Re: ugly and/or useless features in the language.

2021-05-17 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 May 2021 at 14:31:08 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:

Which parts in dlang don't you use and why?

There is one feature (actually a mix of features) I'd be happy 
not to use, but it is not possible: I call it autoreals, because 
it resembles somewhat the idea behind autodecoding - in both 
cases the compiler (or Phobos) does something automatically that 
you cannot avoid and sometimes causes real headache, but which 
you could do easily yourself if it were not done automatically): 
What I'm talking about is

- reals being differently implemented on different computers
- reals being internally used for computation and intermediate 
- reals being automatically used in CTFE (and reals in CTFE might 
differ from the reals at runtime)

All together this ends in generic code (for example in libraries) 
behaving more or less like a random generator; at least it feels 
like this.

I would be able to cope with the first point by either not using 
reals at all or `static if` to generate separate code for every 
version. But together with the other two "features" reals cannot 
be ignored anymore. You cannot even assume a function with return 
type double to return a double. So to be sure to have a double, 
when a double is needed you need to do stuff like

double d = some_fun();
ulong tmp = *cast(ulong*) &d;
tmp ^= 12543;
/* maybe here some more ugly stuff that doesn't change the value 
until it is enough to trick the optimizer */

tmp ^= 12543;
d = *cast(double*) &tmp;

Even worse with CTFE, where you get values that are neither NaN, 
nor infinity but larger then `.max`. And you cannot even 
use `static if` to find out which reals are used in CTFE, because 
CTFE might use different reals or reals on an other platform or 
whatever. So to be able to find out which real you use, you need 
to add more ugly code like

if (__ctfe)
if (real.max + 1 != real.infinity && real.max + 10 - 20 < 


Finally you end up writing several hundred lines of code for 
something that would have fitted in one line without autoreals; 
probably you would prefer to write a library (using heavy amount 
of `asm` parts) with types `Float` and `Double` that is just 
doing what float and double are normally supposed to do.

What I really dislike about this is, that you have no means to 
escape from it, while the other way round it would be easy: If 
you really want to use reals instead of double, you could just 
use reals...

Re: Any suggestions on dmd error message formatting?

2021-05-15 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 May 2021 at 04:54:15 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:

As always, your advice is much appreciated

I'm usually piping the results through hexdump. ;-)

No, in earnest, I often would have liked to have better formatted 
messages. The only thing I can say: Sometimes it helps to 
increase the size of the window (>300 columns or so). Without 
line breaking, sometimes you can spot patterns you didn't 

Re: Is inc function part of the library ?

2021-05-13 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 May 2021 at 11:21:58 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
[...] how can I do an extensive search in the library to 
functions when i know more or less their name , but don't know 
their exact place as module or package.

An alternative to the official documentation is 
[dpldocs]( from Adam. It is inofficial (and sometimes a little bit outdated), but it has a different search algorithm and often points you to places, you may have missed using the official documentation.

Re: Issue with small floating point numbers

2021-05-13 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 May 2021 at 03:03:37 UTC, Tim wrote:

auto p = rotate2D([0.0, 10.0], PI_2);
assert(p == [-10.0, 0.0]);

I suggest

auto p = rotate2D([0.0, 10.0], PI_2);
assert(isClose(p[0], -10.0));
assert(isClose(p[1], 0.0, 0.0, 1e-6));

In the second test, the value is compared against zero, which is 
somewhat special - you need to specify an acceptable distance 
from zero to get it right.

You could also improve your result by making the `phi` a `double` 
value. In this case you can replace the `1e-6` above by `1e-15` 
which is much closer to zero.

Re: Near-simplest route to learn D

2021-05-12 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 12 May 2021 at 18:37:55 UTC, NonNull wrote:
Some documents/books seem to be out of date. If an intuitive 
person competent in several other programming languages and in 
abstract reasoning wanted to take the fastest route to learn 
pretty much the whole of D as it stands now, having already 
learned and used a core of the language, what is the best way 
to proceed? And how long would this likely take?

Even if it is a few years old, I would still use the book from 
Ali. Most is still valid and maybe, the online version is even 
updated, but I'm not sure on this.

A completely other approach is to try to help fixing bugs. I 
learned a lot about D, when I started doing so.

I don't know, if that is, what you wanted to hear, but I thought, 
it wont hurt telling you. :-)

Re: question on map

2021-05-12 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 12 May 2021 at 09:52:52 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
As oppposed to what i expect code below prints nothing nothing 
on the screen. What is wrong and how to fix it ?

import std.stdio;
import std.range:iota;
import std.algorithm:map;

bool mywriteln(int x){
return true;

void main(){!mywriteln;


You've got a *lazy* range here. Try `!mywriteln.array` 
(you need to import std.array). With that it is not lazy anymore 
and will print.

The way, I'm thinking about lazy ranges is in terms of vouchers, 
like you sometimes have to buy vouchers on sport festivals to get 
sausages. Now you go to the stand with the sausages and hand in 
that voucher, you get the sausage. But if you throw the voucher 
in a waste paper basket, you'll get no sausages, they are not 
even roasted, as long as you do not query them.

What you do above is to buy that voucher and throw it away. 
That's why nothing happens.

So in more detail, `5.iota` gives you a voucher (A) for the 5 
numbers from 0 to 4. You hand that voucher (A) to `map` together 
with a function `mywriteln` and get back a new voucher (B), this 
time for applying the numbers to your function. And that voucher 
(B) is discarded, because it is never used.

If you would write `!mywriteln.front`, you would say 
something like: "Hey `map`, here is my voucher (B), please give 
me the first element you promised to me. `map` now takes the 
voucher (A) you gave it earlier and does the same, it asks 
`iota`: "Hey `iota`, here is my voucher (A), please give me the 
first element." And iota hands `0` to `map`, which now calls 
`mywriteln(0)`. `mywriteln` now prints the expected `0` and hands 
a `true` to `map` and then `map` gives you that `true` (which you 
still discard).

Hope, this analogy helps.

Re: Remove own post from forum

2021-05-10 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 10 May 2021 at 10:00:11 UTC, Виталий Фадеев wrote:

Say, please,
how to remove own post from this forum ?

There's currently no way to remove or edit an existing post.


In my opinion it is a violation of the GDPR, which gives you the 
right to remove such posts. GDPR applies here, because this forum 
addresses Europeans (among others)... (I don't mind much about 
that, but IMHO the people, who are responsible, should at least 
know it.)

Re: Thoughts on Structure

2021-04-30 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 April 2021 at 17:33:19 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:

An active maintainer is a living person, with a first name a 
last name and an email adress, who looks into issues and tries 
to fix them.

Now go look to this page ...

Feel free to elaborate ...

I don't get your point...

Re: dlang vs crystal-language

2021-04-28 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 29 April 2021 at 05:41:45 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

Crystal has no installer for Windows

Is this a strength or a weakness? (SCNR)

What are virtual functions?

2021-04-14 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to understand, what virtual functions are. I found the 
but I can't make head or tail of it.

- What is a `vtbl[]`? Obviously a function pointer table. But 
where to find this? The examples don't use it. Maybe something 
inside of the compiler?
- Which of the eight functions in the example are virtual and and 
which not? OK is said to be virtual, as the comment states. 
But it seems never to be used. And why is it considered to be 
- There is also the term "covariant function", which is not 
explained. What is this?

I'm asking, because I'm currently writing new docs for 
`std.format`. The [current (stable) docs of 
`formatValue`]( tell, that some `toString` versions are discouraged, but not for virtual functions. I would like to understand the reason for that, so I can put that properly into the new docs. The reasons, why it's better to not use these versions in normal functions is explained in the [changelog]( But I miss the reason, why virtual functions should still use them; probably, because I did not understand, what that is.

Can you help me?

Re: weird formattedRead

2021-04-09 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 April 2021 at 16:11:26 UTC, Oleg B wrote:

valid '1/1/1': 0001-Jan-01 00:00:00 <<< see here


Is space a special char for `formattedRead` and it simple stop 
parse without throwing exception if not found space (that 
represented in fmt string)?

Have `formattedRead` any other special chars?
Or it's bug?

It's a (at least to me) known bug (I haven't taken the time to 
report it yet; found it a few days ago, when I reworked the 
docs). `formattedRead` treats space sometimes special and 
sometimes not, which (obviously) may lead to strange behavior, 
like it does here. If you like, you can [report this 
one](; I'll probably will 
care about it in a few weeks/months (I first want to fix the 
`formattedWrite` bugs and finish implementing formatting floating 
point numbers without calling `snprintf`.)

On Friday, 9 April 2021 at 16:39:30 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
P.S. I can't check whether the D standard library documentation 
includes that information because the documentation looks very 
different and very skimpy to me at this time. There is nothing 
on format characters on formattedRead's documentation. (?)

When using the `stable` docs you still should get, what you are 
used to. But I guess, you used the `master` docs and looked at 
`formattedWrite` where the information used to be.

Since about three weeks I'm on reworking completely the docs of 
`std.format`. Before that, the module has been split in several 
submodules (package, read, write, specs). Meanwhile I moved the 
docs you know from `formattedWrite` to 
(but yet not reworked completely, because the review process 
takes some time and I try to verify everything I state in the new 
docs in the source code). For 
[`formattedRead`]( and [reading in general](, the new docs are already finished. Feedback is welcome.

Re: Is this bug ? format %(%)

2021-04-07 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 April 2021 at 17:31:09 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
It's not your fault--this is a pretty obscure feature, and it's 
not documented very well. Even after you've found the correct 
page in the documentation (the page for `formattedWrite` [1]), 
you have to scroll down past multiple examples to find the text 
that explains it.


The docs of `std.format` are currently under strong revision, 
about 90% is already done, but that "feature" is among the other 
10%. I hope to get that ready till the end of the month, so the 
next stable release will have better docs.

Unfortunately it's much more difficult to change that strange 
behavior without breaking code. Currently I hope for Phobos 2.0 
coming soon and meanwhile try to prepare `std.format` for that 

Re: what exactly is string length?

2021-04-02 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 April 2021 at 15:01:07 UTC, mw wrote:

BTW, shall I log a writeln() improvement bug ?

It's really confusing, e.g as debug print or logs.

In my opinion this isn't a bug. The nulls are actually printed:

$> rdmd test.d | hd
  61 62 63 00 00 00 36 0a  68 65 61 64 2d 61 62 63  
0010  00 00 00 2d 74 61 69 6c  31 36 0a 


It's just, that you can't see them, because it's an invisible 

If you want to get `\0` for nulls, you could write


With this, `t` is printed as a string literal:


Re: Need for speed

2021-04-01 Thread Berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 1 April 2021 at 16:52:17 UTC, Nestor wrote:
I was hoping to beat my dear Python and get similar results to 
Go, but that is not the case neither using rdmd nor running the 
executable generated by dmd. I am getting values between 
350-380 ms, and 81ms in Python.

Try using ldc2 instead of dmd:

ldc2 -O3 -release -boundscheck=off -flto=full 
-defaultlib=phobos2-ldc-lto,druntime-ldc-lto speed.d


should produce much better results.

Re: list of all defined items in a D file

2020-01-24 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 January 2020 at 12:22:49 UTC, Dennis wrote:
You can pass the -X flag to dmd, which makes it generate a 
.json file describing the compiled file.

Great, that's what I was looking for - although it's also good to 
know the __traits approach!


list of all defined items in a D file

2020-01-23 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'd like to get a list of all items (public, package, private) 
that are defined in a D file. Is there a simple way, to get them?

template instantiation problems

2020-01-10 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to understand issue 17441 [1]. I reduced it (including 
Phobos) to the following (and added some message to point out the 

alias parentOf(alias sym) = __traits(parent, sym);

template packageName(alias T)
pragma(msg, "IN: ", T.stringof);
static if (__traits(compiles, parentOf!T))
enum parent = packageName!(parentOf!T);
enum string parent = null;

static if (T.stringof[0..8] == "package ")
enum packageName = (parent? parent ~ '.' : "") ~ 
T.stringof[8 .. $];

enum packageName = parent;

void main()
import mod0 = foo.baz;
import mod1 = foo;

pragma(msg, "mod0: ",mod0.stringof);
pragma(msg, "mod1: ",mod1.stringof);

pragma(msg, "A");
enum a = packageName!mod0;
pragma(msg, "B");
enum b = packageName!mod1;
pragma(msg, "C");

static assert(a == "foo");
static assert(b == "");  // Error: static assert:  "foo" 
== "" is false


module foo.baz;

module foo;

When compiling with

$> dmd test.d

I get:

mod0: module baz
mod1: module foo
IN: module baz
IN: package foo
test.d(32): Error: static assert:  "foo" == "" is false

This clearly shows, that packageName is only instatiated once at 
top level although mod0 and mod1 are two different things (at 
least their stringof produces different results) and therefore 
should be instantiated twice.

Now I don't know if this is a bug in DMD or I should know 
something I do not know... Can you help me?


Re: linkererrors when reducion phobos with dustmite

2020-01-09 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 January 2020 at 19:55:57 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Use dmd -i should solve the problem.

Oh, thanks, now it works... (Have been using rdmd too long, so I 
always forget about other modules to be included.)

linkererrors when reducion phobos with dustmite

2020-01-06 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
As mentioned on the dustmite website [1] I copied the folder std 
from Phobos in a separate folder and renamed it to mystd. The I 
changed all occurences of std by mystd in all files.

That works most of the time, but sometimes I get hundreds of 
linker errors I do not understand:

$> dmd -main -unittest -g -run mystd/variant.d

/usr/bin/ld: variant.o:( undefined reference 
to `_D5mystd4meta12__ModuleInfoZ'
/usr/bin/ld: variant.o:( undefined reference 
to `_D5mystd6traits12__ModuleInfoZ'
/usr/bin/ld: variant.o:( undefined reference 
to `_D5mystd8typecons12__ModuleInfoZ'


Does anyone know, what's the problem here and how to get arround 


Re: What kind of Editor, IDE you are using and which one do you like for D language?

2019-12-24 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 22 December 2019 at 17:20:51 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
What kind of editor/IDE are you using and which one do you like 
the most?

I'm using sed... - no, just joking. Actually I use jed (because I 
did for 20 years now) with emacs keybindings in C mode, but I 
cannot recommend it for D. There are several limitations, for 
example jed can only handle two different types of comments, let 
alone nested comments. I always think, I should change to 
something better, but as I'm so used to it, it would be a rather 
big deal. I also thought about porting jed to d (than it's 
de(a)d?), but this sounds like one of those life long projects, 
I'm not sure I want to start that.

Re: Problem with public example in Phobos

2019-12-18 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 18 December 2019 at 17:57:15 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
style checker has nothing to do with buildable code. It just 
enforces the style follows the guidelines.

It also checks, that the public unittests can be used on it's 
own. (Target publictests in the makefile. Didn't know that too 
until yesterday.)

This comes from the fact that unless you are declaring a 
template with `template`, you are using the eponymous template 
trick under the hood.

Aaaah. It's so common, that one forgets about it. Thanks for 
reminding. :-)

Note, putting unittests inside templates duplicates the unit 
test for every
instantiation. Using an instantiation other than the template 
itself is going
to result in a lot of duplicated tests. Unfortunately, there is 
no mechanism to have a documented unittest that isn't part of 
the instantiation.

I know about that problem. Would be good, to have some such 
mechanism. Until we have, I'll resort to moving them after the 
template and adding a link to the docs, see below.

This might be a bug. I don't know how this is built, so I'm not 
sure. But it looks like the compiler isn't including some 
instantiation of FormatSpec when linking.

I moved the unittest outside the template, just to find out, that 
there is allready one, which is almost identical. I merged the 
two and added a link to the docs, so people can find the example.

Thanks a lot!

Problem with public example in Phobos

2019-12-18 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
I thought it's a fast fix, just adding some documentation and a 
unittest. But when running the style checker I got into trouble. 
A shortend version of the problem:

I added the following public unittest to writeUpToNextSpec in 

@safe unittest
import std.array;
auto w = appender!(char[])();

auto f = FormatSpec("input: %10d output: %s");
assert(f.writeUpToNextSpec(w) == true);

assert( == "input: ");
assert(f.spec == 'd');
assert(f.width == 10);

// [...]

While it works with the normal unittest test routines (make -f 
posix.mak unittest) the stylechecker complains (make -f posix.mak 

I meanwhile found out, that I have to add the template parameter 
dchar to FormatSpec, although I don't understand why. (I know, 
that these tests should work, when they are put into a separate 
file. But I do not understand why the original version doesn't 
work there.)

But more problematic: When I add this templete parameter, I still 
get an error from the style checker, this time it's a linker 
problem, and I'm completely lost here. The error does not occure 
when checking std.format, but when checking std.package:

parsing std/package.d
/usr/bin/ld: std_package.o: in function 

 undefined reference to `_D3std6format__T10FormatSpecTwZQp6__initZ'
__main.d:(.text._D3std6format__T10FormatSpecTaZQp22__unittest_L1237_C11_1FNaNfZv[_D3std6format__T10FormatSpecTaZQp22__unittest_L1237_C11_1FNaNfZv]+0x38): undefined reference to `_D3std6format__T10FormatSpecTwZQp6__ctorMFNaNbNcNiNfxAwZSQCdQCc__TQByTwZQCe'
/usr/bin/ld: std_package.o: in function 

 undefined reference to `_D3std6format__T10FormatSpecTwZQp6fillUpMFNaNlNfZv'

What do I miss?

Re: Bug or Feature: unsigned integer overflow

2019-12-14 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 14 December 2019 at 09:33:13 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 


What I am aiming at: Is the spec wrong or am I misunderstanding 
it and did this change recently?

You are right. The implementation does not do what the specs tell 
I filed a bug report:

Re: Bug or Feature: unsigned integer overflow

2019-12-13 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 14 December 2019 at 07:09:30 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 

void main()
auto x = 9223372036854775808; // long.max + 1

You need to tell, that this is an unsigned long literal, else the 
compiler treats it as an int:

void main()
auto x = 9223372036854775808UL; // long.max + 1

Re: Mapping float to ulong in CTFE

2019-12-13 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

Yeah, it worked (at least for %a):

static assert(format!"%.3a"(1.0f) == "0x1.000p+0");

Re: Mapping float to ulong in CTFE

2019-12-13 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 12 December 2019 at 19:39:16 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:

You can use a C-style pointer reinterpret cast like this:

uint test(float f) { return *cast(uint*)&f; }

Make sure that source and destination types have the same size.

Hey, great! :-)

Mapping float to ulong in CTFE

2019-12-12 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it possible to get to the bits of a float in CTFE? I tried the 
following, but this doesn't work:

import std.stdio;

union FloatBits
float floatValue;
ulong ulongValue;

ulong test(float f)
FloatBits fb;
fb.floatValue = f;
return fb.ulongValue;

void main()
static assert(test(3.0) == 1077936128);

test.d(13): Error: reinterpretation through overlapped field 
ulongValue is not allowed in CTFE

test.d(18):called from here: test(3.0F)
test.d(18):while evaluating: static assert(test(3.0F) 
== 1077936128LU)

opCmp with and without const

2019-12-05 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
In std.typecons, in Tuple there are two opCmp functions, that are 
almost identical; they only differ by one being const and the 
other not:

int opCmp(R)(R rhs)
if (areCompatibleTuples!(typeof(this), R, "<"))
static foreach (i; 0 .. Types.length)
if (field[i] != rhs.field[i])
return field[i] < rhs.field[i] ? -1 : 1;
return 0;

int opCmp(R)(R rhs) const
if (areCompatibleTuples!(typeof(this), R, "<"))
static foreach (i; 0 .. Types.length)
if (field[i] != rhs.field[i])
return field[i] < rhs.field[i] ? -1 : 1;
return 0;

What is the reason for having this? (I guess, that it's because 
the function may indirectly call opCmp of other types which may 
or may not be const.)

My real question is: Can this code duplication be avoided 
somehow? (I ask, because I've got a PR running, which increases 
the size of these functions and it doesn't feel good to have two 
long, almost identical functions.)

Re: Confusion Concerning Numerical Equation

2019-11-16 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 16 November 2019 at 10:01:25 UTC, Avery Stupidman 

assert(angleDeg(sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 1.5) == 60.0); // Fails

On my computer the results are very close, that is:

import std.math: nextUp;

assert(nextUp(angleDeg(sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 1.5)) == 60.0); // OK

On Saturday, 16 November 2019 at 10:17:12 UTC, drug wrote:
you can use something like approxEqual

With approxEqual, one needs to be very carefull. The default 
parameters allow for very odd results, accepting values to be 
equal, which are actually far apart considering the precision 
available; this is especially true, when using double or real.

For example, here are about 12 significant fractional digits 
involved, which are completely ignored:

assert(approxEqual(100.0,101.0)); // OK

I wrote a replacement with better handling of the default 
parameters [1], but it looks like no one wants to take the burden 
to review it, probably because that would involve to make a 
decision. (Or maybe it has some other reasons I do not see.)


Re: Should I stop being interested in D language if I don't like to see template instantiation in my code?

2019-11-13 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 13 November 2019 at 14:23:40 UTC, mipri wrote:
3. it's very clear what's a compile-time vs. a runtime 
parameter to the template.

At least, if one understands the difference. I remember that I 
was not aware of this, when I started learning D and was a lot 
confused by the use of templates in Phobos. And maybe for BoQsc 
it's the same. Therefore: Take the second example: This could 
also be written as

s.formattedRead("%s!%s:%s", a, b, c);

Now you've got no ! anymore. The disadvantage of this is, that 
parsing "%s!%s:%s" happens at runtime, meaning it is done 
everytime, the function is executed. If there are lots of such 
reads, the code can get considerably slower. The alternative is

s.formattedRead!("%s!%s:%s")(a, b, c);

I put the parenthesis around "%s!%s:%s" to make it more clear, 
that this is also some sort of function argument, like a, b and 
c. But this time, the compiler allready parses "%s!%s:%s" at 
compiletime, which means, when running the program it allready 
knows, that there are no errors in that string and maybe (I don't 
know the details) also, which parameter to put where and so on. 
That's faster. :-)

Believe me: It's worth to learn about templates!

Distinguishing a pointer to a function and a closure

2019-11-11 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
While debugging phobos I came across some stuff I don't 
understand. A small example:

void foo(void* p)
Object o = cast(Object) p;
ClassInfo oc = typeid(o);

class Bar
void some_func(int i) {}

void do_something(void delegate(int) d)
// is it possible to check here, if d.ptr can be passed 
to foo?


void main()
auto b = new Bar();

b.do_something(&b.some_func); // OK
b.do_something(i => b.some_func(i)); // crashes

While the first call to do_something succeeds, the second one 
crashes. That's probably, because a closure is not an 'Object' 
and the cast in foo should never happen (a normal delegate seems 
to be an Object somehow, though). Is there any chance to notice 
this in "do_something" and emergency-exit there (e.g. with some 
assert call)?

Background of the question: Issue 9603 [1] reports some crashes 
when using std.signals. I meanwhile found out, that the crash 
happens inside "_d_toObject", which is a function in the runtime 
[2]. The documentation tells, that this function crashes if the 
pointer does not point to a class, an interface or is the null 
pointer. It would be nice to avoid the crash by some check before 
the call to _d_toObject.


Re: Documentation: is it intentional that template constraints are displayed after the signature?

2019-11-01 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 31 October 2019 at 13:34:35 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 

I was confused at first by the trailing

 if (!is(T == struct) && !is(T == interface) && !is(T == class) 
&& !__traits(isStaticArray, T));

I understood your question different from what Dennis answered. 
At least I was confused by similar lines, when I was a beginner 
and did not know much about template constraints. What I would 
have needed to know at that time is, that template constraints 
limit the situations, where the template can be used. Here for 
example, this destroy template can only be used, when the type T 
is neither struct, interface nor class (these three have separate 
instances, probably because they need different treatment) and 
it's also not a static array, for unknown reasons.

What I don't understand is the 4th version with two extra 
parameters. Here the documentation lacks an explanation, what 
this is good for.

Re: Accuracy of floating point calculations

2019-10-30 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 October 2019 at 20:15:13 UTC, kinke wrote:
Note that there's at least one bugzilla for these float/double 
math overloads already. For a start, one could simply wrap the 
corresponding C functions.

I guess, that this issue: boils down to the 
same problem. I allready found out, that it's high likely that 
the bug is not to be found inside std.complex but probably the 
log function.

Re: ddox build locally failed

2019-10-26 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 October 2019 at 17:54:44 UTC, Mitacha wrote:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

That's it. Thanks. :-)

ddox build locally failed

2019-10-26 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn
I tried to build ddox documentation locally with the command (in

make -j3 -f posix.mak apidocs-prerelease

After a while I get the message "Linking..." followed by a call 
of dmd with lots of parameters, among them -L-lssl and 
-L-lcrypto. This ends in:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypto

I'm using debian stable. There are probably some packages missing 
or maybe a path needs to be set. Any ideas?

Re: Printing floating point numbers

2019-10-25 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 October 2019 at 14:51:33 UTC, Yui Hosaka wrote:

The outputs for your program are as follows: [...]

Thanks for the output. I added it to the bug report.

The internal representation of the value is correct in all 
versions. While the result of the direct call of snprintf always 
gives the wrong answer. Therefore I think, the bug is to be found 
in this function. Resently Robert Schadek noted, that it would be 
nice, to have this function be rewritten in D anyway. I'll have a 
look if I can do this in the next weeks but do not want to 
promise anything yet.

With "-m64" or "-m64 -O":
3b df 4f 8d 97 6e 12 83 f9 3f

The "0.00" is strange.

Re: Can not understand this code.

2019-10-25 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 October 2019 at 06:40:19 UTC, lili wrote:

What is the alias Min = xxx mean? why need defined a alias Min 
in Min template?

template Min(alias pred, Args...)
if (Args.length > 0 && __traits(isTemplate, pred))
static if (Args.length == 1)
alias Min = Alias!(Args[0]);
else static if (isLess!(pred, Args[1], Args[0]))
alias Min = Min!(pred, Args[1], Args[2 .. $]);
alias Min = Min!(pred, Args[0], Args[2 .. $]);


I can't explain in detail, but I know, this is called an 
eponymous template.

Re: Printing floating point numbers

2019-10-24 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 October 2019 at 20:48:02 UTC, Yui Hosaka wrote:

Do you have any idea for this issue?

I added a bug report:

Internally the conversation from the binary representation of the 
value to the printed one is done by a call to a C function called 
snprintf. Probably the error is inside of this function call. But 
it could also happen before. Maybe the internal representation of 
0.016 is allready wrong.

It would be helpful if you could run the following program and 
post the output:

import std.stdio;
import std.format;
void main()
real b = 0.016;
foreach (c;format("%r",b)) writef("%x ",c);

char[6] sprintfSpec = "%*.*Lf";
char[512] buf = void;
import core.stdc.stdio : snprintf;
immutable n = snprintf(buf.ptr, buf.length, sprintfSpec.ptr, 
0, 2, b);


Re: formatting a float or double in a string with all significant digits kept

2019-10-08 Thread berni44 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 8 October 2019 at 20:37:03 UTC, dan wrote:
But i would like to be able to do this without knowing the 
expansion of pi, or writing too much code, especially if 
there's some d function like writeAllDigits or something 

You can use the property .dig to get the number of significant 
digits of a number:

writeln(PI.dig); // => 18

You still need to account for the numbers before the dot. If 
you're happy with scientific notation you can do:

auto t = format("%.*e", PI.dig, PI);
writeln("PI = ",t);

(By the way, you can shortcut that with writefln!"PI = 
%.*e"(PI.dig, PI);)

If you don't want to use scientific notation, you probably need 
to do some calculations to find out about the number of digits 
before the dot (you need abs to make it work for negative numbers 

import std.conv: to;
auto x = to!int(log10(abs(PI)));