic easily.

D's metaprogramming success is IMHO directly linked to it not 

a separate language for it, because it lowers the cost of learning
and using metaprogramming. It's saying "metaprogramming isn't
different from any other kind of programming, you can use the same

Why not have a CTL (compile-time-language) that has access to 
some compiler internals, that follows a more functional 
concept? We are evaluating sequences of things to generate 
code, include / exclude code etc.

Having access to some compiler internals is already what is done,
or I don't understand exactly what you mean by that.

From my experience with the different approaches, functional 
thinking is much better suited and simpler to use for CTFE 

I think you should put some sort of example of how you'd want it,
because right now I don't understand. D has some nice functional
tools and they already show their strength at compile-time.

For example function purity is central to their CTFE-ability, 

template recursion instead of loops has often proved being a
winning strategy etc... Yes applying functionnal principles works
well at compile-time, but why should we need another language to 


CTFE thoughts & functional approach

2016-01-31 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d

I like CTFE and the meta programming idea for languages like D.

However, I'm wondering why most (everyone?) is trying to do 
meta-programming using the same language as the one getting compiled. 
IMO the use-cases a pretty different and doing CTFE, code-generation 
etc. needs some other approach. If you look at all the strange template 
syntax, strange hacks etc. it's all far from being obvious.

Why not have a CTL (compile-time-language) that has access to some 
compiler internals, that follows a more functional concept? We are 
evaluating sequences of things to generate code, include / exclude code 

From my experience with the different approaches, functional thinking 

is much better suited and simpler to use for CTFE goals.

IMO that would really be a big step ahead. Because you know a hammer, 
not everything is a nail...

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster