Re: [slim] Register your appreciation .....

2022-12-22 Thread garym

Done!  Thanks to all those talented folks who keep this platform, not
just alive but continuously improving.  Here's to great 2023 for music.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.3.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.3.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Darko Audio's recent video tribute to the Squeezebox (GOAT)

2022-11-19 Thread garym

never really liked my duet. Eventually gave it away to someone on this
forum.  but I still use two different duet controllers to this day (easy
for my wife) and I have a 3rd new one in a box somewhere as a backup.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.3.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.3.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Policy question

2022-10-18 Thread garym

Redrum wrote: 
> Hi Howard, I can't really help you on transporter value, I don't have
> one, although I have thought "do I need one?" Maybe not "need"
> I really know nothing about them, but I have seen there are ones with or
> without "transnav knobs". At one time there was a seller on ebay that
> had quite a few still in box of the "without transnav knobs" and I think
> they were about $600 (pretty sure, not certain). I just looked at there
> is one on ebay with transnav for 995 USD
> Maybe start a thread "what's my transporter worth?" to get a better idea
> (based on details of your kit) and maybe you will find a partner in the
> process.
> Jim

i bought a spare transporter, new in box, no knob a couple of years ago
for $499.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] unknowingly switching to

2022-09-28 Thread garym

I feel your pain Jim. I’ve setup rPi LMS servers and touch players for
friends and family. For some, even mentioning the “internet” is too

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] New radio Stations

2022-09-26 Thread garym

Man in a van wrote: 
> I did not see this coming :)
> I wonder how it will develop ?:rolleyes:
> ronnie

I saw what you did there. :p

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Tracks stop after 30 sec

2022-09-20 Thread garym

If the problem tracks sometimes work without problems, then I don't
think converting ALAC to ALAC will likely help.  Regarding how to do
that.  foobar2000 has converter, I use dbpoweramp for ripping converting
(but it is not free), there are dozens of other converters.  I haven't
used iTunes in years, but I think I recall that you could right click on
a file, then CONVERT it to another format. And that other format you
choose could be ALAC.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Tracks stop after 30 sec

2022-09-20 Thread garym

shacky73 wrote: 
> The laptop played fine first go around then started the same issue. 
> When I moved router I went back to RPi which worked fine for a couple of
> hours then all of a sudden - same problem.  
> I could go back and try laptop again with new router position.
> Again it’s only specific tracks and always the same tracks.  All other
> tracks in my library play without hiccup.

If it is only specific tracks, the first thing I'd do is convert these
into new files. I think they are LOSSLESS, so you can easily convert
from ALAC to ALAC using a digital music converter. You won't change the
audio stream at all, but maybe there is something odd in the tag or in
the file header that the player doesn't like.  Easy to do and would
potentially solve the problem. I've had purchased FLAC files before that
caused problems, and I just convert from FLAC to FLAC, and problem

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Tracks stop after 30 sec

2022-09-20 Thread garym

shacky73 wrote: 
> Absolutely nothing different.  I have an extra Pi and swapped that out
> using same SD card.  And same stopping same track.
> I’m beginning to think it’s my SB Touch.

But didn't you say that if you used LMS on your laptop instead with the
same files, they played to your TOUCH just fine?  If that's the case,
unlikely your TOUCH.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] iTunes Playlists readable by rPi Server

2022-09-19 Thread garym

shacky73 wrote: 
> How can I copy my iTunes playlists to my Pi server?

1. are the files that the itunes playlist reference on the music files
referenced by LMS on the rPi (attached drive or NAS)?
2. In iTunes, can you go to an existing playlist and save it as an
".m3u" file?  (This should be basically a text file).
3. If in 2. above you can save these files as *.m3u, then you simply
copy those .m3u files into the LMS playlist directory on your attached
drive or NAS (in LMS > Settings > Basic Settings, playlist folder
(in my case, this playlist folder is at:  /mnt/LMSfiles/music/playlist,
and that's a USB drive attached to my rPi that holds my music files and
my playlist files).

note, for 2 above, if the itunes playlists are of underlying music files
in a *different* location than where your rPi is looking, you'll have to
open these m3u files (text file recall) and do a find and replace to
change the file reference to the correct location.  Example, maybe on
itunes, the playlist reference was to:  

c:\music\Bob Dylan\Bringing it All Back Home\01 - Subterranean Homesick

but for the rPi it needs to be:
/mnt/LMSfiles/music/Bob Dylan/Bringing it All Back Home/01 -
Subterranean Homesick Blues.flac
(where I've mounted the rPi attached USB drive with the name "LMSfiles"

Once you figure out the references above you can do a simple "find and
replace" in your m3u text files to fix this in a batch manner.  for
Find:   c:\music\
Replace with:  /mnt/LMSfiles/music/

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Tracks stop after 30 sec

2022-09-19 Thread garym

shacky73 wrote: 
> Is there a way I can copy my iTunes playlists to files the Pi server can
> read?

You may want to start a new thread for this question, with "iTunes
Playlists readable by rPi Server" as your subject line. It will get seen
by people that may be able to assist. Right now it is buried in an
unrelated thread.  And believe it or not, not everyone reads every
thread.  :)

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Tracks stop after 30 sec

2022-09-18 Thread garym

shacky73 wrote: 
> Do you mean actual files?  Maybe via Dropbox?

yes, dropbox would work

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Tracks stop after 30 sec

2022-09-18 Thread garym

shacky73 wrote: 
> I figured there should be a way.  But why other than this problem would
> I do that 🤔

One reason is that ALAC files have no built in mechanism for determining
whether files have become corrupted. On the other hand, FLAC  files have
a built in check-sum, created and stored automatically when the FLAC
file was created.  Thus at anytime in the future one can run a batch
program (available in lots of places and programs, free and paid) on
their complete library, where each FLAC file is decoded, the decoded
checksum is compared to the original stored checksum, and if they are
identical, then we know the file hasn't been modified or corrupted.  
Every now and again, I run TEST CONVERSION in dbpoweramp on my 125,000
track library to make sure I have no corruption sneaking in.  And when I
create  a new backup disk of my files, I always do this check on the
newly copied files.  I click a couple of mouse clicks and let it run
overnight, and wake up to a report of any problem files.  To me this is
the key benefit of FLAC files versus other lossless file formats.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Is it possible to connect with an online event?

2022-02-26 Thread garym


agbagb wrote: 
> 1048958[/URL]]When I come here to say, Hmmm, StreamWhatYouHear has
> stopped working, it's usually you who says, Don't Forget to Run the
> Program first!

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Is it possible to connect with an online event?

2022-02-26 Thread garym

agbagb wrote: 
> It's a great little program.  A caution - it's a resource hog,
> especially when you are not using it.  Many of us don't select the
> Autorun option, and then have to remember to activate it when needed!

excellent point. I only run when using it.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Is it possible to connect with an online event?

2022-02-25 Thread garym

I use this to stream anything playing on my laptop to LMS. Easy. ''

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-02-18 Thread garym

slartibartfast wrote: 
> As an example of being stuck with lousy sound on Tidal etc I just
> listened to Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Brain Salad Surgery. The only
> version available on Tidal is a 2014 remix which is probably worse than
> a remaster. Levels are all over the place and the tubular bells in
> Jerusalem are AWOL.
> I ripped my original UK LP using Audacity and recorded the first track
> "Jerusalem" from Tidal to compare the waveforms. On the LP the opening
> of the song is very close to the same volume as the end of the song. On
> the remaster from Tidal the end of the song is over  7 dBs louder than
> the beginning! You need to dive for the volume control halfway through
> the song [emoji1787]
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

that's more extreme than usual I think, but a great example.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Transporter display information from optical input

2022-02-18 Thread garym

Do you particularly need Tidal Connect.  You can play TIDAL just fine
via LMS and the Transporter (just install the TIDAL plugin in LMS and
add the TIDAL app at  It is not 'connect' but it can
play anything from TIDAL and you'll see artist and track info on the
Transporter screen.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Transporter display information from optical input

2022-02-18 Thread garym wrote: 
> This is the device I want to use as a bridge between tidal connect and
> the transporter

no knowledge of this item. Does it have an optical output you can
connect via cable to the Transporter.  I assume it does. From the
Transporter point of view, if the item produces an audio stream that
travels via that optical output to the Transporter input, it will work

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Transporter display information from optical input

2022-02-18 Thread garym wrote: 
> Last doubt... I won't have quality losses (up to 24\96 which is what the
> transporter supports) as it is an spdif optical connection?  ;  What I'm
> looking for is to listen to tidal connect controlled directly from my
> smartphone and use the transporter as a DAC.
> Tks again!

You will not have quality loss. If you are feeding the Transporter 24/96
files via the optical input, it will play those 24/96 files without
downconverting them.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Transporter display information from optical input

2022-02-17 Thread garym

It will not display any of the track metadata. The VU meters may still

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-02-01 Thread garym

kidstypike wrote: 
> *Pop Pop* is my favourite.

great album!   right up there with her album, "Court and Spark".   I
kid, I kid:p

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-02-01 Thread garym

kidstypike wrote: 
> Nice one! ;)

By the way, I love Rickie Lee Jone's debut album!

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-02-01 Thread garym

>From Joe Rogan (says he’s a Neil Young fan):  “So no hard feelings
towards Neil Young. And definitely no hard feelings towards Joni
Mitchell. I love her too. I love her music, ‘Chuck E.’s In Love’ is a
great song.””  

Huh? Chuck E’s in Love??   Maybe his favorite Neil song is "Horse With
No Name"   :cool:

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-01-31 Thread garym

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Also when you buy the CD you can choose which mastering you buy rather
> than be forced to listen to the latest and probably not greatest.


*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-01-31 Thread garym

cliveb wrote: 
> Back to the original topic regarding Neil Young's reaction to Joe Regan.
> What's just happened is a good demonstration of why people shouldn't
> rely on streaming services as their music source. Anyone who gets their
> music from Spotify and likes to listen to Neil Young (and maybe Joni
> Mitchell soon) is hosed. Unless you have the music in your possession,
> there's no telling when it might just disappear.

Yep, that's why I have about 9,000 albums, including most of Neil's and
Joni's. I love streaming for discovery, but anything I really like I
purchase either CD or a download file that I control.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-01-31 Thread garym

coyrls wrote: 
> Very complicated to set up and run in a home environment with no special
> equipment.

I agree with regard to tests of equipment (DACs, amps, etc.). Very easy
with regard to comparing different file CODECs.  Double blind a bit
harder, but single blind is very easy.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-01-31 Thread garym

Julf wrote: 
> You do realize that is what pretty much everyone who hasn't done a
> double-blind say? :)

Exactly. The mind is a powerful instrument, thus the need for things
like double-blind tests.:cool:

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-01-30 Thread garym

Julf wrote: 
> Ah, thanks! I guess I have to go through to install it?

there is a Deezer app in App Gallery in  I suspect it
has to be installed along with the Deezer plugin I see in LMS.  I've
never used it.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-01-30 Thread garym

Julf wrote: 
> I guess there is nothing for Deezer LMS integration...?

seems to be a Deezer plugin. See:

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-01-29 Thread garym

threej wrote: 
> Wondering what the best alternative to Spotify Premium is that will work
> with LMS and is equal or better in reproduction quality.  Any
> suggestions?

Tidal or Quobuz

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Neil Young at it again

2022-01-27 Thread garym

Apesbrain wrote: 
> I agree, but the irony is that old Neil himself has in the past been
> just as guilty of spreading scientific misinformation.  The difference,
> I guess, is that his "you only get 5%" myth didn't carry life or death
> implications (except to those poor MP3 tracks.)

I almost spit out my beer.  :p  You're correct.  I love Neil, have read
his books (and love the biography, Shakey), bought most of his music,
subscribe to his web archive, etc.  But I always complained to my also
big Neil fan friend that Neil was way off the mark on his explanation of
"lossy" music.  But Neil has me buying 24/192 versions of downloads from
his site.  (I'd prefer a 16/44.1 version, but its simply not available.)
Oh well. Gotta love Neil.

p.s. the "making of Barn" video, which recently was available free on
YouTube is really nice. Old friends making music in a cool place.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Transporter won't play.

2022-01-25 Thread garym

Tom Sea wrote: 
> Thank you, garym
> By the way, is there a special way to get access to:
> I found this link in my readings and I wanted to see what the changes
> were to the firmware.

no clue. sorry.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Transporter won't play.

2022-01-25 Thread garym

Looks like LMS 7.6 is when firmware 87 came in for the transporter. So
if you installed prior versions you'd get earlier firmware.  when you
click on the items in the link i provided for firmware, you see this
sort of info.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Transporter won't play.

2022-01-25 Thread garym

Tom Sea wrote: 
> Is there a list anywhere of the different firmware versions versus
> different server versions? My particular interest right now is the which
> server software is associated with changes to Transporter Firmware.

Not sure, but Transporter firmware hasn't changed in maybe 10 or 12
years. I can't recall which LMS/SbS version changed it.  But likely 6.x
or 5.x.  Over that time there's been lots of LMS versions.  See these

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Transporter won't play.

2022-01-21 Thread garym

Tom Sea wrote: 
> It shows a title under "Now Playing" for the various music I selected
> from various sources. On my server the time elapses but on the
> Transporter the time stays at 0:00 whether it is an internet radio
> station or FLAC file. I did already follow your instructions (as I think
> you have posted on previous threads) for resetting the xilinx. Would
> setting up older versions server software to install old firmware help?

I'm very doubtful older firmware would help.  87 has been the firmware
for almost forever and I've not seen any problems posted for this by any
Transporter users.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Transporter won't play.

2022-01-21 Thread garym

To be clear, it doesn't show as if playing, with song/stream under now
playing and you simply don't hear the audio. Instead it never shows the
playing item in its display.

try xlinx reset:
1. remove power to the transporter 
2. press the 1 (one) key on the remote
3. while pressing the one key, power the transporter back on.

you can release the one key when you see the display start up again. it
will be obvious.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Register your appreciation .....

2021-12-24 Thread garym

thanks for the reminder. Best deserving folks I can think of!

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Preferred hardware?

2021-12-03 Thread garym

I'd go with a TOUCH.  But then again, why not just an rPi running
piCorePlayer.   Can be a player and an LMS server.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Devices rebooting

2021-11-24 Thread garym

kidstypike wrote: 
> Rebooting such as you describe is usually a sign of PSU failure. I've
> needed to purchase new PSUs for my Classic & Touch.
> Transporter power supplies available.

yes, this simple plug in cheap replacement solved my Transporter

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] HiFi Berry DIGI and DAC PI HATs

2021-11-16 Thread garym

audiopete wrote: 
> I did do a search before posting but I didn't know how to search for a
> 'short sentence' rather than a 'word' in a sentence :confused:
> The results were too numerous to be helpful.

put the short sentence in quotes, so it looks for this exactly.  Also, I
prefer to use google to search as it is often easier. To restrict your
search to this forum in google use the following for your google search
term. -enter search terms here-

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Install Picore player

2021-11-15 Thread garym

19lee79 wrote: 
> Since that i have over 400 songs on my usb flash drive, can i listing to
> the songs without internet connection


*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Install Picore player

2021-11-15 Thread garym

sbp wrote: 
> I'm not completely sure what your problem is, but I noticed that you
> mention music on an USB-drives and it did not work after powering up.
> The problem might be that LMS is starting before your USB drive is ready
> - so try to set "wait for USB" on the tweaks page to something like 10
> sec. If that solves the problem you can try to reduce the wait time.
> /Steen

Yes, that tweak solved this problem for me.  You access it via MAIN PAGE
> EXTRAS > BOOTCODES > set WAIT FOR USB to between 5 and 10.  I use 5
and that solved my problem of the USB drive not being mounted before LMS

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Is LMS on Pi 4 faster to load up from cold than LMS on Pi 3?

2021-11-07 Thread garym

mandryka wrote: 
> Let's get clear about this.
> I have LMS on a PC, where my music is stored. That's fine. 
> I have  piCorePlayer OS on a SD card in a Pi3 which is being used to
> stream my music. That is annoyingly slow.

the rPi3 with PiCorePlayer OS with squeezelite should boot and play
within a few seconds…maybe 30 seconds. So short I’ve not really timed
it. Perhaps in your setup, the rPi is trying to do something or load
something unnecessary and this is taking lots of extra time. Can you
look at the logs produced within PiCorePlayer to see if anything odd
shows up.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] What should I buy?

2021-11-05 Thread garym

Gingermagic wrote: 
> Thanks for the feedback everyone.
> The thing that I'd been failing to do was play music, on our phones,
> with the Spotify app, and then select the SliMP3 or Squeezebox at the
> output.
> However, I'm in the middle of setting up a new server, so I'll try
> setting up LMS afresh and see how that all goes. If I have the same
> issues, I'll try looking at other solutions. If it all works this time,
> then all good.
> Fingers crossed.

I’m still confused. The spotty plug-in within LMS or the official
spotify app on iPhones, which has nothing to do with LMS?  Respectfully,
I’m not sure you are clear on how this all works. With spotty app, I
have no issues playing spotify or my own music via LMS and my various
players. More detail needed.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] What should I buy?

2021-11-02 Thread garym

Need more detail on your setup. One spotify account? LMS running on what
operating system. Are the iPhones setup as players? Using what? iPeng

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] What should I buy?

2021-11-02 Thread garym

What problem are you having with spotty?  It’s been flawless for me.
It’s all my wife uses and she has no knowledge of how LMS etc works.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Install Picore player

2021-11-02 Thread garym

19lee79 wrote: 
> What are some good usb remotes that will work and control the player
> functions 

why not material skin on iPhone or android phone?

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Coverart in Music Folder

2021-10-22 Thread garym

I know you want to use 'music folder', but have you tried using "New
Music" menu item under music library.  I also have a very meticulously
organized artist and album folder structure, but don't find any need to
use "music folder" browsing in LMS.  When I add new albums to my
library, they show up by most recently added within the "new music" menu
option.  Also, in LMS > Settings > My Music tab, I set the "new music"
limit to larger than my music collection (in my case I set it to
200,000) and this way when I look at new music item, I see my complete
collection, listed by date added from most recent to oldest.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] WiFi Disconnect Issue Call to Arms

2021-09-22 Thread garym

jjz109 wrote: 
> Hi All - I experienced the same issue w/the WiFi signal disconnecting on
> my Squeezebox Radio that many of us have.  My solve was to buy a WiFi
> extender w/Ethernet port and the radio has been flawless since.  That
> said, I don’t believe the WiFi receiver is failing as many others have
> concluded.  My radio was rock solid for years and this issue only
> appeared last month right after I updated my router firmware. I also
> don’t think a physical part in hundreds of radios could all fail
> simultaneously. 
> I’m hoping some of the experts here (mherger, looking at you :) could
> PLEASE make solving this issue a priority for the community AND for mac
> users which to my knowledge wlanpoke does not work for.  This community
> has kept these devices going for years so really hoping this can be
> fixed so it can continue for many more!
> Thanks!

This does seem to be a widespread problem.  I haven't suffered it (yet)
for my one radio that is on WIFI.  From everything I read, it seems to
be caused by nearby WIFI 6 routers (e.g., a neighbor).  I'm not a coder
so have no clue about the technical challenge, but it would be fantastic
to have something like the wlanpoke solution embedded in the community
firmware for the radio.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Outside speakers wireless fed by lms and sync possible?

2021-09-11 Thread garym

In the garden, I use iPeng (with player turned on so that it emulates a
squeezebox player) on my iPhone. Then I use a bluetooth portable speaker
(JBL Charge 4) and stream from iphone to the speaker. I can synch the
iPeng player with my system in the house if I choose.   Sounds great.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Your player not authorized to use

2021-09-06 Thread garym

Shivaji wrote: 
> Thanks for the responses guys. That's a bit of a bummer.   I'm not
> enamored with the idea of needing the computer to be running to enjoy
> the Touch. Though, I guess I can play it that way on occasion to access
> Tidal, if I can get it to work that is.

look into an rPi running PiCorePlayer. A 24/7 computer to run LMS the
size of a deck of cards.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] A Reminder: When your Squeezebox 3, Touch or *Boom* "stops working"...

2021-09-05 Thread garym

pablolie wrote: 
> What's a "modem" boomer? :-D Kidding. Good point. My cable router is
> probably 4 years old. The previous one failed after about 5 years. So
> yeah. Point made. :-) 
> My TV is also over 10 years old - it was a top Samsung 52inch LED model
> at the time and cost me dearly, so no need to upgrade it yet... but
> it'll probably blow out soon.
> Then again I have speakers that I have owned for nearly 30 years... and
> they still sound super sweet when I go through occasional rotations.

same for me with speakers. Hadn't thought about my TV.  It's the one of
the last high quality Plasma TVs made (65 inch panasonic with 3D) and
probably 9 years old.  Fingers crossed have had no issues.  Then again,
the power supply is built in rather than a power brick.  Speaking of
'boomers' I have a 1957 Hallicrafters Short Wave Radio that still works.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] A Reminder: When your Squeezebox 3, Touch or *Boom* "stops working"...

2021-09-04 Thread garym

pablolie wrote: 
> but in all fairness I am not sure I have any other piece of electronics
> in the house that I still use every day after 15 years or so...

good point. I probably have no other consumer electronics I’ve
used more than 3 years.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Looking for a place to repair my Transporter

2021-07-29 Thread garym

Howard Passman wrote: 
> As I suspected I'm not finding any of these in the U.S.

I ordered from the nonUS dealer mentioned in the other thread. It was

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Looking for a place to repair my Transporter

2021-07-29 Thread garym

Howard Passman wrote: 
> Thanks. I appreciate that and I will peek under the hood, but I am
> looking for someone who actually repairs the units.
> Howard

I am not an electronics repair person by any means. But the power supply
repair in that thread required me to unscrew a few screws to remove the
top of the case, then unplug the old power supply and plug the new one
in.  Then screw the case back on.   No soldering, no measuring anything
with a meter, nothing at all. Can you use a screwdriver is the only
issue. The replacement power supplies were dirt cheap. I think I ordered
4, as the shipping was the same and more expensive than the supply

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox: ruined to redemption - a story

2021-07-26 Thread garym

SlimChances wrote: 
> Delving into Google I found this:
> and
> which may indicate there was an
> issue with FLAC encoder  ffmpeg that can only be remedied by reencoding
> the orignal WAV file. Apparently if this is the case the file is
> "technically" undamaged. I can live with that.

also from that thread it looked like you could simply convert FLAC to
FLAC and also fix the error message.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox: ruined to redemption - a story

2021-07-26 Thread garym

P Nelson wrote: 
> About seven months ago I purchased a new Windows 10 computer and set up
> PCp on a Pi 3B2+ to run LMS.  Therefore, I have been moving a lot files
> around and this thread got my attention.  My music files exist on the
> windows 10 (primary) computer and on a HHD connected to the Pi (LMS
> copy).
> I used the Test Conversion in DBpoweramp to check all my FLAC and MP3
> files on both drives.   A corrupt file existed on both drives; I suspect
> it arrived corrupt as it was in a folder I use when people bring their
> own music to listen to on my audio system.  The test also discovered a
> corrupt file on the Pi LMS copy, but it was okay on the primary; that
> was an easy fix.   Next I will check the third copy I keep on a HHD at
> my office.
> If it matters, I use freefilesync when I add new music files.
> Gary, thanks again for all the good information you provide on the
> forum!! :)
> Paul

thanks Paul. I too use freefilesync to keep backups equivalent.  But,
not to be too confusing, I have essentially two chains of files.  When I
add new files, I add them separately to my office drive (copy/paste) and
then have a backup of the office drive using freefilesync.  Then at home
I have do the same (copy and paste new files) and then use freefilesync
to synchronize my home backups, my portable backup, etc.   The idea is
that my two "sets" of backups are not potentially contaminated with each

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox: ruined to redemption - a story

2021-07-26 Thread garym

dbpoweramp wouldn't do any repair.  But you may or may not need repair.
if the MD5 your command line is comparing is for the entire file (vs the
audio part of the file) then even an edit to the file metadata tag could
cause a mismatch. You should be sure to use a tool that compares the CRC
of the "audio only". I'm sure there are others besides dbpoweramp.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox: ruined to redemption - a story

2021-07-25 Thread garym

Great advice. Every so often, on one of my backup USB drives I'll run
TEST CONVERSION (dbpoweramp).  It takes a number of hours for about
116,000 files.  This attempts to decode each file to confirm it is still
ok.  And for the FLAC files, it compares the builtin CRC (audio only)
from the time of ripping to the calculated audio only CRC.  An even
better confirmation.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Compilations - appearance in the LMS interface

2021-07-18 Thread garym

Sorry. Not sure. Not that I’ve tried.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Compilations - appearance in the LMS interface

2021-07-18 Thread garym

jimzak wrote: 
> I performed the obligatory search for this question but I found answers
> dating back 10 years that I thought MIGHT be incorrect now?
> What's the best way to tag compilation albums (FLAC, MP3, and a few
> other formats) so that in the LMS interface they appear as  anything similar> -  ?
> What are the best settings in LMS 8.1.2 to achieve this?
> Thanks.

I set “COMPILATION =1” in file tag. I mostly leave ALBUM ARTIST blank.
The handling hasn’t changed in 10 years, so old posts still relevant.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-14 Thread garym


|Filename: 4821927.jpg  |

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-13 Thread garym

P Nelson wrote: 
> I agree with this comment! :) There are 8-9 pages of people trying to
> help resolve your problem.  That is a dedicated community.Now that
> piCoreplayer (PcP) is working, I recommend you do a SD card backup! 
> That way if something happens, you can restore to working image of the
> SD card instead of reinstalling PcP .  All you would have to do is step
> 1, except instead of using the image downloaded from the PcP website,
> use the image created by the backup.   I am at work at the moment, so I
> cannot provide a screen shot, but I am certain it is on the main PcP
> page.  You will want to make sure the back is saved to an external USB
> flash or hard drive.  Paul  Yes, good idea. it is on the main tab, see 
> picture. I backup my SD
image to my attached USB drive.

|Filename: Capture.JPG  |

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-12 Thread garym

anglecard48 wrote: 
> it should seem that any device that connects to Internet and allows me
> to enter the IP address would operate it.

yes, that's how the "material skin" controller works.  On the device, on
a webbrowser, enter:

but replace "" with the IP address of the rPi itself.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-12 Thread garym

I agree, use the DUET CONTROLLER, just choose the new player as the
player on the controller.  Or take an old smartphone connected to your
network via WIFI and use a smartphone app controller.  This could be as
simple as using "material skin" on the smart phone, or using a phone
specific app (for example, for my iphones, I use iPeng app).

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-10 Thread garym

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Also use a USB2 port on the Pi.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

These are the ones farthest away from the ethernet port.  The blue ones
next to ethernet port are USB3. Don't use these.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-10 Thread garym

I recommend ticking the use DHCP option and NOT setting up static IP.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Machine to use for LMS and Duet

2021-06-27 Thread garym

d6jg wrote: 
> My advice on this is to try to keep as mainstream as possible. If you do
> do then you’ll find that every issue you come across will almost always
> have surfaced somewhere else and been fixed.
> 2 years ago mainstream would have been something else but today it is
> definitely piCorePlayer on a Pi. You won’t regret your decision.

could not agree more!

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Machine to use for LMS and Duet

2021-06-26 Thread garym

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> If you go the Raspberry Pi route, I'd use a DAC hat or a USB DAC on the
> RPi and get rid of the SB Duet.
> The SB controller still makes a very good remote control for the RPi.

No longer have any DUETs,** but still use a couple of DUET controllers.
My wife particularly likes the CONTROLLER.

** The only Squeezebox player I really didn't like that much and got rid
of. I still have and use (except for an SB3 in the closet) all my other
players, and have several backups of Touch, Radio, and Transporter.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Streaming radio doesn't play on Transporter

2021-06-09 Thread garym

Hi, I just tried that link and it played on my Transporter (running LMS
8.1.2 on rPi).  I did notice that everytime I stopped, then restarted
the station, it would show about 3 seconds of nothing, then start over
at 0.  But when it started over, it played fine and showed 128kbps AAC
stream.  It also showed the artist and song title as metadata.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] OT - variables in CD ripping speed

2021-05-01 Thread garym

I too see the large differences in speed with dbpa. Including with new
discs. No clue why.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Live Music Archive

2021-04-27 Thread garym

I just installed on and the local LMS via plugin.
Working on every band I tried.  Metadata OK with default webGUI.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Live Music Archive

2021-04-27 Thread garym

I use the app in my iphone, "relisten" for listing to live music archive
shows and it works well. So using the API must be possible.  (not that I
have the skills to do anything with an API).

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Live Music Archive

2021-04-27 Thread garym

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I wonder when it started working again. It wasn't working at all 4 years
> ago.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Yeah, I haven't tried it in many years because it had quit working at
all for me.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-25 Thread garym

In my main listening system, it is a Stereo setup (two speakers only). 
I also have a TOUCH connected to my home cinema system and can play
music there. It is a 5.1 system, and uses left, right, center, two rear
speakers, and a subwoofer (but this is all because of the receiver and
has nothing to do with LMS).   Both systems sound good, but I prefer the
two speaker stereo system.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-25 Thread garym

brentano wrote: 
> Not unusual for me not to be able to express myself for others to
> understand what I am dribbling on about.
> I don't know if that would be for PiCoreplayer or LMS, going back some
> years while running LMS off the PC, LMS had brought out updates 3rd
> party to be able to play Digital HD, LMS enables you to use a Subwoofer
> with your audio system, but a centre speaker is not enabled.
> Hence my question about a update or whatever it would require, I
> wouldn't have clue, just finding that the centre speaker improves vocals
> and general mid-range in audio playback.

I don't see any plugins named "Digital HD" in the LMS > Settings >
Plugins page. Take a look at the plugins page and see if any of the
plugin names are the one you're talking about.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-25 Thread garym

brentano wrote: 
> OK, so I have made a Donation, now I can ask again.
> Something I had wanted to ask long time ago, digital Hi Resolution is
> available 3rd party app, I would love to see Centre Speaker enabled, it
> brings out vocals and midrange in general.
> Of curse I have no Idea what work that would involve, so please don't
> bite my head off :D just asking to be in the know.

an app in LMS? An app for rPi?  Not sure what you're asking about, but
would be better posting in the general piCorePlayer 7.0 thread where
more people will see it.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-24 Thread garym

kidstypike wrote: 
> The Update routine is not yet part of v7.0.0. it's just a patch ATM.
> Yes, shut down LMS.

Click on the "patch update" on the main tab.  see picture:


|Filename: Screenshot (29).png  |

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-23 Thread garym

And a reminder to those enjoying piCorePlayer. Donate button at bottom
of this page.  ;-)

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-23 Thread garym

Man in a van wrote: 
> what do you see ?
> 34328

I don't see that message. Buy I'm writing backup image to the USB drive
that is already mounted to the rPi.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] replay gain recommendations?

2021-04-23 Thread garym

d6jg wrote: 
> You don’t need another step. Look at the DSP options in DBPA. You can
> set it to write the replay gain tags as part of the rip OR (not
> recommended) permanently apply the gain to the ripped files.

Exactly. I use dbpa for ripping and converting and build in adding
ReplayGain tags with the dbpa utility DSP.  4 tags are written:  Album
Gain, Track Gain, Album Peak, and Track Peak.  And LMS (and every other
program I use) uses these tags properly control inter-track volume.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-22 Thread garym

garym wrote: 
> have you clicked on the beta tab at the bottom of the piCorePlayer main
> tab?

My version is 7.0.*1*

#piCorePlayer version
PCPVERS="piCorePlayer 7.0.1"
WWW_BUILD: 00016

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-22 Thread garym

P Nelson wrote: 
> I am using PicorePlayer V 7.0.0 (23 Dec2020) on a 3B+, and I do not see
> these SD Card backup options the screen shots in your post.  Per the
> website, V7.0.0 is the latest official version.
> Are the screen images from a beta version?
> Or does some option need to be turned on in Picore V7.0.0 to be able to
> backup the SD Card?
> Paul

have you clicked on the beta tab at the bottom of the piCorePlayer main

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-22 Thread garym

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Congratulations! Do a backup.

You create a backup image using this piCoreplayer function (see
pictures).  This "image" file is something you'll save on your PC. You
would then burn this image to an SD card if you ever need to recreate
your setup.

On the main tab, select this option.


Once on the backup page, you tell it where you want to save the image
file (#1), then you click SAVE (#2).  Note that I'm telling it to save
the file in an image subdirectory on the already attached USB drive that
holds my music.   Below that, it tells you the name it will give the
"image" file (#3)  Then you select "CREATE" to create the backup image
file and save this. (#4)


|Filename: Screenshot (24).png  |

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-22 Thread garym

Great news. Enjoy.  Two reminders.  Because you're running LMS, you need
to do an "orderly" shutdown if you turn off the rPi (and keep in mind
that I keep mine on 24/7 for months at a time, but sometimes want to
shut down, remove the USB drive, and do some updating (because I don't
use SAMBA).  To do a proper shutdown, on the main piCorePlayer page,
click the shutdown button. When you are ready to restart rPi simply
apply power to the rPi to cause it to bootup (if you never unplugged it,
simply remove and reattach the powercord. See picture.


Second, to make sure that LMS automatically starts when you reboot the
rPi, make sure you've set that option on the LMS tab.  See picture.


|Filename: Screenshot (21).jpg  |

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-21 Thread garym

kidstypike wrote: 
> Try not to ask new questions in an old post, they get missed/overlooked.
> No you don't need to download a new image, it's just a file. :)
> I don't get that about an image burner in the folder?

Image burner is a program (for burning images to an SD card of course). 
Like any program, once you download for use, you don't need to download
again.  For example, you don't download MicroSoft WORD everytime you
want to use the program.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-21 Thread garym

brentano wrote: 
> Thank you Jim, well spoken. I know exactly how it feels, feeling you
> want to pull all your little bit of hair that is left out.
> I am very grateful to poor garym he has been helping me for years.
> Kidstypike's instructions are as you say quite different to the pCP's.
> Thanks guys

And if I ever make it to Australia, you're buying me a pint or two!  :)

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-21 Thread garym

brentano wrote: 
> Thank you very much, I will give this a go
> Cheers
> Just one more question, regarding the "Reboot"  is that just turning off
> the rPi  or dose it need to actually disconnect the USB drive from the
> rPi.
> I wouldn't so, just making sure Sorry

reboot is a button on the piCorePlayer main webGUI screen (reboot is not
turning off the rPi).  You don't need to disconnect the USB drive to
reboot (or turn OFF the rPi).

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-20 Thread garym

Your screen shots are not attached.  I think you're issue is in the
mounting of the USB drive in piCorePlayer. But the screen shots showing
that mounting will be useful to diagnose.

p.s. You don't need new SD cards if you need to start over. You can
rewrite a new piCorePlayer image to the existing SD card with no

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-18 Thread garym

And don’t worry about Samba until everything else is working. I don’t
use samba at all.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-18 Thread garym

Brentano, you had PiCorePlayer installed and working before. It was only
the missing folders in LMS causing the problems. As others have said,
start over with a fresh install to the SD card. And go back and reread
the PMs I gave you on some of your setup questions.  But yes, first get
piCorePlayer installed and visible on your web browser using the R
rPi IP address, then we can help with next steps.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Replay Gain - do i need True Peak Scanning

2021-04-02 Thread garym

mamema wrote: 
> Thanks. Then it will be without that option.

most of my replaygain tag additions happen when I rip my CDs with
dbpoweramp. As far as I know, it doesn't use the "peak" option either
(it doesn't show as an option).  I use foobar2000 to add RG tags post
rip if I need to (e.g., redoing a multidisk set to treat all of them as
a single album for purposes of RG).

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Replay Gain - do i need True Peak Scanning

2021-04-02 Thread garym

mamema wrote: 
> until now i haven't used Replay Gain, because was never an issue with my
> setup, now i've added a music system into the mix, which might benefit
> from it.
> So i've tried to learn about the ins and outs of RG.
> I'm using foobar on flac files
> As i have 24bit flacs, the "downsample high res" option in foobar seems
> ok.
> But i haven't found a clear and for me understandable explanation if i
> should use "true peak" scanning.
> I have mostly Jazz and Pop/Rock albums and absolutely no clipping
> loudness war bullshit hit albums
> As my RG scanning would take 11 hours without and 2 days with true peak,
> i'm asking here if i need it.
> At the end the RG will run in a Non-HiFi environment on a Non-Hifi
> rig..

foobar only added the true peak option recently. I've never had any
issues with about 130,000 files scanned WITHOUT the true peak option.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Is it worth to upgrade for Rpi3 + Allo Digione?

2021-03-27 Thread garym

Improving upon the sound quality with that setup would be virtually
impossible.  I do like some of the features of piCorePlayer 7.0 (but
none of these have to do with sound quality).  And that's easy to update
to in any case with your current hardware.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] (Vaguely) Audiophile alternative to Transporter and SB+?

2021-03-24 Thread garym

Why not an rPi4B, feeding (via USB) any good quality DAC of your choice?

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] New Music on LMS compared to ozher systems like (air)(sub)sonic

2021-03-08 Thread garym

mamema wrote: 
> perhaps this is because i'm ripping since long time with the same
> toolset.

That can't be the answer (unless you are applying permanent volume
leveling during the ripping processand that's definitely NOT
audiophile).  Different CDs can have very different loudness.  But if
you mostly listen to complete albums, then this is not an issue.  It's
the inter-album volume differences that can be annoying (or jarring) not
the intra-album track volume differences (as the latter is the way it
was designed to be played).

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] American album reviews

2021-02-28 Thread garym

slartibartfast wrote: 
> You probably couldn't call a band "Average White Band" today.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

True. :p

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-02-28 Thread garym

d6jg wrote: 
> Careful. 
> We will all end up downstairs with the audiofools if we are not careful!


*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] American album reviews

2021-02-27 Thread garym

d6jg wrote: 
> That’s exactly how music should be discovered. 
> AWB were, at least in their early days, about as funky as you could be
> even though they were from Scotland and not Detroit. Have you heard
> Icelandic funk band Jaguar?

No, but I will check them out. The disconnect (in my feeble mind)
between being a funk band from Scotland made the discovery even better.

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [slim] American album reviews

2021-02-27 Thread garym

d6jg wrote: 
> Just played two British albums from different era.
> Average White Band / AWB from 1974
> Rag’n Bone Man / Human from 2017
> As Michael has fixed Allmusic changes in MAI I read the reviews.
> Both reviews presumably by contemporary American reviewers use the term
> “sophomore” in them. I rest my case m’Lord.

Love the "Average White Band".  Back in the early 1970s I saw Brian
Auger and the Oblivion Express in a relatively small club in Dallas,
Texas (fantastic by the way).  I was talking with one of the guys in the
band at a break,* and he told me that I just had to check out this band,
"Average White Band" and how good they were.  I did, and they were!

*It was that kind of small club.  For example, I saw Bruce Springsteen
and the E Street Band there in Spring 1974 (having no clue who they were
and only hearing a recommendation from a friend who had just seen them
in Austin, TX). Only about 50 people in the club, but Bruce and band
blew the roof off the place.  I talked with Garry Tallent (bass) during
the break having a drink at the bar. He was super nice and talkative
about places they'd been playing on the tour (this was behind the 2nd
(yes, believe it or not, Bruce was playing like a bar banda set,
then a break, then another set.)

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0/4TB>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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