
I would also be willing to contribute some time in developing this Wiki page, editing, etc.

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Robert Coup
<robert.c...@onetrackmind.co.nz> wrote:
Idea #1:
When a ticket is currently closed Trac sends you an email saying
"status:closed resolution:wontfix" and whatever comment is made by the
person who closed it.
How about a plugin for Trac that expands these ... "concise" emails with
some docs and links, so reporters can (a) get a better explanation of why
something has been changed, and (b) have a clear direction going forward.
Just putting the comments in the email above the "resolution:wontfix" I
think would provide a better (less emotional, more rational) experience for
a reader.
eg. Closed-as-Duplicate:
By closing duplicate tickets, we keep all the discussion about a topic in
one place, which helps everyone.
Your next steps:
1. Check out the linked ticket that is referred to above.
2. Add any relevant notes/patches/discussion from here to the other ticket.
3. If you don't agree that it's a duplicate, please reopen the ticket and
explain why (mistakes do happen!).
likewise for the other resolutions, and also setting of custom fields (eg.
needs_better_patch, needs_tests, needs_documentation).

I like this a lot. Especially the "your next steps" part - it makes it
very obvious what the next thing interested parties should do is.

Could you start a wiki page with this stuff? Until we figure out how
to get it more visible, it could at least serve as a sort of FAQ about
what different ticket actions mean. Starting it on the wiki means
folks can pitch in and help get the wording good.

In the meantime, I'll look into how to get it into Trac somehow.


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