[Distutils] Re: Unsubscribing from this list

2020-09-21 Thread Paul Ganssle
Another possible middle ground between shuttering the list entirely and maintaining the spam would be (if possible) to close the list to new membership, but keep the existing list in place for the purpose of announcing important changes and things that need community input on the discourse. On

[Distutils] Re: Setuptools adopts distutils

2020-07-13 Thread Paul Ganssle
I don't think setuptools actually /does/ rely on the distutils from the standard library. One of the first things setuptools does is replace the distutils module in sys.modules with setuptools._distutils

[Distutils] PyCon US 2020 Packaging Summit: Registration and Topic Proposal

2020-02-19 Thread Paul Ganssle
/Cross-posting this announcement to both distutils-SIG and discourse. The main discussion thread should be on the discourse ./ Greetings one and all, Though each of us cuts our own path

[Distutils] Packaging Summit 2020: Save the Date!

2020-01-14 Thread Paul Ganssle
Greetings one and all! Each year millions of eyes around the world eagerly wait at their computer with baited breath to learn the timing of the most fabulous, extravagant, decadent and hyperbolically oversold event of the year: The Python Packaging Summit. While most of the details aren't

[Distutils] Re: setup.py test deprecation timeline

2020-01-14 Thread Paul Ganssle
I would say that there is no specific timeline, I would urge everyone to do it sooner rather than later, because even though we haven't *removed* it, we're also mostly not fixing it if it's broken in some way (unless it gets improved incidentally due to general codebase improvements). One

[Distutils] Re: Trouble combining namespace packages and package_dir option in setup

2019-05-01 Thread Paul Ganssle
I've replied on this setuptools issue , you should be able to fix this by switching to pip install. The core issue is that setup.py install is installing a `.egg` called "namespace.foo" *directly into site-packages* $ ls

[Distutils] Re: PEP 517 - source dir and sys.path

2019-02-07 Thread Paul Ganssle
essed > shortly if Paul Ganssle has anything to do with it (thanks Paul!). Thanks for the shout out, and I really do appreciate the recognition, but I would like to clarify that if anything I have /delayed/ getting this fixed with my insistence that the semantics should be different between set

[Distutils] PEP 517 Backend boostrapping

2019-01-29 Thread Paul Ganssle
Bundled up in the confusion about the PEP 517 rollout is the issue that PEP 517 does not allow for PEP 517 backends to use PEP 517 to build themselves, and how the bootstrapping should take place is left unspecified. This is a problem for setuptools at the moment, and presumably other build

[Distutils] Re: PEP 517 - source dir and sys.path

2019-01-27 Thread Paul Ganssle
The possibility of doing it in setuptools is discussed extensively in the threads, but a lot of us are going off of half-remembered discussions, so it's probably a good idea to get a central "agenda" of the things we want to resolve and create a new thread for discussion in the discourse. Items I

[Distutils] Re: setuptools API compatibility

2018-10-11 Thread Paul Ganssle
Are you saying this is true of App Engine or of setuptools? Setuptools is /pretty/ conservative, but I think there's still the caveat that major versions may have backwards-incompatible changes in it. For example, version 39.0 removed some symbols

[Distutils] Re: setuptools configuration in pyproject.toml

2018-09-26 Thread Paul Ganssle
Sorry it's taken me a while to respond in this thread, but I think I'd like to slightly reframe the question away from `setuptools` specifically - considering that certain requirements are standardized in the Core Metadata specification, might it make sense to add those to the core spec for