Re: protobuf-d

2020-09-29 Thread Denis Feklushkin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 15:38:43 UTC, Robert Aron wrote:


I am currently working on "D Language Client Libraries for 
Google APIs" project[0][1].
The first step was to familiarize myself with protobuf and to 
generate client library for cloud/vision using python plugin 
with protoc.
Today I generated the same library with protobuf-d[2]. When I 
tried to translate this example[3] from python to D, I noticed 
that some pieces of code are missing from the D generated 
library, for example the ImageAnnotatorClient class(or struct) 
(I could not found it anywhere in the generated code).

Here is the command that I used to generate the client library:

protoc path/to/cloud/vision/proto/files
--proto_path=path/to/common/api/protos --proto-path=.
--plugin=path/to/protobuf-d --d_opt=message-as-struct

Is that ok? Does it work as it should?
Also I read here[4] that the C++ generator defines some default 

ImageAnnotatorClient isn't described in any of *.proto file in repository. (I found 
only ImageAnnotator)

So, maybe here is messed up proto3 and gRPC or something like it?

Trying to create a trivial 64 bit D Lang DLL on a Windows 10 machine and cant get past linking.

2020-09-29 Thread WhatMeWorry via Digitalmars-d-learn

module user;

export { int myAddSeven(int a, int b); }

void main()
int total = myAddSeven(2, 3);

dmd -m64 -c user.d

module mydll;

export extern(D) {
int myAddSeven(int a, int b) { return a+b+7; }  /* <-- 
function body */


dmd -c -shared -m64  mydll.d

link mydll.obj /DLL /NOENTRY

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.27.29111.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

   Creating library mydll.lib and object mydll.exp

link user.obj /implib:mydll.lib

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.27.29111.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'phobos64.lib'

or when I give the linker phobos64.lib

link user.obj /implib:mydll.lib /LIBPATH:C:\D\dmd2\windows\lib64

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.27.29111.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

user.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
__imp__D4user10myAddSevenFiiZi referenced in function _Dmain
phobos64.lib(stacktrace_1be8_3e5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol snprintf referenced in function 
phobos64.lib(demangle_c96_79b.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbol snprintf
phobos64.lib(parseoptions_e2c_21b.obj) : error LNK2001: 
unresolved external symbol snprintf
phobos64.lib(parseoptions_e2c_21b.obj) : error LNK2019: 
unresolved external symbol sscanf referenced in function 

user.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals

Re: Memory management

2020-09-29 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 16:03:39 UTC, IGotD- wrote:
That little simple example shows that you don't necessarily 
need to know things in advance in order to have static 
lifetimes. However, there are examples where there is no 
possibility for the compiler to infer when the object goes out 
of scope. Multiple ownership is an obvious example of that.

Seems like a mix of Go and Rust...  People will probably end up 
using array indexes instead of references... Just like in Rust.

Re: Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni

2020-09-29 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 06:14:45PM +, Chloé Kekoa via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 17:04:51 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > OTOH, the relevant Unicode data file that contains East_Asian_Width
> > data (EastAsianWidth.txt) is relatively straightforward to parse.
> > In one of my projects, I wrote a little helper program to parse this
> > file and generate a function that tells me if a given dchar is wide
> > or narrow.
> Thank you. Analyzing the data file seems simple enough. :)

If you're daring, you can try parsing it at compile-time... but in this
case, it's kinda pointless, since the data file doesn't change, so
statically generating the desired code as a separate step seems a more
logical thing to do.


Curiosity kills the cat. Moral: don't be the cat.

Re: Deprecation in traits

2020-09-29 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/29/20 10:08 AM, Frak wrote:

Hi folks,

I've this:

Deprecation: function `std.typecons.Nullable!long.Nullable.get_` is 
deprecated - Implicit conversion with `alias Nullable.get this` will be 
removed after 2.096. Please use `.get` explicitly.

I'm trying to find out WHERE this is generated to fix it, dependency 
included, without success.


I've just ported my code to 2.094 and had to clean up that issue. 
Luckily, in my case they were all in user code. I had to access my 
Nullable objects with .get:

  if (n) {
//;<-- from;   <-- to

So, look at all your Nullable objects maybe.


Re: Memory management

2020-09-29 Thread bachmeier via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 10:57:07 UTC, novice3 wrote:

Naive newbie question:

Can we have (in theory) in D lang memory management like V lang?


"V doesn't use garbage collection or reference counting. The 
compiler cleans everything up during compilation. If your V 
program compiles, it's guaranteed that it's going to be leak 

Completely avoiding the question about D, all it says in that 
section is

"The strings don't escape draw_text, so they are cleaned up when 
the function exits.

In fact, the first two calls won't result in any allocations at 
all. These two strings are small, V will use a preallocated 
buffer for them."

That's a toy example. It would be hard to mess that up in C, and 
I'd expect it to be easy for the compiler to handle it.

Re: Deprecation in traits

2020-09-29 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/29/20 1:08 PM, Frak wrote:

Hi folks,

I've this:

Deprecation: function `std.typecons.Nullable!long.Nullable.get_` is 
deprecated - Implicit conversion with `alias Nullable.get this` will be 
removed after 2.096. Please use `.get` explicitly.

I'm trying to find out WHERE this is generated to fix it, dependency 
included, without success.


Because it's probably coming from a constraint, you probably can't 
figure out the exact usage. What's more annoying is that likely it is a 
spurious warning. A lot of traits "try something", and then alias to 
false or true depending on what works. But it's not going to make a 
difference in your code.

It's one of the most annoying things in the library. If you see this 
warning coming from *your* code, then you should fix it. But it will 
tell you the location if that was the case, not std.traits.


Re: Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni

2020-09-29 Thread Chloé Kekoa via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 17:04:51 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
OTOH, the relevant Unicode data file that contains 
East_Asian_Width data (EastAsianWidth.txt) is relatively 
straightforward to parse.  In one of my projects, I wrote a 
little helper program to parse this file and generate a 
function that tells me if a given dchar is wide or narrow.

Thank you. Analyzing the data file seems simple enough. :)

Re: Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?

2020-09-29 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 09:56:41AM +, ikod via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry if I unintentionally hurt anybody in this thread.
> I'll try to implement sane and correct iteration behavior for AA
> without noticeable performance loss, and propose it if I succeed.

No feelings were hurt, don't worry. :-)  I just wanted to point out that
it's quite a tricky issue, and solving it may not be quite as easy as it
appears.  But if you manage to break new ground in this area, I'd be
very interested to hear!


It's amazing how careful choice of punctuation can leave you hanging:

Deprecation in traits

2020-09-29 Thread Frak via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi folks,

I've this:

Deprecation: function `std.typecons.Nullable!long.Nullable.get_` 
is deprecated - Implicit conversion with `alias Nullable.get 
this` will be removed after 2.096. Please use `.get` explicitly.

I'm trying to find out WHERE this is generated to fix it, 
dependency included, without success.


Re: Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni

2020-09-29 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 04:22:18PM +, Dukc via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> On Monday, 28 September 2020 at 18:23:43 UTC, Chloé Kekoa wrote:
> > The documentation of std.uni [1] says that the unicode struct
> > provides sets for several binary properties. I am looking for a way
> > to query non-binary properties of a character. Is that possible with
> > std.uni or do I need to use a third-party library?
> > 
> > I am specifically interested in the East_Asian_Width property [2]
> > (which has six allowed values). Trying to access
> > std.uni.unicode.East_Asian_Width results in the error message:
> > 
> > > No unicode set by name East_Asian_Width was found.
> > 
> > [1]:
> > [2]:
> It seems the East Asian width is Unicode standard 13.0, while Phobos
> implements 6.2. So seems like ca case for a third-party library :(.

OTOH, the relevant Unicode data file that contains East_Asian_Width data
(EastAsianWidth.txt) is relatively straightforward to parse.  In one of
my projects, I wrote a little helper program to parse this file and
generate a function that tells me if a given dchar is wide or narrow.

Here's the generated function (just copy-n-paste this into your code, no
need for yet another external library dependency):

bool isWide(dchar ch) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
if (ch < 63744)
if (ch < 12880)
if (ch < 11904)
if (ch < 4352) return false;
if (ch < 4448) return true;
if (ch == 9001 || ch == 9002) return true;
return false;
else if (ch < 12351) return true;
if (ch < 12353) return false;
if (ch < 12872) return true;
return false;
else if (ch < 19904) return true;
if (ch < 43360)
if (ch < 19968) return false;
if (ch < 42183) return true;
return false;
else if (ch < 43389) return true;
if (ch < 44032) return false;
if (ch < 55204) return true;
return false;
else if (ch < 64256) return true;
if (ch < 65504)
if (ch < 65072)
if (ch < 65040) return false;
if (ch < 65050) return true;
return false;
else if (ch < 65132) return true;
if (ch < 65281) return false;
if (ch < 65377) return true;
return false;
else if (ch < 65511) return true;
if (ch < 127488)
if (ch == 110592 || ch == 110593) return true;
return false;
else if (ch < 127570) return true;
if (ch < 131072) return false;
if (ch < 262142) return true;
return false;

Here's the utility that generated this code:

 * Simple program to parse EastAsianWidth.txt to extract some useful 

import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.range;
import std.regex;
import std.stdio;

struct CodeRange
dchar start, end;

bool overlaps(CodeRange cr)
return ((start >= cr.start && start < cr.end) ||
(end >= cr.start && end < cr.end));


void merge(CodeRange cr)
start = min(start, cr.start);
end = max(end, cr.end);

auto cr = CodeRange(10,20);

Re: Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni

2020-09-29 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 28 September 2020 at 18:23:43 UTC, Chloé Kekoa wrote:
The documentation of std.uni [1] says that the unicode struct 
provides sets for several binary properties. I am looking for a 
way to query non-binary properties of a character. Is that 
possible with std.uni or do I need to use a third-party library?

I am specifically interested in the East_Asian_Width property 
[2] (which has six allowed values). Trying to access 
std.uni.unicode.East_Asian_Width results in the error message:

No unicode set by name East_Asian_Width was found.


It seems the East Asian width is Unicode standard 13.0, while 
Phobos implements 6.2. So seems like ca case for a third-party 
library :(.

Re: Memory management

2020-09-29 Thread IGotD- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 15:47:09 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

I am not a language expert but I can't imagine how the compiler 
knows whether an event will happen at runtime. Imagine a server 
program allocates memory for a client. Let's say, that memory 
will be deallocated when the client logs out or the server 
times that client out. The compiler cannot know either of that 
will ever happen, right?


It doesn't need to know when a certain event happens but based on 
ownership and program flow. Let's think Rust for a moment.

You get a connection and you allocate some metadata about it. 
Then you put that metadata on a list and the list owns that 
object. It will stay there as long there is a connection and the 
program can go and do other things, the list still owns the 

After a while the client disconnects and the program finds the 
metadata in the list and removes it and puts it in a local 
variable. Some cleanup is one but the metadata is still owned by 
the local variable and when that variable goes out of scope 
(basically end of a {} block), then it will deallocated.

It's really a combination of ownership and scopes.

That little simple example shows that you don't necessarily need 
to know things in advance in order to have static lifetimes. 
However, there are examples where there is no possibility for the 
compiler to infer when the object goes out of scope. Multiple 
ownership is an obvious example of that.

Re: Memory management

2020-09-29 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/29/20 3:57 AM, novice3 wrote:> Naive newbie question:
> Can we have (in theory) in D lang memory management like V lang?
> Quote:
> "V doesn't use garbage collection or reference counting. The compiler
> cleans everything up during compilation. If your V program compiles,
> it's guaranteed that it's going to be leak free."

I am not a language expert but I can't imagine how the compiler knows 
whether an event will happen at runtime. Imagine a server program 
allocates memory for a client. Let's say, that memory will be 
deallocated when the client logs out or the server times that client 
out. The compiler cannot know either of that will ever happen, right?



2020-09-29 Thread Robert Aron via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am currently working on "D Language Client Libraries for Google 
APIs" project[0][1].
The first step was to familiarize myself with protobuf and to 
generate client library for cloud/vision using python plugin with 
Today I generated the same library with protobuf-d[2]. When I 
tried to translate this example[3] from python to D, I noticed 
that some pieces of code are missing from the D generated 
library, for example the ImageAnnotatorClient class(or struct) (I 
could not found it anywhere in the generated code).

Here is the command that I used to generate the client library:

protoc path/to/cloud/vision/proto/files
--proto_path=path/to/common/api/protos --proto-path=.
--plugin=path/to/protobuf-d --d_opt=message-as-struct

Is that ok? Does it work as it should?
Also I read here[4] that the C++ generator defines some default 

Wasn't the proto-gen-d supposed to do the same?




Re: help: cannot build profdump, dub error (bug): Enforcement failed

2020-09-29 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/29/20 4:38 PM, drug wrote:

It reproduces. As a workaround you can use
dub run profdump
this command works as expected, I guess it is a bug of dub

Do not execute this command in cloned `profdump` repository - it will 
fail too. It works if is called from other places, for example in home.

Re: help: cannot build profdump, dub error (bug): Enforcement failed

2020-09-29 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/29/20 3:41 PM, mw wrote:

I remember I used to able to build this package:

but now, I cannot.

Since that package haven't changed for 2 years, maybe it's a dub bug?

System information

$ uname -a
Linux  4.15.0-117-generic #118-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 4 20:02:41 UTC 2020 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ /usr/bin/dub --version
DUB version 1.23.0, built on Sep 27 2020

$ /usr/bin/dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.094.0
Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights 
Reserved written by Walter Bright

$  /usr/bin/dub build -v
Using dub registry url ''
Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: true)...
Looking for local package map at /var/lib/dub/packages/local-packages.json
No valid package found in current working directory: Enforcement failed
Enforcement failed

Bug Description

Enforcement failed
How to reproduce?

git clone

cd profdump

dub build


It reproduces. As a workaround you can use
dub run profdump
this command works as expected, I guess it is a bug of dub

Re: Array Slicing

2020-09-29 Thread DMon via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 September 2020 at 14:25:34 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 01:59:07PM +, DMon via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Are these in the Specification or Phobos?



Or in Articles?

Thanks, Teoh.

help: cannot build profdump, dub error (bug): Enforcement failed

2020-09-29 Thread mw via Digitalmars-d-learn

I remember I used to able to build this package:

but now, I cannot.

Since that package haven't changed for 2 years, maybe it's a dub 

System information

$ uname -a
Linux  4.15.0-117-generic #118-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 4 20:02:41 UTC 
2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ /usr/bin/dub --version
DUB version 1.23.0, built on Sep 27 2020

$ /usr/bin/dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.094.0
Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights 
Reserved written by Walter Bright

$  /usr/bin/dub build -v
Using dub registry url ''
Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: true)...
Looking for local package map at 

No valid package found in current working directory: Enforcement 

Enforcement failed

Bug Description

Enforcement failed
How to reproduce?

git clone

cd profdump

dub build


Memory management

2020-09-29 Thread novice3 via Digitalmars-d-learn

Naive newbie question:

Can we have (in theory) in D lang memory management like V lang?


"V doesn't use garbage collection or reference counting. The 
compiler cleans everything up during compilation. If your V 
program compiles, it's guaranteed that it's going to be leak 

Re: Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?

2020-09-29 Thread ikod via Digitalmars-d-learn


Sorry if I unintentionally hurt anybody in this thread.
I'll try to implement sane and correct iteration behavior for AA 
without noticeable performance loss, and propose it if I succeed.


Re: App hangs, GC.collect() fixet it. Why?

2020-09-29 Thread Bastiaan Veelo via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 28 September 2020 at 21:58:31 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/28/20 3:28 PM, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
I’m leaning towards ditching the memory mapped I/O on the D 
end, and replace it by regular serialisation/deserialisation. 
That will be a manual rewrite though, which is a bit of bummer 
as memory mapped files are widely used in our Pascal code. But 
this will probably give the best end result.

2 things:

1. I agree this is the answer. If you ever ditch the old Pascal 
code, then you can reactivate the memory-mapped code.
2. You can possibly do the translation outside of your 
programs. That is, it wouldn't be entirely impossible to simply 
have a process running that ensures the "D view" and the 
"Pascal view" of the same file is kept in sync. Then you can 
keep the memory mapped code the same, and just define sane 
structures in your D code.

If you aren't required to have both Pascal and D programs 
reading and writing the file at the same time, this shouldn't 
be a problem.

There is no need to run both versions concurrently. The issue is 
that design offices typically maintain a library of past designs 
for as long as they are in existence, to build new designs off 
of. So being able to read or import the files that were written 
with an ancient version of our software is very valuable. Our old 
compiler offered two alternatives for file i/o: one where all 
elements are of the same type, the other one (memory mapped 
files) being the "only" option for files of mixed type. Ideally, 
the structs that are used for i/o do not have any pointers in 
them, and certainly in the more recent file versions that would 
be the case. In older versions that might not be the case; then 
the pointers obviously would be given meaningful values after the 
structs would have been read back in. These cases we would be 
able to work around, though, by converting the old structs to new 
ones upon import.

BTW, one further thing I don't understand -- if this is memory 
mapped data, how come it has issues with the GC? And what do 
the "pointers" mean in the memory mapped data? I'm sure there's 
good answers, and your actual code is more complex than the 
simple example, but I'm just curious.

The main problem is that the transpiler doesn't know which 
structs are used for i/o and would need 1-byte alignment, and 
which structs have pointers into GC memory and must not be 1-byte 
aligned. The alternative to switching to 
serialisation/deserialisation is to stay with the automated 
translation of the memory mapped file implementation, not 
automatically 1-byte align every struct but manually align the 
ones that are used in i/o. This is however sensitive to mistakes, 
and the translated mmfile implementation has a bit of a smell to 
it. It is also not portable, as it uses the WinAPI directly. 
Still, it may be the quickest route to get us back on track.

I am very glad to have identified the problem, and there being 
ways to deal with it. I just hope this will be the last big 
hurdle :-)
