There are 3 outstanding tickets for FormPreview that add functionality
that exists in FormWizard. Unfortunately, patches for two of them are
backwards-incompatible changes. Both of the backwards-incompatible
tickers are marked "design decision needed", so . . . here I am,
looking for a decision! (thanks JKM for looking at
this one)

I'm currently using workarounds for all 3 of these on my site, which
involves copying-and-pasting significant chunks of the FormPreview
class. That's not a very elegant way to use it, and it makes
inheriting from FormPreview almost pointless. Maybe I shouldn't even
be trying to use FormPreview, but it seems like fixing those 3 tickets
would make it more consistent with the API that FormWizard offers, in
addition to making it easier to use (for me, anyway).

Somehow, I can't seem to find the backwards compatibility page right
now, but I think I remember that contrib apps didn't have the same
guarantee that Django core does. I know that's not an excuse to break
compatibility all over the place, but a 1.1 (or 1.2 . . .) release
seems as good a time as any. Did I miss the boat on this release?

Of course, I'm also open to suggestions on how to fix any of these
without breaking backwards compatibility.
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