Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] 1 week to test the OSGeo-Live DVD before we burn it

2010-08-04 Thread Jason Birch
Hi Cameron,

The link to the MapGuide overview in the contents list is incorrect.  It's
pointing to doc/mapguide_overview.html instead of


On 3 August 2010 05:21, Cameron Shorter wrote:

>  The OSGeo-Live DVD is looking great, with 43 pre-configured GeoSpatial
> Open Source packages and marketing documentation.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] beakdown of osgeo server projects

2010-07-29 Thread Jason Birch
MapGuide has front-end, rendering, and processing capabilities. If
forced to choose between these, I'd probably go with rendering.

On 2010-07-29, Lars Lingner  wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am 29.07.2010 06:29, schrieb Hamish:
>> Hi,
>> I'm no expert in the Web Services side of things, but for the FOSS4G 2010
>> osgeo live DVD I am tasked with splitting up the list of "Server Apps"
>> into smaller categories as the existing list has gotten a bit too large.
>> e.g. I've already split "Desktop Apps" into "Desktop GIS" and "Navigation
>> and Maps".
>> any good ideas on how to split this list in half?
>> deegree
>> geoserver
>> geonetwork
>> geomajas
>> mapbender
>> mapserver
>> mapnik
>> mapguide
>> openlayers
>> qgis-mapserver
>> zoo-project
>> 52n
> Here are my 2 cents:
> - -Frontend / GUI
> mapbender
> openlayers
> mapguide
> - -Renderer
> geoserver
> mapserver
> mapnik
> - -Server side processing
> zoo-project
> 52north
> - -"GIS Army Knife"
> deegree
> geomajas
> qgis-mapserver
> But geonetwork doesn't fit in...
> Lars
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkxRcLkACgkQ0GRF77ebR/m01ACghcSckA6hzudAJPBx0usR7myz
> vVcAn0BFJSL48Wiksul8Y9Y8Fvnt+DoH
> =B2tN
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OFF-TOPIC] GIS "StackOverflow" Website

2010-07-21 Thread Jason Birch
I've been participating in the new Pro Webmasters community (another Area 51
site) while waiting for the GIS site to kick off, and it's been a great
experience.  I'd strongly encourage anyone with an interest in a
consolidated, open licence knowledge base for GIS to commit to this effort.

Thanks very much for putting this together George!


On 21 July 2010 12:14, George Silva wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> First I would like to apologize for cross posting in different/related
> lists. This is more of a invitation:
> is a website of questions and answers that is very
> lightweight, dynamic, and involves a great number of members in it's
> community. The stackOverflow website is specific about programming Q&A.
> The makers of SO, built a website classe stackexchange (
> that allows users to propose new Q&A websites,
> about a certain topic.
> The proposal of this website is a to create a common place to ask for
> general questions about geoprocessing, GIS, GISc, and related topics. There
> is no restrictions about the technology or it's licensing methods. It's a
> true open forum for developers, geographers and anyone who actively uses GIS
> frequently.
> I proposed one about GIS and is in it's final stage before Beta. In that
> website you can view the example questions of On and Off topic questions,
> vote in the better ones and allows you to commit to that website. Only users
> that follow and commit to the website are allowed to participate in the Beta
> version (the beta version lasts for 10 days only - I'm not sure).
> Right now, we have 98% commit. Only 2% away from getting a Q&A website like
> StackOverflow (and others, that already passed beta period:
> , , etc);
> Here is the website address:
> If you feel like it, commit to the website and let's start building a great
> community for diffusion of GIS knowledge.
> I'm sorry for the long post, but I hope you like it.
> George
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Comment on OSGeo Project Marketing template before we set it in stone

2010-06-06 Thread Jason Birch

Is that under or is there
another source for it?


On 5 June 2010 19:40, Jody Garnett wrote:

> You should find that an official marketing template is already available as
> part of the work the graphics designed has done. My trouble is that I have
> not seen it in open office yet.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] 5 Star OSGeo project maturity rating

2010-06-05 Thread Jason Birch
Wow, I'm really having opinions this week :)

IMHO getting into rating projects is just asking for trouble, infighting,
bitterness, and people/projects walking away from OSGeo.


On 5 June 2010 16:37, Cameron Shorter wrote:

> Andrea and others, does this fit with people's expectations?
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Comment on OSGeo Project Marketing template before we set it in stone

2010-06-05 Thread Jason Birch

Yes, I like both of those options.

I think my initial reaction was because it implied that a project was
only supported by a single commercial entity, which isn't healthy. But
I can definitely see the need to meet the use cases you've outlined.

It makes a lot of sense to encourage/enable local consultants to
modify the marketing material for their own use (hopefully without
destroying the brand: OSGeoJason). We need to support our commercial
efforts wherever possible.

Providing a box at the bottom with some boilerplate for the SPD ("for
other commercial support options?") but making it clear that business
cards should be attached on top of it is a great way of supporting the
folks who are working the booths and developing local support for (and
businesses around) OSGeo.


If there are OSGeo projects that are not represented if the provider
directory, this needs to be fixed, probably with a Trac ticket. I like
the idea of a that allows you to choose the
"product" you need support for, and are then provided with links to
website, documentation, and a list of commercial support providers
which could be filtered by location. IMO, this would be better as a
separate app than trying to hack drupal. Any takers? :)

I think using the existing templates makes a lot of sense. My main
recommendation for typography (and I'm as far from knowing what I'm
talking about as anyone) would be to pick a single face. As a
non-designer I try to keep the visual hierarchy as simple as possible,
using size and weight and staying away from colour, style, and white
space for defining importance. These can all used effectively, but are
easier to mess up too.


On 2010-06-05, Seven (aka Arnulf)  wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Cameron,
> this should be tied directly to the project overviews / info sheets [1]
> that are already available on the OSGeo website and "should" be
> maintained by the projcets themselves. Tyler has provided really nicely
> layouted templates to do just this. To me it does not make sense to make
> projects deliver several different version that need to be maintained
> and updated separately. It is hard enough to nudge, encourage and coerce
> folks to maintain one such artefact.
> We would need to check what to do with projects that have so far not
> shown any interest / do not plan to get involved more closely with OSGeo
> (yet). But I guess that a more neutral layout should be easy to glean
> from what is there already.
> Jason,
> some time back we envisaged a project template with a free space in the
> lower right corner. At conferences this can be used for some neutral
> OSGeo info or business cards for folks appearing at an OSGeo booth.
> Companies providing support can use these templates to add their logo /
> stamp / business card in the lower right corner.
> Sponsorship prospectus;
> We (so far Tyler, Jeff and me) try improve our sponsorship prospectus
> and we came up with a related idea to provide these flyer / brochure /
> info sheets as readily printed out marketing material as an asset for
> OSGeo sponsors. They can use shiny "original" OSGeo material for
> marketing and add their brand to it with very little effort. This is
> especially interesting for smaller companies who in general do not care
> / spend little time on creating marketing material. This would be a real
> net added value for them and would mean little extra effort for OSGeo.
> Would that be a type of commercial hint / support that goes better with
> your concerns?
> Best regards,
> Arnulf.
> [1] as examples:
> and so on
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> For the OSGeo Live DVD that we are developing for FOSS4G 2010, we will
>> be asking all applications to provide a punchy, one page overview of
>> their project.
>> This overview will conveniently double as Project Flier to hand out at
>> conference stands, and also be a page in a book of OSGeo projects.
>> The aim of these overview pages is to have them be consistent, sexy, and
>> sell OSGeo in a positive, professional manner.
>> To support this, I've created the attached pdf template. Please review
>> and provide feedback before we set the template in stone, and ask all
>> projects to create material against this template.
>> Template source:
>> Marketing artefact definition:
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
> - --
> Arnulf Christl
> Exploring Space, Time and Mind
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Comment on OSGeo Project Marketing template before we set it in stone

2010-06-04 Thread Jason Birch
Couple comments based entirely off the PDF:

- The typography needs some work.  Mix of serif, sans serif, italics, bold
is a bit confused.

- Would be nice to see some header/footer graphics or at least colour.

- I really, really, really, really don't like the inclusion of the
commercial support line. Unless it points at the OSGeo service provider


On 4 June 2010 04:34, Cameron Shorter wrote:

> To support this, I've created the attached pdf template. Please review and
> provide feedback before we set the template in stone, and ask all projects
> to create material against this template.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] StackOverflow like GIS website

2010-06-04 Thread Jason Birch
On 4 June 2010 04:05, Adrian Custer wrote:

> As I understand it, the folk behind Stack Overflow have already started
> on plans to expand the design to many other topics---you might want to
> follow the evolution over there and propose a "GIS" forum on the new
> site when it goes live.
The Area 51 site that George set up is actually part of that process.

I'm highly in favour of this proposal.  Many of the most common (and
important) GIS questions are not programming-based, and not on topic for
Stack Overflow.  There is certainly some overlap, but having a dedicated
geospatial answers site would be a boon to many, especially non-geek GIS
users who are easily daunted by Stack Overflow.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] fastest option of serving huge imagery on web map on the fly

2010-05-22 Thread Jason Birch
I've often wondered if power-of-two was the best approach from a
perception viewpoint. It definitely makes the most sense from a code
perspective. Anyone know of any research on this?

On 2010-05-22, Christopher Schmidt  wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 06:24:26PM -0300, Fabio Renzo Panettieri wrote:
>> On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 13:17 -0700, Karsten-3-2 wrote:
>> > Yes. What I want to do is simply to find out the fastest options to
>> > render on
>> > the fly from raw data imagery
>> > (no tiles whatsoever  stored on disk in addition to the raw data ). I
>> > will
>> > check out what SpatialCache is...
> >From raw aerial imagery:
>  1. Store everything as uncompressed tiffs.
>  2. Make images as large as possible. (This probably requires BigTIFF
> support.)
>  3. Use overviews -- usually one for every power-of-two level from the base
> image up to the point where you have 256 x 256 overviews
> (gdaladdo)
>  4. If you have too many images to make one large image practical, create
> one reduced size image that you use at lower zoom levels.
> All of this is based around serving with MapServer. I have no experience
> using other imagery servers to solve this problem.
> Regards,
> --
> Christopher Schmidt
> Web Developer
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Demo WMS server

2010-05-11 Thread Jason Birch
Works for me.

Do you have a corporate firewall?  Checkpoint was killing our external WMS
requests until we turned off an over-aggressive filter.


On 11 May 2010 10:35, Andrea Aime wrote:

> Am I the only one getting a 403 when trying to access that server?
> Is that server somehow deciding not to serve european hosts or something
> like that?
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FDO SDE Provider

2010-04-30 Thread Jason Birch
HI Bill,

This kind of question will get a better answer on the FDO-Users mailing

or, on Nabble:


On 30 April 2010 12:15, Bill Ten Broeck  wrote:

> I have a client who would like to do list constraints in AutoCAD Map, and
> according to the documentation, it says that the SDE provider doesn't
> support that type of constraint.
> Could someone tell me if that is because it's not part of the SDE API, or
> rather because it was not written into the SDE provider itself.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Any thoughts on the potential for using Seadragon as a map browsing interface?

2010-04-27 Thread Jason Birch
It is pretty cool, but I believe that it just uses pyramid tiling +
XML definition file in the background, with some sexy SL/JS
I was marginally involved in developing Nanaimo's Public Art Inventory
web app, which uses the JS version of Seadragon to present
high-resolution photos of public art. I don't think the image format
is documented, but could be wrong. We ended up using DLLs from MS's
Deep Zoom Composer to generate the tile sets.

IIRC there have been a couple open source efforts (Deep Zoom Earth?)
using this technology for mapping.


On 2010-04-27, Landon Blake  wrote:
> I'm not a web developer, but it seemed like the tech could be used for
> browsing high-resolution map images.
> Landon
> Warning:
> Information provided via electronic media is not guaranteed against defects
> including translation and transmission errors. If the reader is not the
> intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
> distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you
> have received this information in error, please notify the sender
> immediately.
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] GeoREST 1.0 Released!

2009-12-24 Thread Jason Birch
We are pleased to announce the first major release of GeoREST, a new Open
Source framework for publishing and interacting with geospatial data as web
resources. Among other Open Source libraries, GeoREST leverages both
MapGuide and FDO as data sources.

With GeoREST 1.0 you can enable search engines to crawl your geospatial
data, dynamically publish to KML, GeoRSS or any other text based format, use
web forms to search and update your data, and more. All of this
functionality is available entirely through configuration... no programming

Please visit the GeoREST project website for more information on GeoREST and
the benefits it can bring to your geospatial publishing strategy.

For a quick look, here are two sites that have been using GeoREST in a
production environment for over nine months, with great improvements in the
accessibility of their data: (Slovenian)

And an example of using OpenLayers to edit a GeoREST vector layer overlaid
on a MapGuide image service:<>
ml <>

GeoREST is an independent Open Source project licensed under LGPL, though
our hope is that it will be integrated with the MapGuide project in the
future. It is available for installation on the Windows platform using
either the GeoREST built-in webserver or IIS.

We would love to hear what you think about GeoREST. Please join the
project's mailing list today and help us shape its future.

Jason Birch and Haris Kurtagic

P.S. Any help porting this project to run on Linux would be greatly
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] SpatiaLite and RasterLite

2009-07-20 Thread Jason Birch
I could be wrong, but I think that the GPLv3 license that librasterlite is 
distributed under is incompatible with the GDAL/OGR library.  I believe that 
has been some work ongoing to integrate libspatialite into GDAL/OGR but I 
haven't been watching all that closely.


From: Paolo Cavallini
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:46 PM
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] SpatiaLite and RasterLite

SpatiaLite and RasterLite have recently been released:
have both fully integrated into the freeGIS stack the right way to go is to plug
their support into GDAL/OGR.___
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Comparision between MapServer/OpenLayers and ESRI ArcIMS

2009-05-29 Thread Jason Birch
I think that it's generally less fear of the unknown or job security than it is 
the cost of adding complexity to what is often an already over-extended support 
load.  In many cases it just makes sense to spend $1000 for a server OS that 
doesn't require additional training, is easy to get qualified techs for, and 
"just works" with the existing systems.  It doesn't matter how easy Linux is; 
it's one more thing to keep track of and one more thing to go wrong.

If you want to "win" the open source battle at small organisations that don't 
already have OS operating system tendencies, focus on the application level 
where you can make a strong business case on a feature-by-feature level, and 
with additional arguments about truly open data being more sustainable and less 
risky.  Personally I think that an "open source or bust" attitude is not very 
pragmatic.  "Sell" open source software where it is the best tool for the job, 
but pick your battles.


-Original Message-
From: Alex Mandel
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 4:25 PM
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Comparision between MapServer/OpenLayers and 

That would be fear of the unknown(non gui) and job security at work.
Wouldn't want someone else in the org who knows more about running servers.
Maybe you can get them to throw a bone to demo something on a virtual
machine hosted elsewhere(Amazon) just to show how easy it is.

Welcome to the land of small to medium government agencies, etc.
The best thing here is showing examples from equivalent groups, of which
there are plenty online now.
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Wiki Upkeep - Orphaned Pages

2009-04-21 Thread Jason Birch
Alex Mandel wrote:

> There should be 0 pages removed from this process, and when in
> doubt about a link, just leave it for someone else who knows
> that topic.

There are a bunch of old MapGuide links there that were migrated to our Trac, 
and could be deleted.  I can either mark these as deleted, or if someone gives 
me appropriate rights on the wiki, delete them myself.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Windows Installer resources

2009-03-25 Thread Jason Birch
Hi all,

I've recently been helping to create a WiX based (MSI) installer for MapGuide 
Open Source.  As part of this I've generated the following OSGeo-generic 

 - Large BMP for "welcome" page for installer; lots of room to add 
project-specific logo
 - Small BMP for intermediate pages of installer
 - Multi-resolution/bit depth ICO file for setup exe, msi, shortcuts, etc

If you're interested in using these for your OSGeo project, feel free.  I've 
made them available under CC0 (Public Domain):

Because they incorporate the OSGeo logo, usage should follow the OSGeo logo and 
trademark guidelines.

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Fwd: Re: [Webcom] Usermap SVN and improvement]

2009-03-04 Thread Jason Birch
I wonder if you have the "User Name" and username backwards on your tag?

I'm probably not the best one to talk though, since mine hasn't been
updated either.  I just edited mine based on the guess that the username
may be case sensitive.


-Original Message-
From: Alexandre Leroux
Sent: March-04-09 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Fwd: Re: [Webcom] Usermap SVN and

Months after I added the position 
information to my userpage, I don't show up on the map.
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] web services in agriculture

2009-02-11 Thread Jason Birch
Have you checked out Hectares BC?

Possibly not exactly what you're looking for, but they do offer web
services as well as cool analytical tools:


-Original Message-
From: Jachym Cepicky
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] web services in agriculture

I'm looking after some articles, concerning usage of web services in
agriculture or forestry. 

I would appreciate any links or pdfs or just a hint, where is the best
place to start searching.
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Raster data on RDBMS

2008-10-29 Thread Jason Birch
I find this stuff fascinating, but I believe that the Oracle EULA prohibits 
users from disclosing the results of benchmark tests.  Be careful how you 
represent these results.


-Original Message-
From: Lucena, Ivan
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Raster data on RDBMS

I would like to return to a discussion that we had months ago about raster on 
RDBMS. But this time I would like to present some number.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] RE: [Webcom] Nabble update

2008-08-19 Thread Jason Birch
> Nabble has developed a new system (Nabble2) and we will need
> to migrate all existing lists to this system.

Just a follow-up...

I am now working with Nabble Support to migrate all of the existing
Nabble1 lists under the category over to Nabble2.  This will
be done on Nabble's schedule, but hopefully soon.


Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Install Problems, OSGeo.FDO DLLs

2008-08-18 Thread Jason Birch
Hi Rob,

This question would likely receive a better response on the FDO
project's mailing lists rather than the general OSGeo Discussions list.
Details for this list are available here:


-Original Message-
From: Rob Sosnowski
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Install Problems, OSGeo.FDO DLLs

I've been trying to get the OSGeo.FDO 3.3.1 DLLs to work within a Visual
Studio 2008 or VS 2005 web service; using Windows XP.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Nabble update

2008-08-14 Thread Jason Birch
Hi all,

Some of you are aware that the majority of the OSGeo and OSGeo Project
mailing lists are mirrored through the Nabble forum service.

Nabble has developed a new system (Nabble2) and we will need to migrate
all existing lists to this system.  Somebody (iomeneandrei?) has already
created an topic on Nabble2 so you can see what this looks
like, though this forum may need to be deleted to bring across the
history from the existing lists:

Nabble2 allows for some pretty neat embedding options, so we will likely
be looking at this option for integration into the main
website, and projects may want to choose to do this independently as


Documentation here:

If you have any questions/concerns about this migration, please let me

Chair, OSGeo Website Committee
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] URL

2008-08-11 Thread Jason Birch
I don't think that it was specifically dropped, it just wasn't made a
requirement for new projects coming into OSGeo.  

There are project pages on the OSGeo site (like - just product info "fliers") but from there
the project URL can be anything from external host-based (like - which is non-canonical, this seems to be the
same as to hosted host-based (
to dedicated domains (like

I don't think that projects should be _required_ to use, but I believe that SAC is typically happy to set
these host records up for projects if they want them.

Domain/url changes are never simple if you want to retain your search
engine results, and marketing is an important part of any OS project.
Here is some very good advice to follow when doing so:

A bit specific to Google, but it can be extrapolated out to the other
engines too.


-Original Message-
From: Paul Ramsey
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] URL

During ColabNet days, we had this scheme, but it was dropped when we
moved. Was there a reason for it? I personally feel some love for it,
since it allows things like bringing the Mapserver site into
with a simple URL change.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo BC Local Chapter meeting at GeoWeb

2008-07-11 Thread Jason Birch
Hi all,

If you're going to be in Vancouver for GeoWeb, please consider coming to
our local chapter meeting, only a few blocks away from GeoWeb on the
Tuesday evening.  It's currently looking like it'll be fairly informal
given the number of confirmed attendees; couple presentations, chatting,
and pizza.

If you're planning to come, please drop me, Max, or Martin a line so
that we can ensure that there is enough room and pizza.

Tentative meeting info:

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Annual General Meeting at FOSS4G

2008-06-27 Thread Jason Birch
One thing I noticed from last year's conference was that there was not
nearly enough time booked in the venue.  Conference centre staff were
waiting to clean the room when we were only about 2/3 done.  And that
was with a social event booked directly after the AGM (which should have
caused it to finish early) :)  Should probably ensure that the venue is
available for at least an hour post the meeting.

I agree with the concept of lightning-talk style reports, but I think
that it was valuable having the open question/comment section at the end
for general OSGeo organizational discussion. We didn't really have that
available at any other time in the program.


-Original Message-
From: Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Annual General Meeting at FOSS4G

Last year at FOSS4G I ran an Annual General Meeting that lasted a  
couple hours.  Personally, I thought it was great to hear about the  
interesting mix of reports from local chapters, projects and  
committees.  (I realised at the last moment that sponsors would have  
been great to hear from too!)
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] WebCom wants you!

2008-05-05 Thread Jason Birch
The OSGeo Website Committee in need of volunteers to help keep our
website updated and to take it in new directions.

If you would like to contribute to OSGeo but aren't sure where to start,
this is a great opportunity.  The technical skills required are minimal
(though we'd love to have some more Drupal gurus involved) and the
opportunities to help are endless.

If you are interested, please join us on our IRC meeting this Thursday.
If there is something specific you would like to work on, feel free to
hack it into the agenda:

Jason Birch
(WebCom Chair)

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Simplest of questions (with one, assumption)

2008-04-17 Thread Jason Birch
Have you looked at the fdo2fdo application?  It's a windows-based command line 
and GUI tool for transforming between FDO data sources:

FME's Safe Software also supports SDF if proprietary software is acceptable.

I'd strongly suggest moving to the fdo-users mailing list for any further 
questions about SDF3; this is a list for general discussion of open source 
geospatial topics, and support for SDF3 is currently limited to FDO.


From: Rick Steinberger
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Simplest of questions (with one, assumption)

I'm looking into the FDO library and it appears that this approach will not be, 
as you point out, "especially easy".  I will follow up with the fdo-users list 
as I move forward on that front.

There used to be an SDFLoader which could transform various input formats into 
SDF(2?) including csv.  This CSV approach was a simple way to get data from any 
old legacy system into Mapguide.  Does anything like the SDFLoader exist to 
convert csv (or any simple neutral format) to SDF3?

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal: OSGeo Cartographic Library

2008-04-14 Thread Jason Birch
Ari Jomla wrote:

> GDAL has feature style specification: 

Hey, that's pretty cool.  Almost JSON or WKT-like.

MapGuide has a similar XML-based stylization schema:

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Buttons

2008-03-03 Thread Jason Birch


See "Branding Guide", and also Trademark Guidelines.


I do like the idea of branded logos for members, sponsors, and
supporters though.  I would prefer to see the white background be given
precedence on these though; the black (inverted) image should only be
used where absolutely required.




From: Michael P. Gerlek
Subject: RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Buttons




In general, yes, you are allowed to use the logo.  There are guidelines
posted on the web (not sure where..) spelling out proper usage, etc.




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Daniel Ames
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Buttons


Thanks for the clarification on the logos.  I was hoping to
prompt this topic thread with my posting. Also useful would be some
guidelines on how and where OSGeo logos can be used on other web pages,
particularly in light of the "self selection/opt in" membership

Are all members (i.e. anyone who registers on allowed
to use the OSGeo logo on their project/personal/corporate web pages to
help identify their interest in OSGeo?  Should the logo be linked to a
particular page on Should the original logo be used or some
modification of it?



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RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

2008-02-14 Thread Jason Birch
I've had the same experience with Venus (only a few months now).  I like
being able to maintain the feeds in an external spreadsheet too...


-Original Message-
From: Fee, James
Subject: RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

I have not touched the daily operation of the python script since I
installed the new version about a year ago.  I only add and delete feeds
as needed.  Surprisingly very little overhead.
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

2008-02-12 Thread Jason Birch
I guess I'm assuming that Mateusz talked to Christopher before posting this?  
Anyway, I'd certainly welcome this kind of service.
If there is community buy-in and Christopher isn't interested in setting it up, 
I'd be happy to install it on osgeo2.  I've worked with it a bit for an 
unrelated project, and it's really easy to deal with in its basic 
configuration, even to the extent of pulling its subscription list from an 
external (Google Docs, etc) CSV file.
If there's enough interest on this list, then let's pull it over to WebCom for 
discussion of details and take care of it from there.

From: Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

Regardless, setting 
up the planet stuff wouldn't be huge maintenance, but would still 
need someone keen to set it up and some support from web committee to 
get started.

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RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

2008-02-12 Thread Jason Birch
I like the idea Mateusz.
I think I'd probably have to remove my blog from the list though, as I 
sometimes blog about proprietary software as well :)  How does this work for 
the other planets; do they allow wishy-washy open source proponents like me?

From: Mateusz Loskot
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

Perhaps it's a good idea to setup (or move) Chris' work to and make it more an official OSGeo Community thing.

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RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: idea for an OSGeo project -- a new, open data format

2007-11-13 Thread Jason Birch
Landon wrote:
I really think you are going to run into problems using the "Shapefile"
as part of the trademark or name for any product not sold by ESRI. I
strongly recommend against this move.

I'm not a lawyer, but I really doubt that shapefile is unique enough to
be subject to trademark.  Initial searches of TESS don't show up
anything either.

That said, I don't think that shapefile should be used anywhere in an
open format name _because_ it's too generic and will cause confusion.

As my initial blog entry mentioned, I had (have?) pretty high hopes for
SDF.  It's extremely fast (native rtree), contains multiple tables in a
single file, supports complex geometries (arcs, aggregates, etc),
includes native schema definition, etc...  However... while some initial
marketing materials marked SDF as an open format, I have been unable to
obtain any clarification from Autodesk on the file specification or
openness of SDF.  As well, there are some limitations; in the quest for
speed, SDF is only using the SQLite table access mechanisms, not the
entire relational layer (or something like that).  

For reference, most of the interesting parts of the SDF Provider,
including the Rtree implementation, are available here:

Discuss mailing list

RE: SUSPECT: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Canadian Chapter (call for interested individuals)

2007-10-18 Thread Jason Birch
Yep, that's the idea :) 

-Original Message-
From: Ken Sanderson
Subject: SUSPECT: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Canadian Chapter (call for
interested individuals)

Should we just edit the wiki to add our selves to the interested list?
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] BC Local Chapter

2007-10-11 Thread Jason Birch
It looks like FOSS4G has resulted in an increase in local interest, one of the 
very real benefits to hosting this great conference.  As a result, a group of 
folks here in BC are looking at putting together a local chapter.
If you're in British Columbia and interested in getting involved (heck, if 
you're just visiting, I'm sure we won't say no) have a look at our wiki page, 
and add your name to the list:
We hope to have a mailing list set up soon; I'll add the details to the wiki 
once they're available.
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Presentation materials

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Birch
Paul, was the same option / link provided for workshop and lab
instructors?  It would be nice if some of them wanted to share their


-Original Message-
From: Paul Ramsey
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Presentation materials

They'll be found attached to the relevant abstract pages (e.g. About
40% of presenters have uploaded so far, and I will be harassing the
stragglers in the days to come.
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Return on Equity

2007-08-30 Thread Jason Birch
I think that it's a mistake to be thinking about how to spend
OSGeo's funds until we have a business model that ensures
sufficient income to cover our expenses.
We're still bootstrapping, but we're almost two years in and
are still heavily reliant on Autodesk's continued involvement.
I sincerely hope that the new board (and Tyler) are making
this topic their highest priority.

From: Gavin Fleming
Subject: RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Return on Equity

On Jo's last point re funding travel expenses, this would be a huge
benefit for getting deserving delegates who don't have the means to Cape
Town next year and other conferences in future. Perhaps a merit- and
means- based application process could be applied.

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Show Image On Tooltip

2007-07-31 Thread Jason Birch
Hi, is a site run by one of the MapGuide Open Source PSC
members, Andy Morsell.  I'm sure if you ask on the MapGuide Users list
he'll be able to help you:

From: Jhonn Jairo Vesga Cadena
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Show Image On Tooltip

Hi, i see on that shows an image when you put your
mouse over the camera. How can i do this??? Some place to give a clue??
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] mapguide1.1.0 compile error on linux: conflictlibxerces-c version

2007-06-08 Thread Jason Birch
Hi yagbu,
This mailing list is for discussion of general things relating to OSGeo.
Please come and join us on mapguide-users:
If there is a site that is pointing to this as the MapGuide mailing
list, could you please let me know directly so that we can get it

From: yagbu chen
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] mapguide1.1.0 compile error on linux:
conflictlibxerces-c version

 I got some errros when I tried to compile mapguide1.1.0  on my SUSE
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Interesting article on open source economics

2007-05-13 Thread Jason Birch
Yes, I was considering "interesting" in the same topic as "economics", rather 
than trying to create a schism between open-source and economics.
Master Arnulf, sir, I promise to try very hard not to say anything that might 
be construed as distancing open source from commerce.  Indeed, I am fully 
convinced that open source IS commercial in every sense, I just have to watch 
my wording ;)
Time is sacred this week; doing some advocating of my own at GeoTec in Calgary.

Sorry for crappy corporate Outlook Web Access formatting :(

From: Arnulf Christl
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Interesting article on open source economics

An oxymoron (plural oxymora) is a figure of speech that combines two
normally contradictory terms. Oxymoron is a Greek term derived from oxy
("sharp") and moros ("dull"). Thus the word oxymoron is itself an

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Interesting article on open source economics

2007-05-12 Thread Jason Birch
Hmm.  That sounds like an oxymoron, but:

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Freegis-list] Autodesk, DXF, OSGEO

2007-05-11 Thread Jason Birch
jidanni wrote:
> And also they created MapGuide, which is the main impediment to me 
> being able to use


Arnulf wrote:

> Maybe you want to check whether these are old versions or the new
> "MapGuide opensource".

The one site where I could actually figure out what was going on was
based on MapGuide 6.3.  This is a proprietary technology, which is
reliant on an ActiveX control (or old netscape plugin).  MapGuide 6.x
was actually a pretty decent tool in its day (we use it at the City of
Nanaimo) but I sure look forward to moving away from ActiveX and
embracing a cross-browser open source tool.

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Commercial Support for the OSGeo Stack

2007-05-01 Thread Jason Birch
Cameron wrote:

> I think OSGeo should limit itself to providing a list of
> service providers.  I notice that Frank has emailed a
> description of exactly that. I'm not sure if that was a
> coincidence or related to this thread.

Happy coincidence.  That little app has been brewing for a couple
months; you can see some discussion of it in the webcom archives.

Looks like we've already got 13 listings :)

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Call for help with Where 2.0 and OGC

2007-04-12 Thread Jason Birch
Thanks for the test post :)
It looks like a runaway machine at 67-53-118-126 was relaying our archives 
through the list server again.
I've added a filter to mailman that I think is dropping these messages, but 
it's not a great solution.

From: Raj Singh
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Call for help with Where 2.0 and OGC

I'm not sure why I just received this message dated Feb. 1, but it's 
a good time to let people know about our next call, (today for many 
of you):

Discuss mailing list

RE: [Geodata] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Promoting freely available geodata

2007-03-30 Thread Jason Birch
Chris wrote:
> The very quick story is that they don't believe copyright
> can be applied to any geospatial data.  Thus creative
> commons licenses don't work, since they depend on
> copyright.  So people providing data have two options -
> public domain or make a contract that completely restricts it.

I'm sure that most of you have seen this, but these two free data resources 
(provincial and federal Canadian governements) are both employing a form of 

They are asserting copyright and other rights, but are also requiring the user 
to "accept" a click-through contract to use the data.  In this way they're 
covering all bases I guess.

Early in my career I put in my fair share of time digitizing, and it's not an 
especially creative process.  More like painting a house than painting Mona 
Lisa.  It's a lot of work, and hard to do correctly, but you're operating 
within a fairly fixed set of rules.  I have difficulty accepting the copyright 

Kamloops (Canadian municipality) takes an interesting approach.  They have a 
click-through, but it's not asserting any rights, just disclaiming liability.  
Their GIS manager explained that they are essentially placing the data into 
public domain: 

We've been looking at ways of doing this at my place of employment. I prefer 
the Kamloops example, but have a feeling that we'll probably end up with 
something like the Manitoba version.


Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Elections

2007-03-15 Thread Jason Birch
FrankW wrote:

> It has been our intention for some time to "regularize"
> a plan for new charter members [snip]

I'm happy with most of this, but would prefer not to fix the number of
new members (at 15 or whatever).

Would it be reasonable to provide a range, and allow the board to decide
on the number of new inductees each year?

I was thinking of something like:  10-30% of current number of members

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] A little help with the Google SoC Application

2007-03-07 Thread Jason Birch
"and the results will be used for the targeting instructions for high-powered 
space-based lasers. "
I think we should seriously put that into the application.  Perhaps referencing 
Google's top secret battery of space lasers.  And maybe mentioning Jody's ideas 
as less acceptable alternatives :)
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] "Free"

2007-03-02 Thread Jason Birch
You know, I'd actually be in favour of this workshop if it showed how
Oracle can be integrated with open source geospatial applications (web
mapping, etc).  This is the kind of thing that many organisations need
to gradually integrate open source into their stacks.

As it stands, it shows how to integrate a free beer proprietary
application with an expensive-beer application, and I am personally not
in favour of it.  This is a "Free and Open Source" conference not a
"Free or Open Source" conference.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Ramsey
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 11:23
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] "Free"

Attendees are not just developers of free software, there are lots of
people just looking to solve problems in a low-cost way. Some of those
low cost solutions are free, others are free. My guess is that the
proposed workshop would be heavily attended.

Allan Doyle wrote:
> There are plenty of places Oracle can demo or hold a workshop. There 
> are not so many places developers of Free and Open Source Software can

> do the same.
> Let the non-free companies come and learn about FOSS. I'm not sure we 
> have to teach the FOSS developers about non-free software.


   Paul Ramsey
   Refractions Research
   Phone: 250-383-3022
   Cell: 250-885-0632
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Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] MapServer subdomain on not aboutMapServer?

2007-02-23 Thread Jason Birch
Alexandre wrote:

> Strangely enough, the 
>   website 
> does not seem related to MapServer specifically, while
>   is.   also returns 
results :)
This is an artifact of a wildcard DNS entry that systems administration 
committee is working hard to be able to retire.
Eventually we're going to have to decide on a consistant behaviour.
For instance...
- is not hooked up
- (and mapguide, mapbender, ???) are the projects' main sites
- redirects to
I _think_ my preference would be that always returns or 
redirects to the main page for the project (depending on whether it's hosted on 
OSGeo servers or not), while 
  gives you a quick summary (info sheet) on 
the project.
So, for this case,   
continues to return the info sheet, while redirects to   
Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Introdution tutorials

2007-02-21 Thread Jason Birch

I would LOVE to add some tutorials to the OSGeo website.

I think that the way to handle this would be to set up a part of the
website for tutorials, and then give control of that section (and an
appropriate permission level for changing new articles from pending to
published) to a tutorial coordinator.

Care to join the Website Committee mailing list to discuss this further?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 03:52
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Introdution tutorials


If you go to and along the bottom of the
page are three tutorials. Quantum GIS, uDig, MapWindows. We are getting
ready to produce OpenJump, OSSIM, and one more package this spring.

My Question is that at one point in the past, It was discussed about the
possibility to place these on the OSGEO Website.

1. Is the loading of tutorials on the osgeo website still the concept or
is just linking to other sites the plan?

2. how and where does someone go about doing this?

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Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Mapguide installation

2007-02-17 Thread Jason Birch
Please direct MapGuide questions to the MapGuide mailing list.  This list is 
for general Open Source Geospatial and OSGeo Foundation discussions.
You can sign up for the MapGuide mailing list here: 
Or follow along online here (via 
We'd really welcome your involvement; making MapGuide work on other platforms 
is something that's important to us.  There's at least one other person trying 
to get it to work on Ubuntu currently:

From: Gupteshwar Joshi
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Mapguide installation

I am trying to install the Mapguide along with FDO on Ubuntu-6.10

Discuss mailing list

RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4g 2007

2007-02-08 Thread Jason Birch
Daniel P. Ames wrote:
> Is OSGEO making plans for a FOSS4g 2007? 

What Aaron and Frank said.

But also, do you know of any other mailing lists that we should be
targetting with announcements?  We already have a fairly extensive list
( with
list-owners willing to post the notices, but if you didn't hear about
it, we're obviously missing something...

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Open DMTP?

2007-01-25 Thread Jason Birch
Has anyone used this?  

We are looking at cross-platform location tracking from mobile devices,
and my boss forwarded this to me:

Looks pretty cool...

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