Re: Find homography in D?

2024-04-30 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 April 2024 at 14:57:33 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:


Someone can point me to a D implementation of the classical 
OpenCV find homography matrix?

Thank you,

Something I wrote awhile ago...

import kaleidic.lubeck : svd;
import gfm.math;
import mir.ndslice : sliced;

auto generateTransformationArray(int[] p) {
return generateTransformationArray(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]);

auto generateTransformationArray(int x, int y, int x_, int y_) {
return [-x, -y, -1, 0, 0, 0, x*x_, y*x_, x_,
0, 0, 0, -x, -y, -1, x*y_, y*y_, y_];

auto transformCoor (mat3d mat, vec3d vec) {
auto res = mat * vec;
return res / res[2];

auto findHomography (int[][] correspondances) {
auto a = correspondances
.map!(a => a.generateTransformationArray)

auto r = a.svd;
auto homog = r.vt.back;
return mat3d(!(a => a/homog.back).array);

Re: Python <==> d call both ways example (with PyD and autowrap)?

2022-06-22 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 June 2022 at 16:02:00 UTC, mw wrote:


I know with PyD, D can call Python, and with autowrap, Python 
can call a D .dll, I'm just wondering if someone can show an 
example that Python <==> d can call both ways? esp. show 
passing D objects to Python and then call its member function 
there, and vice versa.


When I did something like this, I used this as my inspiration:

So, I used PyD to supply D objects and read Python data also.



Re: Help optimize D solution to phone encoding problem: extremely slow performace.

2024-01-14 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 January 2024 at 11:03:42 UTC, Renato wrote:
I like to use a phone encoding problem to determine the 
strenghtness and weaknesses of programming languages because 
this problem is easy enough I can write solutions in any 
language in a few hours, but complex enough to exercise lots of 
interesting parts of the language.


Hello Renato,

This seems to be quite a lot of calls:
 Timer frequency unknown, Times are in Megaticks 

  Num  TreeFuncPer

1920496437613756   0 pure nothrow ref 
@trusted immutable(char)[][] 
core.internal.array.appending._d_arrayappendcTX!(immutable(char)[][], immutable(char)[])._d_arrayappendcTX(scope return ref immutable(char)[][], ulong)

1920492489573474   0 @safe void 
dencoder.ISolutionHandler, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], 


This is when using the `words-quarter.txt` input (the 
`dictionary.txt` input seems to finish much faster, although 
still slower than `java`/`rust`).

I also used only 100 phone numbers as input.

My final observation is that `words-quarter.txt` contains some 
1-letter inputs, (for example, `i` or `m`)...this may result in a 
large number of encoding permutations, which may explain the high 
number of recursion calls?


Re: Help optimize D solution to phone encoding problem: extremely slow performace.

2024-01-19 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 19 January 2024 at 08:57:40 UTC, Renato wrote:
Do you know why the whole thread seems to have disappeared?? 
There's a lot of good stuff in the thread, it would be a huge 
shame to lose all that!

I agree! Thanks for posting your benchmarks, I thought your whole 
benching setup was pretty good, and learnt alot from your code 
and the resulting contributions in the thread and others.


profiling vibe

2024-02-02 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I can't seem to be able to use `--profile` with vibe:

dub init -t vibe.d
dub build --build=profile

 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
 Warning: statement is not reachable
Error: warnings are treated as errors
   Use -wi if you wish to treat warnings only as 


I've tried using `buildRequirements "allowWarnings"`, but still 
the same.


Function called twice

2019-08-02 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn


I don't quite understand why isEven is called twice in the 2nd 

auto isEven(int n) {
return (n % 2) == 0;

void main() {

auto z = [1,2,3];

// outputs 1 2 3!(a => tuple!("number")(a))
 .filter!(a => a.number.isEven)

// outputs 1 2 2 3!(a => tuple!("number","iseven")(a, a.isEven))
 .filter!(a => a.iseven)




Re: Function called twice

2019-08-02 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 August 2019 at 22:35:53 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 2 August 2019 at 21:44:28 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

// outputs 1 2 2 3!(a => tuple!("number","iseven")(a, a.isEven))
 .filter!(a => a.iseven)

I *think* what's happening here is first it calls map() first 
going into the filter... then it gets called again when it is 
being evaluated for the array.

So like basically consider if you had:

   array ~= a();

that kind of thing. I think anyway, I'm not entirely sure but 
it fits what I can see happening here.

but idk why it is actually doing this in the phobos 

In my real-world case "isEven" is a long running function. I'll 
put an .array after the map and see if it makes a difference.



Re: Is removing elements of AA in foreach loop safe?

2019-08-30 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 29 August 2019 at 10:11:58 UTC, berni wrote:
Iterating of some structure and removing elements thereby is 
always errorprone and should be avoided. But: In case of AA, 
I've got the feeling, that it might be safe:

foreach (k,v;ways)
if (v.empty)

Do you agree? Or is there a better way to achieve this?

This should work, due to the keys property returning a dynamic 

foreach (k; ways.keys) {
if (ways[k].empty)


Re: SQLite 3 support?

2020-02-26 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 at 20:06:20 UTC, mark wrote:
There seems to be some support for SQLite 3 in std. lib. etc 
when looking at the stable docs:

But this isn't visible when looking at stable (ddox).

Is this the best SQLite 3 library to use or is a third-party 
library best?

For example

I use d2sqlite3 regularly, no problems at all with it.
I have no experience with the std. lib one.


Re: Best way to learn 2d games with D?

2020-03-15 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 15 March 2020 at 17:58:58 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
I want to try and learn how to write 2d games. I'd prefer to do 
it with D.

I've found a ton of tutorials on learning 2d gaming with other 
languages. Is there a place to look that uses D for learning? 
Should I just start with another language and then migrate to D 
later? Anyone recommend any specific tutorial/book?


I'm on a similar journey myself, I'll list my findings, maybe it 
could be useful for you.

I decided on a game programming library. I mostly looked at SFML 
and Allegro, and found both to have good bindings available in D, 
and good documentation, and got minimal examples working with 
both. I went with SFML, simply because there was a book written 
specifically about writing a game in SFML. I didn't see any such 
books for Allegro (although there are plenty of 

I learnt about the "game loop". Bauss touched on it in his post, 
and I'm sure there are a lot of tutorials on it. I specifically 
learnt about it from the first few chapters of the SFML Game 
Development book.

I learnt about game design. In doing so, I came across 
Entity-Component-System design pattern. I decided to use this 
pattern, for no other reason than to try something other than OOP.

I found these links useful:

I started writing a game, using the derelict-sfml2 as my game 
library (again, I found the allegro library to be good too), and 
entitysysd to provide the ECS framework (there are a few ECS 
written in D available). Are they the best choices? Is SFML 
technically limited? Will I cope with ECS beyound the toy game 
example? No idea. But I'm having a lot of fun, which I think for 
a hobby project, is a fairly good measure of success ;-)


Re: Contributing CDF bindings to Deimos

2021-03-25 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 March 2021 at 04:00:33 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:

On Tuesday, 23 March 2021 at 05:54:13 UTC, mw wrote:


Okay, that's done.

The repo and 
package have been drafted 
and tested on Linux, I'm about to test on Windows and MacOS.  
As an aside, software developers at NASA Goddard have now heard 
of D which is nice.  They were pleased to see that it was 
supported by gcc. (Hat tip to the GDC team)

I've attempted to follow all guidelines as best I understood 
them, but this is my first package.  It likely has some style 
and functionality issues.  Is there a peer review stage to this 
process that is triggered automatically or could be requested?

Nice one. I've used HDF5/NetCDF, will have to check out and see 
what CDF offers.


Re: Local library with dub

2021-04-21 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 21 April 2021 at 15:07:25 UTC, JG wrote:

On Wednesday, 21 April 2021 at 00:39:41 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 20 April 2021 at 18:43:28 UTC, JG wrote:

This still leaves open the question of how to include a 
version of such a library in another project via dub.

Execute `dub add-local` followed by the path to the project's 
root directory (the directory containing the `dub.json/sdl`) 
and a version number in semver format.

dub add-local path 0.1.0

Then you can use the package just as you would any other dub 

Thanks. I suppose this means that if you want to able to use 
multiple versions you have to keep each version in a separate 
directory and add them individually, and there is no way of 
being able to get the appropriate version from say a git 

You can specify git repos as dependencies, if this helps.


Re: Recommendations on avoiding range pipeline type hell

2021-05-16 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 07:20:52 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:

On Saturday, 15 May 2021 at 14:05:34 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

If you post your code (or at least a self-contained subset of 
it) someone can probably help you figure out where you're 
running into trouble. The error messages by themselves do not 
provide enough information--all I can say from them is, "you 
must be doing something wrong."

I just tacked on `.array` in the the unittest and moved on for 
now, but for those who may be interested in the "equivalent but 
not equivalent" dmd error message mentioned above, the code is 
up on github.  To trigger the error message:

git clone
cd das2D
rdmd -unittest --main das2/range.d  # This works
In file `das2/range.d`, comment out lines 550 & 553 and 
uncomment lines 557 & 558 to get alternate definitions of 
`coarse_recs` and `fine_recs` then run rdmd again:

rdmd -unittest --main das2/range.d  # No longer works

In addition to the issue mentioned above, comments on any style 
issues, best practices or design choices are invited.  By the 
way the writeln calls in the unittests just temporary.

Essentially, `dr_fine` and `dr_coarse` are different types. For 

echo 'import std; void main() { auto a = [a,"test"]; }' | dmd 
-run - # your error


Another example:
auto r = [iota(1,10).map!(a =>!int),iota(1,10).map!(a =>!int)]; # compile error


Using ```.array``` on both of the elements of r will compile.



Re: Recommendations on avoiding range pipeline type hell

2021-05-16 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 09:55:31 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:

On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 09:17:47 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

Another example:
auto r = [iota(1,10).map!(a =>!int),iota(1,10).map!(a =>!int)];

# compile error

Hi Jordan

Nice succinct example.  Thanks for looking at the code :)

So, honest question.  Does it strike you as odd that the exact 
same range definition is considered to be two different types?

Maybe that's eminently reasonable to those with deep knowledge, 
but it seems crazy to a new D programmer.  It breaks a general 
assumption about programming when copying and pasting a 
definition yields two things that aren't the same type. (except 
in rare cases like SQL where null != null.)

On a side note, I appreciate that `.array` solves the problem, 
but I'm writing pipelines that are supposed to work on 
arbitrarily long data sets (> 1.4 TB is not uncommon).

There are those far more learned than me that could help explain. 
But in short, yes, it did take a little getting used to it - I 
would recommend looking at Voldemort types for D.

Ironically, use of Voldemort types and range-based programming is 
what helps me perform large data processing.


Re: DUB doesn't seem to respect my config, am I doing something wrong?

2021-05-22 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 22 May 2021 at 20:28:56 UTC, rempas wrote:
I've read the documentation about DUB's config (I'm using the 
SDL format) and it seems that DUB completely ignores my config. 
My config file is:

name "test"
description "Testing dub"
authors "rempas"
copyright "Copyright © 2021, rempas"
license "AGPL-3.0"
compiler "ldc2"

configuration "development" {
  platforms "linux"
  build "dubug"
  compiler "ldc2"
  targetType "executable"

configuration "release" {
  platforms "linux"
  dflags "-Oz" platform="/bin/ldc2"
  build "release"
  compiler "ldc2"
  targetType "executable"

I'm compiling using `dub --config=development` and I'm getting 
the following line: `Performing "debug" build using 
/usr/bin/dmd for x86_64`. The same exactly happens when I'm 
trying to do the release config. If I disable the `targetType` 
option, it seems that it's creating a library and I can also 
manually change the compiler and the build-type so I don't know 
what's going on

Ignoring the "dubug" typo...normally, I think you pass compiler 
values directly to dub via the ```--compiler``` flag. For example:

dub --config=development --compiler=ldc2

Note: you can also pass "debug" and "release" builds (among 
others), like so:

dub -b "debug" --compiler=ldc2

Passing in the compiler allows any end user building your code to 
use whatever compiler they want. Otherwise, something like 
```toolchainRequirements dmd="no" ldc=">=1.21.0"``` may achieve 
what you want.



Re: is it possible to sort a float range ?

2021-06-23 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 23 June 2021 at 19:53:24 UTC, someone wrote:

Please, look for the line marked +++

This is a structure with a public property returning a (still 
unsorted) range built on-the-fly from already-set properties, a 
basic range from a to z with n step where some specific values 
can be added in-between. The range is a float which I am 
currently using for currency (horrible) and later plan to move 
it to decimal 10 or the like.


```sort``` returns a ```SortedRange```, and I believe you wish to 
return a float. So you can do either ```return 
lnumRange.sort!(...).array;```, or you can do 
```lnumRange.sort!(...); return lnumRange```.

Re: is it possible to sort a float range ?

2021-06-23 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 23 June 2021 at 22:46:28 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 6/23/21 6:30 PM, Jordan Wilson wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 June 2021 at 19:53:24 UTC, someone wrote:


```sort``` returns a ```SortedRange```, and I believe you wish 
to return a float. So you can do either ```return 
lnumRange.sort!(...).array;```, or you can do 
```lnumRange.sort!(...); return lnumRange```.

Use the `release` method:

return lnumRange.sort!(...).release;


Wow...learn something new every day, cheers!


Re: writeln the struct from the alis this Example from the home page

2021-11-18 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 16:08:22 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 13:51:42 UTC, Martin 
Tschierschke wrote:


You can define a `toString` method, like this:

string toString()
import std.conv;

You can find more information about `toString` in the 
documentation here:

By the way, the reason your original version does not work is 
that `p` is `private`, so `writeln` cannot access it. If you 
change `p` to be `public`, it will work without a `toString` 

I thought private was to the module/file, not class/struct?


Sense check: construction / deconstruction

2018-04-24 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have the following code:
import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;
import d2sqlite3;

class A {
Database db;
this ( Database d) {
db = d;

class B {
Database* db;
this ( Database* d) {
db = d;

void main() {
auto db = Database(":memory:");
auto a = new A(db); // gives message:
// Error: clean-up of Database incorrectly
// depends on destructors called by the GC

auto b = new B(&db); // no message
auto c = scoped!A(db); // no message

Assumption 1: "a" gives me an error message due to the fact that 
proper clean up of db depends on a being collected by the GC, and 
this behavior is being dis-allowed through use of the idiom

The relevant function calling the error message is:
void ensureNotInGC(T)(string info = null) nothrow
import core.exception : InvalidMemoryOperationError;
import core.memory : GC;
cast(void) GC.malloc(1);
catch(InvalidMemoryOperationError e)
// error message here

Assumption 2: "b" gives me no error messages because the class B 
uses pointers, which moves it from relying on GC, to being 
manually free?

Assumption 3: "c" gives me no error messages because...well, I 
don't really understand why, maybe because c is in the same scope 
as db?



Re: Sense check: construction / deconstruction

2018-04-25 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 24 April 2018 at 23:49:14 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
What you are missing is that Database is pass-by-value, not a 
class. So when you include it directly in a class like you did 
in A, then when A's destructor is called, db's destructor is 

Since in the first case, a is being destroyed by the GC, you 
get the error.

Ok, this makes sense.

In the second case (b), you aren't including the db by value, 
so no destructor is called from the GC. But this is dangerous, 
because db stops existing after main exits, but b continues to 
exist in the GC, so this is a dangling pointer.

If I set the pointer to null, before (b) is collected, would that 

In the third case, scoped specifically destroys c when main 
exits, and you are not in the GC at that point.

What the error message is telling you is you should manually 
clean up the database directly instead of leaving it to the GC. 
What is the correct path? probably the scoped!A version. Though 
I'm not sure what making copies of the database does in that 


Ok I'll need to read the docs on scoped I think, but I think I 

If I wanted db to be persistent, but have temporary objects 
reference db without triggering GC collection of the db, you 
would use scoped?
Or is this a situation where it's better to pass the db in 
function calls to objects rather than set as a member of these 

Re: Sense check: construction / deconstruction

2018-04-25 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 13:52:16 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 


Great, thanks for you help Steve, I'll have a think about how I 
want to structure things.


Zip vs Enumerate

2018-06-19 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn


Idiomatically, I make use of zip, however, when looking to speed 
up my program, notice that using enumerate leads to a 20-30% 

void main(){
auto x = iota(1_000).array;
auto y = iota(1_000).array;

auto func1() {
return zip(x,y).map!(a => a[0]+a[1])

auto func2() {
return x.enumerate
.map!(a => a.value + y[a.index])


import std.datetime.stopwatch;
auto r = benchmark!(func1, func2)(10_000);
// r[0] approx 1794 ms
// r[1] approx 1295 ms

Is there anything I can do to improve zip, before I go ahead and 
change to the faster but slightly less readable enumerate? In my 
particular case, all ranges that I zip are of the same length, 
but not sure how I can leverage that information.



Re: Zip vs Enumerate

2018-06-20 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 05:49:15 UTC, Dukc wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 03:44:58 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:
Is there anything I can do to improve zip, before I go ahead 
and change to the faster but slightly less readable enumerate?

The problem might be that zip checks both arrays for empty 
during each step, enumerate only the first one. Try appending 
takeExactly(1000) on the result of zip. It might be even faster 
than enumerate.

takeExactly didn't change the timings at all.
I did write a rough zip function that took advantage of random 
access inputs and didn't need to account for different stopping 

auto myZip(R1,R2) (R1 r1, R2 r2) {
struct MyZip(R1,R2) {
size_t index=0;
R1 rng1;
R2 rng2;
size_t length;
this (R1 r1, R2 r2) {

auto empty() { return index==length; }
auto front() { return tuple(rng1[index],rng2[index]); }
void popFront() { index++; }
return MyZip!(R1,R2)(r1,r2);

This ended up being 40% faster than normal zip, both DMD 32/64.
I briefly tested with LDC and didn't notice any difference, which 
I thought was weird, but didn't have time to investigate further.

That fact that zip is slower is not bad, as it provides far more 
flexibility, different stopping policies, all types of ranges.

What is interesting (TBC) is the fact that it's only noticeably 
slower using DMD.


Re: Nullable!T with T of class type

2018-06-28 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 June 2018 at 19:22:38 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, June 28, 2018 18:10:07 kdevel via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 June 2018 at 21:54:49 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> [H]onestly, I don't understand why folks keep trying to put 
> nullable types in Nullable in non-generic code.

How do you signify that a struct member of class type is 

Structs aren't nullable, so wrapping them in a Nullable makes 
perfect sense. Whether they happen to be on the stack or 
members of another type is irrelevant to that. It's wrapping 
types like pointers and class references in a Nullable that's 
an odd thing to do - the types where someone might ask why the 
extra bool is necessary in the Nullable. Wrapping them in a 
Nullable makes sense in generic code, because the code isn't 
written specifically for them, but something like 
Nullable!MyClass in non-generic code is pointless IMHO, because 
a class reference is already nullable.

- Jonathan M Davis

Reading inpput from a csv file, and the value could either be 
blank, na, or numeric.  Nullable!MyClass could be used to 
represent 3 states in your programming logic.
I'm not saying this is the best way to represent ternary states, 
but it's not unreasonable.

Jordan Wilson

Windows 64-bit import library

2018-07-19 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to create an import library from a dll (in this case, 
a Lua dll).

Using dumpbin, I end up with a .def file:

I then use MS lib tool to generate a lib file:

lib /def:lua53.def /out:lua53.lib /machine:x64

I'm able to link the lib without errors (i.e. no "not valid lib" 
errors or anything), but that's as far as I get...any attempt to 
call functions results in:

undefined symbol: luaL_newstate

Is there any way I can generate the appropriate lib?

Else I think I'll need to get hold of the proper import libs that 
come with the Lua distribution.



Re: Windows 64-bit import library

2018-07-19 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 20 July 2018 at 01:34:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Thursday, 19 July 2018 at 21:43:35 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

Is there any way I can generate the appropriate lib?

Else I think I'll need to get hold of the proper import libs 
that come with the Lua distribution.

Lua is extremely easy to build. That will generate the import 
lib for you.

I don't have MSVC, so I built it using mingw, which generated a 
.a lib.
I shall google some more, as I understand it DMD -m64 uses Mingw 
libs as a fall back when MSVC not found, I compiled Lua using 
mingw, I can't be too much further away from being able to link 
in a 64-bit lua import lib in a 64-bit DMD compiled program...

Re: Windows 64-bit import library

2018-07-22 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 20 July 2018 at 05:12:05 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Friday, 20 July 2018 at 04:31:38 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

I don't have MSVC, so I built it using mingw, which generated 
a .a lib.
I shall google some more, as I understand it DMD -m64 uses 
Mingw libs as a fall back when MSVC not found, I compiled Lua 
using mingw, I can't be too much further away from being able 
to link in a 64-bit lua import lib in a 64-bit DMD compiled 

In that case, you may be better off using the DerelictLua 
binding [1] so that you can avoid the link-time dependency and 
just load the Lua DLL manually at runtime via 
`DerelictLua.load` [2]. Then it doesn't matter which compiler 
the DLL was compiled with or which toolchain you use to compile 
your app. Version 2.0.0-beta.2 (master and 2.0 branches) binds 
to Lua 5.3 (don't let the beta tag scare you -- it's stable). 
If you need Lua 5.2 instead, version 1.3.0 binds to it.


Ah I think you have indirectly reminded me what the problem could 
be, the luaD wrapper that's available is for 5.1 I think (I'm 
trying to link lua 5.3).

Your binding did work quite well, but I think I'll try again 
using lua 5.1, so I can keep using luaD.



Re: Windows 64-bit import library

2018-07-22 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 20 July 2018 at 12:03:20 UTC, evilrat wrote:

On Friday, 20 July 2018 at 04:31:38 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

On Friday, 20 July 2018 at 01:34:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Thursday, 19 July 2018 at 21:43:35 UTC, Jordan Wilson 

Is there any way I can generate the appropriate lib?

Else I think I'll need to get hold of the proper import libs 
that come with the Lua distribution.

Lua is extremely easy to build. That will generate the import 
lib for you.

I don't have MSVC, so I built it using mingw, which generated 
a .a lib.
I shall google some more, as I understand it DMD -m64 uses 
Mingw libs as a fall back when MSVC not found, I compiled Lua 
using mingw, I can't be too much further away from being able 
to link in a 64-bit lua import lib in a 64-bit DMD compiled 

what about passing your .def file directly with /DEF:your.def 
linker switch?

more info

Thanks, I tried your suggestion, but received:
lld-link: warning: : undefined symbol: luaL_newstate
lld-link: warning: : undefined symbol: luaL_addlstring
lld-link: warning: : undefined symbol: luaL_addstring
lld-link: warning: : undefined symbol: luaL_addvalue
lld-link: warning: : undefined symbol: luaL_argerror
lld-link: warning: : undefined symbol: luaL_buffinit


I think I'll just have to obtain the lib from the LuaBinaries 



Access program args outside of main

2018-10-17 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn


Is there a way to access command line arguments outside of main?

// main.d
module main;

import data;
void main(string args[]) {


// data.d
module data

immutable programData;
static this() {
// read in data

Ideally, I'd check args before I take the time to load up data.



Re: Access program args outside of main

2018-10-17 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 22:37:53 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
On Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 22:30:31 UTC, Jordan Wilson 

Ideally, I'd check args before I take the time to load up data.

Here I was looking through std...thanks mate.


Re: How can I walk the list in a RegexMatch backwards?

2019-02-03 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 3 February 2019 at 18:07:13 UTC, Chris Bare wrote:

auto matches = matchAll(str, searchRegex);

foreach (m; matches) // this walks the list forward

I tried:
foreach_reverse (m; matches)
foreach (m; reverse (matches))
foreach (m; retro (matches))

and they all failed to compile.
I also tried to index matches (matches[i]) but that does not 
work either.

matchAll is a forward range, whereas retro requires a 
bi-directional range.

So using the array function should work:
foreach (m; matches.array.retro)


Re: How to break from parallel foreach?

2019-02-26 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 26 February 2019 at 19:58:24 UTC, Andrey wrote:

How to break from parallel foreach?
More general question - how to control such loop?

A basic way would be to use a flag:

shared stopWork=false;
foreach (wordBag; wordBags.parallel) {
if (!stopWork) {
// do work
if (wordBag.canFind("myword")) stopWork=true

I'd say it's probably not an elegant solution to "break" from 
parallel forloops, but that's up to you to decide.


Re: Finding Max Value of Column in Multi-Dimesional Array

2019-07-04 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 July 2019 at 00:54:15 UTC, Samir wrote:
Is there a cleaner way of finding the maximum value of say the 
third column in a multi-dimensional array than this?

int[][] p = [[1,2,3,4], [9,0,5,4], [0,6,2,1]];
writeln([p[0][2], p[1][2], p[2][2]].max);

I've tried the following
writeln([0, 1, 2].map!(p[a][2]).max);

but get an "Error: undefined identifier a" error.

I know there doesn't seem to be much of a difference between 
two examples but my real-world array is more complex which is 
why I'm looking for a more scalable option.

Samir!(a => a[2]).maxElement.writeln; // 5!"a[2]".maxElement.writeln; // 5

Or, modifying your example:
writeln([0,1,2].map!(a => p[a][2]).maxElement;



Re: Array merge and sort

2017-09-20 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 September 2017 at 06:29:17 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

Hi All,

 My code output's the below so can any one help me on hot to 
merege all tese array and sort the same.

Output :
[ Tuple!(string, string)("C:\\Temp\\TEST1\\BACKUP\\DND1.pdf", 
"2017-Sep-06 16:06:42") ]
[ Tuple!(string, string)("C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\EXPORT\\DND1.pdf", 
"2017-Sep-06 16:06:43")]
[ Tuple!(string, 
string)("C:\\Temp\\TEST3\\PROD_TEAM\\DND1.pdf", "2017-Sep-06 
[ Tuple!(string, string)("C:\\Temp\\TEST4\\TEAM\\DND1.pdf", 
"2017-Sep-06 16:06:44") ]

Code :
foreach (string FFs; parallel(CleanDirlst[0 .. $], 1)) {
MCresult.get ~= coCleanFiles(FFs.strip, Step);
foreach(i; MCresult.toRange)
if (!i.empty) { writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", i[]); }


I'm not sure what MCresult is, but perhaps using joiner can help 

import std.algorithm : joiner, sort;
import std.range : array;
import std.typecons : Tuple;

auto data = [[Tuple!(string,string)("test4","1")],


auto sortedData = data.joiner
  .sort!((a,b) => a[0] < b[0]);

// outputs
// [Tuple!(string, string)("test1", "2"), Tuple!(string, 
string)("test2", "3"), Tuple!(string, string)("test3", "4"), 
Tuple!(string, string)("test4", "1")]


Re: Derelict on Ubuntu with CODE::BLOCKS

2017-12-10 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 December 2017 at 16:50:10 UTC, RegeleIONESCU wrote:


Please help me install and use Derelict on Ubuntu 16.04!


I use Code::Blocks myself, but doesn't have inbuilt dub support.
This link should help:

This will tell you how to build the appropriate Derelict bindings.

Note: you'll still need to make sure the actual C/C++ library 
your trying to use in your D project is available as well.


Re: multithread/concurrency/parallel methods and performance

2018-02-18 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 February 2018 at 17:54:58 UTC, SrMordred wrote:

I´m experimenting with threads and related recently.
(i´m just started so may be some terrrible mistakes here)

With this base work:

foreach(i ; 0 .. SIZE)
results[i] = values1[i] * values2[i];

and then with this 3 others methods: parallel, spawn and 

this was my results:

_base : 456 ms and 479 us
_parallel : 331 ms, 324 us, and 4 hnsecs
_concurrency : 367 ms, 348 us, and 2 hnsecs
_thread : 369 ms, 565 us, and 3 hnsecs

(code here : )

All methods have minor speedup gains.  I was expecting a lot 

Since I have 7 cores I expected like below 100ms.

I´m not seeing false sharing in this case. or i'm wrong?

If someone can expand on this, i'll be grateful.


It may be due to thread local storage:

I'm not sure though, as I don't know how your results array 


Date range iteration

2018-03-11 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I wanted to iterate through a date range, so I initially tried:

That wouldn't compile, which is fair enough I guess.

So I tried a for loop:
for (auto i = Date(2016,1,1); i < Date(2018,1,1); 

That seemed to work fine, but I remember reading "for loops are 
bad" somewhere. So I looked for a range type mechanism, and I 
think it's this:
foreach (i; Interval!Date 
(Date(2016,1,1),Date(2018,1,1)).fwdRange ( (a) { return 
a+dur!"days"(1); })){}

My question is if the third way is the proper way of stepping 
through a period of time? It just seems quite complicated to me.



Re: Date range iteration

2018-03-12 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 02:49:34 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, March 12, 2018 02:11:49 Jordan Wilson via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


Maybe iota should be made to work, but as present, it basically 
wants all three of the types it's given to be the same or 
implicitly convertible to a single type. It can't handle the 
step being a completely different type.


Yes I agree, a for loop for simple iteration is fine, but I'm 
sure there are cases where a date range would be quite useful, so 
the everyDuration tip is great, thanks!


Understanding slide

2018-03-21 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

auto a = iota(5).slide!(Yes.withPartial)(3);
auto b = iota(5).slide!(No.withPartial)(3);
assert (a.equal(b));

The assert passes, but I would expect it to fail? They both are:



Re: Understanding slide

2018-03-22 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 03:58:35 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 03:39:38 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

auto a = iota(5).slide!(Yes.withPartial)(3);
auto b = iota(5).slide!(No.withPartial)(3);
assert (a.equal(b));

The assert passes, but I would expect it to fail? They both 





Ah I see. Apologies, I normally read the forums every day, must 
have just missed this one.


Re: cannot access frame of function

2018-03-22 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 September 2017 at 21:58:39 UTC, Alex wrote:

On Monday, 18 September 2017 at 18:49:54 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

Doesn't work for me. This still fails compilation with the 
same error:

import std.algorithm.iteration : sum, cumulativeFold;
void main()
double[5] a;
auto asum = 1.23;
auto jProbs = a[].cumulativeFold!((a, b) => (a + b)/asum);

So, this is a bug, isn't it? I assume, I should file it then...

I have this same issue. Anyone have any thoughts on a workaround?

For example, my attempt at an exponential moving average doesn't 

auto ema(Range,T) (Range rng, int period, T seed) {
return rng.cumulativeFold!((a,b) => 


So I ended up with this:
auto ema(Range,T) (Range rng, int period, T seed) {
struct EMA(Range) {
double currentValue;
double weighting;
Range rng;
this (Range r, int p, double s) {
currentValue = s;
weighting = 2.0 / (p+1);
rng = r;
auto front() { return currentValue; }
auto popFront() {
if (!rng.empty){
currentValue += (rng.front - 

auto empty() { return rng.empty; }
return EMA!Range(rng,period,!double);



Re: Better way to append to array than ~= ?

2018-04-04 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 3 April 2018 at 19:02:25 UTC, Vladimirs Nordholm 

Hello people.

I currently have a function which multiple times per second 
takes in arguments, and appends the argument as my special 
type. The following code should explain what I do more properly:

struct MySpecialType { char c; }

auto foo(Args...)(Args args)
MySpecialType[] bar;

foreach(ref arg; args)
static if(is(typeof(arg) == MySpecialType))
bar ~= arg;
foreach(c; to!string(arg))
bar ~= MySpecialType(c);

// do more stuff

Now, from my trace.log, some of the topmost things on the 
timing list are `std.array.Appender!(immutable(char).stuff>`. I also remember reading some years ago that ~= isn't 
optimal for speed.

So my question is: Is there a better and/or faster way of doing 
this, or is this the best approach?

I believe you are right to question the ~= in regards to 
performance. So, what I would do is replace this loop:

foreach(c; to!string(arg))
bar ~= MySpecialType(c);

with this one liner:
bar ~=!(a => MySpecialType(!char)).array;

To my mind, you replace multiple appends with just the one append 
(to be fair, I don't know what the .array is doing internally, 
but I'm sure whatever it does is nice and optimised).


Tuple fields/types

2016-06-30 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn


For tuples, does the fieldNames property have a 1-1 
correspondence with the Types property?

It appears that way in my testing:

alias MyData = Tuple!(string,"a",int,"b");
foreach (i, type; MyData.Types){
writeln (MyData.fieldNames[i]," ",type.stringof);
// a string
// b int

But I can't figure out for sure from the documentation:

alias fieldNames = staticMap!(extractName, fieldSpecs);
alias Types = staticMap!(extractType, fieldSpecs);



Error Compiling with -debug swtich

2015-08-27 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn


Just wondering why compiling the following fails with the -debug 
switch, but appears to compile and execute fine without it:

import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.container;

int main(string[] args) {
Array!string letters = ["b","a","c"];
writeln (letters[]); // ["a","b","c"]
return 0;

With the -debug switch, I get:
src\phobos\std\range\package.d(7180): Error: 
'std.range.SortedRange!(RangeT!(Array!string), "a < 
b").SortedRange.dbgVerifySorted' is not nothrow
src\phobos\std\algorithm\sorting.d(982): Error: template instance 
std.range.assumeSorted!("a < b", RangeT!(Array!string)) error 

Without the switch, everything seems to work fine...(I'm using 
DMD 2.068.0)



Re: reading file byLine

2015-09-03 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 22:21:57 UTC, Namal wrote:

ep18.d(10): Error: no property 'split' for type 'char[]'
instantiated from here: MapResult!(__lambda1, ByLine!(char, 
ep18.d(10):instantiated from here: map!(ByLine!(char, 

and then a long list to the end of my code
 Error: undefined identifier a

Hmm, seems I forgot to add std.string, now it works, but words 
seems not to be an array, at least I cannot access it like an 
array. words[0][0] leads to

 Error: no [] operator overload for type MapResult!(__lambda1, 
ByLine!(char, char))

So is is a map? How can I convert all the elements in it to 
integer and store it in a real array?

I believe it's by using array:
auto words = file.byLine()   // you've all lines in  range
  .map!(a => a.split).array();

Re: reading file byLine

2015-09-03 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 22:48:01 UTC, Jordan Wilson 

On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 22:21:57 UTC, Namal wrote:

ep18.d(10): Error: no property 'split' for type 'char[]'
instantiated from here: MapResult!(__lambda1, ByLine!(char, 
ep18.d(10):instantiated from here: map!(ByLine!(char, 

and then a long list to the end of my code
 Error: undefined identifier a

Hmm, seems I forgot to add std.string, now it works, but words 
seems not to be an array, at least I cannot access it like an 
array. words[0][0] leads to

 Error: no [] operator overload for type MapResult!(__lambda1, 
ByLine!(char, char))

So is is a map? How can I convert all the elements in it to 
integer and store it in a real array?

I believe it's by using array:
auto words = file.byLine()   // you've all lines in  

  .map!(a => a.split).array();

Sorry, I didn't notice the "convert all the elements in it to 
integer" part.
I think I saw reference to the to! before...that is one way to 

auto words = file.byLine()   // you've all lines in range
   .map!(a => a.split)
   .map!(a => to!int(a)).array();

Re: reading file byLine

2015-09-03 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

Actually, need an extra map I think:

auto word = file.byLine()
.map!(a => a.split)
.map!(a => map!(a => to!int(a))(a))

Re: reading file byLine

2015-09-03 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

And also:
import std.algorithm

Sorry, I should have taken the time to answer properly and fully.

Re: reading file byLine

2015-09-03 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 23:28:37 UTC, Namal wrote:
On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 23:25:52 UTC, Jordan Wilson 

And also:
import std.algorithm

Sorry, I should have taken the time to answer properly and 

import std.file, std.stdio, std.string, std.conv, std.algorithm;

void main(){

auto file = File("text.txt");
auto numbers = file.byLine()
 .map!(a => a.split)
 .map!(a => map!(a => to!int(a))(a))


Error: no property 'array' for type 'MapResult!(__lambda2, 
MapResult!(__lambda1, ByLine!(char, char)))'

Still an error.

import std.array

Re: reading file byLine

2015-09-03 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 September 2015 at 00:18:15 UTC, Namal wrote:

On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 23:54:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:


Thx Theo, this and the lack of foolproof tutorials were the 
reason why I gave up on D 2 years ago and went instead to C++. 
But I am not giving up this time. That being said, when do I 
have to import std.array and std.string? Every time I use 
std.array? I can obviously use arrays and strings without those 

My 2 cents, as someone who is newish to D, I'd also recommend the 
above approach. I found the whole ranges thing to be hard to get 
at first, but I do find myself using ranges + std.algorithm more 
and more (even though it's mostly just basic map and filter).

Function template advice

2017-01-18 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have a simple comparison function:

struct Foo {
string bar;

auto sameGroup(T,S) (T a, S b) {
static assert (is(T == string) || is(T == Foo));
static assert (is(S == string) || is(S == Foo));

string aStr;
string bStr;
static if (is(T == string)){
aStr = a;
} else {
aStr =;
static if (is(S == string)){
bStr = b;
} else {
bStr =;
return equal (aStr,bStr);

This works, but just wondered if there was an easier way?

Is there a way to do "static if" in shorthand, like:
auto aStr = (static if (is(T==string)) ? a :

Re: Function template advice

2017-01-18 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 January 2017 at 22:39:02 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 01/18/2017 02:02 PM, Jordan Wilson wrote:


Yes, can be better with something similar to the following:

struct Foo {
string bar;

string value(U : Foo)(U u) {

string value(U : string)(U u) {
return u;

auto sameGroup(T,S) (T a, S b) {
static assert (is(T == string) || is(T == Foo));
static assert (is(S == string) || is(S == Foo));

import std.algorithm;
return equal (value(a), value(b));

void main() {
assert(sameGroup("a", "b") == false);
assert(sameGroup("a", Foo("a")) == true);
assert(sameGroup(Foo("x"), "b") == false);
assert(sameGroup(Foo("z"), Foo("z")) == true);


Nice, yes looks better thanks.

Re: D idom for removing array elements

2017-01-26 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 26 January 2017 at 08:22:09 UTC, albert-j wrote:
What is the D idiom for removing array elements that are 
present in another array?

Is this the right/fastest way?

int[] a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4];
int[] b = [3, 4, 6];
auto c = a.remove!(x => b.canFind(x));
assert(c == [1, 2, 5, 7]);

If you don't care about array a being mutated, then I think what 
you have is best (although I would suggest that if you don't care 
about a being mutated, just reassign the results back to a again).

Otherwise, I think you need to allocate a new array, so the other 
answers using filter are good.

Re: D idom for removing array elements

2017-01-29 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 January 2017 at 21:41:57 UTC, albert-j wrote:

On Saturday, 28 January 2017 at 11:54:58 UTC, cym13 wrote:


I am trying to wrap my head around lazy evaluation during 
filtering/mapping, but there's something I don't understand.
I want to create an array, square some elements, remove some 
elements from original array and add the squared ones to the 
original array:


You need to do something like this:
auto arrMap = arr.filter!(x => x > 5).map!(x => x^^2).array;

It's because arrMap is lazy evaluated.

Re: D idom for removing array elements

2017-01-29 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 January 2017 at 23:42:40 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

On Sunday, 29 January 2017 at 21:41:57 UTC, albert-j wrote:

On Saturday, 28 January 2017 at 11:54:58 UTC, cym13 wrote:


I am trying to wrap my head around lazy evaluation during 
filtering/mapping, but there's something I don't understand.
I want to create an array, square some elements, remove some 
elements from original array and add the squared ones to the 
original array:


You need to do something like this:
auto arrMap = arr.filter!(x => x > 5).map!(x => x^^2).array;

It's because arrMap is lazy evaluated.

arr ~= arrMap.array;
will cause arrMap to be evaluated again using whatever arr is.

So instead of:
auto arrMap = arr.filter!(x => x > 5).map!(x => x^^2);
// mutate arr
arr ~= arrMap.array;

you would want:
auto arrMap = arr.filter!(x => x > 5).map!(x => x^^2).array;
// mutate arr
arr ~= arrMap;

Re: code D'ish enough? - ignore previous post with same subject

2017-02-26 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 26 February 2017 at 19:34:33 UTC, thorstein wrote:


sorry for posting again, but I used a keyboard combination that 
accidently send my post before it was done.

Coming more or less from Python I just started with D. Not a 
real programmer, just automating things and looking for a neat 
compiled language.

Just to learn, I wrote a function to read CSV-like files (I 
know D has its own routine). Since I'm still a bit overwhelmed 
by the many complex language features, I'm curious what could I 
change to make my code as D'ish as possible?

Thank you for any suggestion,

// Reads CSV-like files with only numeric values in each column
// new_ndv replaces ndv, which is the original no-data-value
double[][]* readNumMatCsv(char[] filePath, int numHeaderLines, 
char[] ndv, char[] new_ndv)

{ double[][]* p_numArray;
  double[][] numArray;
  char[] line;
  string noCont = "File content not usable. Quit here.";
  string noFile = "Could not read file. Quit here.";
  string nonNum = "Found a non-numeric value in data matrix. 
Quit here.";

  Regex!char re = regex(r"(\n$)");

  { File f = File(filePath, "r");
if((line = f.readln().dup).length > 0)
{ while (!f.eof())
  // 1st replace ndv with new_ndv, 2nd remove all \n, 3rd 
check id size of read line >0
  { if((line = replaceAll(f.readln().dup.replace(ndv, 
new_ndv), re, "")).length > 0)

// check if all elements of splitted line are numeric
{ foreach(i;split(line,","))
  { if(isNumeric(i) == false)
// otherwise return pointer to empty array
{ writeln(nonNum);
  return p_numArray;
  // convert characters to double
  if(split(line,",").length > 0)
  { numArray ~= to!(double[])(split(line,","));
  // pass reference to pointer
  p_numArray = &numArray;
  // first line empty -> return pointer to empty array
} else { writeln(noCont); }
// file could not be find
  } else { writeln(noFile); }
  return p_numArray;

I'm in a similar boat, as I continue to learn D, I find myself 
using UFCS, "auto", and operating on ranges alot more; I think 
that's considered idiomatic.

For example, here is my rough attempt:
auto readNumMatCsv2 (string filePath, string ndv, string new_ndv){
double[][] p_numArray;
try {
auto lines = File(filePath,"r").byLine;
lines.popFront; // get read of header
p_numArray =!(a => a.replace (ndv,new_ndv)
  .splitter (",")
  .map!(a =>!double)
} catch (Exception e){
e.msg.writeln; // this replaces "Could not read file. 
Quit here."

return p_numArray;

It took me quite a while to get the whole usage of range stuff 
like "map" and "filter" etc., but I think it's worth the effort.

Mixing libraries

2017-02-28 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn


Been trying to learn the Simple Fast Multimedia Library (SFML) 
using the Derelict bindings, and noticed some functionality is 
offered by both SFML and the std library (for example, sfClock 
and sfMutex).

Is there a general design principle of, say, use the std library 
whenever possible and only SFML when I have too? Or should I try 
to be consistent and use SFML library whenever possible?



Re: code D'ish enough? - ignore previous post with same subject

2017-02-28 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 28 February 2017 at 20:49:39 UTC, crimaniak wrote:
On Sunday, 26 February 2017 at 21:50:38 UTC, Jordan Wilson 

.map!(a =>!double)

 If lambda just calls another function you can pass it directly:
== .map!(to!double)

Learn something new everyday, thanks :-)

Re: Mixing libraries

2017-03-01 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 March 2017 at 01:02:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 1 March 2017 at 16:12:06 UTC, bauss wrote:

There is a better binding.


You can find it here:

DSFML technically is not a binding (even though it says such on 
the web site). It's a wrapper that D-ifies the SFML API. The 
SFML functions are not callable directly, as they are all 
declared privately. DerelictSFML is strictly a binding, with no 
attempt to wrap anything. A wrapper like DSFML could be 
implemented on top of DerelictSFML.

So yes, it's better if what you really want is a wrapper.

Ah yes, I think you explain the difference between 
wrapper/binding in one of the Derelict docs.

I'm currently working through a ebook on Game Dev with SFML...the 
examples are all C++.
I don't have any trouble translating it to the equivalent C 
bindings (so far anyway), but perhaps in the long run using dsfml 
will be easier (for example, I found using Iup4d easier than the 
straight C Iup bindings).

Re: I do not understand what the problem is in this code.

2017-03-02 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 March 2017 at 03:11:24 UTC, steven kladitis wrote:

void main() {
import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.string;

const pieces = "KQRrBbNN";
alias I = indexOf;
auto starts = permutations(pieces.dup).filter!(p =>
I(p, 'B') % 2 != I(p, 'b') % 2 && // Bishop 

// King constraint.
((I(p, 'r') < I(p, 'K') && I(p, 'K') < I(p, 'R')) ||
 (I(p, 'R') < I(p, 'K') && I(p, 'K') < I(p, 'r'
writeln(starts.walkLength, "\n", starts.front);

I saw this answer for a similar question from Adam D. Ruppe:
" is anything that Phobos considers "bidirectional" and 
"swappable" - an array it can reverse easily and swap individual 
elements, and it considers plain string to be non-swappable due 
to UTF-8 encoding. Due to its variable length element encoding, 
swapping two chars may require reshuffling the entire array, 
which would be far more expensive than the function allows.

Thus, the easiest way to make this work is to use a type which 
Phobos considers to be swappable: a UTF-32 string, aka dchar[]."

So, here's my attempt at something that might work for you:
const pieces = "KQRrBbNN";
alias I = indexOf;
auto starts = permutations(!(dchar[])).filter!(p =>
I(p, 'B') % 2 != I(p, 'b') % 2 && // Bishop 

// King constraint.
((I(p, 'r') < I(p, 'K') && I(p, 'K') < I(p, 'R')) ||
 (I(p, 'R') < I(p, 'K') && I(p, 'K') < I(p, 'r'
writeln(starts.walkLength, "\n", starts.front);

Note: the ".map!(to!string)" part was just to get round dealing 
with the fact that permutations returns an Index.

It's may not be exactly what you want, but hopefully set you on 
the right track.


Re: first try

2017-03-16 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 17 March 2017 at 00:35:32 UTC, Philip Miess wrote:

This is my first 100+ line D program.
Its a translation/refactor of aceyducy from 101 basic programs.
Could someone look over it and see if I've made any glaring 

Suggestions are welcome also.


Hello Phil,

I think there might be an issue with this function here:
int inputInt ( string prompt){
  int val ;
  writeln( prompt ~ "? ");
  string line;
  bool found = false;
  while ( !found ) {
try {
  readf(" %d", &val);
  found = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
  writeln( "? " );
  return val;

I get an infinate loop if I put in something that's not 
convertible to an integer. I think what happens is that you catch 
the exception, the input still remains (presumably the 
buffer/range it's reading from hasn't had the chance to iterate 
through because of the thrown exception), and readf will always 
try and convert the input again.

I'd probably rewrite it as this:

int inputInt ( string prompt ){
  import std.range : popBack;
  writeln( prompt ~ "? ");

  string line;
  while ((line = readln) !is null){
line.popBack; // remove line terminator
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
writeln ("? ");


Re: How to avoid throwing an exceptions for a built-in function?

2017-05-11 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 11 May 2017 at 18:07:47 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 05:55:03PM +, k-five via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Thursday, 11 May 2017 at 17:18:37 UTC, crimaniak wrote:
> On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 12:40:41 UTC, k-five wrote:
> try this: 

Worked. Thanks.

import std.stdio;
import std.conv: to;
import std.exception: ifThrown;

void main( string[] args ){

string str = "string";
	int index = to!int( str ).ifThrown( 0 ); // if an exception 
was thrown, it

is ignored and then return ( 0 );
writeln( "index: ", index );  // 0

Keep in mind, though, that you should not do this in an inner 
loop if you care about performance, as throwing / catching 
exceptions will incur a performance hit.  Outside of inner 
loops, though, it probably doesn't matter.


This reason is why I sometimes use isNumeric if I have heaps of 
strings I need to convert,  to reduce exceptions. So something 

int index = (str.isNumeric) ? to!int(str).ifThrown(0) : 0;


Re: Out of memory error (even when using destroy())

2017-05-26 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 May 2017 at 06:31:49 UTC, realhet wrote:


I'm kinda new to the D language and I love it already. :D So 
far I haven't got any serious problems but this one seems like 
beyond me.

import std.stdio;
void main(){
foreach(i; 0..2000){
auto st = new ubyte[500_000_000];
destroy(st); //<-this doesnt matter

Compiled with DMD 2.074.0 Win32 it produces the following 

Memory allocation failed

It doesn't matter that I call destroy() or not. This is ok 
because as I learned: destroy only calls the destructor and 
marks the memory block as unused.

But I also learned that GC will start to collect when it run 
out of memory but in this time the following happens:
3x half GB of allocations and deallocations, and on the 4th the 
system runs out of the 2GB
 limit which is ok. At this point the GC already has 1.5GB of 
free memory but instead of using that, it returns a Memory 
Error. Why?

Note: This is not a problem when I use smaller blocks (like 
But I want to use large blocks, without making a slow wrapper 
that emulates a large block by using smaller GC allocated 

Is there a solution to this?

Thank You!

I believe the general solution would be to limit allocation 
within loops (given the issue Johnathan mentioned).

This I think achieves the spirit of your code, but without the 
memory exception:

ubyte[] st;
foreach(i; 0..2000){
st.length=500_000_000; // auto = new ubyte[500_000_000];
st.length=0; // destory(st)
// prevent allocation by assuming it's ok to overrwrite what's 
currently in st


Re: howto count lines - fast

2017-05-30 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 20:02:38 UTC, Nitram wrote:
After reading , i was wondering how fast one can do a simple "wc -l" in D.

So i made a couple short implementations and found myself 
confronted with slow results compared to "/usr/bin/wc -l".

How would a implementation look like in D, which is fast?

Not sure if this is the fastest, but anyway

void main(){
import std.file : read;
import std.conv : to;
import std.algorithm : count;

auto data = cast(ubyte[])read("somefile.txt");
auto lc = data.count('\n'.to!ubyte);


Re: howto count lines - fast

2017-05-30 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 20:37:44 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 20:02:38 UTC, Nitram wrote:
After reading , i was wondering how fast one can do a simple "wc -l" in D.

So i made a couple short implementations and found myself 
confronted with slow results compared to "/usr/bin/wc -l".

How would a implementation look like in D, which is fast?

Not sure if this is the fastest, but anyway

void main(){
import std.file : read;
import std.conv : to;
import std.algorithm : count;

auto data = cast(ubyte[])read("somefile.txt");
auto lc = data.count('\n'.to!ubyte);


I should say, if you don't care about storing the data, 
File("somefile.txt","r").byLine.count is probably more idiomatic, 
and probably just as fast.


Re: Rosetta Commatizing numbers

2017-05-30 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 10:54:49 UTC, Solomon E wrote:

The earlier version of the page made D look more error prone 
than other languages, but short. Now my solution is as long as 
some of the other language's solutions, but it's well commented 
and tested, I think. Now I doubt any of the solutions in other 
languages are as correct or potentially useful or informative.

Regardless to solution place to make code a little 
shorter could be when you check for special prefix; maybe replace 
the two foreach loops? Something like:

if (specials != null) {
// There may be special prefixed formats that use different 
// Any format with a longer prefix should override a shorter 

auto pairs = specials.byKeyValue
 .sort!((a,b) => a.key.length < 

auto preAnyDigit = matchNum.pre.stripRight('0');

pairs.filter!(a => preAnyDigit.length >= a.key.length)
 .filter!(a => a.key == preAnyDigit[$ - a.key.length .. 

 .each!(a => ins = a.value);
