Hi everyone,

Right now, when testing, we have the choice to either :

 * create a new empty database to launch the tests with
 * reuse an existing database with all its data (--keepdb)

I think we're missing a third option, here :

 * reuse an existing database, but flush its contents before (or after,
   or both) launching the tests (--flushdb? --keepdb --flush?)

The reason for that is that we don't always want to/may give django's db user the ability to create and delete database, but we may still want to start with a fresh one (otherwise, we wouldn't need --keepdb, it would be the normal behaviour). As there's already a management command to flush the db, I don't expect this to be a huge work, but I might be missing something. If there's already a way to do that without creating a custom test runner, thanks for pointing me at it and sorry for your time!

Any thoughts ?


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