Hi all,

I'm one of the maintainers of django-pattern-library 
<https://github.com/torchbox/django-pattern-library>, which allows Django 
templates to be rendered with dummy context provided in static files. These 
rendered versions of the templates are show in an iframe, which means we 
have a bit of a niche issue.

There's a bit more context on the Github issue 
<https://github.com/torchbox/django-pattern-library/issues/129>, but in 

On Django >= 3.0, if a user has DEBUG = True in their settings, although our 
template rendering view 
correctly sets the X-Frame-Options header to "SAMEORIGIN" on responses, if 
the rendering of the template throws an error and the user doesn't also 
have X_FRAME_OPTIONS = 'SAMEORIGIN' set in their settings, then the browser 
will block the debug response from being shown.

The current solution is to instruct users to set X_FRAME_OPTIONS = 
'SAMEORIGIN' or looser in their (development) settings, but this seems less 
than ideal to me.

I was wondering if it would be possible to copy the value of the 
X-Frame-Options from the view that threw an error to the debug views' 
responses so that in the case the original response was allowed to be shown 
in an iframe, the stacktrace could be shown instead without changing the 
project-wide default of a security heading.

I'd be happy to have a go at this, but from a quick look it's not trivial. 
Any thoughts about whether this would be desirable or even possible and 
guidance about how I might start  would be very gratefully received!


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