DConf and DIPs

2018-04-16 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
With DConf for all of us and a short vacation for me just around 
the corner, I'm not going to be initiating any DIP reviews until 

It's looking like the DIP, "Hooking D's struct move semantics" 
[1], will become DIP 1014 and I currently intend to launch the 
Community Review on May 14th. There has been some light feedback 
in the Draft Review so far. The author, Shachar Shemesh, is 
hoping to flush out any obvious issues before DConf. He will be 
at the conference and welcomes face-to-face discussions of the 
DIP with anyone there wants to hash out the details with him.

Also, the Community Review of DIP 1013, "The Deprecation Process" 
[2], is underway until April 26th. There has been very little 
feedback so far. If you haven't looked at it yet, please do!

[1] https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/109

Podcast episode about anemic domain models (OOP vs procedural)

2018-04-16 Thread Luís Marques via Digitalmars-d-announce
In 2016 I gave an online presentation for the Silicon Valley D 
Meetup about anemic domain models and D, but this presentation 
wasn't recorded (as far as I know). I have now published a 
podcast episode discussing that topic, going over the most 
important parts of the presentation.


Feedback is welcome. By the way, let me publicly express my 
gratitude to Mike Parker and Ali Çehreli for their help with this 
episode --- and for kicking ass in general! :o)

Re: PixelPerfectEngine v0.9.4-alpha.2

2018-04-16 Thread Chris Katko via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 11 April 2018 at 21:44:57 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:

The editor is almost usable (still needs a way to import tiles 
from its own proprietary format), and now has a working, 
although still a bit slow and unstable transformable tile layer 
with mode7-esque capabilities.

Also, feel free to visit us/swing by Allegro.cc. Allegro 4 was 
used in TONS of oldschool/DOS era projects. (Ever heard of 
Triplane Turmoil?) (Allegro 5 is the newer, C revamp of the API 
for supporting shaders/etc.) So there may be some helpful common 
knowledge to share.

I'm personally working on a 2-D game engine for internal use, 
using Allegro as a backend, and D, to make my game projects more 
productive. I love D's templates, they've been instrumental.

Have a great day.

Re: PixelPerfectEngine v0.9.4-alpha.2

2018-04-16 Thread Chris Katko via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 11 April 2018 at 21:44:57 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:

The editor is almost usable (still needs a way to import tiles 
from its own proprietary format), and now has a working, 
although still a bit slow and unstable transformable tile layer 
with mode7-esque capabilities.

Definitely add screen shots to the github. Screenshots = 

Re: #include C headers in D code

2018-04-16 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 16 April 2018 at 12:26:12 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On Monday, 16 April 2018 at 11:20:51 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

You can use the C macros in the headers that you #include in 
your dpp file.

dstep has a lot of code for translating macros. I don't want 
to translate macros at all, but it's deeply intertwined with 
translating everything else.

There's a command line switch to disable that, 
`--translate-macros=false`. Or, alternatively, run the 
preprocessor first.

I missed that.

I can't remember the specifics, but dstep by default ignores 
declarations from other headers because the idea is to 
translate this one particular header.

That's a simple change: replace these lines [1] with `return 
false;`. If that's something you need we can make it 


No need to make it configureable now - I did the translation work 
already and made a point of copying in dstep's tests to guarantee 
the same level of support. Given how small it ended up being, I'd 
trade ~500SLOC over a dependency nearly every time.

I also like the end result better (unsurprising since I wrote 
it), even though I didn't quite achieve the level of testability 
I wanted.

Re: #include C headers in D code

2018-04-16 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 16 April 2018 at 11:20:51 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

You can use the C macros in the headers that you #include in 
your dpp file.

dstep has a lot of code for translating macros. I don't want to 
translate macros at all, but it's deeply intertwined with 
translating everything else.

There's a command line switch to disable that, 
`--translate-macros=false`. Or, alternatively, run the 
preprocessor first.

I can't remember the specifics, but dstep by default ignores 
declarations from other headers because the idea is to 
translate this one particular header.

That's a simple change: replace these lines [1] with `return 
false;`. If that's something you need we can make it configurable.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: #include C headers in D code

2018-04-16 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 14 April 2018 at 04:07:12 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:

On Friday, 13 April 2018 at 10:31:43 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
On Wednesday, 11 April 2018 at 14:33:26 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On Monday, 9 April 2018 at 11:03:48 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
Here's my blog post about my project that allows directly 
#including C headers in D*

I don't know the exact details of your project but can't you 

1. Copy the includes
2. Paste them into a C file
3. Run DStep on the C file
4. Replace the includes in the first file with the result 
from DStep

This would require changing DStep to always return `false` 
here [1]. Or perhaps run the preprocessor to expand the 
includes and then run DStep.


/Jacob Carlborg

That wouldn't have the same semantics as I want.

I tried using dstep as a library. It didn't work.

You also mentioned this in the reddit thread, though I'm still 
curious to understand what's difference in the semantics 
between the approach you have taken and the approach Jacob 

You can use the C macros in the headers that you #include in your 
dpp file.

dstep has a lot of code for translating macros. I don't want to 
translate macros at all, but it's deeply intertwined with 
translating everything else. This bug just can't happen with the 
dpp approach:


In the idea above it assumes that all #include directives are 
together at the top of the file. They probably are, but they 
might not be for some reason. I can't remember the specifics, but 
dstep by default ignores declarations from other headers because 
the idea is to translate this one particular header. I don't want 
that either. I also don't want D code generated that has an 
`import` to a D file that's actually a translation of another C 

I want it to work like it does in C++. dstep doesn't set out to 
do that, which is fine, but contorting it to make it do what I 
wanted it to was more trouble than it was worth.

Believe me, if I can avoid writing code, I do. Writing 
translations from scratch was not a decision I made lightly. In 
the end it turned out to be a lot less work than I thought though 
(just over 500 SLOC).


Re: #include C headers in D code

2018-04-16 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 9 April 2018 at 11:03:48 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
Here's my blog post about my project that allows directly 
#including C headers in D*


The summary is that, modulo bugs, things like this work:

void main() { printf("Hello world\n".ptr); }

So far it's successfully compiled whilst #including pthread, 
libcurl, openssl and others. The blog and the github README 
have more information, and feel free to reply to this with 

dub: http://code.dlang.org/packages/dpp

hacker news: It's in there somewhere, search around.


* Technically, "D + #include directives + C macros"

This is really cool. This can be _very_ useful in situations 
where you don't want to translate all the headers to D, 
especially when experimenting with C libs. Really cool. Thanks.

The 10k Twitter Target

2018-04-16 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
Lately, we've seen a steadily increasing trend of new followers 
on Twitter. We're closing in on the totally arbitrary yet 
emotionally significant number of 10,000. I was just thinking how 
cool it would be to hit that number before or during DConf.

Now that my move is behind me and I'm settling in to my new 
house, I have more time to stay on top of things (note that 
"more" does not necessarily equate to "enough"). I'll try to keep 
the tweet stream more active than usual over the coming two+ 
weeks, even while I'm bopping around Germany in the week prior to 
the conference.

If you have a Twitter handle, it would help us out to retweet 
anything interesting you see on @D_Programming. If you aren't 
following us, it would help us out even more for you to become a 
statistic! Let's see if we can turn that 9,781 (as I write this) 
into 10,000 before the Hackathon.