Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2009 to reach those who cannot attend

2009-08-01 Thread Massimo Di Stefano

I tried to answer this mail ..

apologize me if it will be a bit confused and for any my mistake.

i'm newbie in live-dvd preparation so maybe is possible i'm ignoring  

but i hope you can point me on the right direction to follow.

Il giorno 01/ago/09, alle ore 13:28, Cameron Shorter ha scritto:

Maning, Massimo, Alex, Ravi,

Thank you all for your kinds offers of help with the LiveDVD. This  
is greatly appreciated, will be very valuable, and will also make  
space for the overly committed FOSS4G local organising committee to  
focus on the other aspects of the FOSS4G conference.

As I see it, this is what needs to be done:
1. Anyone who is interested, please subscribe to the live-dvd email  
list, where we can continue the rest of this discussion.

i'm already subscribed to the list,
i read the previouse topic and i agree that the main distro to be used  
must be a debian/debian-based distro.

as live-builder system, i'm tring the remastersys tool
i find it really complete and works fine on ubuntu and debian but need  
to be hacked to works on sidux.
(the best solution for me is to have a custom script to produce a  
live.iso from an installed linux-distro based on sidux, i prefer to  
chose sidux beacouse it has updated packages (it include the debian- 
gis repository, and beacouse has an updated kernel and some  
virtualizzation .. is the only distro that works fine on my HW  
"macbook pro 15'' 2,2 with ati 1600 video card))

The wiki associated with this project is at:

i tried to describe the procedure i'm using to build some gis SW on  
sidux installing the svn version on the osgeo wiki page (search for in the search tool)

I agree with you that for a live projet we need to use the debian-gis

however i prefer to have the last version installed from source. (at  
least for the main app osgeo project)

why? :

building from source we'll have all the dev-package installed in the  

this implies that a live-dvd user can choose to install the live on  
its hard-drive  (install option is handled by remastersys)
and having all the dependencies already installed will simplify the  
life to an user that want update to the latest version for the source- 
installed gis app

(this will guarantee a long life for the live ptroject and avoid  
intense dependence from repository)

obviously is not my intent to build all from source, but only the main  
osgeo project like :

Gdal, Grass, Ossim, Qgis, ...+?

2. We need someone who can continually keep track of the status of  
the LiveDVD. Determine what it contains, what package versions are  
on it, how much space is being used, what should and should not be  
on it etc.

This data should be kept up to date in this wiki:

i done a list of apt-get-able packages related to scientiphic and  
geographics software, icluding python dependencies for qgis plug-in
R package to handle spatial data, other sw more or less related to  
academic/sciantific world

2b. Revise the LiveDVD schedule, and then track to it.

3. The LiveDVD needs to be tested, and make sure that the current,  
and any future packages all work together without impacting each  
other. Any issues found need to be tracked in the issue tracker.

4. Someone needs to contact all interested parties for the LiveDVD,  
and encourage them to provide data or software, or configurations,  
etc for the LiveDVD. This includes:
* Workshop and tutorial authors who may want to hand out a DVD at  
the conference.

* OSGeo projects already on the LiveDVD, or who want to get on the DVD
* UbuntuGIS, DebianGIS, GISVM, OSGeo4W packaging projects, which  
have significant synergies with the LiveDVD

* And any other people who want to help out.

tring variouse live-dvd build  i had some different problems on  
different distro :

ubuntu 9.04 :

problem to build ossim (mailed the dev list about my issue)
some problems with pyQwt (use python 2.5 while the python used as  
default is 2.6)

debian+ubuntu :

kernel minor than 2.6.30 has proble to get a working driver on mac  
laptop using ati video card.
again on generic hardware i need to manually install the video driver  
to enable a full 3d environment

Sidux :

the driver installed as default works well on mac laptop and the 3d  
environment work out of box on different hardware

whitout need to install additional drivers
but the problem is :

using remastersys (script dedicated to debian and ubuntu distro) i  
need to hack the script to figure out a kernel module problems :
remastersys try to find a pakage "squashfs-module" that on sidux is  
included in the kernel .. so remastersys fail to check the module  
presence (but it exists)
to figure out this problem i commented out the re

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2009 to reach those who cannot attend

2009-08-01 Thread Cameron Shorter

Maning, Massimo, Alex, Ravi,

Thank you all for your kinds offers of help with the LiveDVD. This is 
greatly appreciated, will be very valuable, and will also make space for 
the overly committed FOSS4G local organising committee to focus on the 
other aspects of the FOSS4G conference.

As I see it, this is what needs to be done:
1. Anyone who is interested, please subscribe to the live-dvd email 
list, where we can continue the rest of this discussion.

The wiki associated with this project is at:

2. We need someone who can continually keep track of the status of the 
LiveDVD. Determine what it contains, what package versions are on it, 
how much space is being used, what should and should not be on it etc.

This data should be kept up to date in this wiki:

2b. Revise the LiveDVD schedule, and then track to it.

3. The LiveDVD needs to be tested, and make sure that the current, and 
any future packages all work together without impacting each other. Any 
issues found need to be tracked in the issue tracker.

4. Someone needs to contact all interested parties for the LiveDVD, and 
encourage them to provide data or software, or configurations, etc for 
the LiveDVD. This includes:
* Workshop and tutorial authors who may want to hand out a DVD at the 

* OSGeo projects already on the LiveDVD, or who want to get on the DVD
* UbuntuGIS, DebianGIS, GISVM, OSGeo4W packaging projects, which have 
significant synergies with the LiveDVD

* And any other people who want to help out.

5. Add what ever new packages, linux software, windows installers, etc 
to the LiveDVD. This is the technical grunt work.
Note that the packaging projects like DebianGIS and UbuntuGIS are quite 
robust, and have been very helpful in getting new people started with 
packaging, and many of these people are also on the LiveDVD email list.

Welcome aboard.
I suggest that any volunteers join the live-demo email list, and respond 
to this email suggesting how you might want to help.

Cameron Shorter, FOSS4G chair.

Ravi wrote:

Happy to note a good discussion.
I can help in seeing the draft of workshops/Labs that deal with Vector-GIS and GIS that focuses on Geoscience. Can help in advising where necessary, to tune the material such that those multitudes not attending the event can equally use the material with ease. 

Ravi Kumar

--- On Fri, 31/7/09, Alex Borrell  wrote:


From: Alex Borrell 
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2009 to reach those who cannot attend
To: "OSGeo Discussions" 
Cc: "Cameron Shorter" 
Date: Friday, 31 July, 2009, 8:12 PM

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:55 AM,
Massimo Di Stefano 

Hi All,

I'm  working on a live dvd project based on GIS

i'm avaiable for any help on the dvd creation.

let me know.



Il giorno 31/lug/09, alle ore 11:11, Cameron Shorter ha

Hi Ravi,

Yes, you are so right, we do need to collect as much of the
material from the FOSS4G conference as we can.

One way we hope to facilitate this has been to give every
attendee a LiveDVD which can be populated with all the
material from the workshops. This means that if workshop
presenters can get their data onto the DVD, then they know
all attendees will receive it.

So we have budget for the LiveDVD. We have an old version
of the LiveDVD (based on FOSS4G 2008). What we need to
continue through to completion is to have someone who will
coordinate the compiling of the DVD.  This is primarily a
project management role, keeping track of what is on the DVD
and what should be on it, contacting workshop authors, and
project leads and helping them get their projects onto the
DVD etc.

Sound like you? It would be an incredibly valuable
contribution to FOSS4G and the greater OSGeo community at

Jody Garnett wrote:

These are all kind thoughts. Would you consider
volunteering to help

put together the conference live DVD? You can see an
example from

FOSS4G2008 etc...


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:20 AM, 

Hi All,

FOSS4G every year is a keenly followed event. Many await
the publication of material on the website eagerly such that
they can follow labs, workshops and presentations of

So the present organisers may please request those
especially conducting labs/workshops to keep in mind the
multitudes who browse them through the internet can have
equal benefit. This can be achieved my keeping on the
internet for download

1. All the binaries that are required for the exercise

2. All the data that are required for the exercise

3. All the printed material provided for the exercise

4. All the other material provided to the attendees, CD or
DVD etc

I agree that most of it is done each time, exc