Re: Best way to learn 2d games with D?

2020-03-15 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2020-03-15 18:58, Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

I'd prefer to do it with D.

How about raylib in conjunction with thin d bindings? I prefer it over sdl, 
sfml and the like. (make sure to enable js for embedded 

Should I just start with another language and then migrate to D later? 

If you can stomach lua(jit), check out love2d. Docs and provided game tutorials are super easy to 

Lastly, if you're more interested in the gamedev aspect, there's also the option to pick your poison 
from this curated mixed list of slim and fat 2d game engines:

Re: wordladder - code improvement

2020-01-31 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2020-01-31 09:44, mark via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

I can't use the levenshtien distance because although it is a better solution, 

Nah, it isn't, sorry for the noise, should have slept before sending the message, was thinking of 
hamming distance:

auto a = "abcd";
auto b = "bcda";

auto hammingDistance(string a, string b) {
return zip(a, b).count!(t => t[0] != t[1]);

levenshteinDistance(a, b).writeln; // => 2
hammingDistance(a, b).writeln; // => 4

main() [...] doesn't match the behaviour

There's also std.range.tee if you ever need to perform additional side-effects in a range pipeline, 
which restores the original dot printing:

write("Try ");
auto res = generate!(() => genLadder(words.dup, STEPS))
.tee!(_ => write('.'), No.pipeOnPop) // No.pipeOnPop ensures we're not one 
dot short
.find!(a => !a[1].empty)
writeln(" ", res[0]);

genLadder() [...] is so compact.

Thinking about it, you could even eliminate the prev variable all together when using ladder.back in 

Regarding const correctness, this article and thread might contain useful information:

By the way, keep the documentation improvements coming, much appreciated!

Re: wordladder - code improvement

2020-01-30 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn
From one noob to another: Not much of a difference, but levenshteinDistance seems to be a good fit 
here. About as fast as your solution, slightly lower memory usage. byCodeUnit/byChar might shave off 
a few more ms.

For small scripts like these I'm usually not even bothering with const correctness and selective 
imports. There's also import std; but that might lead to ambiguous imports.


import std.algorithm, std.array, std.conv, std.datetime.stopwatch,
   std.functional, std.random, std.range, std.stdio, std.uni;

enum WORDFILE = "/usr/share/hunspell/en_GB.dic";
enum WORDSIZE = 4;

// could be verified at compile-time
static assert(WORDSIZE % 2 == 0, "WORDSIZE should be even");

alias WordList = string[];
alias WordSet = bool[string];

void main() {
auto sw = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes);
auto words = getWords(WORDFILE, WORDSIZE);
// would be slicker with proper destructuring support
auto res = generate!(() => genLadder(words.dup, STEPS))
.find!(a => !a[1].empty)
writeln("tries: ", res[0]);
writeln(sw.peek); // or!"msecs"

WordSet getWords(string filename, uint wordsize) {
return File(filename).byLine
.map!(line => line.until!(not!isAlpha))
.filter!(word => word.count == wordsize)
.map!(word =>!string.toUpper)

WordList genLadder(WordSet words, uint steps) {
WordList ladder;

string update(WordList comps) {
ladder ~= comps.choice;
return ladder.back;
WordList compWords(string prev) {
return words.byKey.filter!(word => levenshteinDistance(word, prev) == 

auto prev = update(words.byKey.array);
foreach (comps; generate!(() => compWords(prev)).take(steps + 1)) {
if (comps.empty) return comps;
prev = update(comps);

if (levenshteinDistance(ladder.front, ladder.back) < WORDSIZE)
return [];
return ladder;

Re: Reading a file of words line by line

2020-01-16 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2020-01-16 04:54, Jesse Phillips via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

.map!(word =>!string.toUpper)
.map!(x => tuple (x, 0))
.assocArray ;

.each!(word => words[!string.toUpper] = 0);

isn't far off, but could also be (sans imports):

return File(filename).byLine
.map!(line => line.until!(not!isAlpha))
.filter!(word => word.count == wordsize)
.map!(word =>!string.toUpper)

Re: Reading a file of words line by line

2020-01-15 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2020-01-15 16:34, mark via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Is this as compact as it _reasonably_ can be?

How about this?

auto uniqueWords(string filename, uint wordsize) {
import std.algorithm, std.array, std.conv, std.functional, std.uni;

return File(filename).byLine
.map!(line => line.until!(not!isAlpha))
.filter!(word => word.count == wordsize)
.map!(word =>!string.toUpper)

Re: Using tasks without GC?

2020-01-04 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

Creates a Task on the GC heap that calls an alias.

If possible, there's also scopedTask, which allocates on the stack:

So my question is: Has anyone done any analysis over how "dangerous" it is to use GC'd tasks for 
_small_ tasks (in terms of milliseconds)?

Nothing major, but puts quite a 
bit of pressure on various implementations. You might want to profile ./pfib 40:

import std;

ulong fib(uint n) {
if (n < 2) return n;

auto x = scopedTask!fib(n-1); // vs. Task!fib(n-1);
auto y = fib(n-2);
return x.yieldForce + y; // {yield,spin,work}Force

void main(string[] args) {
enforce(args.length == 2, "Usage: fib ");
auto n = args[1].to!uint;
// defaultPoolThreads(totalCPUs);
writefln!"fib(%d) = %d"(n, fib(n));

At least D isn't locking up beyond 12 tasks; looking at you, stdlib-nim. :)

Re: Finding Max Value of Column in Multi-Dimesional Array

2019-07-05 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/5/19 9:56 PM, ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On 05.07.19 20:49, Samir wrote:
As a follow-on to my earlier question, is there a way to pass a 
variable to the `map` function that specifies the column, rather than 
hard-coding it?  I'm thinking of something like:!("a[column]").maxElement.writeln;

You can't do that with the string style, because the string is turned 
into a function inside of `map`. Your `column` isn't visible there.

It works when you pass an actual callable instead, e.g. a lambda:!(a => a[column]).maxElement.writeln;

Furthermore, Samir, the parameter `a` can be renamed to whatever you 
prefer or what fits the code at hand best, e.g. `(row => row[column])`, 
as opposed to the string version, where only a small set of mostly 
single character names is supported.

Re: Finding Max Value of Column in Multi-Dimesional Array

2019-07-05 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/5/19 9:56 PM, ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On 05.07.19 20:49, Samir wrote:
As a follow-on to my earlier question, is there a way to pass a 
variable to the `map` function that specifies the column, rather than 
hard-coding it?  I'm thinking of something like:!("a[column]").maxElement.writeln;

You can't do that with the string style, because the string is turned 
into a function inside of `map`. Your `column` isn't visible there.

It works when you pass an actual callable instead, e.g. a lambda:!(a => a[column]).maxElement.writeln;

Furthermore, Samir, the parameter `a` can be renamed to whatever you 
prefer or what fits the code at hand best, e.g. `(row => row[column])`, 
as opposed to the string version, where only a small set of mostly 
single character names is supported.

Re: Help with Regular Expressions (std.regex)

2019-03-04 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 3/3/19 7:07 PM, Samir via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
I am belatedly working my way through the 2018 edition of the Advent of 
Code[1] programming challenges using D and am stumped on Problem 3[2].  
The challenge requires you to parse a set of lines in the format:

#99 @ 652,39: 24x23
#100 @ 61,13: 15x24
#101 @ 31,646: 16x28

I would like to store each number (match) as an element in an array so 
that I can refer to them by index.

There is also std.file.slurp which makes this quite easy:
slurp!(int, int, int, int, int)("03.input", "#%d @ %d,%d: %dx%d");

You can then later expand the matches in a loop and process the claims:
foreach(id, offX, offY, width, height; ...

Re: d word counting approach performs well but has higher mem usage

2018-11-04 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

Assoc array allocations?

Yup. AAs do keep their memory around (supposedly for reuse). [...] 
Why it consumes so much is a question to the implementation.

[...] I guess built-in AAs just love to hoard.

What a darn shame. This way I'm missing out on all those slick internet 
benchmark points. :)

Guess I have to find a workaround then, since it's swapping memory like 
crazy on larger real-world inputs on my fairly low-end machine.

What did I do wrong?

Well, you didn't actually put the keys into the AA ;) I'm guessing you 
didn't look closely at the output, otherwise you would've noticed that 
something was wrong.

Error: associative arrays can only be assigned values with immutable 
keys, not char[]

But when you iterate later, pretty much every key is in fact a reference 
to some older memory, which is still somewhere on the GC heap; you don't 
get a segfault, but neither do you get correct "words".

You are absolutely right, I dismissed the aforementioned error without a 
second thought as soon as the compiler stopped complaining by throwing a 
const declaration at it. Oh well, should have read the assoc array spec 
page more thoroughly since it contains this very snippet here:

auto word = line[wordStart .. wordEnd];
++dictionary[word.idup];   // increment count for word

And yes, using more irregular log files as input instead of the 
concatenated uniform dict reveals quite a bit of nonsense that is being 
printed to stdout.

Thank you, Stanislav, for taking the time to explain all this.

d word counting approach performs well but has higher mem usage

2018-11-03 Thread dwdv via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi there,

the task is simple: count word occurrences from stdin (around 150mb in 
this case) and print sorted results to stdout in a somewhat idiomatic 

Now, d is quite elegant while maintaining high performance compared to 
both c and c++, but I, as a complete beginner, can't identify where the 
10x memory usage (~300mb, see results below) is coming from.

Unicode overhead? Internal buffer? Is something slurping the whole file? 
Assoc array allocations? Couldn't find huge allocs with dmd -vgc and 
-profile=gc either. What did I do wrong?

```d ===
void main()
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;

int[string] count;
foreach(const word;!splitter.joiner) {

//or even:
//foreach(line; stdin.byLine) {
//foreach(const word; line.splitter) {

.sort!((a, b) => a.value > b.value)
.each!(a => writefln("%d %s", a.value, a.key));

```c++ (for reference) =

using namespace std;

int main() {
string s;
unordered_map count;
while (cin >> s) {

vector> temp {begin(count), end(count)};
sort(begin(temp), end(temp),
[](const auto& a, const auto& b) {return b.second < a.second;});
for (const auto& elem : temp) {
cout << elem.second << " " << elem.first << '\n';

Results on an old celeron dual core (wall clock and res mem):
0:08.78, 313732 kb <= d dmd
0:08.25, 318084 kb <= d ldc
0:08.38, 38512 kb  <= c++ idiomatic (above)
0:07.76, 30276 kb  <= c++ boost
0:08.42, 26756 kb  <= c verbose, hand-rolled hashtable

Mem and time measured like so:
/usr/bin/time -v $cmd < input >/dev/null

Input words file creation (around 300k * 50 words):
tr '\n' ' ' < /usr/share/dict/$lang > joined
for i in {1..50}; do cat joined >> input; done

word count sample output:
[... snip ...]
50 ironsmith
50 gloried
50 quindecagon
50 directory's
50 hydrobiological

Compilation flags:
dmd -O -release -mcpu=native -ofwc-d-dmd wc.d
ldc2 -O3 -release -flto=full -mcpu=native -ofwc-d-ldc wc.d
clang -std=c11 -O3 -march=native -flto -o wp-c-clang wp.c
clang++ -std=c++17 -O3 -march=native -flto -o wp-cpp-clang wp-boost.cpp

dmd: v2.082.1
ldc: 1.12.0 (based on DMD v2.082.1 and LLVM 6.0.1)
llvm/clang: 6.0.1