Re: How to use ResizerWidget in Dlangui app..?

2020-01-03 Thread ShadoLight via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 January 2020 at 05:24:33 UTC, Rémy Mouëza wrote:

On Monday, 30 December 2019 at 23:32:37 UTC, ShadoLight wrote:


I suspect I'm missing something obvious, but ResizerWidget is 
not working for me on Windows - it shows the 'dragging'-cursor 
when hovering the mouse on the ResizerWidget, but dragging 
with the left mouse button does nothing.

I ran into the same issue. The resizeEvent callback is not 
implemented yet. Below is my custom implementation.

/** A completed resizer widget.
  As of 2016-12-30, the ResizerWidget does not work out of the 

  This class implement the missing piece.
class Resizer : ResizerWidget {

/// Default initialization.
this () {
super ();
initResizeCb ();

/// Create with ID parameter.
this (string ID, Orientation orient = Orientation.Vertical) 

super (ID, orient);
initResizeCb ();

/// Initialize the resize on drag behaviour callback.
protected void initResizeCb () {
= (ResizerWidget source,
   ResizerEventType event,
   int currentPosition)
if (event != ResizerEventType.Dragging) {

if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
auto delta = _previousWidget.width - 
auto pw= max (0, _previousWidget.width - 
auto mw= max (0, _nextWidget.width + 

.minWidth (pw)
.maxWidth (pw);

.minWidth (mw)
.maxWidth (mw);
else if (_orientation == Orientation.Vertical) {
auto delta = _previousWidget.height - 
auto pw= max (0, _previousWidget.height - 
auto mw= max (0, _nextWidget.height + 

.minHeight (pw)
.maxHeight (pw);

.minHeight (mw)
.maxHeight (mw);

parent.requestLayout ();

Remy, just a quick note to say thank you again!

I had to make a small adjustment to make the Resizer class 
completely generic for all cases, but I can only guess you did 
not need this as your use case probably had the ResizerWidget 
parent as the outermost widget.

The issue is that the currentPosition argument in the resizeEvent 
handler is in terms of the application window, and not in terms 
of the ResizerWidget parent. So, if you have another widget above 
the ResizerWidget parent (in the Orientation.Vertical case) or to 
the left of the ResizerWidget parent (in the 
Orientation.Horizontal case), you have a small offset issue. The 
same applies if you have margins or padding on the ResizerWidget 
parent (or any of its parent(s)).

Anyway, the fix is quite trivial:

/// Initialize the resize on drag behaviour callback.
protected void initResizeCb () {
= delegate(ResizerWidget source,
   ResizerEventType event,
   int currentPosition)
if (event != ResizerEventType.Dragging) {

int delta;
int pw;
int mw;
int localPos;
if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
localPos = currentPosition - parent.left;
delta = _previousWidget.width - localPos;
pw= max (0, _previousWidget.width - delta);
mw= max (0, _nextWidget.width + delta);

.minWidth (pw)
.maxWidth (pw);

.minWidth (mw)
.maxWidth (mw);
else if (_orientation == Orientation.Vertical) {
localPos = currentPosition -;
delta = _previousWidget.height - localPos;
pw= max (0, _previousWidget.height - delta);
mw= max (0, _nextWidget.height + delta);

.minHeight (pw)
.maxHeight (pw);

.minHeight (mw)
.maxHeight (mw);

parent.requestLayout ();

Re: How to use ResizerWidget in Dlangui app..?

2020-01-01 Thread ShadoLight via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 January 2020 at 05:24:33 UTC, Rémy Mouëza wrote:

On Monday, 30 December 2019 at 23:32:37 UTC, ShadoLight wrote:


I suspect I'm missing something obvious, but ResizerWidget is 
not working for me on Windows - it shows the 'dragging'-cursor 
when hovering the mouse on the ResizerWidget, but dragging 
with the left mouse button does nothing.

I ran into the same issue. The resizeEvent callback is not 
implemented yet. Below is my custom implementation.


OK, I suspected as much. But thanks a lot Rémy! You are saving me 
a lot of work - much appreciated!

Re: How to use ResizerWidget in Dlangui app..?

2020-01-01 Thread Rémy Mouëza via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 December 2019 at 23:32:37 UTC, ShadoLight wrote:


I suspect I'm missing something obvious, but ResizerWidget is 
not working for me on Windows - it shows the 'dragging'-cursor 
when hovering the mouse on the ResizerWidget, but dragging with 
the left mouse button does nothing.

I ran into the same issue. The resizeEvent callback is not 
implemented yet. Below is my custom implementation.

/** A completed resizer widget.
  As of 2016-12-30, the ResizerWidget does not work out of the 

  This class implement the missing piece.
class Resizer : ResizerWidget {

/// Default initialization.
this () {
super ();
initResizeCb ();

/// Create with ID parameter.
this (string ID, Orientation orient = Orientation.Vertical) {
super (ID, orient);
initResizeCb ();

/// Initialize the resize on drag behaviour callback.
protected void initResizeCb () {
= (ResizerWidget source,
   ResizerEventType event,
   int currentPosition)
if (event != ResizerEventType.Dragging) {

if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
auto delta = _previousWidget.width - 
auto pw= max (0, _previousWidget.width - 
auto mw= max (0, _nextWidget.width + 

.minWidth (pw)
.maxWidth (pw);

.minWidth (mw)
.maxWidth (mw);
else if (_orientation == Orientation.Vertical) {
auto delta = _previousWidget.height - 
auto pw= max (0, _previousWidget.height - 
auto mw= max (0, _nextWidget.height + 

.minHeight (pw)
.maxHeight (pw);

.minHeight (mw)
.maxHeight (mw);

parent.requestLayout ();

Re: How to use ResizerWidget in Dlangui app..?

2020-01-01 Thread ShadoLight via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 1 January 2020 at 10:52:02 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:

On Monday, 30 December 2019 at 23:32:37 UTC, ShadoLight wrote:

dragging with the left mouse button does nothing.

Window window = Platform.instance.createWindow("DlangUI 
example", null);

I'm not familiar with this toolkit, but my guess is that you 
didn't pass in a `flags` value and therefore you aren't using 
the appropriate overload of the createWindow() function to 
achieve what you're after.

The following is from the DLangUI GitHub site 
( Take 
a look at the third argument:

Window createWindow(
dstring windowCaption, // window caption
Window parent, // parent window, pass null for main 
(first) window.
uint flags = WindowFlag.Resizable, // various flags - bit 
fields from WindowFlag enum values

uint width = 0,// initial window width
uint height = 0// initial window height

Thanks for the reply, Ron.

Yes, as you say WindowFlag.Resizable is the default value for the 
'flags' argument in the createWindow call, so that was the 
setting I had.

But the problem is actually not in resizing the full app window 
(that actually works - including keeping the relative proportions 
of the widget children sizes), but rather in resizing 2 widgets 
that are separated by a ResizerWidget inside the app window. The 
app window size should actually not be affected since, as 1 
widget on one side of the ResizerWidget shrinks by N pixels in 
height or width (depending on the orientation of the 
ResizerWidget), the opposite widget should grow by the same N 
pixels in height/width, leaving the parent size unaffected.

I can see that is actually what is coded, but it is not working 
when I run the app.

But I thought you may be on to something and I should check if 
children widgets of the app window inherits some settings from 
the parent, so I checked the WindowFlag flags. According to [1] 
you can have:

- Fullscreen
- Modal
- Resizable

However, checking the code there are additional options:
/// window creation flags
enum WindowFlag : uint {
/// window can be resized
Resizable = 1,
/// window should be shown in fullscreen mode
Fullscreen = 2,
/// modal window - grabs input focus
Modal = 4,
/// measure window size on - helps if you want 
scrollWindow but on show() you want to set window to mainWidget 
measured size

MeasureSize = 8,
/// window without decorations
Borderless = 16,
/// expand window size if main widget minimal size is greater 
than size defined in window constructor

ExpandSize = 32,

So it looks like the documentation isn't completely up to date 
either. Anyway, I also tried to pass WindowFlag.Resizable | 
WindowFlag.MeasureSize as flags argument in the call to 
createWindow, but it did not help.

I was hoping for a quick answer on the forum from someone who has 
run into the same, but I think I'm going to need to dig into 
dlangui code to figure out what is going wrong.


Re: How to use ResizerWidget in Dlangui app..?

2020-01-01 Thread Ron Tarrant via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 December 2019 at 23:32:37 UTC, ShadoLight wrote:

dragging with the left mouse button does nothing.

Window window = Platform.instance.createWindow("DlangUI 
example", null);

I'm not familiar with this toolkit, but my guess is that you 
didn't pass in a `flags` value and therefore you aren't using the 
appropriate overload of the createWindow() function to achieve 
what you're after.

The following is from the DLangUI GitHub site 
( Take a 
look at the third argument:

Window createWindow(
dstring windowCaption, // window caption
Window parent, // parent window, pass null for main 
(first) window.
uint flags = WindowFlag.Resizable, // various flags - bit 
fields from WindowFlag enum values

uint width = 0,// initial window width
uint height = 0// initial window height

How to use ResizerWidget in Dlangui app..?

2019-12-30 Thread ShadoLight via Digitalmars-d-learn


I suspect I'm missing something obvious, but ResizerWidget is not 
working for me on Windows - it shows the 'dragging'-cursor when 
hovering the mouse on the ResizerWidget, but dragging with the 
left mouse button does nothing.

Reduced very simple example:

import dlangui;
import gui;


/// entry point for dlangui based application
extern (C) int UIAppMain(string[] args) {
// create window
Window window = Platform.instance.createWindow("DlangUI 
example", null);

//Make main layout
auto mainGui = new GuiHandler();
window.mainWidget = mainGui.makeGui(window);
// show window;

// run message loop
return Platform.instance.enterMessageLoop();

/// gui.d
import dlangui;

class GuiHandler : ResizeHandler {

Widget makeGui(Window w) {
//Make main layout
auto vlayout = new VerticalLayout();
vlayout.margins = 20;
vlayout.padding = 10;ets
vlayout.backgroundColor = 0xC0;

// Layout for editors
auto editorsLayout = new LinearLayout();
editorsLayout.orientation = Orientation.Vertical;

//Make edit + trace windows
auto editor = new EditBox();

auto resizer = new ResizerWidget();
//		resizer.resizeEvent.connect(this); //Connect for handling 
events in onResize.


auto tracer = new LogWidget();


return vlayout;

	override void onResize(ResizerWidget source, ResizerEventType 
event, int currentPosition) {

 //Not shown...

I searched through all the dlangui examples where ResizerWidget 
is used, and none of them provides any onResize event handler as 
shown above. But, since none of them work (symptoms exactly the 
same as mine), I am wondering if this is required?

Also checking in DlanguiIDE - nowhere does it implements the 
onResize event handler for ResizerWidget either. I find this a 
bit odd - in none of the projects where ResizerWidget are used 
does it work, but none of these projects provide the onResize 
event handler either.  Which makes me suspect it is supposed to 
work 'out of the box' and does not require the event handler for 
the basic dragging functionality - similar how resizing the whole 
window works without requiring that you implement it yourself in 
the OnResize event handler for the main Widget. Also - I can 
hardly believe that Vadim would have kept putting it in examples, 
but without it working, so I suspect some regression here if I am 
not doing something stupid myself (which is always possible!).

There are plenty of 'deprecated' warnings when building dlangui 
and, since dlangui has not been updated since 2018, I'm concerned 
it may be breaking with new versions of the compiler.

Alternatively I'm missing something elementary here..? Has anyone 
used ResizerWidget successfully with a recent version of the 
compiler on Windows?

win 7
DMD32 D Compiler v2.089.1