---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leo Soto M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:12 AM
Subject: GSoC Weekly Report (#4 and #5): Django on Jython
To: Jython-Dev Developers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here is me again, back to doing weekly reports (sorry for missing the last one).

The following summarizes the main progress done on the past two weeks:

 -  Submited a django patch (Django ticket #7560) containing a
refactor to some internals of django fields, needed for the cleaned up
postgresql_zxjdbc backend. It was tested against (and fixed to work
with) all the official Django backends.

 - The __findattr__ / __getattr__ refactor, to let django throw custom
AttributeErrors from manipulators. This should be benchmarked before
trying to commit it, but at least it passes all the regrtests,
including test_descr. Even if it doesn't end being on trunk, it was a
great introduction to the Jython internals, so now I'm in a much
better position to fix and/or improve the Jython runtime. And

 - modjy experimentation. It works pretty much out of the box using
the Django WSGI handler. There is a major problem with redirections
which need further investigation (eg: /myproject/admin/login redirects
to /admin instead of /myproject/admin) and should be solvable at the
WSGI level.

Leo Soto M.

Leo Soto M.

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