Re: D man pages

2019-10-11 Thread Jarek via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:19:42 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 18:52:32 UTC, Jarek wrote:
On Monday, 23 September 2019 at 12:31:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 


thanks for reply.
This is my first dlang work:
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import core.sys.posix.dirent;


You should use fromStringZ:

now it works.

Re: D man pages

2019-10-10 Thread Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:26:36 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:25:22 UTC, Daniel Kozak 
On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:21:06 UTC, Daniel Kozak 
On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:19:42 UTC, Daniel Kozak 

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 18:52:32 UTC, Jarek wrote:
On Monday, 23 September 2019 at 12:31:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 


thanks for reply.
This is my first dlang work:
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import core.sys.posix.dirent;


You should use fromStringZ:

stdout.writeln("Subdir: ", ent.d_name.fromStringz);

One more time :)
stdout.writeln("Subdir: ", ent.d_name.ptr.fromStringz);

and to!string works too:!string

and there is a more D idiomatic version:

import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.file;
import std.path;

int main()
auto dFiles = dirEntries("/proc", SpanMode.shallow)
.filter!(f => f.isDir)
.each!((a){writefln("Subdir: %s", a.baseName);});
catch (FileException fe)
return 1;
return 0;   

Re: D man pages

2019-10-10 Thread Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:21:06 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:19:42 UTC, Daniel Kozak 

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 18:52:32 UTC, Jarek wrote:
On Monday, 23 September 2019 at 12:31:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 


thanks for reply.
This is my first dlang work:
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import core.sys.posix.dirent;


You should use fromStringZ:

stdout.writeln("Subdir: ", ent.d_name.fromStringz);

One more time :)
stdout.writeln("Subdir: ", ent.d_name.ptr.fromStringz);

Re: D man pages

2019-10-10 Thread Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:25:22 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:21:06 UTC, Daniel Kozak 
On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:19:42 UTC, Daniel Kozak 

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 18:52:32 UTC, Jarek wrote:
On Monday, 23 September 2019 at 12:31:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 


thanks for reply.
This is my first dlang work:
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import core.sys.posix.dirent;


You should use fromStringZ:

stdout.writeln("Subdir: ", ent.d_name.fromStringz);

One more time :)
stdout.writeln("Subdir: ", ent.d_name.ptr.fromStringz);

and to!string works too:!string

Re: D man pages

2019-10-10 Thread Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 19:19:42 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 18:52:32 UTC, Jarek wrote:
On Monday, 23 September 2019 at 12:31:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 


thanks for reply.
This is my first dlang work:
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import core.sys.posix.dirent;


You should use fromStringZ:

stdout.writeln("Subdir: ", ent.d_name.fromStringz);

Re: D man pages

2019-10-10 Thread Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 18:52:32 UTC, Jarek wrote:
On Monday, 23 September 2019 at 12:31:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 


thanks for reply.
This is my first dlang work:
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import core.sys.posix.dirent;


You should use fromStringZ:

Re: D man pages

2019-10-10 Thread Jarek via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 23 September 2019 at 12:31:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Monday, 23 September 2019 at 06:06:05 UTC, Jarek wrote:
I have the same question. Where to find something similar to 
man pages from C?

They are the same functions, so the idea is you can just use 
the C man pages directly. There's just the pattern of the D 
module name to know.


does it mean that I can't use seekdir() on systems with Musl? 
(Alpine linux)?

it is possibly just not copied in there, I'd say to just try it 
and see if it triggers the static assert down there.

the man page says

   4.3BSD, POSIX.1-2001.

so it probably should work with the core.sys.posix header 
there, maybe it just isn't verified as to the type of the 
argument (the notes section warns it has changed, so the D devs 
are surely being extra cautious about which one it actually has 
in there, waiting for someone to verify it before putting in 
the file)

thanks for reply.
This is my first dlang work:
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import core.sys.posix.dirent;

int main(string[] args)
DIR* proc;
dirent *ent;
proc = opendir("/proc");
if(proc == null){
stderr.writeln("Open /proc error");
return 1;
stdout.writeln("proc opened");
while((ent = readdir(proc)) != null){
if(ent.d_type != DT_DIR){
stdout.writeln("Subdir: ", to!string(ent.d_name));
if(closedir(proc) == -1){
stderr.writeln("Close dir error");
return 1;
return 0;

How to handle ent.d_name? When I writeln it with to!string() 
conversion then it doesn't print well.

As a result I got something like this:
Subdir: 8�
Subdir: 10�11�12�13�14�15�17�18�19�22�23�
ubdir: 11�12�13�14�15�17�18�19�22�23�24�K
Subdir: 12�13�14�15�17�18�19�22�23�24�K25�L
Subdir: 13�14�15�17�18�19�22�23�24�K25�L73�M
Subdir: 14�15�17�18�19�22�23�24�K25�L73�M74�N
Subdir: 15�17�18�19�22�23�24�K25�L73�M74�N75�O
Subdir: 17�18�19�22�23�24�K25�L73�M74�N75�O76�Q
Subdir: 18�19�22�23�24�K25�L73�M74�N75�O76�Q77�R
Subdir: 19�22�23�24�K25�L73�M74�N75�O76�Q77�R79�S
Subdir: 22�23�24�K25�L73�M74�N75�O76�Q77�R79�S80�T
Subdir: 23�24�K25�L73�M74�N75�O76�Q77�R79�S80�T81�U
to!string() doesn't work?
thanks for help

Re: D man pages

2019-09-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 23 September 2019 at 06:06:05 UTC, Jarek wrote:
I have the same question. Where to find something similar to 
man pages from C?

They are the same functions, so the idea is you can just use the 
C man pages directly. There's just the pattern of the D module 
name to know.


does it mean that I can't use seekdir() on systems with Musl? 
(Alpine linux)?

it is possibly just not copied in there, I'd say to just try it 
and see if it triggers the static assert down there.

the man page says

   4.3BSD, POSIX.1-2001.

so it probably should work with the core.sys.posix header there, 
maybe it just isn't verified as to the type of the argument (the 
notes section warns it has changed, so the D devs are surely 
being extra cautious about which one it actually has in there, 
waiting for someone to verify it before putting in the file)

Re: D man pages

2019-09-22 Thread Jarek via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 5 January 2019 at 21:59:27 UTC, kdevel wrote:
For years I missed the man pages of the C++ standard library 
and now found out that some Linux distros provide them as extra 
package. The man pages are not generated by a default during a 
GCC bootstrap install but need an explicit make doc-install-man 
in the corresponding doc directory of libstdc++.

Is there any such mechanism to generate man pages for D/Phobos?


I have the same question. Where to find something similar to man 
pages from C?
I would like to use core.sys.posix.dirent and don't know where to 
find manuals about it.
Reading dirent.h or man opendir is a lot easier than reading 
dirent.d from

If I read dirent.d, then I see something like:
else version (CRuntime_Bionic)
else version (CRuntime_Musl)
else version (CRuntime_UClibc)
void   seekdir(DIR*, c_long);
c_long telldir(DIR*);
static assert(false, "Unsupported platform");
does it mean that I can't use seekdir() on systems with Musl? 
(Alpine linux)?

Re: D man pages

2019-01-07 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 January 2019 at 14:25:26 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
A text-based links browser with a focused use case sounds like 
a far better idea. Though programs like elinks or pinfo may 
have already have you beat on this front. :-D

elinks does an ok job on dpldocs (of course, I partially designed 
it for such, but mostly it is just because my html is only 
partially crap), but a custom program can do better, and is 
really very little effort to write anyway...

Re: D man pages

2019-01-07 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sun, Jan 06, 2019 at 03:11:48AM +, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> But that's the result of about 5 mins of work... though I really like
> my hyperlinks and actually kinda prefer the browser for that reason
> (tho making a custom little terminal browser to handle the links is p
> tempting)

Lately I've come to hate the modern graphical browser more and more.
It's a single over-complex point of failure that simply tries to do too
much and be too much. Instead of doing one thing well and delegating
other tasks to other programs that do them better, it does everthing
mediocrely and wants to take over everything else, and inevitably ends
up being a minefield of security holes, excessive unexplained resource
consumption, needless hidden complexity, and generally stinks of bad (or
rather lack of) design.

(My latest gripe is those pervasive evil svg/css spinners that consume
ridiculous amounts of CPU for something completely irrelevant... once I
dared to look at the related W3C specs, and found to my horror a
completely ridiculously over-engineered mess that shows all the bad
symptoms of design by committee with none of the benefits, along with
the associated bloatware that cannot be anything *but* bloated and
inefficient 'cos there's no other way to be spec-conformant. And all
this just for some eye-candy. It's utterly insane, yet these days people
swear by it.)

A text-based links browser with a focused use case sounds like a far
better idea. Though programs like elinks or pinfo may have already have
you beat on this front. :-D


If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one? -- Abraham Lincoln

Re: D man pages

2019-01-05 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 6 January 2019 at 02:23:20 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
But something like Adam Ruppe's adrdox could possibly be the 
basis for translating individual module symbols into manpages 

The approach I'd take is actually converting my generated html to 
text and just piping it through less. Or if we specifically want 
man, convert the html into man syntax (there's enough semantic 
information there to do the conversion).

But that's the result of about 5 mins of work... though I really 
like my hyperlinks and actually kinda prefer the browser for that 
reason (tho making a custom little terminal browser to handle the 
links is p tempting)

Re: D man pages

2019-01-05 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sat, Jan 05, 2019 at 09:59:27PM +, kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> For years I missed the man pages of the C++ standard library and now
> found out that some Linux distros provide them as extra package. The
> man pages are not generated by a default during a GCC bootstrap
> install but need an explicit make doc-install-man in the corresponding
> doc directory of libstdc++.
> Is there any such mechanism to generate man pages for D/Phobos?
> Stefan

The current ddoc-based scheme may not be flexible enough to generate man
pages (though I could be wrong).  But something like Adam Ruppe's adrdox
could possibly be the basis for translating individual module symbols
into manpages perhaps?

Though I have to warn, working with troff/groff syntax is probably not
going to be pretty, esp. given the laxness / HTML-specificity of your
typical Phobos doc comment.  But perhaps it could be made to work...
Question is, who's gonna do the grunt work?


Computers shouldn't beep through the keyhole.