
Thank you for trying to improve Django. I can see you are frustrated with a
few things.

Django is made by a community of volunteers. So your suggestions - there
isn't anyone responsible for making them, per se. But the good news is, you
have the power to contribute too!

For your suggestions:
1. As I understand, you'd like more interactive or visual examples. We have
*some* diagrams in the docs, but not many. They're harder to maintain. If
you have a concrete proposal of some diagrams to add I'm sure people would
be interested in reviewing them.

2. “Reusable components” are a suggestion that has come up in many
different forms. There are several third party packages out there, e.g.
https://www.django-unicorn.com/ . Have you explored these? A proposal to
add something to Django itself would need some research.

3. Places to give feedback - it varies. We don't really talk about
"feedback" but instead "contributing", because Django is community driven.

There are many different ways to contribute to Django - the forum,
blogging, translating, documenting, writing code, and more. Our
Contributing Guide can help you get started with many of these:

If you’re looking to work with the code base (for documentation or code),
check out the “Advice for New Contributors” section:
. Then see if you can work through the “Writing Your First Patch” tutorial:
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/intro/contributing/ .

I hope this helps answer your questions, and that you can contribute. If
you get stuck or have questions, post back here or in the “Mentorship”
section on the forum:

Hope that helps,


On Thu, 20 Jan 2022 at 15:34, Bridget Kelly O'Sheehan <i...@lyntree.io>

> Not sure if this came through to the group earlier as just joined
> ----------
> Hi Django Devs,
> Any chance you can consider building these points into Django for the
> future for us to use?
>    - *User Friendly* *Website* -
>       - I'm sure that Django probably wasn't built for Visual Programmers
>       but I seem to be one, weirdly enough I learnt more Django faster than
>       python but when it comes to the Django Shell/ Python Terminal - The
>       examples on your website - Either confuse me or I don't understand them,
>       not because of you but me. Could you draw an example even if it was a
>       diagram as it would help others like me to be able to absorb it better
>       (more like real use examples than the hello world stuff).
>       - *Flutter Example * -
>       https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook/design/snackbars - Flutters very
>       simple to learn because people can 'visualise' it off their website or 
> even
>       draw their own picture/diagram but with django, sometimes you have no 
> idea
>       where to start.
>    - *Reusable component templates*
>       - *Allow reusable components *- e.g so if someone wants to build
>       their own 'template block library of html components e.g navbars in
>       navbar.html') and import from the same file  - Let them, I think this 
> would
>       be a great idea for Django and for a framework which is *built on
>       pure Python* (clearly doesn't adhere to the python peps) dry and
>       repeating yourself.  - see attached screenshot - Only other way is by 
> doing
>       this is building my own templating engine - long winded or as another 
> dev
>       said that's why they chose to react as 'django beats you into 
> submission'.
>       - correct there because now I'm having to repeat doing what I'm twice or
>       even more times because of what im building and the scale of it.
>    - *Contact us / feedback*  - Do you know it's not very easy to find a
>    place to recommend feedback? - Also list the *django Discord channel* on
>    the website
> --
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