Hi Mikhail,

On 03/29/2012 01:31 PM, Mikhail Korobov wrote:
> GSoC'11 Gregor Müllegger's and Carl Meyer's project (Revised form
> rendering) seems to get stuck because of performance issues. 
> Question 1. Am I understand this correctly and the limiting factor is
> the template rendering speed?
> Question 2. Is it true that templates are not going to become faster
> anytime soon? I made this conslusion based on Armin Ronacher's GSoC'11
> (Template Engine Compilation) results.

Yes, this is the situation.

> If answers for (1) and (2) are 'yes' then maybe we can explore
> non-template-based solutions that make form rendering easier to
> customize. Rendering simple <input> tag with dedicated django template
> is pure and clean approach but if it has critical performance penalty
> then I personaly totally ok with rendering 'input' tag in python if it
> is still customizable.
> There is a working app (
> https://bitbucket.org/kmike/django-widget-tweaks ) that can customize
> field rendering like this:
> What django itself needs to make this app (or similar apps) work better
> is a public Widget and SubWidget API. It should be possible to iterate
> over subwidgets (e.g. select's options or checkboxes or radio buttons or
> parts of multi fields) in consistent way and subwidgets should expose
> the same interface as widgets. Field labels also should be widgets.

I'm certainly open to looking at patches to refactor the widget API for
better consistency; this proposal is still a bit vague to comment on
specifically. One issue I see immediatelyis that widgets play a dual
role: they are responsible both for rendering an HTML input element, and
they are responsible for extracting their data from incoming raw form
data and massaging it as necessary for a form field to handle.

It seems to me, based on your proposal that "sub-widgets" and field
labels should "be widgets", that you are focused entirely on the former
role, rather than the latter, since neither sub-widgets nor field labels
would have any role in extracting and parsing form data. Which makes me
think that if you go this route with a refactor you may want to
introduce a clearer conceptual separation between those two

> I haven't measured the speed of django-widget-tweaks vs template-based
> widgets vs existing django rendering, but it seems that even if the
> current implementation is slow (I don't know if it is slow or fast) with
> some core support it can be made fast.
> By the way, there was a similar proposal several years
> ago: 
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/django-developers/XzaUuKGfuaE/discussion
> Does all this stuff has a chance to go somewhere (of course if answers
> to questions (1) and (2) are 'yes') or template-based widget rendering
> is a true way and we should wait until computers become faster or django
> templates become faster or python become faster?

I still hope that fully template-based form rendering can get into
Django in the future, though at this point I don't have a clear vision
of the path to get there. But I'm not interested in blocking
improvements in the existing system in the meantime.


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