I think it is perfectly reasonable to decide what platforms you are
interested in working with when you are contributing your efforts to
free software. Perhaps if you think Django should work better on IIS
you could work on it yourself or pay someone else to work on that,
rather than chastising the people who donated so much effort already.
I'm sure your contributions would be welcomed much more than your
criticisms. I think the comment is not harsh but very honest about the
current state of affairs, and this kind of candor is essential.

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 12:53 PM, rcs_comp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I came across this ticket:
>  http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/2039
>  and was somewhat disappointed by one of the comments I read.  I wrote
>  this response, but then realized it should probably come here rather
>  than go in the ticket system.
>  ----------------------------
>  Replying to [comment:18 jacob]:
>  > Please be patient and understand that IIS is far from Django's preferred 
> deployment
>  > environment and thus is likely to be met with a good deal of skepticism.
>  Django Devs,
>  Maybe I am reading too much into the comment, but I would like to
>  encourage you to steer clear of the attitude behind this statement.  I
>  would love to be able to pick and choose my development environment,
>  but I have to work and my current customers use Windows machines
>  exclusively.  Rather than viewing Django on IIS as skeptical, how
>  about doing as much as you can to diversify where Django can run?  Do
>  you really want to alienate and be skeptical of *a lot* of potential
>  users out there that might want to use Django just because you have a
>  preference for a different platform?  Why not ask someone to donate a
>  Windows hosting environment so the devs have access to it and can test
>  Django on IIS?
>  Just remember that there are people out there like me who see a lot of
>  potential for Django but are confined to using IIS and MSSQL.  Don't
>  be skeptical of us, use our interest in Django to make the framework
>  that more robust and attractive to a larger number of users.
>  Thanks.
>  Randy
>  >

Elliot Murphy

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