Re: Why use while if only iterating once ?

2018-11-03 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn


As the great Gump's mother said, stupid is as stupid does.

Why use while if only iterating once ?

2018-11-03 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

while (1)
switch (*p)
case 'U':
case 'u':
f = FLAGS.unsigned;
goto L1;
case 'l':
f = FLAGS.long_;
error("lower case integer suffix 'l' is not 
allowed. Please use 'L' instead");

goto L1;
case 'L':
f = FLAGS.long_;
if ((flags & f) && !err)
error("unrecognized token");
err = true;
flags = cast(FLAGS)(flags | f);

The last break statement prevents the loop from returned for a 
second iteration. Then why use a while ?

Re: Dub dependency conflict resolution

2018-10-06 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 7 October 2018 at 05:24:37 UTC, Bauss wrote:

On Saturday, 6 October 2018 at 17:50:57 UTC, Venkat wrote:

I couldn't find any documentation on how dub resolves 
dependency conflicts. Here is my situation.

Package A has a dependency on package B-1.0.0 which has a 
dependency on package C-1.0.0.

Package A declares a dependency on package C-1.0.1

How does dub behave in this situation. From what I see, it 
always resolves C-1.0.0 and completely ignores the dependency 
on C-1.0.1. Is there a way to force the usage of C-1.0.1, like 
maven's exclude tags ?

NOTE: That description is not meant as an insult. Most people 
here understand what a dependency conflict is. I am merely 
trying to put my thought in writing.

You should get a dub selection file or something like that when 
you build, which will be located in the root of your project. 
You can control versions explicit in that.

That was it. Once I deleted dub.selections.json, it picked up 
explicitly declared version. Still it would be nice to learn how 
dub deals with dependency conflicts.


Dub dependency conflict resolution

2018-10-06 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

I couldn't find any documentation on how dub resolves dependency 
conflicts. Here is my situation.

Package A has a dependency on package B-1.0.0 which has a 
dependency on package C-1.0.0.

Package A declares a dependency on package C-1.0.1

How does dub behave in this situation. From what I see, it always 
resolves C-1.0.0 and completely ignores the dependency on 
C-1.0.1. Is there a way to force the usage of C-1.0.1, like 
maven's exclude tags ?

NOTE: That description is not meant as an insult. Most people 
here understand what a dependency conflict is. I am merely trying 
to put my thought in writing.

Re: What does std.traits.hasAliasing do

2018-08-05 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn


Re: What does std.traits.hasAliasing do

2018-07-28 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 July 2018 at 01:05:19 UTC, Venkat wrote:

struct SomeStruct {
string p;
string q;
string[] pq;

Session session = req.session;

/home/venkat/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.4/vibe-d/http/vibe/http/session.d(83,3): Error: 
static assert:  "Type SomeStruct contains references, which is not supported for 
session storage."

vibe.d session won't let me put in a simple struct with an 
array or an associative array. session.put calls 
std.traits.hasAliasing which is returning true when I have 
either an array or an associative array. I looked through the 
std.traits.hasAliasing code. I can't make a whole lot of sense 

The hasAliasing function documentation says as long as the 
array or associative array are not immutable it should return 
true. Since session.put does !hasAliasing I changed string[] to 
immutable, that throws a whole lot of other compilation error 

What is hasAliasing doing ?

Posted the wrong code. Fixed it above. Reposting below for 
clarity. For the record both session.get and session.put call 

struct SomeStruct {
string p;
string q;
string[] pq;

Session session = req.session;

What does std.traits.hasAliasing do

2018-07-28 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

struct SomeStruct {
string p;
string q;
string[] pq;

ErrorMessage[] pq;
session.set("registerBody", pq);

/home/venkat/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.4/vibe-d/http/vibe/http/session.d(83,3): Error: 
static assert:  "Type SomeStruct contains references, which is not supported for 
session storage."

vibe.d session won't let me put in a simple struct with an array 
or an associative array. session.put calls std.traits.hasAliasing 
which is returning true when I have either an array or an 
associative array. I looked through the std.traits.hasAliasing 
code. I can't make a whole lot of sense there.

The hasAliasing function documentation says as long as the array 
or associative array are not immutable it should return true. 
Since session.put does !hasAliasing I changed string[] to 
immutable, that throws a whole lot of other compilation error 

What is hasAliasing doing ?

Re: Request scoped information in Vibe.d

2018-07-22 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 22 July 2018 at 08:43:23 UTC, Johannes Loher wrote:

On Sunday, 22 July 2018 at 06:21:40 UTC, Venkat wrote:
How do I make variables available to diet templates ? Java has 
request.setAttribute. Vibe.d's HTTPServerRequest has params 
and queryString. But by the looks of it, neither one of them 
is created for the purpose of temporary storage in the 
request. Where do I store request scoped information ?

What is your usecase? If you simply want to pass a variable to 
a diet template, just pass it as a template parameter to render:

/* ... */

int myVar = 42;
render!("mytemplate.dt", myVar);

/* ... */

Then in mytemplate.dt, you can do something like:

p The best number ever is #{ myVar }

That is what I want to do. But what if I am redirecting the user 
with some form errors ? In that case I am not using render!.

Request scoped information in Vibe.d

2018-07-21 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
How do I make variables available to diet templates ? Java has 
request.setAttribute. Vibe.d's HTTPServerRequest has params and 
queryString. But by the looks of it, neither one of them is 
created for the purpose of temporary storage in the request. 
Where do I store request scoped information ?

Re: Is there any tool that will auto publish my changes.

2018-07-16 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thankyou Ali.


I did try DiamondMVC for a bit, but I found that there is more 
help out there for Vibe.d. So I reverted back to using that. And 
the Dependency Injection in Diamond MVC brings all the obscurity 
that spring has which makes debugging more of a guessing game 
than a logical derivation.

My application isn't that big, so compile times aren't unbearable 
yet. And server restart, boy server starts under 10 seconds, 
unimaginable in java world !!!

Static files are already reloaded automatically on edit.

But edit, compile, restart cycle times do add up over a period. 
Not to mention the entire process is redundant and therefore a 
good candidate for automation. Anyway, thankyou for the insight. 
I'll have to admit I am not equipped with the knowledge to whip 
something up like that myself (yet ?).

Absence of such a tool nevertheless doesn't diminish the pleasure 
of developing with D, dub, vibe.d, DDBC and HibernateD. Thanks to 
developers of those tools.

Thanks evilrat.

Re: Is there any tool that will auto publish my changes.

2018-07-15 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
An extension to the question. Is something like auto publish that 
even possible ? Or the dumb guy from java world don't know what 
he talkin' 'bout ?

Is there any tool that will auto publish my changes.

2018-07-14 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am writing a simple vibe.d app. The following is what I do 
right now.

- I make changes.
- build
- Restart the server.

Is there any tool that will auto publish my changes as I save 
them ? I am using Visual Studio Code.


Re: How to enable verbose logging during application run

2018-03-17 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn


Re: How to enable verbose logging during application run

2018-03-17 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

Sorry posted the above message by accident.

I am running a vibed app using `dub` command. But it produces no 
logging what so ever when requests are made. The server returns 
http error codes but it doesn't log anything to the console. How 
do I make it show me a lot more detail than it is doing now ?

For example, in a Java webapp, one would change the logging level 
to debug if a logging library is configured.

How to enable verbose logging during application run

2018-03-17 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am running a vibed app using `dub` command. But it produces no 
logging what so ever when re

Re: SegFault with HibernateD

2018-01-14 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 January 2018 at 06:18:43 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 01/12/2018 06:50 PM, Venkat wrote:
> Sorry about all these posts. Wish there were an edit button.

That's ok. :) These are actually newsgroups (see NNTP 
protocol). Newsgroups don't have any edit functionality. The 
"forum" is just a web interface to newsgroups.


Oh! ok, that makes sense. TY.

Re: SegFault with HibernateD

2018-01-12 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
Sorry about all these posts. Wish there were an edit button. I 
meant PreparedStatement in mysqlddbc driver, not HibernateD.

Re: SegFault with HibernateD

2018-01-12 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
I think there is a bug with PreparedStatement class in 
HibernateD. ddbc fails when I use a PreparedStatement. The code 
below shows that. I will create an issue with HibernateD.

int main(string[] args) {

string url = 

// creating Connection
auto conn = createConnection(url);
scope(exit) conn.close();

// creating Statement
auto stmt = conn.createStatement();
scope(exit) stmt.close();

 PreparedStatement prepStatement = 
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM preferences_wm ORDER BY id");

 scope(exit) prepStatement.close();
 ResultSet rs = prepStatement.executeQuery();

return 0;

Re: SegFault with HibernateD

2018-01-12 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 12 January 2018 at 08:55:13 UTC, Rene Zwanenburg wrote:
Hard to guess what the issue is, I'd attach a debugger to see 
where it crashes.

It fails at the sql() method in Command struct in 
mysql-native-1.1.4/mysql-native/source/mysql/commands.d. This is 
what gdb says when I do a disp _sql.

1: _sql = 

I'm sorry I am new to systems programming, would that mean _sql 
is null ?

Re: SegFault with HibernateD

2018-01-12 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 12 January 2018 at 12:41:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

I see now. I glossed right over that execution output. On 
Windows, I don't recall ever seeing a dub exception from dub 
from a segfault. Just checked by accessing a null pointer and 
there's nothing thrown from dub. Is that a Linux thing?

 Thankyou for the reply. Yes I am running the app on Linux. I 
will report the issue.

SegFault with HibernateD

2018-01-11 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
I get a SegFault with the main method below which uses HibernateD 
. The second main method which uses ddbc just works fine. What is 
wrong with the first main method ? I have attached the error at 
the bottom although I don't think it says much.

This method uses HibernateD

int main() {
// setup DB connection
string url = MySQLDriver.generateUrl("localhost", 3306, "test");
	string[string] params = MySQLDriver.setUserAndPassword("test", 
	DataSource ds = new ConnectionPoolDataSourceImpl(new 
MySQLDriver(), url, params);

// create metadata from annotations
EntityMetaData schema = new SchemaInfoImpl!(Preferences);

// create session factory
Dialect dialect = new MySQLDialect();
	SessionFactory factory = new SessionFactoryImpl(schema, dialect, 

scope(exit) factory.close();

auto conn = ds.getConnection();
scope(exit) conn.close();

// create session
Session sess = factory.openSession();
scope(exit) sess.close();

Query q = sess.createQuery("select p from Preferences p");
Preferences[] list = q.list!Preferences();

return 0;

The method below uses ddbc.

int main(string[] args) {

string url = 

// creating Connection
auto conn = createConnection(url);
scope(exit) conn.close();

// creating Statement
auto stmt = conn.createStatement();
scope(exit) stmt.close();

// reading DB
auto rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM preferences_wm 
ORDER BY id");

return 0;

This is the error.

Running ./bin/hibernated-test
Program exited with code -11
Full exception: 
object.Exception@source/dub/generators/build.d(530): Program 
exited with code -11

pure @safe void std.exception.bailOut!(Exception).bailOut(immutable(char)[], 
ulong, const(char[])) [0x8d036c]
pure @safe bool std.exception.enforce!(Exception, bool).enforce(bool, lazy 
const(char)[], immutable(char)[], ulong) [0x8defcd]
source/dub/generators/build.d:530 void, const(dub.compilers.buildsettings.BuildSettings), immutable(char)[][], dub.generators.generator.GeneratorSettings) [0x97b1c9]
source/dub/generators/build.d:110 void, const(dub.generators.generator.ProjectGenerator.TargetInfo[immutable(char)[]])) [0x977541]
source/dub/generators/generator.d:118 void 
dub.generators.generator.ProjectGenerator.generate(dub.generators.generator.GeneratorSettings) [0x9805a0]
source/dub/dub.d:494 void 
dub.generators.generator.GeneratorSettings) [0x8918e0]
source/dub/commandline.d:789 int 
immutable(char)[][], immutable(char)[][]) [0x857579]
source/dub/commandline.d:821 int 
immutable(char)[][], immutable(char)[][]) [0x857913]
source/dub/commandline.d:849 int 
immutable(char)[][], immutable(char)[][]) [0x857b23]
source/dub/commandline.d:239 int 
dub.commandline.runDubCommandLine(immutable(char)[][]) [0x853647]

source/app.d:14 _Dmain [0x84fc27]

Re: -L--demangle=dlang doesn't work

2018-01-07 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
Yes, thanks Mike. I have 2.24 installed. Now I have to figure out 
how I can upgrade binutils without a distro upgrade. :)

-L--demangle=dlang doesn't work

2018-01-05 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
Why does gcc say "unknown demangling style `dlang'" ? Do I need 
GDC for demangling to work ?

/home/venkat/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.2/vibe-d/utils/.dub/build/library-unittest-linux.posix-x86_64-dmd_2077-B9AE30DD34FDC5ADDE81E208F10DF014/libvibe-d_utils.a -L--no-as-needed -L--demangle=dlang -L-lsqlite3 -L-levent_pthreads -L-levent -L-lssl -L-lcrypto -L-ldl -g

/usr/bin/ld: unknown demangling style `dlang'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: linker exited with status 1
.dub/build/webmarx-test-application-unittest-linux.posix-x86_64-dmd_2077-C5DB1ABAED0A1191C5B2ACAFDC70EAC6/ webmarx-test-application executable

dmd failed with exit code 1.
Full exception: 
object.Exception@source/dub/compilers/compiler.d(115): dmd failed 
with exit code 1.

Re: A DUB Case Study: Compiling DMD as a Library

2017-12-20 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
I did a fresh clone of dmd and added that as a dependency. That 
fixed it. Should've thought of it !! Thankyou.

Re: A DUB Case Study: Compiling DMD as a Library

2017-12-19 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

This is regarding the latest D blog post. Jacob Carlborg is here, 
so I figured I'd post it.

Simply changing the targetType from library to dynamicLibrary 
breaks the code. What is going on with it ?

name "dmd-dub-test"
description "Test of the DMD Dub package"
license "BSL 1.0"

sourcePaths "."
targetType "library"
dependency "dmd" path="../DSource/dmd/"
--end dub.sdl--

-- output --
venkat@venkat-U46E /d/Documents/NetbeansProjects/dmd-test $ dub 

Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86_64.
-- end output --

name "dmd-dub-test"
description "Test of the DMD Dub package"
license "BSL 1.0"

sourcePaths "."
targetType "dynamicLibrary"
dependency "dmd" path="../DSource/dmd/"
--end dub.sdl--

Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86_64.
dmd ~stable: building configuration "library"...
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(180,10): Error: undefined 
identifier WORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(181,10): Error: undefined 
identifier WORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(182,10): Error: undefined 
identifier WORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(183,10): Error: undefined 
identifier WORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(184,11): Error: undefined 
identifier DWORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(185,15): Error: undefined 
identifier BYTE
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(185,15): Error: undefined 
identifier BYTE
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(187,14): Error: undefined 
identifier DWORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(187,14): Error: undefined 
identifier DWORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(188,11): Error: undefined 
identifier DWORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(189,11): Error: undefined 
identifier DWORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(190,11): Error: undefined 
identifier DWORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(196,11): Error: undefined 
identifier WORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(197,11): Error: undefined 
identifier WORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(198,11): Error: undefined 
identifier DWORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(199,11): Error: undefined 
identifier DWORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(200,11): Error: undefined 
identifier DWORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(201,11): Error: undefined 
identifier WORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(202,11): Error: undefined 
identifier WORD
../DSource/dmd/src/ddmd/scanmscoff.d(225,24): Error: undefined 
identifier BYTE

dmd failed with exit code 1.

Re: Dub generates a library file that is larger in size than the one built on command line.

2017-12-16 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

TY Mike, that explains it.

Thanks Ivan.

Re: Dub generates a library file that is larger in size than the one built on command line.

2017-12-16 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

dub build --vverbose

That is the command I used. Would it be right to assume that -g 
is being added because --vverbose ? The reason I ask is the file 
size is about the same when I run the below command.

dub build

Dub generates a library file that is larger in size than the one built on command line.

2017-12-16 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

The following is the command output by dub with --vverbose 
switch. It generates a file which is 6094400 bytes in size

dmd -lib 
-of.dub/build/library-debug-linux.posix-x86_64-dmd_2077-7BB682AB55F152616E128DD715E887DF/libdjni.a -debug -g -w -version=Have_djni -Isource/ source/app.d source/jni/JavaArray.d source/jni/JavaClass.d source/jni/JavaEnv.d source/jni/JavaField.d source/jni/JavaMethod.d source/jni/JavaObject.d source/jni/JavaString.d source/jni/JavaVM.d source/jni/JniHelper.d source/jni/JniProxy.d source/jni/jni.d source/jni/package.d -vcolumns

The below command generates a library file of size 3586152 bytes.

dmd -oflibDJni.a -lib -H -Hdimport/jni source/jni/*.d

so the file generated by dub is almost twice in size. Why such a 
difference ? What does dub include in the generated file ?

Dub generate import files

2017-12-16 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
dmd has the -H and -Hd switches. Does dub have any setting to 
make it generate D interface files ?

Re: Code Review

2017-12-09 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 December 2017 at 07:03:30 UTC, Venkat wrote:
Can anybody take a look at this checkin ? The import files are 
a noise, please ignore them and take a look at the *.d files.

Changes I made.
- Tried to remove __va_argsave as it doesn't compile with it.
- Tried to replace no arg opCall() with a factory function.

Thanks in advance

I should add that the source builds fine and I was able to write 
a couple of rudimentary programs using the library built from the 

Code Review

2017-12-09 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
Can anybody take a look at this checkin ? The import files are a 
noise, please ignore them and take a look at the *.d files.

Changes I made.
- Tried to remove __va_argsave as it doesn't compile with it.
- Tried to replace no arg opCall() with a factory function.

Thanks in advance

Re:!string refuses to convert a char* to string.

2017-12-09 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thank you, core.runtime.Runtime.initialize() fixed the issue. I 
am now able to use to!string as well. I found your posts and Ali 
Çehreli's posts on this subject. I think I have some 
understanding now.

Re:!string refuses to convert a char* to string.

2017-12-08 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks for the quick response. std.string.fromStringz did the 
trick. I am not sure what was the deal with to!string.!string refuses to convert a char* to string.

2017-12-08 Thread Venkat via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am trying out the DJni library 
( For some reason!string doesn't want to convert a char* to a 
string.The lines below are taken from the log. I see that the 
last frame is at gc_qalloc. I am not sure why it failed there. 
Can anybody elaborate on what is going on here ? Thanks in 

 93 Stack: [0x7f749dfd9000,0x7f749e0da000],  
sp=0x7f749e0d8600,  free space=1021k
 94 Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM 
code, C=native code)

 95 C  []  gc_qalloc+0x2c
 96 C  []  

 97 C  []  _d_newarrayU+0x86
 98 C  []  
 99 C  []  
100 C  []  
101 C  []  
102 C  []  
103 C  []  

104 C  []  Java_Prompt_getLine+0x61
105 j  Prompt.getLine(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;+0
106 j  Prompt.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+11
107 v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
108 V  []  JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, 
methodHandle*, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x1056
109 V  []  jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, 
JavaValue*, _jobject*, JNICallType, _jmethodID*, 
JNI_ArgumentPusher*, Thread*)+0x362

110 V  []  jni_CallStaticVoidMethod+0x17a
111 C  []  JavaMain+0x81f
112 C  []  start_thread+0xc4
114 Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
115 j  Prompt.getLine(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;+0
116 j  Prompt.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+11