Re: What are (were) the most difficult parts of D?

2022-05-15 Thread max haughton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 11 May 2022 at 05:41:35 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
What are you stuck at? What was the most difficult features to 
understand? etc.

To make it more meaningful, what is your experience with other 


Learning D is almost a complete blur in my memory but I 
distinctly remember not really understanding is expressions well 
into even fiddling around with them inside the compiler.

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Tejas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 21:33:24 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

D programmers don't write move constructors or move assignment. 
Such concepts don't even exist.

Never say never :

Walter is one of the authors of the DIP

Also, there's `opPostMove` already within the language

Re: What are (were) the most difficult parts of D?

2022-05-15 Thread cc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 11 May 2022 at 05:41:35 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
What are you stuck at? What was the most difficult features to 
understand? etc.

To make it more meaningful, what is your experience with other 


Immutability.  Ended up having to do so many hundreds of casts to 
and from immutable(whatever) the amount of mental strain greatly 
exceeded whatever benefits the entire concept is supposed to 
offer.  Safety?  Performance, in a future compiler version?  I 
don't know where it's at right now.  But you'd think I could do 
something like load some data from disk, craft a few objects, 
mark them as immutable, and shove them in an array or associative 
array without it being a nightmare, but it isn't.  Or, having an 
otherwise mutable class with a member that references an 
immutable class, but can change which immutable instance it's 
referencing, without having to cast away the immutability of the 
thing I'm trying to protect in the first place.  So I just 
stopped doing it, and simply rely on the "just don't make 
mistakes" practice to avoid writing to things that shouldn't be 
written to now.

C#'s concept of marking a class member as "readonly" feels a lot 
more like what I was hoping to get.  It doesn't complain at me 
when I return something that's readonly and the receiving 
destination isn't expecting it to be readonly, and also I have 
more free reign over what I can do to it during the constructor 
phase before it becomes hands-off.  Things look a lot cleaner 
without another set of parentheses around every variable too.

On another topic, the lack of a good "delete" keyword doing what 
one would expect, when there's a perfectly good "new" without its 
matching existential companion.  This, and the ways around it, 
have already been discussed to death though, but banging my head 
over trying to force deterministic memory management into the 
GC-controlled D universe did take its toll on a good year or two 
of productivity.

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 5/15/2022 8:26 AM, Kevin Bailey wrote:

I'm trying to understand why it is this way.

Great question.

The difference, in a nutshell, is a struct is a value type, and a class is a 
reference type. This difference permeates every facet their behavior.

In C++, a struct can designed to be a value type or a reference type. But C++ 
does not recognize the difference, and so you can pass a reference type by 
value, which leads to all sorts of problems. You'll see C++ structs confused 
about what they are, as the designer didn't know the difference and would put a 
foot in both camps. A common example of this confusion is putting in virtual 
functions but neglecting to make the destructor virtual.

D draws a hard distinction between the two, making it both self-documenting, and 
heading off all sorts of errors from misusing one as the other.

A reference type is inherently a polymorphic type (i.e. virtual functions). 
Polymorphism via inheritance makes no sense for a value type.

Copy constructors make no sense for a polymorphic type, but are sensible for a 
value type.

And so on.

A strong distinction between value and reference types has turned out well for 
D. Naturally, some people still want a type to be both a floor wax and a dessert 
topping, but D is purposely going to make it difficult to do that.

P.S. Yes, you can pass a struct by reference with the `ref` keyword. That's not 
polymorphic behavior, though.

P.P.S. Yes, you can allocate a class instance on the stack rather than the GC by 
using the `scope` storage class. It will still be a reference type, but the 
compiler won't allow that reference to live longer than its stack frame. Java 
will automagically allocate classes on the stack if it can determine it cannot 

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 15:26:40 UTC, Kevin Bailey wrote:
I've done some scripting in D over the years but I never dug 
into D until recently. I'm going through Learning D and I was 
reminded that structs and classes are so different.

- struct methods are non-virtual while class methods are virtual
- Thus, structs can't inherit, because how would you find the 
child's destructor given a parent pointer?

- On the stack, structs by-value but classes are by-reference

I'm trying to understand why it is this way. I assume that 
there's some benefit for designing it this way. I'm hoping that 
it's not simply accidental, historical or easier for the 
compiler writer.

A virtual function call has to pass through a virtual function 
look-up, and thus there is (some) overhead involved.

Thus, by design, structs avoid this overhead (completely).

It's also (I think) another reason why D does not support 
multiple inheritance. Since you would need multiple virtual 
function tables.

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 15:59:17 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:

Can i summarize ,
structs are value-objects which live on the stack.
class instances are reference objects which live on the heap.

the real difference, is that structs, being value types, are 
passed by value, and classes, being reference types, are passed 
by reference.

this is the most important difference to be aware of.

where they live in memory should be less of the programmers 
concern, and more an implementation issue (although some 
programmers will of course consider this as well).

btw. where does a struct, inside a class live?

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 08:05:05PM +, Kevin Bailey via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> But I asked a different question: Why can't I put a class object on
> the stack? What's the danger?

You can. Use core.lifetime.emplace.

Though even there, there's the theoretical problem of stack corruption:
if you have an emplaced class object O and you try to assign a derived
class object to it, you could end up trashing your stack (the derived
object doesn't fit in the stack space allocated to store only a base
class instance).  Generally, though, the language would prevent this.
In D this doesn't happen because emplace just gives you the class
instance as a reference (to a stack location, but nonetheless), and
reassignment just updates the reference, it doesn't actually overwrite
the base class instance.


If it tastes good, it's probably bad for you.

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 5/15/22 13:05, Kevin Bailey wrote:

> I've been programming in C++ full time for 32 years

Hi from an ex-C++'er. :) I managed to become at least a junior expert in 
C++ between 1996-2015. I don't use C++ since then.

I still think my answer is the real one. My implied question remains: 
Why does C++ have struct and class disticnction? I know they have 
different default access specifications but does that warrant two kinds?

I claim there are two types in C++ as well: value types and reference 
types. And types of an inheritance hirerachy are by convention reference 
types. As others reminded on this thread, C++ programmers follow 
guidelines to treat types of hierarchies as reference types.

> so I'm familiar
> with slicing. It doesn't look to me like there's a concern here.

Slicing renders types of class hierarchies reference types. They can't 
be value types because nobody wants to pass a Cat sliced as an Animal. 
It's always a programmer error.

All D does is (just like C# did) appreciate the differences between 
these two kinds and utilize existing keywords.

> One question is, how should we pass objects - by value or by reference?
> In C++, you can do either, of course, but you take your chances if you
> pass by value - both in safety AND PERFORMANCE.

D is very different from C++ when it comes to that topic:

- Since classes are reference types, there is no issue with performance 
whatsoever: It is just a pointer copy behind the scenes.

- Since structs are value types, they can be shallow-copied without any 
concern. (D disallows self-referencing structs.) Only when it matters, 
one writes the copy constructor or the post-blit. (And this happens very 

- rvalues are moved by default. They don't get copied at all. (Only for 
structs because classes don't have rvalues.)

> The bottom line is that
> no one passes by value, even for PODs (although we may return even large
> objects.)

I know it very well. In reality, nobody should care unless it matters 
semantically: Only if the programmer wants to pass an object by 
reference it should be done so. For example, to mutate an object or 
store a reference to it.

You must be familiar with the following presentation by Herb Sutter how 
parameter passing is a big problem. (Yet, nobody realizes until a 
speaker like Herb Sutter makes a presentation about it.)

Such concerns don't exist in D especially after fixing the "in 
parameters" feature. Semantically, the programmer should say "this is an 
input to this function". The programmer should not be concerned whether 
the number of bytes is over a threshold for that specific CPU or 
twhether the copy constructor may be expensive.

D does not have such issues. The programmer can do this:

- Compile with -preview=in

- Mark function parameters as in (the ones that are input):

auto foo(in A a, in B b) {
  // ...

The compiler should deal with how to pass parameters. The programmer 
provides the semantics and D follows these rules:

Although one of my colleagues advices me to not be negative towards C++, 
having about 20 years of experience with C++, I am confident C++ got 
this wrong and D got this right. D programmers don't write move 
constructors or move assignment. Such concepts don't even exist.

In summary, if a programmer has to think about pass-by-reference, that 
programmer has been conditioned to think that way. It has always been 
wrong. Passing by reference should have been about semantics. (Herb 
Sutter uses the word "intent" in that presentation.)

> But I asked a different question: Why can't I put a class object on the
> stack? What's the danger?

There is no danger. One way I like is std.typecons.scoped:

import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;

class C {
  ~this() {

void main() {
auto c = scoped!C();
  writeln("after scope");

> Note that operating on that object hasn't changed. If I pass by
> reference, it's no different than if I had created a reference.

(Off-topic: I always wonder whether pass-by-reference comes with 
performance cost. After all, the members of by-reference struct will 
have to be accessed through a pointer, right? Shouldn't pass-by-value be 
faster for certain types? I think so but I never bothered to check the 
size threshold below which to confidently pass-by-value.)

> One might say, Well, if D creates by value, then it has to pass by
> value. But it doesn't; it has the 'ref' keyword.

That's only when one wants to pass a reference to an object. I blindly 
pass structs by-value. The reason is, I don't think any struct is really 
large to cost byte copying. It's just shallow copy and it works. (Note 
that there are not much copy constructors in D.)

> I hope Ali's answer isn't the real reason. I would be sad if D risked
> seg faults just to make class behavior "consistent".

I don't unders

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 20:05:05 UTC, Kevin Bailey wrote:

One question is, how should we pass objects - by value or by 
reference? In C++, you can do either, of course, but you take 
your chances if you pass by value - both in safety AND 
PERFORMANCE. The bottom line is that no one passes by value, 
even for PODs (although we may return even large objects.)

Pass struct instances by ref or by value as needed, just as you 
do in C++.

For classes, you never have direct access to the instance. Your 
class reference is a handle (a pointer) that is always passed by 

But I asked a different question: Why can't I put a class 
object on the stack? What's the danger?

I answered that one. You can put a class on the stack with 
`scope`. There is no danger in that.

If you're wanting direct access to the class instance, like you 
would have with a struct, you don't have that in D. Classes are 
modeled on Java, not C++.

Note that operating on that object hasn't changed. If I pass by 
reference, it's no different than if I had created a reference.

Again, you never have direct access to the object instance. You 
always access it through the handle.

One might say, Well, if D creates by value, then it has to pass 
by value. But it doesn't; it has the 'ref' keyword.

Everything is passed by value unless the `ref` keyword is present.

One might want to avoid passing by value accidentally. Ok, one 
could have D pass class objects by reference implicitly.

How do you pass by value accidentally? By forgetting the `ref` 

I don't like things silently changing like that, so one might 
have D forbid all but pass by 'ref' or pointer for class 

I don't understand where you're coming from here. How can things 
silently change?

I hope Ali's answer isn't the real reason. I would be sad if D 
risked seg faults just to make class behavior "consistent".

Where is the risk of seg faults? Are you referring to the fact 
that class references are default initialized to null?

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 20:05:05 UTC, Kevin Bailey wrote:
I've been programming in C++ full time for 32 years, so I'm 
familiar with slicing. It doesn't look to me like there's a 
concern here.

Yes, slicing is not the issue. Slicing is a problem if you do 
"assignments" through a reference that is typed as the 
superclass… so references won't help.

The original idea might have been that structs were value-types, 
but that is not the case in D. They are not, you can take the 

So what you effectively have is that structs follow C layout 
rules and D classes are not required to (AFAIK), but there is an 
ABI and C++ layout classes, so that freedom is somewhat limited… 
D classes also have a mutex for monitors.

In an ideal world one might be tempted to think that classes were 
ideal candidates for alternative memory management mechanisms 
since they are allocated on the heap. Sadly this is also not true 
since D is a system level programming language and you get to 
bypass that "type characteristic" and can force them onto the 
stack if you desire to do so…

Re: Why doesn't this piece of code work?

2022-05-15 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 15:27:32 UTC, SvGaming wrote:
It works if that code is the main function. But in the full 
program that is only one of the functions and is not the main 

Until you post your full programm ideally in a reduced form [1] 
everybody who is willing to help must guess wildly what the 
unposted parts of your program does and how it may cause the read 
to be seemingly skipped.

import std.stdio;
import std.process;

void foo ()
   writeln("Here is a list of your mounted drives: ");
   auto mounts = executeShell("cat /proc/mounts | grep media");
   writef("Type the path to your USB drive: ");
   string cont = readln;
   writeln(cont); // there was no variable named "a"
   writeln("A file selection menu will now appear so you can 
select an ISO to write.");

//   auto seliso = executeShell("zenity --file-selection");
//   writeln(seliso.output);

int main ()
   return 0;

Also works as expected.

What does `strace` report? And what compiler/version do you use?


Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Kevin Bailey via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi Mike (and Guillaume, since you posted the same link),

Thanks for the long explanation.

I've been programming in C++ full time for 32 years, so I'm 
familiar with slicing. It doesn't look to me like there's a 
concern here.

There seem to be a couple different questions here. I suspect 
that you answered a different one than I asked.

One question is, how should we pass objects - by value or by 
reference? In C++, you can do either, of course, but you take 
your chances if you pass by value - both in safety AND 
PERFORMANCE. The bottom line is that no one passes by value, even 
for PODs (although we may return even large objects.)

But I asked a different question: Why can't I put a class object 
on the stack? What's the danger?

Note that operating on that object hasn't changed. If I pass by 
reference, it's no different than if I had created a reference.

One might say, Well, if D creates by value, then it has to pass 
by value. But it doesn't; it has the 'ref' keyword.

One might want to avoid passing by value accidentally. Ok, one 
could have D pass class objects by reference implicitly.

I don't like things silently changing like that, so one might 
have D forbid all but pass by 'ref' or pointer for class objects.

In any case, this doesn't quite address the instantiate by value 

If there's still a case where putting an object on the stack 
breaks, I would greatly appreciate seeing a few lines of example 

I hope Ali's answer isn't the real reason. I would be sad if D 
risked seg faults just to make class behavior "consistent".



2022-05-15 Thread Anonymouse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 19:13:10 UTC, ikod wrote:

Added LIST command in v2.0.8



2022-05-15 Thread ikod via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 May 2022 at 08:42:46 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
Before I go on duplicating effort, does anyone have anything 
that can access FTP beyond PUT and GET?

I need to read file information from a NAS so I know if I 
should upload a file or not. `dlang-requests` has 
`` and `Request.get`, but seemingly no way to LS.

Added LIST command in v2.0.8

ᐅ cat source/app.d
import std.stdio;
import requests;

void main()
auto rq = Request();
auto rs = rq.execute("LIST", 


/tmp/ttt ᐅ dub run
Running ttt
-rw-rw-r--1 ftp  ftp  4259 May 07  2015 README.TXT
-rw-rw-r--1 ftp  ftp35 May 12 09:00 TIMESTAMP
drwxrwxr-x9 ftp  ftp   169 Oct 05  2015 

-rw-r--r--1 ftp  ftp  2871 May 11 10:00 dir.sizes
drwxrwxr-x   22 ftp  ftp  8192 May 09 23:00 doc
drwxrwxr-x6 ftp  ftp92 Jan 10 21:38 ports
drwxrwxr-x   12 ftp  ftp   237 Feb 06  2021 releases
drwxrwxr-x   12 ftp  ftp   237 May 05 18:00 snapshots


Support 🇺🇦!

Re: Why doesn't this piece of code work?

2022-05-15 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 5/15/22 08:27, SvGaming wrote:

> I am so confused right now. It works if that code is the main function.
> But in the full program that is only one of the functions and is not the
> main function.

Could it be that the main() function exits before calling that other 

You can sprinkle simple writeln calls to figure out exactly where it 
goes wrong:

void main() {
  writeln("entered main");
  writeln("before calling foo");
  writeln("exiting main");


Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 5/15/22 08:26, Kevin Bailey wrote:

> structs and classes are so different.

I think a more fundamental question is why structs and classes both 
exist at all. If they could be the same, one kind would be sufficient. 
And the answer is there are value types and there are reference types in 


Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 15:26:40 UTC, Kevin Bailey wrote:

I'm trying to understand why it is this way. I assume that 
there's some benefit for designing it this way. I'm hoping that 
it's not simply accidental, historical or easier for the 
compiler writer.

There's a problem that arises with pass-by-value subclasses 
called "object slicing". Effectively, it's possible to "slice 
off" members of superclasses. It's one of many pitfalls to be 
avoided in C++. There you typically find the convention of 
structs being used as POD (Plain Old Data) types (i.e., no 
inheritance) and classes when you want inheritance, in which case 
they are passed around to functions as references.

For reference:

D basically bakes the C++ convention into the language, with a 
class system inspired by Java.

One problem that this causes is that I have to remember 
different rules when using them. This creates the additional 
load of learning and remembering which types are which from 
someone else's library.

Of all the complexity we need to remember as programmers, this is 
fairly low on the totem pole. Simple rule: if you need (or want) 
inheritance, use classes. If not, use structs.

A bigger problem is that, if I have a struct that I suddenly 
want to inherit from, I have to change all my code.

You should generally know up front if you need inheritance or 
not. In cases where you change your mind, you'll likely find that 
you have very little code to change. Variable declarations, sure. 
And if you were passing struct instances to functions, you'd want 
to change the function signatures, but that should be the lion's 
share of what you'd need to change. After all, D doesn't use the 
`->` syntax for struct pointers, so any members you access would 
be via the dot operator.

In addition to that work, in both of these cases, one could 
easily do it wrong:

// Fine with a struct, fatal with a class.
Foo foo;

At least in C++, the compiler would complain. In D, not even a 

You generally find out about that pretty quickly in development, 
though. That's a good reason to get into the habit of 
implementing and running unit tests, so if you do make changes 
and overlook something like this, then your tests will catch it 
if normal operation of the program doesn't.

Why is it this way? What is the harm of putting a class object 
on the stack?

I've answered the "why" above. As to the the second question, 
there's no harm in putting a class on the stack:

import std.stdio;

class Clazz {
~this() { writeln("Bu-bye"); }

void clazzOnStack() {
scope c = new Clazz;

void main()
writeln("Back in main");

You'll find here that the destructor of `c` in `clazzOnStack` is 
called when the function exits, just as if it were a struct. 
`scope` in a class variable declaration will cause it to the 
class to be allocated on the stack.

Note, though, that `c` *still* a reference to the instance. You 
aren't manipulating the class instance directly. If you were to 
pass `c` to a function `doSomething` that accepts a `Clazz` 
handle, it makes no difference that the instance is allocated on 
the stack. `doSomething` would neither know nor care. `c` is a 
handle, so you aren't passing the instance directly and it 
doesn't matter where it's allocated.

There's more to the story than just reference type vs. value 
type. Structs have deterministic destruction, classes by default 
do not (`scope` can give it to you as demonstrated above). [See 
my blog post on the 
topic]( for some info. (And I'm reminded I need to write the next article in that series; time goes by too fast).

Everyone has their own criteria for when to choose class and when 
to choose struct. For me, I default to struct. I consider 
beforehand if I need inheritance, and if yes, then I ask myself 
if I can get by without deterministic destruction. There are ways 
to simulate inheritance with structs, and ways to have more 
control over destruction with classes, so there are options 
either way.

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Guillaume Piolat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 15:26:40 UTC, Kevin Bailey wrote:
I'm trying to understand why it is this way. I assume that 
there's some benefit for designing it this way. I'm hoping that 
it's not simply accidental, historical or easier for the 
compiler writer.

Perhaps someone more informed will chime in, but there is a 
reason to avoid object inheritance with value types, and force 
them to be reference types.

If we want to avoid that problem, then object with inheritance 
and virtual functions have to be reference types.

But you still need values types. So now you have both struct and 
class, like in C# (Hejlsberg, 2000).

For an escape hatch, D has library ways to have structs with 
virtual functions (there is a DUB package for that), and classes 
on the stack (Scoped!T, RefCounted!T, a __traits).

Re: Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn

Can i summarize ,
structs are value-objects which live on the stack.
class instances are reference objects which live on the heap.

Re: Why doesn't this piece of code work?

2022-05-15 Thread SvGaming via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 12:27:45 UTC, kdevel wrote:

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 12:19:22 UTC, SvGaming wrote:


Install the `strace` program (I assume you are running Linux) 
and start your program under strace:


I am so confused right now. It works if that code is the main 
But in the full program that is only one of the functions and is 
not the main function.

Why are structs and classes so different?

2022-05-15 Thread Kevin Bailey via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've done some scripting in D over the years but I never dug into 
D until recently. I'm going through Learning D and I was reminded 
that structs and classes are so different.

- struct methods are non-virtual while class methods are virtual
- Thus, structs can't inherit, because how would you find the 
child's destructor given a parent pointer?

- On the stack, structs by-value but classes are by-reference

I'm trying to understand why it is this way. I assume that 
there's some benefit for designing it this way. I'm hoping that 
it's not simply accidental, historical or easier for the compiler 

One problem that this causes is that I have to remember different 
rules when using them. This creates the additional load of 
learning and remembering which types are which from someone 
else's library.

A bigger problem is that, if I have a struct that I suddenly want 
to inherit from, I have to change all my code. In addition to 
that work, in both of these cases, one could easily do it wrong:

// Fine with a struct, fatal with a class.
Foo foo;

At least in C++, the compiler would complain. In D, not even a 

Why is it this way? What is the harm of putting a class object on 
the stack?

decimal type in d

2022-05-15 Thread vit via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello, I want read decimal type from sql db, do some arithmetic 
operations inside D program and write it back to DB. Result need 
to be close to result as if this operations was performed in sql 
DB. Something like C# decimal.
Exists this kind of library ind D? (ideally `pure @safe @nogc 

Re: Why doesn't this piece of code work?

2022-05-15 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 12:19:22 UTC, SvGaming wrote:

This code runs as expected.

Strange. It does not for me. I even tried different compilers.
It simply does not ask for user input here where it is supposed 

writef("Type the path to your USB drive: ");
string cont = readln;
writeln(cont); // there was no variable named "a"

Install the `strace` program (I assume you are running Linux) and 
start your program under strace:

   $ strace -f 

Then examine the system calls. On my machine I get this:

mmap(NULL, 4194304, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x76beb000

read(4, "", 4096)   = 0
--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
read(4, "", 4096)   = 0
wait4(26713, [{WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 1}], 0, NULL) = 

close(4)= 0
munmap(0x77ff5000, 4096)= 0
write(1, "\n", 1
)   = 1
fstat(0, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620, st_rdev=makedev(136, 10), ...}) = 
-1, 0) = 0x77ff5000
write(1, "Type the path to your USB drive:"..., 33Type the path 
to your USB drive: ) = 33


Here the program waits for input.

Re: Why doesn't this piece of code work?

2022-05-15 Thread SvGaming via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 12:13:14 UTC, kdevel wrote:

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 11:10:41 UTC, SvGaming wrote:


import std.stdio;
import std.process;

int main ()
   writeln("Here is a list of your mounted drives: ");
   auto mounts = executeShell("cat /proc/mounts | grep media");
   writef("Type the path to your USB drive: ");
   string cont = readln;
   writeln(cont); // there was no variable named "a"
   writeln("A file selection menu will now appear so you can 
select an ISO to write.");

//   auto seliso = executeShell("zenity --file-selection");
//   writeln(seliso.output);
   return 0;

This code runs as expected.

Strange. It does not for me. I even tried different compilers.
It simply does not ask for user input here where it is supposed 

writef("Type the path to your USB drive: ");
string cont = readln;
writeln(cont); // there was no variable named "a"

Re: Why doesn't this piece of code work?

2022-05-15 Thread SvGaming via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 11:10:41 UTC, SvGaming wrote:
I want to ask the user to select their USB drive by typing the 
mount location. For some reason that does not work and just 
skips over the user input part.

void writeusb() {
writeln("Here is a list of your mounted drives: ");
auto mounts = executeShell("cat /proc/mounts | grep media");
writef("Type the path to your USB drive: ");
string cont = readln;
	writeln("A file selection menu will now appear so you can 
select an ISO to write.");

auto seliso = executeShell("zenity --file-selection");
I am clueless as to what I need to do here? Can anyone help?

Just noticed i forgot to put the proper variable name to the 
input. Should not matter though. Also when I change it nothing 

Re: Why doesn't this piece of code work?

2022-05-15 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 11:10:41 UTC, SvGaming wrote:
I want to ask the user to select their USB drive by typing the 
mount location. For some reason that does not work and just 
skips over the user input part.

void writeusb() {
writeln("Here is a list of your mounted drives: ");
auto mounts = executeShell("cat /proc/mounts | grep media");
writef("Type the path to your USB drive: ");
string cont = readln;
	writeln("A file selection menu will now appear so you can 
select an ISO to write.");

auto seliso = executeShell("zenity --file-selection");
I am clueless as to what I need to do here? Can anyone help?

import std.stdio;
import std.process;

int main ()
   writeln("Here is a list of your mounted drives: ");
   auto mounts = executeShell("cat /proc/mounts | grep media");
   writef("Type the path to your USB drive: ");
   string cont = readln;
   writeln(cont); // there was no variable named "a"
   writeln("A file selection menu will now appear so you can 
select an ISO to write.");

//   auto seliso = executeShell("zenity --file-selection");
//   writeln(seliso.output);
   return 0;

This code runs as expected.

Why doesn't this piece of code work?

2022-05-15 Thread SvGaming via Digitalmars-d-learn
I want to ask the user to select their USB drive by typing the 
mount location. For some reason that does not work and just skips 
over the user input part.

void writeusb() {
writeln("Here is a list of your mounted drives: ");
auto mounts = executeShell("cat /proc/mounts | grep media");
writef("Type the path to your USB drive: ");
string cont = readln;
	writeln("A file selection menu will now appear so you can select 
an ISO to write.");

auto seliso = executeShell("zenity --file-selection");
I am clueless as to what I need to do here? Can anyone help?