[OSGeo-Discuss] Raster data on a DBMS

2008-11-03 Thread Gilberto Camara


Jim Gray´s paper and much more on
this issue is on his site at MS Research.

Storing images on a database gives much
more benefits that simple retrieval of
metadata. Databases offer concurrency control,
data protection, integrity and management features
that simple file systems are lacking.

If you have hundreds of images scattered around
as files, you lack data management. Your metadata
may point to a file that could have been deleted.
In a multi-user environment, file systems do not
prevent different users from updating the same
image. The result may be a data which is inconsistent.

Allow me to reiterate my earlier argument, which is
that FOSS4G should **allow** users the option of storing
raster data in a database. Storing images in a database
is not recommended in each and every situation.
The user should have the option, according to his needs.

The current debate on whether images should be stored
on an RDBMS reminds me of a similar debate during the
early 90s, concerning whether vector data should be
stored in an RDBMS. Remember the days of ARC-INFO?

In mid 90s, our team at INPE tried to use the
Postgres-95 RDBMS to store vector data. The result
was a system with a very slow performance.
The concept was right, but the implementation was
lacking. It was only when PostgreSQL and PostGIS
came of age that we could develop a multi-user
spatial database with good performance.

By the same argument, these are early days of
storing raster data in RDBMS. There are missing
features on the database and the performance may
be slower than file systems. But the concept
is fundamentally correct. I predict that five
years hence this debate will be solved and we
will look at it as a relique of the past.

Best Regards

Christopher Schmidt said:

I don't see anything in that paragraph that indicates that storing the
*image data* in the database is important. (A link to the paper online
or something could change that, of course.) Specifically, I don't think
there's any doubt that if you have many-many files, it makes sense to
store the *queryable image information* -- things like spatial extent,
temporal extent, etc. -- belong in a database. The question is, in the
"data" column, do you store a File Path, or the Image Data? Until/Unless
databases get/have image manipulation tools directly, I can't see the 
value of storing the image data itself in the database.

The points above argue against file-system based metadata
storage/retrieval: sorting files by date, searching through index files,
etc., so far as I can tell, but I don't see a compelling argument for
image data in the database above.

Of course, this is assuming that the image data access pattern is the
same "in the database" and "on disk": for example, storing GeoTIFF data,
then using GDAL to parse the string from the database as a GeoTIFF file.
If the database you're using has a different (faster) Image access
algorithm, then of course there can be benefits. However, those same
benefits could presumably be realized with sufficiently complete
libraries for accessing the image externally: If Oracles' Database
product, for example, internally tiles the image, and they had a library
to access the image in the same way, presumably you could store those
bits on disk as well. However, if that library depends internally on a
database, then integration of all points into the same database might
help in some ways.

In any case, I think there's obvious reasons to store your image
metadata in a database -- and *using the same tools for accessing the
images*, I don't think we've yet seen a compelling argument for storing
image blobs in the database. Of course, all things are not equal  :) 
If your database has built in MrSID support, for example, you could

imagine using Database Storage for Images, because you'd get the
automatic compression combined with the querying -- but that's not about
the Database Specifically, just the image storage/reading library that
comes along with it.

-- Christopher Schmidt Web Developer

Dr.Gilberto Camara
Director General
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

voice: +55-12-3945-6035
fax:   +55-12-3921-6455
web:   http://www.dpi.inpe.br/gilberto
blog:  http://techne-episteme.blogspot.com/

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Benefits raster data on RDBMS

2008-11-03 Thread Gilberto Camara

Dear all

Concerning the benefits of having raster data
stored together with vector data in a spatial
database, let me first quote from an excellent
paper from the late Jim Gray
("Scientific Data Management in the Coming Decade"):

  "What’s wrong with files?
   Everything builds from files as a base. HDF uses files.
   Database systems use files. But, file systems have no
   metadata beyond a hierarchical directory structure and file
   names. They encourage a do-it-yourself- data-model that
   will not benefit from the growing suite of data analysis
   tools. They encourage do-it-yourself-access-methods that
   will not do parallel, associative, temporal, or spatial
   search. They also lack a high-level query language.
   Lastly, most file systems can manage millions of files, but
   by the time a file system can deal with billions of files, it
   has become a database system."

In other words, if you have substantial amounts of raster
data (as is increasingly the case in geospatial application),
you will need to develop a significant amount of software
to manage your files. Unless... your data is handled by a
raster-enabled spatial database.

Best Regards

Dr.Gilberto Camara
Director General
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

voice: +55-12-3945-6035
fax:   +55-12-3921-6455
web:   http://www.dpi.inpe.br/gilberto
blog:  http://techne-episteme.blogspot.com/

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Raster data on RDBMS

2008-10-30 Thread Gilberto Camara

Dear all

I would like to take a broader view of the issue of raster data in a
DBMS. Issues of performance are relevant, but the benefits of having
raster data on a DBMS are much more important.

Consider that raster sensors and grid models are by far the dominant
source of new geospatial data. If FOOS4G solutions do not include the
capability of handling raster data in a DBMS, they would be lacking in
functionality compared to commercial solutions from Oracle and ESRI.

INPE´s FOSS4G developement of raster data on RDBMS using the
TerraLib library is a tangible proof of concept. TerraAmazon
(built using TerraLib) is INPE's OS solution for monitoring
tropical forests operationally.

The application was described in a recent article on the OSGEO
journal, and it is arguably one of the biggest geospatial databases
built using FOSS4G. Hundreds of images and hundreds of thousands
of polygons are used operationally in Brazil´s real-time monitoring
of deforestation.

We hope our example helps to convince the community
that we should not waste time arguing that we shouldn't
store raster data in DBMS. FOOS4G needs this capability.
Better yet, we already HAVE this capability on a production level.

Best Regards

Dr.Gilberto Camara
Director General
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

voice: +55-12-3945-6035
fax:   +55-12-3921-6455
web:   http://www.dpi.inpe.br/gilberto
blog:  http://techne-episteme.blogspot.com/

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: scale of FOSS projects

2008-05-06 Thread Gilberto Camara

Dear all

> In the past i've heard it suggested that really successful open source
> projects now need serious organisational backing. They can't be built
> by a network of partly-funded enthusiast contributors alone.
> If this is inevitable, why? Is innovation less possible outside the
> "enterprise"? Is this even a FOSS problem or a computing-in-the-broad 
> one?

As one of the list members who argued in favour of serious
organizational backing for OSS, let me throw my ideas on the issue:

(a) True innovation is extremely hard in any field. Companies and
governments worldwide aim at promoting and producing innovation,
but breakthroughs come slowly and the winners are always a
happy few.
(b) To have a software development that is at the same time
innovative and cooperative is even more difficult. Cooperation
requires shared conceptualizations. This is much easier to
achieve when the aim is to reproduce an existing design.
This is the case of OSGEO projects that aim to have an
open source version of OGC specifications.
(c) Many innovations are produced at academic institutions.
Most of those institutions have no incentive nor mission
to support open-source development projects. Taking these
innovations out of academia and giving them institutional
support (private or public) is a way to ensuring these
innovations are exposed to the market. Those with real value
will survive.
(d) For better or worse, the GIS arena is currently
OGC-driven. OGC has levelled the market, by producing a set
of common specifications, that both OS and proprietary systems
must adhere to. By nature, standards bodies tend to
stifle innovation. OGC has helped us make a lot of progress
on vector-based GIS and web services. By contrast, OGC has
reduced the motivation for innovation in issues such as
spatial analysis, raster-based GIS, semantics,
visualization, interfaces, and spatio-temporal models.
(e) Our current dilemma is that almost all FOSS4G products are
focused on OGC-compliance. This reduces the potential for
innovation and generates very similar products.

Thus, innovation in GIS is likely to come from outside
the OGC-compliance focus that pervades our community.
We need new interface paradigms, new ways of interacting
in with mobile devices, new ways of modelling environmental
change. Someone, somewhere, might be working on these innovations.
I hope that it evolves it an open source product.

Best Regards

P.S. For those who are interested, may I immodestly
suggest some readings on the topic:

G. Camara, F. Fonseca, "Information Policies and Open Source Software
in Developing Countries." JASIST, vol 58(1):121-132, January 2007.

G.Camara, H. Onsrud,
"Open Source GIS Software: Myths and Realities."
In: Julie M. Esanu and Paul F. Uhlir, Eds, Open Access and the Public 
Domain in Digital Data and Information for Science: Proceedings of an 
International Symposium. Washington, The National Academies Press, 2004.


G. Câmara et al., “TerraLib: An open-source GIS library for large-scale 
environmental and socio-economic applications”. In: Brent Hall (ed), 
“Open Source Approaches to Spatial Data Handling”.

Berlin, Springer, 2008.

Dr.Gilberto Camara
Director General
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

voice: +55-12-3945-6035
fax:   +55-12-3921-6455
web:   http://www.dpi.inpe.br/gilberto
blog:  http://techne-episteme.blogspot.com/

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Image Handling in RDBMS

2008-02-24 Thread Gilberto Camara

Dear Ivan

A GDAL driver for a TerraLib raster is a very
welcome development. This driver will
allow FOSS4G folks to experiment with their image datasets
and reach their own conclusions about the issue.

Additionally, we are discussing internally on how
to make our code available inside PostGIS.
What happens currently is that our priority for 2008
is to make TerraLib OGC-compliant at all levels.
This is a task we announced at the Victoria FOSS4G conference
and that we hope to be finished before the end of the year.
After this priority is carried out, we will consider other

Best Regards

Lucena, Ivan escreveu:

Dear Gilberto,

Unfortunately I could not follow the discussion since my last reply to 
Bruce. I spent more time on air than on land in the last three days.

I believe that your message is a reply to Paul Ramsey message: 
http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2008-February/003202.html. Am I 

What I would like to reply to both is that there is a new open source 
initiative on 
http://trac.osgeo.org/*gdal*/browser/trunk/gdal/frmts/*terralib*, a GDAL 
driver for Terralib *raster*. It is in a very preliminary stage. So far 
it only returns gdalinfo queries but it will be available for all gdal 
tools and API soon.

I hope that it will help to dismistify the raster-on-db issue at least a 
little bit.

Best regards,

Ivan Lucena

Dr.Gilberto Camara
Director General
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

voice: +55-12-3945-6035
fax:   +55-12-3921-6455
web:   http://www.dpi.inpe.br/gilberto
blog:  http://techne-episteme.blogspot.com/

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Image Handling in RDBMS

2008-02-22 Thread Gilberto Camara

I also beg to differ with Paul about the number of cases where image data 
handling in RDBMS is useful or necessary. 

In corporate applications where vectors and raster live together, and data 
processing and editing operations are used, handling different types of data 
together in a database is convenient. Control is more important than 

Our TerraAmazon system (presented in the latest FOSS4G conference) does this, 
and we handle large files without problems. 

For one-way image servers, on a write once, read mostly basis, then the case 
for handling raster data inside the DBMS is less clear. Since the output is an 
image delivered to the user, either as a file or as a visualization, DBMS 
features such as concurrency control and long transactions are not needed. 
Performance is more important than control in this case.

Best regards,
Dr.Gilberto Camara
Director General
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil ___
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] RE: Open Geo Database

2008-01-23 Thread Gilberto Camara
Dear all 

Regarding the FOSS Geodatabase discussion, I would like to bring a different 
issue to the discussion.

It concerns whether we should be concerned with broadening the number of FOSS 
databases that offer support for spatial data, or whether we should focus on 
deepening and increasing the support for different types of spatio-temporal 
data on PostGIS. 

Consider a situation where PostGIS would demonstrably handle more spatial data 
types than Oracle and would do so efficiently. This would provide a tremendous 
leverage for all FOSS4G applications and developers. 

To me, PostGIS is to FOSS4G what Linux is for FOSS as a whole. It's the 
enabling platform for succesfull FOSS4G enterprise applications. By 
concentrating on PostGIS and associated tools, we will build a reliable and 
consistent set of tools. 

Best regards,
Dr.Gilberto Camara
Director General
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil 

-Original Message-

Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 17:15:27 
Subject: Discuss Digest, Vol 13, Issue 25

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: FOSS GIS Podcasts (andrea giacomelli)
   2. RE: Open Geo Database (Sampson, David)
   3. Finding Data Sets (Erik Uzureau)
   4. Re: Finding Data Sets ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   5. Re: Finding Data Sets (Chris Holmes)
   6. Re: Finding Data Sets ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 19:23:52 +0100
From: "andrea giacomelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS GIS Podcasts
To: "OSGeo Discussions" 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

...Hi Landon,

a)  It's not a podcast (but still a ...cast, and it's
fresh...subcribers of the Italian mailing lists, my apologies for


This is a sort of "teaser" video on GIS and the role that awareness
raising organizations may play in promoting FOSS GIS (eventually
talking about GFOSS.it for Italy).

The message is directed to people who are not typical OSGeo discussion
readers ;) , but I'd still appreciate feedback from the list.

Maybe you can find some ideas of use for an introduction...

b) I'd like to have more "episodes" gradually delving into more
substantial topics, such as applications etc...time and resources
I'll be keeping an eye on material you may develop -and other links
which are being flagged out- as they may be a starting point for new


andrea, aka pibinko

2008/1/22, Nick Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> http://www.opengeodata.org/?cat=13  - have some interesting podcasts,..
> > >
> > > Are there other existing FOSS GIS podcasts?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Landon
> > >


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 16:12:14 -0500
From: "Sampson, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Geo Database
To: "OSGeo Discussions" 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

just as another note, as of GRASS 7 it looks like they will be moving their 
default DB format to SQLITE instead of the traditional DBF format
it might make sense to have a community effort contribute to this as a whole. 
The positive side is that there is already adoption of an OSGEO product as 
GRASS is moving in this direction. Determine a comon schema that can be shared 
around between projects and voila.
Or we could ignore this and then revist this same issue again in the future 
with no movement forward.
just thought I'd share.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Basques
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 09:40
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Geo Database


Don't know the specifics about the engine being used, but we discussed using 
the Plone storage mechanism, a few times, for spatial data.  Just didn't seem 
like a quick enough payoff to try anything out.  At least not on the surface.

There was a thought that there might be something to start with though.


Miguel Montesinos wrote: 


¿Does anyone know about similar projects using object oriented 
databases, such as db4objects[1], wh

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: FOSS4GIS business models

2008-01-07 Thread Gilberto Camara

Dear Markus, Frank, and all

I will try to dwell a bit further on some
issues raised by Frank and Markus. Sorry
for the long message. Certain issues deserve it...

Message from Frank Warmerdam
Comments from Gilberto

(...)  But, I am left with the impression that the same model applied
widely by many national or state governments would result in a lot of
duplication.  I'd like to explore models where governments at
different levels cooperate and contribute to joint development.

Good point. Governments have a propensity to fund local
development, since they are creating jobs. The risk, as you
point out, is duplication. To avoid this trend, we need
a coordination board at the international level, that
can assure national governments that their
interests are taken into account.

The ideal would be a UN-supported effort. However, developed
nations have blocked attempts for United Nations agencies to
coordinate widespread adoption of FOSS
(e.g., at the World Summit on the Information Society).

Currently, OSGEO and OSC play an important international role.
OSGEO allows us to connect (as we´re doing right now).
OSC gives users hope of avoiding the lock-in effect and thus
reduces some of the FUD effect. But we should recognize that
national government institutions are not present at either

Thus, I´m hoping that GSDI might be able to increase its
role as a place where FOSS can be promoted and presented
to an international audience. GSDI´s president, Harlan
Onsrud, is extremely serious, open-minded and supportive of FOSS.
I will be at GSDI 2008 at Trindad and promise to give you
a report from the trenches.

...Perhaps due to the relentless propaganda of the "anti government
right" in North America, I have some concerns about governments
throwing large amounts of money into FOSS development without clear
thinking about how to make that money work efficiently.  It is easy
to imagine boondoggles that could suck up lots of money with little
in the way of useful products.

Relax... Lord Keynes, Roosevelt´s New Deal, the Marshall Plan,
NASA´s Apollo Program and other examples show that efficiency
is not a prerequisite for successful use of public money.

Efficient use of public money is not about achieving feasible
products in the most cost-effective way. It is about achieving
goals that would be impossible for the private sector.
Putting a man on the moon, developing health care solutions for
the poor, and saving the planet from disastrous climate change
are tasks for governments. They cannot be measured by how much
money you put into them, but by their results.

Message from Markus Lupp 

> Responses by Gilberto

> (Markus)

I would like to give some comments on this from the perspective of a
GIS company with an Open Source business model. 

> (...) Now to the question of government intervention.
> After reading Gilberto's mail I asked myself what is
meant by this term? 

> (...) In Germany  (...)there is a growing support

from people in governmental agencies who decided by themselves that
they want to use more open source software 

> (Gilberto - is this what you mean by indirect support?).

Government intervention can be direct or indirect.
In the first case, public funds directly support FOSS4G
projects (as in the case of gvSIG).
In the second, there is a consensus that it is in
the public interest to consider FOSS as a serious alternative
to proprietary software and thus public managers are
not afraid of FUD tactics (as it happens in Europe currently).

Europe is taking FOSS very seriously. For those who haven´t seen
it yet, take a look at the EC´s Open Source Observatory
This is a very good example of indirect support for FOSS.

> (Markus)
So from my point of view it is possible to compete in the GIS market 
using an open source business model without any high-level government 
intervention (although it surely helps)

I respectfully disagree. I doubt you could achieve the same
success in the USA, where there is no active public policy
in support of FOSS. I stand by my earlier assessment that
successful long-term FOSS needs government support (direct
or indirect).


Dr.Gilberto Camara
Director General
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

voice: +55-12-3945-6035
fax:   +55-12-3921-6455
web:   http://www.dpi.inpe.br/gilberto
blog:  http://techne-episteme.blogspot.com/

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: FOSS4GIS business models

2008-01-03 Thread Gilberto Camara

Dear OSGEO Discussion List members:

Paul Ramsey´s remarks are right on target.

First, GIS is a large arena and there are
different motivations for developers, that
prevent them from joining a single project such as uDIG.

Second, it is very difficult for a private
company to develop a world-class FOSS4G product
and survive based only on consulting
fees for the commercial sector.

Third, to overcome these limitations there is
a need for governmental intervention, which may
be direct, as in the case of Catalonian government´s
support for gvSIG, or indirect, as in the decision
of Germany to support open source software.

In Brazil, the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
has been supporting local GIS development for 25 years,
with a lot of success in our national user community.
Without official support, there would be no local FOOS4G
development in Brazil.

In 2003, I did a F00S4G market survey and published the
results as a chapter of a US National Academy of Sciences book:
"Open Source GIS Software: Myths and Realities"

We analysed 70 FOSS4G software projects taken from the
FreeGIS list, and divided them into three categories:
networked products (e.g. GRASS), corporate products (e.g., PostGIS)
and individual products (e.g., CAVOR). From each product,
we assessed its maturity, level of support and functionality.

Our main conclusions at the time were:
(a) Only 6% of the  products were developed by networked teams.
Thus, the “Linux paradigm” is the exception rather than the rule.
(b) Corporations (private or public) are the main developers of
successful open source products. Corporations account for 41% of
all products.
(e) Individual-led software (a small team of 1-3 people) have
less quality and more mortality than the above.

These results show that the impetus behind successful
open source software was not coming from altruistic individuals
working in the midnight hour, but from professional programmers.
I consider that a similar result would be obtained today, should
the assessment be repeated.

This analysis was further elaborated in a JASIST paper:
"Information Policies and Open Source Software in Developing Countries"

For the FOSS4G effort to be fruitful and sustainable,
we need a very informed and candid assessment of our
business model. My personal view, based on 25 years of experience,
is that government intervention is essential for the open source
model to survive beyond a handful of examples.

Best regards
Dr.Gilberto Camara
Director General
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
web:   http://www.dpi.inpe.br/gilberto


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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: [postgis-users] A bit off topic,  but FOSS GIS clients...
  (Paul Ramsey)
   2. RE: Re: [postgis-users] A bit off topic,  but FOSS GIS
  clients... (Landon Blake)
   3. Re: Re: [postgis-users] A bit off topic,  but FOSSGIS
  clients... (Andrea Aime)
   4. Re: Re: [postgis-users] A bit off topic,  but FOSS GIS
  clients... (Howard Butler)
   5. Re: Re: [postgis-users] A bit off topic,  but FOSSGIS
  clients... (Dr. Markus Lupp)
   6. FOSS4Geo session at the Geosciences World Congress (33rd IGC
  2008 in Oslo) (Henning Lorenz)
   7. Re: Re: [postgis-users] A bit off topic,  but FOSS GIS
  clients... (Jacolin Yves)
   8. RE: Re: [postgis-users] A bit off topic,  but FOSSGIS
  clients... (Miguel Montesinos)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 09:41:19 -0800
From: Paul Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [postgis-users] A bit off topic,   but FOSS
GIS clients...
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: OSGeo Discussions 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

I realize it ain't easy. But could consolidation
(future effort) make it easier?

The only thing that can be consolidated is developer effort, and even  
where there are no programming language barriers (such as in the Java  
world) there are lots of countervailing reasons that make mergers  

"Everyone should drop their projects and work on uDig."  But all the  
gvSIG developers are supported by funding from Spanish government  
that requires all the work be GPL; and they also prefer a pure Java  
implementation to the